Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • As smooth as a little baby Gortys bum.. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys is smooth as silk.

  • This just remains one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If you want no giant dialogue. ^^ No problem.

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    Green613 posted: »

    Rhyiona is like air, you know why? Because you need it to survive.

  • Holy shit. 7 pages in what..? A day and a half? I'm proud of you all!!! :D

    Rhyiona is the best

  • Wow. So much creativity and effort is put into this shipping thread. :>

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tales from the Atlas Coffee Shop Episode two: Babysitting on the fence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WidEcTA_pKM "We´re going out

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That's a good thing. Remember: Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life.

  • edited April 2015

    As smooth as grandmas skag purse!

    Linsepins posted: »

    As smooth as a little baby Gortys bum..

  • I think you did great on this! The shadows are especially good!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Drawing some sloppy stuff while waiting for episode 3.

  • Right?! His face just lights up. ;_;

    Linsepins posted: »

    This just remains one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!!

  • Shrek ships Rhyiona confirmed.

    nohuhhuh posted: »


  • Rhyiona4lyf

    Linsepins posted: »

    Holy shit. 7 pages in what..? A day and a half? I'm proud of you all!!! Rhyiona is the best

  • edited April 2015

    Rhys drummed his fingers on his guitar (more like the guitar he'd thought it was a good idea to steal) as he looked up at the window slightly above him.

    He smiled to himself confidently. Getting the courage to do this wasn't too hard when he'd had the encouragement from at least three people. One of them extremely close to the source of his problem, at that. This couldn't go wrong. Slowly, he began to play, his chest puffing out in pride when he opened his mouth to sing-

    "You light up my world like nobody else..."

    Fiona gagged inside her room when she heard him outside.

    "This has got to be a joke."

    She lifted herself off from her seat and tried to peek out the window without being noticed. Surely enough, there he was, with a stupid smile on his face, singing her a stupid song and looking completely serious about it.

    She gagged again.

    "This has to be a prank. Please let this be a prank because I can't believe even he would make a fool out of himself like this."

    "You don't know you're beautiful..."

    He wasn't stopping and he wasn't breaking down laughing either.

    Sure didn't seem like a prank.

    Fiona wasn't sure whether she should feel pity for him or not. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't be angry. He did go out of his way to try to please her, albeit in a completely ridiculous way (and very Rhys like, if she thought about it). But it still didn:t change the fact that he was looking and sounding like an idiot and she needed to do something about it.

    Shaking her head, she opened the window in one swift motion and stared down at him with a stern look.

    He just smiled wider at her, not quite noticing her reaction, but he did pause his atrocious performance to spread his arms up at her.

    "Huh, what do you think?" he asked, "Great surprise, right? I knew you'd like it!"

    She almost felt bad for him but if she didn't talk now he'd just keep repeating the situation over and over thinking he was doing something good and she wasn't about to let her ears go through that pain.

    "Rhys," she decided being gentle was probably for the best,"your guitar is out of tune."

    He blinked before looking down at the thing.

    "Oh? Oh, I didn't- I'm not very good at playing anyway, so..."

    "Yeah," she quickly took this chance to try and get him to stop, "so you should probably... stop. The neighbours probably don't appreciate this. Also, that song is... not my style."

    "What?" Rhys seemed genuinely confused, "But- but Sasha told me you'd like it!"

    Fiona grunted. Of course. Of course she'd do something like that. She was probably around, spying and laughing her ass off at this. She'd have to have a talk with her younger sister soon.

    "Sasha... wanted to have a laugh, Rhys. She wasn't serious about me liking it."

    She was trying really hard to stay calm; technically it wasn't his fault and he was trying his best but she was feeling sleepy, she was tired and this was just slightly getting on her nerves. She did appreciate his intentions, though.

    She looked down and prepared herself to tell him to just go to sleep, that they'd talk about it the next day but he was suddenly gone and she heard a knock on her door.

    She wasn't going to get any rest, was she?

    She rubbed her sleepy eyes and headed over to the door, opening it only slightly, enough to peek at his face.

    "What is it?"

    He stuck his metallic hand inside the small door crack and forced it to open slightly more.

    "Hey, lemme in. Come on?"

    She blew the strand of hair falling over her left eye before giving in and opening the door for him. He stepped in and grabbed her hand, pulling her along to the couch.

