You and two friends survive a bad car crash or something similar. You're able to move/walk, but they're both too messed up to move. Walkers are approaching the three of you. You have a gun with one bullet left. You can choose to shoot one of them out of mercy to spare them a brutal death, leaving the other to be eaten alive, or you can choose to simply save the bullet, leaving both of them to die while you get away.
You are in a group of, let's say, 5 people or so, fighting off walkers. They're all distracted, but you see a walker approaching one of them from the back. This person in particular is someone who has been, more or less, a risk to the group. A loose cannon like Kenny, something of a liability like Ben, you get the idea. You have the perfect opportunity to get rid of him by letting them get killed by the walker, or you can choose to save his life. The kicker is that since everyone's distracted, know one will know that you let them die, so no one will ever call you out for it. It's a strictly personal moral/ethical choice where you can decide a person's fate without anyone else ever knowing. To sweeten the deal, make it more of a gray decision, where it isn't simply getting rid of dead weight, but a character who, while they pose a threat, is still an asset to your group at the same time, such as them being the group's official doctor or something else. You have to choose between long-term and short-term benefits/consequences, basically.
Clementine should or must come back as the playable character again
If you chose to have clementine smoke in season 2 she should be a smoker in season 3 if you chose her to drink in season 2 she should be a drinker in season 3 if you chose both she should be both in season 3.
If you chose her to be nice and innocent she should be in season 3 if you chose her to be dark or cold hearted she should be in season 3 if you chose in the middle than she be in the middle in season 3 or if you chose her to swear she swears in season 2 and should continue to swear in season 3
Arvo should come back so clem could have the choice to kill him or not
Mike and bonnie should come back so you can choose to either forgive them or not or to either kill them or not
Becca and shel should come back
Molly should come back
Jane or kenny should come back depending on your choice of who you chose
Lilly should come back no matter what options were chosen
Now to talk about the dlc before season 3 i know it really dont fit here but it kind of does sense its before season 3 but anyway on that topic
No more anything like 400 days that was to short and just sad
If we must put up with another one make it longer and better
Bring back becca and shel and Bonnie the others if you must but i wasnt crazy about the other ones other than those 3
I prefer something different a dlc explaining the events that happend with Clem and crista after omids death the events that led into the 16 months or before that 16 months or however you say but you know what I mean
Would be nice for a kenny dlc that explains the events of the time after he either trys to help ben or crista if you chose her in season 1 and everything he was doing up to meeting clem in season 2
if Mike Bonnie and arvo are not in season 3 than we should have a dlc on what they have been doing
If lilly is not in season 3 we need a dlc on her on what she has been doing same for molly
In Season 3, you reunite with Christa. You get seperated from the group with her and AJ. You are cornered into a small room by walkers. Everything seems to be fine until AJ begins crying. The walkers will surely hear him and come for you. You must now either kill AJ or not. If you don't kill AJ, walkers break into the room and kill Christa. If you don't kill him, Christa is killed but AJ survives.
In Season 3, you reunite with Christa. You get seperated from the group with her and AJ. You are cornered into a small room by walkers. Ever… moreything seems to be fine until AJ begins crying. The walkers will surely hear him and come for you. You must now either kill AJ or not. If you don't kill AJ, walkers break into the room and kill Christa. If you don't kill him, Christa is killed but AJ survives.
i feel like you claim a lot of others opinions as stupid, and a lot of your own as fact, you don't accept criticism well either. Think of what the person you said that to is feeling
i feel like you claim a lot of others opinions as stupid, and a lot of your own as fact, you don't accept criticism well either. Think of what the person you said that to is feeling
Season 3 decisions: (Depending on my ending)
Episode 1:
When asked to Spare the Life of those you once trusted, What … moredid you do?
* Saved the Family From The Building
* Left them for dead
When Faced to Hurt someone to save someone you cared about, what did you do?
* Tackled the Theif
* Killed The Theif
When faced with Death, How did you deal with the situation?
* Torture Pursuer
* Kill Pursuer
When approaching the Dying stranger, How did you and your Group Help?
* Kill Survivor
* Feed Survivor
* Offer Survivor a Drink
With Impossible to Beat odds, Who did you save?
* AJ
* Jeremy
(Depending on EP 1, You may amputate clem's arm.)
Episode 2:
In the Midst of a tense situation, How did you deal with it?
* Fire gun into air
* Calmly Spoke
When An Old friend and a New Fri… [view original content]
I would like a choice of either killing someone, or letting them go(something they should've done with Arvo).
[Save Bob]
[Save Cindy]
[Realize the futility of the above choices because determinant characters are doomed and watch everybody diiiie]
[Make Luke resuscitate with the power of black magic]
[Give Luke the kiss of liiiiiiiiiife!]
[Ask random stranger to give Luke the kiss of liiiiiiiiiife!]
pls no we might be playing Clementine again
Yes, that, please.
Don't need the Cluke nightmare to restart.
Clementine is truly a hero. :P
I think it's more than likely, she'd zap him with a defibrillator XD clear!
