How did Telltale mix up Vitali and Buriko's weapons??!!
Just how??!! I was playing it for the first time and I immediately noticed. It wasn't a minor error that would be hard to see, it was an obvious error. They even show Buriko firing his AK-47 in the previously segment!
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That's classic No Going Back for you... the worst piece of shit I've played in a while.
They didn't switch guns, they switched roles.
Their script says they switched roles (swapped characters) not weapons
That's what happens when you rush games .
As CreepingCake and Arctic0ne said, they didn't actually swap weapons, but swapped roles. As CreepingCake posted in the Details you might forget thread:
So somewhere in the development of the episode, someone fucked up by making Buricko Vitali and making Vitali Buricko.
Sure it was probably rushed. But I pictured when the bullets started flying, Vitali and Buricko must have been grazed by stray shots and their weapons flung in the opposite directions. Hence why Buricko is on the ground, obviously wounded and Vitali taking cover behind the tree in the beginning of No Going Back. Does that make sense? This is of course speculation, but it is somewhat logical, correct?
I know they swapped roles but how in the actual fuck did they not notice/change this glaring error?
Because, reasons.
Yeah, literally all they had to do was swap Vitali and Burickos' models
I actually feel like No Going Back was one of the best episodes throughout both seasons
Wait, you mean this happened?
I wish I could've seen that now actually ;_;
Lol good for you
So did they also go flying, since they switched places?
Not exactly, to be more technical, Buricko was wounded, and fell. Vitali dropped to the ground when a shot almost got him.
Or Vitali slid his shotgun over to Buricko and vice versa.
There. I believe that's plausible.
Easily... Consider the source.
If you want...
Let me first start by saying the beginning was atrocious and was such a mood killer. Whereas Amid the Ruins ended on a cliffhanger that could've taken the narrative direction literally anywhere, they decided to play their hand too close to the chest and just started off the episode with everyone on our side alive and well. Nothing's gained, nothing's solved. So what the fuck was the point to begin with?
Having a Saving Private Ryan-esque muted noise segment was literally laughable because it misses the entire point of it in the first place. Whereas Saving Private Ryan's muted segments where meant to instill fear and rely on sight only to convey the sense of horror and terror that the atrocities brought on by war can have, it made the deaths and fear all the more concise. Having Clementine pan around slowly only to see everyone A-fucking-ok not only sucked the tension right out of the scene, but didn't have a point to begin with. It was just there to artificially serve as a place-holder to extent the needlessly long firefight out.
Then we have the "conflict" between Jane and Kenny. Terrible. Jane came back, which could've been an interesting way of showing development, but of course not. The season apparently lacked Kenny screaming at things so they needed another soap-opera brigade of ludicrous antagonizing so that his character could seem like it was more dynamic. God knows he can't do it by himself, so just shove more characters that are harmful to his own development and have them play ring-around-the-Rosie for ninety minutes and have a way to force a conflict between a useless prop of a baby that is only in the story to be a variable in the sloppy final conflict... which I'm looking forward to ripping apart as well.
The town disappearing was so disgusting, so irreprehensible, so fucking sloppy that I honestly didn't even catch it until after I was forced to interact with Ken again by bandaging his eye in a terribly contrived scene that was revoked of all emotional fidelity because I don't like Kenny yet I'm being forced to suck up to him and auto-agree with his every word like Clem is a "yes man."
And then the campfire scene, drawing all the subtle character development of a Saturday morning cartoon was also cringe worthy. Having characters just expel a plethora of expository dialogue for very little reason was, again, only an optical illusion to make it seem like the game was gaining depth when in reality it was only there to have Clem go around in one big fat circle and occupied space. I won't deny it was one of the more better paced moments but remains cringe worthy all the rest.
And then there's the lake scene... skipping over that. Cause it was the moment that castrated all immersion for me and I was done after that.
Anyway, after that abortion of a scene, we have the betrayal of Bonnie, Mike, and Arvo. A scene that was again only there to serve Kenny as a character and make everyone look bad while propping his character up as a good guardian. And nowhere is Clementine shown to be more incapable and idiotic than in this scene where she can hold a gun up on another guy who takes time to reach in a car, pull out a riflt, and then promptly shoots her because of course! Why not! It's not like there was a option to allow Clementine to take the life of another individual directly and be but in slightly morally grey light, she needs to be the fucking victim cause people can relate so much better to her if she acted like a pons rather than someone trying to defend her group. It's ok though, cause Kenny defended the group for her, I wouldn't be surprised at that point if there was a scrapped scene of him wiping her ass or something.
The dream sequence with Lee was only put in the game to act as emotional bait to the lowest common denominator and literally, and I do mean LITERALLY served no purpose. It came so far out of left field I seriously thought they were going for a "it was all a dream" ending. Like we're watching a less engaging version of Jacob's Latter or some shit. And I felt so confuses throughout the whole thing. Another worthless scene, moving on...
