Jane due to whenever she talked i just wanted to punch her because it was either always something extremely boring or something i didnt agree with. Also Chuck, Ben, and Omid all annoyed the hell out of me.
I would have to say Duck and Jane from the game. While no one i find really annoying from the comic or show. I just got to say that i feel that....The game's first season is better written than every season of the show. While the game's second season was written worse than every season of the show. So currently the show surpasses the game at this point. Comics are okày feel more neutral about it.
Duck, the only character more overpoweringly annoying than Sarah or Ben.
I mean, look at him. That's the sperm cell that made it to Katjaa's ovaries before all the others, I mean I feel sorry for her vagina honestly. To birth something like him, wow...
Game- Jane, Bonnie and Duck
Comic- Alan
Show- Carl and Andrea (They really destroyed her character)
Daryl... ugh
Kenny, only because he's the only character to have ever gotten on my nerves.
Jane. She is my most hated character in this WHOLE game. She annoys me anytime.
Game: Duck
Comics: Carol
T.V. Show: Andrea
Carl. I find his story arc... lame I guess. Even now.
Even though Ben was a good kid, he could still be annoying as hell.
Jane due to whenever she talked i just wanted to punch her because it was either always something extremely boring or something i didnt agree with. Also Chuck, Ben, and Omid all annoyed the hell out of me.
Jane constantly starting shit with a unstable man gave me a headache.
I would have to say Duck and Jane from the game. While no one i find really annoying from the comic or show. I just got to say that i feel that....The game's first season is better written than every season of the show. While the game's second season was written worse than every season of the show. So currently the show surpasses the game at this point. Comics are okày feel more neutral about it.
Deez Nutz!!! Goteem!!
jk, um... I'd say Reggie or Sarah
Game - Kenny. Destructive, starts fights, blah blah blah.
Show - Andrea. The bastardization of her character is just awful.
Comic - The Governor. He killed so many people and Kirkman really went overboard in telling us he was evil.
Game: Everyone in S2, except a few people.
Show: Deanne
Comic: Way too many to count. Seriously. Glad TTG does the writing instead of Kirkman.
Game: Reggie, Becca, Nick
Comic: Carol
Show: Andrea, Lori, Father Gabriel
Game: Jane, Lilly, Molly, Ben.
Show: Daryl, Carol, Maggie.
Comics: Andrea
Game: Jane and Bonnie
Comics: Donna
Show: Dale
Comic: Gregory and Chris (Julie's boyfriend)
Game: I truly cannot think of a character that I found annoying here
Show: Andrea and Martin (that gum-chewing asswipe)
Ben and Troy. Ben is a good character. But a walking talking trainwreck.
Troy has no redeeming factors, I hated his guts. He got what he deserved.
Oh, first time I see Daryl hater. Why ?
Duck, the only character more overpoweringly annoying than Sarah or Ben.
I mean, look at him. That's the sperm cell that made it to Katjaa's ovaries before all the others, I mean I feel sorry for her vagina honestly. To birth something like him, wow...
Overrated, unoriginal, boring character after Season 3. IMO of course
With that response, it's clear you're a huge fan of him.
Ben, Sarah. Jane. ARVO