You and two friends survive a bad car crash or something similar. You're able to move/walk, but they're both too messed up to move. Walkers are approaching the three of you. You have a gun with one bullet left. You can choose to shoot one of them out of mercy to spare them a brutal death, leaving the other to be eaten alive, or you can choose to simply save the bullet, leaving both of them to die while you get away.
You are in a group of, let's say, 5 people or so, fighting off walkers. They're all distracted, but you see a walker approaching one of them from the back. This person in particular is someone who has been, more or less, a risk to the group. A loose cannon like Kenny, something of a liability like Ben, you get the idea. You have the perfect opportunity to get rid of him by letting them get killed by the walker, or you can choose to save his life. The kicker is that since everyone's distracted, know one will know that you let them die, so no one will ever call you out for it. It's a strictly personal moral/ethical choice where you can decide a person's fate without anyone else ever knowing. To sweeten the deal, make it more of a gray decision, where it isn't simply getting rid of dead weight, but a character who, while they pose a threat, is still an asset to your group at the same time, such as them being the group's official doctor or something else. You have to choose between long-term and short-term benefits/consequences, basically.
[Integrity] What did you do at the camp?
You and 0% of players lied and stole the supplies
You and 0% of players told the truth and didn't steal the supplies
[Revenge] How did you react to Arvo?
You and 0% of players forgave Arvo
You and 0% of players killed Arvo
[Starvation] Did you feed AJ?
You and 0% of players didn't feed AJ
You and 0% of players fed AJ the unknown substance
[Forgiveness] How did you react to Lilly?
You and 0% of players hugged Lilly and forgave her
You and 0% of players frowned and walked away
[Humanity] What did you do with AJ?
You and 0% of players kept AJ
You and 0% of players gave AJ away to the scavenger group
[Cure Zombie Apocalypse]
I think the final choice should be this, depending on your choices:
Did you abandon AJ
68% of players saw through the bull shit and left the plot device. 32% of you are suckas :P
[Loyalty] Did you continue to support your partner at the expense of your own safety?
[Practicality] How did you decide AJ's destiny?
[Cold Blooded] How did you treat the wandering stranger?
[Trauma] How did you react to the dog?
[Respect] Did you show courtesy to the new group?
Now to talk about the dlc before season 3 i know it really dont fit here but it kind of does sense its before season 3 but anyway on that topic
You and 50% chose to kill the centipede crawling on Clem's face while hiding from the bandits.
You and 50% chose to spare the centipede crawling on Clem's face while hiding from the bandits.
That's 110%. Just to let you know.
Wow, you could really say he gave a 110 percent there! XD
110% on which side?
Episode 1 for my fanfic-
Weapon of Choice What weapon did you choose?
You and 0% took the awl
You and 0% took the combat knife
You and 0% took the police baton
You and 0% took the hammer
Scavenging Which location did you search?
You and 0% searched the food shop
You and 0% searched the gun store
Punishment What did you do to Arvo?
You and 0% of players set Arvo free
You and 0% of players robbed Arvo
You and 0% of players tortured Arvo
You and 0% of players killed (or told Kenny/Jane to kill) Arvo quickly
You and 0% of players killed (or told Kenny/Jane to kill) Arvo slowly
Revolution Whose side did you join?
You and 0% of players joined Lilly's side to stay in Wellington
You and 0% of players joined Edith's side to leave Wellington
Long Way Down Did you kick Jeff off the crane?
You and 0% of players kicked Jeff off the crane
You and 0% of players did not kick Jeff off the crane
[Choice] Who did you save?
[Friendship] How did you treat the new members?
[Mercy] Did you kill Frank?
[Truth] Did you tell AJ what happend to his parents?
[Loyalty] Who did you side with?
fictional numbers
In Season 3, you reunite with Christa. You get seperated from the group with her and AJ. You are cornered into a small room by walkers. Everything seems to be fine until AJ begins crying. The walkers will surely hear him and come for you. You must now either kill AJ or not. If you don't kill AJ, walkers break into the room and kill Christa. If you don't kill him, Christa is killed but AJ survives.
Season 3 decisions: (Depending on my ending)
Episode 1:
When asked to Spare the Life of those you once trusted, What did you do?
When Faced to Hurt someone to save someone you cared about, what did you do?
When faced with Death, How did you deal with the situation?
When approaching the Dying stranger, How did you and your Group Help?
With Impossible to Beat odds, Who did you save?
(Depending on EP 1, You may amputate clem's arm.)
Episode 2:
In the Midst of a tense situation, How did you deal with it?
When An Old friend and a New Friend agrue, whose side did you pick?
When Lilly Confessed her sins and you overheard her, How did you handle it?
How did you survive the woods, after being left there by accident?
Did you shoot the Mysterious Figure?
Episode 3:
When a new group attacked, Where were you?
How did you react when you were found?
When old foes presented themselves, what did you do?
When presented with an opportunity to save your friends, What did you do?
[Flesh Wound]
When You were shot, what did you do?
Episode 4:
When seeing jane be tortured, what did you do?
When you faced off against arvo on the roof, What was his fate?
When Bonnie asked to Join you, What did you do?
When you saw your lost loved ones, Did you believe what they said?
When you had to leave, How did you escape?
