I got this feeling very early on after seeing him. And when he (determinant) takes down Royland with no effort, I was even more convinced. I'm hoping for a great fight scene with this guy in one of the last episodes.
Me too. When he first appeared full-armored, with a torch and laughing, I was on high alert. Then Gryff makes his appearance I was like "Meh...Not afraid of you, Bitch..."
I got this feeling very early on after seeing him. And when he (determinant) takes down Royland with no effort, I was even more convinced. I'm hoping for a great fight scene with this guy in one of the last episodes.
I'm not so sure. Each time he's present he breaks up a fight; when the soldiers threaten to beat Rodrik up in the great hall, then again when Royland tries to attack Gryff. The first time he says to Elissa "get your boy out of here while you still can". While it seems like a threat it's odd for him to break up the fight rather than join in.
Was it me, or was there some sort of issue with Talia's audio in EP3? Near the end, specifically.
The end parts of her dialogue either cuts off too quickly, or something like that.
I'm not so sure. Each time he's present he breaks up a fight; when the soldiers threaten to beat Rodrik up in the great hall, then again whe… moren Royland tries to attack Gryff. The first time he says to Elissa "get your boy out of here while you still can". While it seems like a threat it's odd for him to break up the fight rather than join in.
It's a glitch, while replaying last Saturday I noticed a lot of audio issues in Episode 3 and some in Episode 2. I posted a thread about it in Support and they said they were working on it, so I guess it'll be fixed before Episode 4 launches.
Was it me, or was there some sort of issue with Talia's audio in EP3? Near the end, specifically.
The end parts of her dialogue either cuts off too quickly, or something like that.
It's a glitch, while replaying last Saturday I noticed a lot of audio issues in Episode 3 and some in Episode 2. I posted a thread about it in Support and they said they were working on it, so I guess it'll be fixed before Episode 4 launches.
True. Seems like he's actually making an effort to keep peace (which Ludd doesn't want as he's looking for an excuse to attack Ironrath), though, which is curious.
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as Highpoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
Maybe Lord Glenmore sent one of his children to foster at Highgarden. Just like how Ned and Robert were fostered at the Eyrie, and Baelish was fostered at Riverrun.
Seems to me that they'd be sworn to House Ryswell of the Rills, but perhaps they have a trade route with House Tyrell, or there was a marriage between a Glenmore and a lesser known Tyrell or something.
Cool, an actual confirmation of where the Glenmores live. Assuming we end up using their army to defeat Highpoint, it's in a good position since they won't know before it's too late and both Ironrath's army and the Glenmore's come together.
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
Furthermore, since the Glenmores are Ryswell bannermen. that likely explains why the Glenmores don't seem to have suffered many losses. Roose left a lot of the Ryswells at the Ruby Ford, and the Glenmores probably fought there. Thus, they wouldn't have been slaughtered at the Twins.
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
When this guy acts like he is Ethan, depending on your choices in Ep.1 (if you did or did not kneel to Ramsay) he either says "I never kneel to bastards" or "I haven't the balls to defy you".
The Forresters seem to interact with the commoners more than any other house, like how Ryon was riding Gared's pig, Rodrik playing with lowborn children during his childhood, and possibly more to be discovered in the further episodes.
Gared has an unused model where he's wearing Night's Watch training armour. Some of the other recruits are seen wearing that kind of armour when he first arrives at Castle Black.
Hey, isn't House Cerwyn the one which Ramsay flayed the lord, his wife and brother? AND if I'm not wrong, it joins Stannis' army in the books, just like the Forresters. Could we maybe end up seeing them in the next season of the game?
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
Gryff is told by Gwen that he frightens the dogs and they keep quiet. Lady Forrester calls Whitehall men "lower than dogs" just before you get the option to strike them. Gryff also calls Duncan a dog before he pushes him down. Dogs in game of thrones seem to allude to violence.
You have to take 2 things into account. The distance between Winterfell and Torhen's Square is at least 120 miles. Also if you remember it takes a week to reach Ironrath from Dreadfort. For the Glenmores to reach Ironrath it would take at least 4 days considering they would have to go through all of Wolfswood.
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as High… morepoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)
Gared has an unused model where he's wearing Night's Watch training armour. Some of the other recruits are seen wearing that kind of armour when he first arrives at Castle Black.
Gryff is told by Gwen that he frightens the dogs and they keep quiet. Lady Forrester calls Whitehall men "lower than dogs" just before you g… moreet the option to strike them. Gryff also calls Duncan a dog before he pushes him down. Dogs in game of thrones seem to allude to violence.
I think @sunfell means that Gwyn tells Rodrik that. And I think its a determinant line based on whether or not you agree to submit to Gryff during their meeting.
Another way to convince Elena Glenmore to marry Rodrik is...
* In [Episode 2] (Mira's POV), you have to forge a letter to Elena Glenmo… morere
* When Elena Glenmore asks why did Lady Margaery send a letter to her, say, " Lady Margaery must have her reasons".
* When she also asks "Do you want this to happen, Rodrik?!", say "No, you're free to choose,"
I don't know if someone had already post this, but I hope this helps and makes you thoughtful!
I think @sunfell means that Gwyn tells Rodrik that. And I think its a determinant line based on whether or not you agree to submit to Gryff during their meeting.
Gared has an unused model where he's wearing Night's Watch training armour. Some of the other recruits are seen wearing that kind of armour when he first arrives at Castle Black.