Of course who could forget the other pointless scene of a drawn out argument between Jane and Kenny! Where Clementine has, yet again, not one shred of agency and just sets there allowing the two chucklefucks to continue their forced conflict. Because lord knows we haven't seen enough of that throughout the episode so far. I mean, they're just screaming obscenities at each other acting vein and petty and there's AJ not doing anything or serving any purpose... cause remember, he's only along for the ride so that Jane can stupidly hide him and force a fight between them, making Clementine no better than an audience member cheering on her team. And the scene feels like it goes on far longer than it needs to too.
And the final conflict between them is just pitiful. They choose to end the episode the same way the started with a big circle. Nothing gained, nothing solved. I did quite like the location though, having it take place in a playground was a interesting setting for such a pointlessly drawn out and ridiculous fight. But anyway, sorry for the immensely long rant/preaching/review of the shit show that was NGB. I would get into more detail, but my fingers are killing me cause I've literally just been typing fast and hard for like the past ten minutes...
Lol I laughed so hard when that happened in my borderlands playthrough.
[smokes cigarette] god T.T that rant was magical and intense.
Can we all just agree that episode 5 is totally a dream and Clem has been in a coma after getting shot in the shootout and whoever is alive after the shootout has been looking after her?
Also good rant, I agree with everything you said!
I'm seriously thinking of putting up a rant video. Just vent on the episode, cause I kind of was skimming there toward the end. It's just too much for me to adequately type out and I feel my voice needs to be audible and my face needs to be visible.
You are fucking amazing. Do you work for CinemaSins or some shit because this was a PERFECT representation of episode 5.
That fucking made me laugh so Hard I almost woke the neighborhood up. XD
Bu-Dun, Tsh!
In the middle of the shoot-out
Vitali: Hey Buriko! Wanna switch weapon?
Buriko: Sure! I look better with a shotgun anyway.
Obviously because none of this is real, they're actors, and the director blanked on placement. I mean, the first clue was that everyone in one group survived the shootout relatively unscathed, right?
Actually, in order to make my depression go down, I imagined that this is just like the Tv-show where you have the set and the actors playing their part.
I imagine the scene where after Clementine either shot or leave Lee, the camera stop filming and someone say "Cut!". Then Lee gets up, all fine and dandy, walk over to Clem, give her a hug, praising her for her great acting skills while the camera crew and the other characters (Ben, Kenny, Omid, Christa, The Stranger, the police walker) surround and applauded them.
Then I imagine Lee and Clemetine, along with Kenny, Ben, Crista and Omid do some behind the scene stuff, talking about their experiences, how they approached the scene and about their character.
It is a silly thought, but it makes me feel better.
Only if you promise to bring up the stupidity that is that stupid lake of stupid, then you have my blessing sista!
You might also like this then.
So the Russians show up, shoot at you and just switch places? Just some magical asshole Russians in the forest?
You got yourself a deal. Although I am a brotha.
You can do like Flismii did...
Here's his critique
i remember some guy on here defending how hard it was for writers to write episodes of games,and that we shouldn't criticise the quality....rolls eyes...
I'm not totally sure you can constitute this as a writing error. As I stated earlier, the characters switched roles, but the writers of the episode wrote the scene as it was meant to be. All the lines that Vitali said in the actual episode said were supposed to be said by Buricko, meaning Buricko was supposed to be the one firing at Kenny.
That's not necessarily a writing error, but whoever handles the characters models. I agree that it's an error that shouldn't have been made in the first place and should have been fixed, but I'm not exactly sure you could blame the writers for this one, especially when they wrote it the way it was supposed to be.
Director of the episode's responsibility I think, not writer.
"Oh? Is that the script flying away again" is what I said in the opening of episode 5. Like the Clem kicking a door down I'm not sure if we were suppose to be impressed or if we're suppose to laugh either way the only thing I was feeling was the anger and frustration of having to play the episode. Luke getting shot made no sense. If you grab the baby you, AJ and Luke are safe behind cover while baldy stupidly wastes his ammo like the idiot he is but Luke still feels the need to"do something" so he runs in front of gun fire like a moron. Imo this is one of the worst of the season and the franchise. But one man's trash is another man's treasure
I remember when i was a kid, i was taught a lesson, take responsibility for your mistakes, but learn from them. Who takes responsibility? Who learns from them. in this situation.
No one, just move on. Not really that big of a deal since both die in the shoot out anyway. We learn that Telltale aint perfect, but no one/video game is.
Hence why nothing ever gets fixed. We will still have the same issues when Season 3 is released, i guarantee it.
I heard patching costs money (especially since this is on multiple platforms) and this character model blunder hasn't been pointed out till now. People thought it was just a weapon switch which yet again is not that big of a deal. Crazy shit like this happens all the time and we don't notice both on S1 and 2, so yes S3 will probably have an oppsy here and there.