    "Are you sleepy?" Rhys scratched the back of his head nervously.

    "Oh, yeah," she rolled her eyes, "thanks for noticing now."

    "W-well, I could help you, maybe?"

    She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate. Without saying a word, he beckoned her over and tapped his shoulder, indicating for her to follow the movement. She raised an eyebrow but did as he asked and laid her head on it, slight smile forming on her lips. She felt him lightly comb her hair with his hand before he started humming a song she couldn't identify in her drowzy state and felt sleep coming faster than she´d anticipated.

    She had to admit he had a nice voice when out of tune guitars weren't involved.

    Maybe he should serenade her more often.


    @xfuriouss, here's your request. ;)

  • Cute. <3

    Linsepins posted: »

    As smooth as a little baby Gortys bum..

  • Just ask Fiona. :^)

    xfuriouss posted: »

    he is so beautiful

  • he is so beautiful

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If you want no giant dialogue. ^^ No problem.

  • This thread is the best, it deserves it. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wow. So much creativity and effort is put into this shipping thread. :>

  • AAAAHHHHH man I've been trying to get away from these, but now because of this, my bad humour is starting to show again!!
    I will have to share this with you guys (Wolf what have you done to me?)

    Snoop Dog makes life better

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    When I needed Pokemon jokes for Rhyiona, I didn´t mean this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnS-05XoXs4

  • thank you!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys drummed his fingers on his guitar (more like the guitar he'd thought it was a good idea to steal) as he looked up at the window slightl

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Best regards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32AAmrMWE5c


    Quiff posted: »

    AAAAHHHHH man I've been trying to get away from these, but now because of this, my bad humour is starting to show again!! I will have to share this with you guys (Wolf what have you done to me?) Snoop Dog makes life better

  • You're welcome, glad you like it!

    xfuriouss posted: »

    thank you!

  • As true as steal

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    Green613 posted: »

    Rhyiona is like air, you know why? Because you need it to survive.

  • Nuuuu!! Plz stay away!!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »



    Quiff posted: »

    Nuuuu!! Plz stay away!!

  • edited April 2015


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    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Its funny cuz I failed at catching the stun baton ;'(

    He looks pretty cool when he catches the stun baton as well, but then he ruins it by fangirling out about it. He needs to take some hero lessons to learn how to keep his cool in badass situations. Lesson 1:

  • Oh my fucking god, everyone just spam the smash ballot with Rhys and Fiona

    Green613 posted: »

    Finally made my decision. EDIT: LOL WHYD I PUT MY GENDER AS FEMALE

  • Now I want Rhys to play a guitar.

    What if like, we play as Fiona, we see Rhys playing a guitar (not very good) and Fiona sits down and tells him he's doing it wrong and will teach him how to play better <3

    Or just Rhys playing a guitar because guitar Rhys is op

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys drummed his fingers on his guitar (more like the guitar he'd thought it was a good idea to steal) as he looked up at the window slightl

  • Or stun batons with mustard gas element ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Maybe stun batons with fire elements?

  • Such a beautifully dysfunctional family :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tales from the Atlas Coffee Shop Episode two: Babysitting on the fence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WidEcTA_pKM "We´re going out



    Poogers555 posted: »

    Now I want Rhys to play a guitar. What if like, we play as Fiona, we see Rhys playing a guitar (not very good) and Fiona sits down and te

  • Looks like @ABigBadWolf is soooo busy :3

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Now I want Rhys to play a guitar. What if like, we play as Fiona, we see Rhys playing a guitar (not very good) and Fiona sits down and te

  • That. Is a splendid idea my friend.

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Now I want Rhys to play a guitar. What if like, we play as Fiona, we see Rhys playing a guitar (not very good) and Fiona sits down and te

  • Maybe. :^)

    Killah posted: »

    Looks like @ABigBadWolf is soooo busy

  • Yet they all love each other. <3

    Such a beautifully dysfunctional family

  • QTE where their hands brush on accident.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • No you'll never have something like that :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    QTE where their hands brush on accident.

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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    No you'll never have something like that

  • Sad truth i know ^^" even if we (both Rhyiona and Rhysha) got a "romance" it will a tiny tiny dialogue somewhere and that's it.

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