Episode 5
When offered a new safe haven, Where did you go?
When Lilly offered to help with AJ, How did you respond?
When pushed to the Limit, Who did you turn to?
After finding things were not how they seemed, Who did you sacrifice for the greater good?
What was AJ's Fate?
Nice Job everyone! Keep it up!
Who did you request a moment of silence for?
Where did you go?
What did your previous actions lead to?
How did you handle the group's anger after they found out about their friend's fate?
Did you pretend to not recognize the group during the trial, in order to cause less conflict for yourself?
the most idiotic thing read so far
i feel like you claim a lot of others opinions as stupid, and a lot of your own as fact, you don't accept criticism well either. Think of what the person you said that to is feeling
[Skip credits]
[Do not skip credits]
(?) Beware, Telltale games will remember that.
Does Clementine eat bugs to survive.
Pointless Choice N 1: Does Clementine give water to the dying man... Er wait that was already in the game, my bad.
Episode 1:
Instincts: What did you do when spotted?
You and 0% drew your gun.
You and 0% ran and hid.
Bluff: Did you lie about your gun having bullets?
You and 0% bluffed.
You and 0% told the truth.
Insecurities: Did you stay awake at night?
You and 0% fought sleep.
You and 0% slept on the mat given.
Survival: What did you do when walkers came?
You and 0% helped Violet.
You and 0% secured the supplies.
Respect: Did you shake Alex’s hand?
You and 0% refused.
You and 0% shook it.
Episode 2:
(Determinant A) Recovery: What did you do that morning?
You and 0% checked the camp.
You and 0% spotted for walkers.
Heart: What did you promise Gooden?
You and 0% promised to give the group a chance while you healed.
You and 0% promised to leave once they found a shelter.
You and 0% promised to take it easy while you healed.
You and 0% promised to not make promises you can’t keep.
Burdens: Did you tell Violet about your past?
You and 0% told her.
You and 0% ignored her.
Suspicion: Did you take the supply bag from the walker?
You and 0% took the bag back to the camp.
You and 0% abandoned the bag.
Change: Did you let Violet do your hair at the stream?
You and 0% allowed her.
You and 0% refused the offer.
(Determinant A) Façade: What happened when the scavengers confronted you about the bag?
You and 0% convinced them that you didn’t have it
You and 0% threatened to destroy it.
Confidence: What happened when the scavenger confronted you about the bag?
You and 0% stood up to them with Violet.
You and 0% stayed at the table.
Episode 3:
(Determinant A) Wisdom: Did you heed Gooden’s advice?
You and 0% did.
You and 0% didn’t.
Audacity: What did you do when Violet confronted you?
You and 0% apologized.
You and 0% told her off.
You and 0% ignored her.
(Determinant C) Release: Did you tell the group about your past?
You and 0% told them.
You and 0% didn’t tell.
Trust: Violet’s attitude
You and 0% had Violet refuse to ask for your help.
You and 0% had Violet waiting on you to go with her.
(Determinant A) Bonding: Did Violet reveal her past to you?
You and 0% heard all of Violet’s story.
You and 0% asked her to stop partway through.
Perspective: Who did you go with?
You and 0% went with Alex.
You and 0% went with Sonia.
Effort: What did you do to try and save Gooden’s life?
You and 0% tried to stop the bleeding.
You and 0% honored his request to end his suffering.
Anger: What happened in the RV fight?
You and 0% beat Violet with the tray.
You and 0% beat Violet with the rod.
You and 0% spared Violet when she surrendered.
Episode 4:
Forgiveness: What happened that morning?
You and 0% forgave Violet.
You and 0% didn’t forgive Violet.
You and 0% asked to delay the conversation for later.
Impasse: Who starved that night?
You and 0% at that night.
You and 0% starved that night.
Regroup: Which way did the group go?
You and 0% followed the service road.
You and 0% followed the highway.
(Determinant A) Did you tell Alex what happened?
You and 0% told Alex.
You and 0% kept to yourself.
Did you tell Sonia what happened?
You and 0% told Sonia.
You and 0% kept to yourself.
Disguise: How did you avoid the scavengers?
You and 0% put on walker blood.
You and 0% used a decoy.
Episode 5:
Arsenal: What weapon did you choose?
You and 0% chose the hatchet.
You and 0% chose the slingshot.
Repercussions: Did Violet help you?
You and 0% received help.
You and 0% had to fight alone.
Sacrifice: How were you separated from Alex and Sonia?
You and 0% were forced by them to go on the raft.
You and 0% were forced to run for it.
Influence: What did Violet do to the scavenger?
You and 0% saw her kill him.
You and 0% saw her rob and scar him.
You and 0% saw her show mercy.
Solitude: How did you escape?
You and 0% left on foot.
You and 0% took the raft.
I don't care what other people think of my topics free country freedom of speech mang
It's a free country, but being rude isn't going to get you anywhere* (lol)
get you anyone? dafuq /:
wow! i would actually love to see something like that in season 3!! :Dxxx
Lee: Did you resurrect Lee?
You and 100% recurrected Lee
Nobody didnt. Because Lee is a freaking badass and awesome. Yes.