Season 2 Episode 4 was USELESS
I don't know why, but I felt episode 4 lacked many things!!
1- Gameplay (the episode was pretty much "Dailouge and Walking around)
2- Sarah's death (Really!! -- We are cutting the deck why would you stand on the edge were you trying to kill yourself -- --)
3-Going to the musuem was boring --
4-Arvo my friend I didn't steal your STUPID MEDICINE :l
6-Really they want me to believe the Russians started shooting without a warning and everybody go t to get cover in time without getting a single bullet "LAME"
Rating: 2 out of 10
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The reason it's called Amid the Ruins is because Carver's camp fell due to the herd at the end of the last episode/beginning of this episode, that's why it's called that, and the blood on Clem's face did happen, she rubbed it on her face, along with everyone else, to escape using the herd.
Well that was unexpected
(keeps blinking)
Though I just saw the picture on an another thread sooo yea
Ohh yes I forgot (I got mixed up I thought that happened in 3 my bad yet BORING, MUNDANE, AND REPATITIVE
Yeah? That's basically every episode of TWD. Lol
For the dialogue, Telltale did say that the game focuses more on character development than action. . .
Well there is hitting and killing a ZAMBIE
AND some fun parts like in EP.2 turning the Windmill off (that was fun you can't deny it) climbing the ladder and watching the veiw, & holding and dragging x or something you know!!
Didn't see any MAJOR character developme t in 4 only Jane showing care for Lil Clemm ^-^
Yes, we are all quite aware that Season Two had it's flaws, but it's still a damn sight better than 99.99999999% of other games out there at this present time. Even telltales other games aren't a patch on The Walking Dead.
There isn't any point in ranting about Season Twos character's, plot and/or lack of gameplay either. As everything about Season Two has been argued about, picked apart and dissected more times than Titanic.
Actually I am in love in Season 2 especially 1,2, & 3 but others meh and I hate that I still have issues importing season 1 save file so
BTW I really Love Season 2 played it at leat 3 times (but not all episodes except for 2 times
You mean QTE's? Episode 4 had those too. Don't really see what you're getting at.
That was absolute balls to the wall excitement
I was so pumped during that scene, it felt like I was on top of the EARTH
When you pick up that key it's like picking up the key to the goddamn UNIVERSE, I felt like I was in control of everything and everyone like I was Doctor motherfucking Doom and shit
And pushing that button? Oh man, pushing that button, that was like HEAVEN
fuck yeah
I liked the episode aside from the worst death (imo):
On a serious note, I don't see how anyone can criticize episode 4 for a lack of 'gameplay' when episode 3 gave you practically nothing to do
Seriously, you get one single (time limited) hub segment towards the beginning, and three small segments of being able to walk around (walking back just before Luke grabs you, on the roof when you're going to steal the radios, and when you snoop around Carver's office), although you're only able to do something in 2 of those 3, and both only have around 3 things you can click on/look at
Was his death bad, yes, but the worst death in this game has to go to Chuck from Season 1, you can't deny that was terrible. At least people brought up Nick, no one even asks about Chuck after Lee finds him in the sewer, nor does he mention him at all.
I honestly didn't think Chucks death was that bad since he wasn't really an important character IMO, I actually thought Ben's 2nd death was the worst of both games, I hate that stupid balcony fall thing.
Chuck is one of my favorite characters, so maybe I'm a bit biased, but still, the only redeeming quality to his death was that he saved Clementine when Ben ran away. And if it wasn't for Chuck, Lee wouldn't have taught Clem how to survive, how to shoot a gun, cut her hair, etc. Clementine could have ended up like Sarah had it not been for Chuck, and to see him get shafted so early in the next episode is a pretty shitty send off, but again, I'm biased.
For me Nick's tops it, but people not asking about Chuck or Lee not bringing him up was definitely an oversight.
Really? I thought Ben's second death was well done, it was the first death I cried over (and I was actually a lot sadder at that death than I was with Lee's).
Maybe Telltale is trying to perfect the art of the off screen death so they can get it to emotionally impact people harder.
Yeah, it was more how he died then that he died at all. Kinda like how everyone hates how Nick died off screen.
List of reasons why 204 is the episode of the gods:
-The herd(fuck yeah)
-Mike and Bonnie (fuck yeah)
-Raccoons (fuck yeah)
-Arvo (fuck yeah)
-Jane development (fuck yeah)
-Emotional moments (fuck yeah)
-Atmosphere (fuck yeah)
-Hubs (fuck yeah)
-The hopeless, deathly feeling of The Walking Dead (fuck yeah?)
In all seriousness, I don't get the hate for this episode. Save 205, it was my favorite of the season, and save 105, it was the saddest episode for me. I know many people weren't satisfied with the deaths of Nick and Sarah, but the fact that those characters were so great yet died so meaninglessly made the episode all the more crushing.
It was the fallout after Carver's camp. It also tested a lot of Clementine's (the player's) morality. Even if it didn't play out as much as people wanted. It was a good episode alone, but together with the series it doesn't fit too well.
I loved it and found it cucute no need for making fun
Nope worst death SARAH I mean you really couldn't see we were cutting the deck why would you stand ON THE EDGE were you trying to be ssuicidal??
But not as much and not as tense
Episode 3 gave you that tense feeling and wondering how will they get out and how the community will fall apart and what will happen to carvor and all that, by far THE BEST EPISODE IN SEASON 2 HANDS DOWN! OH and wondering what will happen to REBECCA AND CARVOR!!
Have you heard of opinions!! --
No you haven't -- -_-
I loved it
My fav season 2 episode.
I'm sure they'll note your concern and add more QTE's with more tension. In future projects.
Oh why thank you, but let me rerefresh my memory and remember where I said let them re-make the episode wait wait I am about to remember!!! Oh I remembered I didn't -_-
Your useless
Thank you for opinion the least thing I could do is appreciate yours as you appreciated mine ^-^
My personal fav episode of season two, so I respectfully disagree
Not everyone Green :>
I have. Have you heard how many threads similar to yours flooded over this poor forum recently? If you haven't, don't worry, I've lost my count too.
You know what I mean