Will Telltale kill off Clementine?
We all know that as of now, Clementine is the main focus of the story. Along with her, AJ, and Edith (depending on which ending you got), they are the only three confirmed alive at the end of Season 2. Everyone else is dead, unknown, or determinant. That leaves one question open...
Will Telltale kill off Clem in Season 3? We all know that it's definitely a possibility, but I'd like to hear your thoughts and maybe some reasoning as to why you think they would do so. Is her story over? Is she too weak to survive on her own? Can she not raise AJ if she's by herself?
If you don't think they'll kill her off, where do you think they are taking Clem's story in Season 3 if she's still the main character? More or likely Jane and Kenny (depending who you're with) will not live on since they're both determinant, so where do you think Clementine will be going?
Is slowly preparing for the possible death of Clem in Season 3. ;__;
Without Clem, there would be no more TWD game.
Oh, yeah, agreed. I wouldn't want it to happen, nor would agree that it'd be a good idea. However, it is certainly a possibility and more or likely could occur if Clem keeps going the way she is, especially with a baby on her hands now. She's so smart, but AJ could in fact be the result of her death. I'd hate to see that.
Ending the series with Clementine's death would be kinda stupid imo, they are plenty of different ways they could probably end it without her dying. Anything's possible though
I can see season 3 starting with Clem as the main character, but switching midway, with an ending where the new player character meets up with Clem again. That way players start with something familiar, get something new (storylines maybe inappropriate or difficult to put Clem in) and ending with a good payoff/clifffhanger.
Seems possible if the cards are played right. Very interesting thought!
At some point in time, probably. But I really don't see that happening soon. If they kept going after S3, I could only see her dying in later seasons (like S5 minimum, if they even make it that far)
Besides, wrapping up her story in a way that doesn't involve killing her would fare a lot better than actually killing her
Yeah. It'd be nice if Telltale continued after Season 3, but I honestly feel like it may be the end after that (hope not).
I hope not, after 2 seasons, if they decide to kill off Clementine, it would definitely hit me harder than Lee's death. People can say all they want about how they felt about Clementine in Season 2 and how they didn't like how she changed, that's their opinion and I respect it, but for me, I feel more attached to her character and care about her even more after Season 2 then I did after Season 1. No amount of preparation for a possible Clem death would do me any good, I'd be devastated no matter what.
While I think it's highly unlikely they will kill off the main reason why this game has been so successful, the chances of her dying are still pretty high, and if they were, I'd assume that would be the end of Telltale's The Walking Dead. I think it's more likely, however, that if Telltale wanted to start over and follow a new group of people, they would give her story a much more conclusive ending then the ones we got for Season 2, but not kill her off.
For Season 3, I do think she will be the main character, as I said, she is a huge reason why this game is so successful and there are a lot of fans who play the game because of her. Plus, I don't think her story is over, I think there's still a lot to tell and I don't believe her journey is over. As for Kenny and Jane, I hope they live for a good part of Season 3, at least a couple of episodes, and contribute to the main story and not simply be background characters.
400 days had no Clem and it was part of the game :P
I wish they'd just write her out in general, she's such a blegh character and telltales love for her makes me sick sometimes
Yes, but that was a DLC, not one of the main episodes in the season.
idk i just see a fresh start with a new cast as the better option, its just so....blegh to see the same characters (even Kenny). Since clem is already confirmed for season 3, if they go further than that, and Clem's STILL around, idk if itll be a series still worth investing in
I respect your opinion, but you do realize that Clem has been the main focus since Season 1, right? The whole game has revolved around her, so you can't just expect them to remove her just for your pleasure. Many people love Clementine, because she's very well-developed as an 11 year-old in the apocalypse. She's the focus of the game, so of course Telltale loves her dearly.
She's not like any of the other characters; she can't just be tossed out like that. There'd be no story then. Though there is still a chance she could die, it wouldn't be a pointless death like many other characters.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, though!
I don't believe Clem has been confirmed for Season 3 as of yet. Kevin Bruner said in an interview that our endings will play a role, but there hasn't been an official confirmation, and since Telltale said the choices we made in 400 Days would have an impact and they didn't, I wouldn't take what he said too seriously at this moment, not until we get more information.
Oh, I definitely agree. Lee's death was horrible, but having Clem gone just removes everyone we've known basically from Season 1; the whole crew. I admit she has changed, but who wouldn't? She has no childhood and nothing to look forward to anymore; hope for the world getting better is just a faint memory. She doesn't have anyone left. Losing Lee and everyone else really did a number on her. And yes, I could prepare with all my might and I'd still bawl if she dies.
Yeah, Clem's played a big role in the game's popularity. Of course she can die, it's just a matter of 'when'. If she did, yeah, that'd probably be the end. I don't really like the idea of a whole new cast in Season 3. It basically wouldn't correlate with Season 1 or 2 at all. If they did start with a new cast, I'd like them to meet up with Clementine in later episodes. I believe Clem will show up one way or another in Season 3. I believe her story deserves a good ending. Not something pathetic like many other characters; many deaths we're just a waste of good potential.
Yeah, I agree. I don't think her story is over; she's got a lot of growing up to do. I know people think that "there's so many other people we could be following" and stuff, but what's the advantage of jumping to a new group of people when it's already been about 2/3 years in the apocalypse? They'd have to add so much to fill in the new characters' backgrounds, relationships, experiences, and so on. Following Clem is the best choice, because her and Lee's story is all we've known since day one.
Nice thoughts; had me thinking quite a bit! Thanks for contributing!
Clementine is the backbone of The Walking Dead. Telltale would be utterly stupid and would soon end up regretting it if they killed her off.
Like it or not. Believe it or not. Clementine is The Walking Dead. Well telltales version anyway. Just as Rick is in the television series.