I know that, and I'm gonna buy the full season on dvd when it comes out.
I got this feeling very early on after seeing him. And when he (determinant) takes down Royland with no effort, I was even more convinced. I'm hoping for a great fight scene with this guy in one of the last episodes.
Me too. When he first appeared full-armored, with a torch and laughing, I was on high alert. Then Gryff makes his appearance I was like "Meh...Not afraid of you, Bitch..."
I'm not so sure. Each time he's present he breaks up a fight; when the soldiers threaten to beat Rodrik up in the great hall, then again when Royland tries to attack Gryff. The first time he says to Elissa "get your boy out of here while you still can". While it seems like a threat it's odd for him to break up the fight rather than join in.
Was it me, or was there some sort of issue with Talia's audio in EP3? Near the end, specifically.
The end parts of her dialogue either cuts off too quickly, or something like that.
Yeah, I noticed a cut off in one line.
And what happens when he's ordered to attack and to no longer help keep the peace?
It's a glitch, while replaying last Saturday I noticed a lot of audio issues in Episode 3 and some in Episode 2. I posted a thread about it in Support and they said they were working on it, so I guess it'll be fixed before Episode 4 launches.
Its done that for me since episode 2, It does it quite badly sometimes
Hm it hasn't happened to me before. Maybe something wrong with your specific game? Post a thread in Support, hopefully it'll help
True. Seems like he's actually making an effort to keep peace (which Ludd doesn't want as he's looking for an excuse to attack Ironrath), though, which is curious.
I named mine, "Mustache"
I didn't even know that?! :O Nice catch!
That's pretty epic
Game of Thrones files have some "jokes" like this:
Edit: There's a Lost Legion soldier named "Rhogar"
The map of the Wolfswood shows that House Glenmore's seat, Glenmore Keep, is to the southwest of Ironrath, about double the distance as Highpoint. (Highpoint is allegedly a day's ride from Ironrath, so Glenmore Keep is likely two days. Winterfell and Deepwood Motte seem to be one day away too.)

From that map, it indeed looks like Highpoint is situated on the old white hill.
Nice! Glad that you took a screenshot of the map. It is beautiful!
I chose Royland and got the blood...
Finally confirmation of Glenmore Keep's location.
But who do the Tyrells have strong influence over them?
Maybe Lord Glenmore sent one of his children to foster at Highgarden. Just like how Ned and Robert were fostered at the Eyrie, and Baelish was fostered at Riverrun.
Seems to me that they'd be sworn to House Ryswell of the Rills, but perhaps they have a trade route with House Tyrell, or there was a marriage between a Glenmore and a lesser known Tyrell or something.
Cool, an actual confirmation of where the Glenmores live. Assuming we end up using their army to defeat Highpoint, it's in a good position since they won't know before it's too late and both Ironrath's army and the Glenmore's come together.
Furthermore, since the Glenmores are Ryswell bannermen. that likely explains why the Glenmores don't seem to have suffered many losses. Roose left a lot of the Ryswells at the Ruby Ford, and the Glenmores probably fought there. Thus, they wouldn't have been slaughtered at the Twins.
When this guy acts like he is Ethan, depending on your choices in Ep.1 (if you did or did not kneel to Ramsay) he either says "I never kneel to bastards" or "I haven't the balls to defy you".
I am suprised nobody pointed this out already.
If you spare this guy, then at the wall if you say to Britt you dont want to fight him he calls you "Gared the Merciful".
At 17:00
If you do kill the dude and you say this he usually says "I had something more painfull in mind".
The Forresters seem to interact with the commoners more than any other house, like how Ryon was riding Gared's pig, Rodrik playing with lowborn children during his childhood, and possibly more to be discovered in the further episodes.
You see here in the Walking Dead art of the Motel -
It says free HBO
Telltale partnered with HBO to make this game
Gared has an unused model where he's wearing Night's Watch training armour. Some of the other recruits are seen wearing that kind of armour when he first arrives at Castle Black.
Hey, isn't House Cerwyn the one which Ramsay flayed the lord, his wife and brother? AND if I'm not wrong, it joins Stannis' army in the books, just like the Forresters. Could we maybe end up seeing them in the next season of the game?
Gryff is told by Gwen that he frightens the dogs and they keep quiet. Lady Forrester calls Whitehall men "lower than dogs" just before you get the option to strike them. Gryff also calls Duncan a dog before he pushes him down. Dogs in game of thrones seem to allude to violence.
You have to take 2 things into account. The distance between Winterfell and Torhen's Square is at least 120 miles. Also if you remember it takes a week to reach Ironrath from Dreadfort. For the Glenmores to reach Ironrath it would take at least 4 days considering they would have to go through all of Wolfswood.
Has anyone posted a picture of this model anywhere?
Can't remember this one. When did it actually happen?
I think @sunfell means that Gwyn tells Rodrik that. And I think its a determinant line based on whether or not you agree to submit to Gryff during their meeting.
Another way to convince Elena Glenmore to marry Rodrik is...
I don't know if someone had already post this, but I hope this helps and makes you thoughtful!
You don't actually have to steal the seal, it works even if you don't use it.
Got it, thanks .)
I̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶m̶s̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶u̶n̶t̶e̶x̶t̶u̶r̶e̶d̶,̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶e̶x̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶a̶m̶e̶d̶ ̶d̶i̶f̶f̶e̶r̶e̶n̶t̶l̶y̶.̶
Found the textures, will post the model shortly.