I wouldn't object.
Well of course they love her, just like the majority of the player base does
You're an outlier in the grand scheme of things; you're one of the few people who never liked Clementine from the beginning, and I hate to say it, but they're not gonna be appeasing you any time soon, because you're part of such a small minority that it's really not worth it to axe her just to make you and a select few others happy
I honestly hope not. Sure it isn't called The Walking Clementine, but it just wouldn't feel like Telltale's TWD without her being a main point of the story, yeah 400 days did it but I don't remember that being anywhere near the best episode on anyones list of favorites :P It would be like Dragon Ball Z without any Saiyans, IMO it wouldn't work as well with her gone than it would with her there.
Fuck no! never...Lee's death is enough...no more, telltale please!
To be honest I find it a bit ridiculous how everyone states the game wouldn't work without her and that she basically is the game since season 1. I see where you're coming from 'cause you all seem to be emotionally attached to her, but if you turn off your emotion for a moment - can't you see all the other stories TT could tell within the apocalypse with a completely new set of characters? They conjured season 1 out of nothing and threw us inside. Lee grew on us, Clementine grew on us, and some other characters as well. Why do people believe TT couldn't do it again and has to be stuck with Clementine? If one single character is the only good thing and the vital essence of a game then there must be a serious problem with the game.
I hope not, nor do I think they will. It's possible TT could, but we just put in so much work into this little girl that her dying would feel like everything would be a waste. Clementine is like the video game version of Rick, Kirkman says no one is safe in this universe, but these main characters sure are living a long time. At least they continue to have some damn interesting stories. That and Clem is TT mascot next to Sam & Max.
I was mentioning this in another comment. Yes, many people (including myself) believe that the main focus is Clementine. However, if you do put a total new cast in, what good will that do? It has been almost 2/3 into the apocalypse, and we've stuck with Clementine through it all. If there was a brand new character, think about the dis-attachment everyone would feel. No one would care about the character straight off the bat, and do you know how much Telltale will have to do to build up the character? They'll have to waste their time putting in past experiences, relationships, and stories to develop them. It is easier to do with Clementine because we already know her like the back of our hands.
A new character this far into the game would not work, in my opinion (especially if they replace Clem completely). I do believe it'd be nice to have a new character that meets up with Clementine in episodes of Season 3, but not just "Oh, new character, no Clementine. Enjoy." Thanks for sharing, though!
I guess I'm the exception there, at least on the board. I do not need this emotional attachment to the pov character; this is not why I play games or watch movies for that matter. We also didn't care straight off the bat for Lee, but it was interesting to play as a character you don't know all too well yourself and to deduce from his dialogue options about his past and family. If your argument was valid no one should ever start anything new, because it would be a waste of the time and ideas they put in predecessor works. Look at all the time they put into Lee, all the interactions and relationships that had nothing to do with Clementine - it's gone and over, but it was no waste.
But yes, we won't agree on this. It's just odd how many of you think Clementine equals The Walking Dead.
I don't see it and I don't want it. This whole thing, to me, has been her story. Doubt they'll just ditch her for no reason.
That's your opinion, but many people enjoy the emotional attachment because it allows us to feel a lot more during the game, especially if something intense is happening. Yeah, we didn't care much for Lee the first half of the episode, but people start getting attached to him quickly because he is them. The reason it worked out is because we play as Lee from the beginning of the apocalypse all the way to his death. If Season 3 started and showed a random person, not many people would be pleased, nor would they know what's going on.
Just because we love Clem a lot, does not mean we believe she is The Walking Dead. She's just a major part of it and has been around since day one. We all have just gotten attached to her, and I feel many of us can agree that watching Clem grow up, protecting her, and teaching her were the great things to experience in the game- not just the action.
Personally I don't really care what happens to Clementine in the story (sure I'll feel emotional if she dies, but I won't really dwell on it or stop playing the game), I'm more interested in a story than I am in just one character. If we play as a monkey next season then so be it so long as the story and characters are good.
I know i just, i always like to voice my dislike for her since I always find it fun to talk about why i dislike her (im weird i know, i like to talk about why i hate things), theres not a single clementine scene i like, but i love nearly every scene with Duck and Sarah, they keep killing off the kids i actually LIKE. So i get really annoyed with Clementine and telltale often
Then we Riot. Get it? Like Riot Games from League Of Legends? Where they have Kenny and Clementine's voice actors in it? No? .___.
I have no problems with you not liking Clementine, and I'll respect that opinion
It's just that unfortunately for you, since it's such a minority opinion, there's not much in the way of options other than to grin and bear it
Ye i know
thanks for being a good sport mang, sorry if i came off as rude in any of my comments
They can if they needed to. Many seemed to be biting their nails at the end of season 2 thinking she'd be dead at the end just because Lee was. I feel they will only think about killing Clementine when they know for sure that their is nothing more they can do with the walking dead game and thus the game series will die along with Clementine. As Clementine was the source they sort of built the game around since the very beginning... they've even stated that in a behind the scenes type interview from season 1. So if the game series is a complete wrap up then yes there is a strong possibility Clem would die in a sad/tragic way somehow because this is the Walking Dead and apparently there are no true happy endings. Almost like Game of Thrones.
If Robert Kirkman once said that not even Rick Grimes is safe (and I suppose he meant the comic and show). Then why would and why should protagonist Clementine be any more immortal than the protagonist Rick? or even protagonist Lee for that matter...
Very nice thoughts!
I don't care either way, I would rather her personally not be the main protagonist of season three, but that is personal preference.
Is there a possibility? Yes of course there is. Why? because we're all free to do whatever we want to do. but that doesn't mean we can't be stopped.
They put season 3 in production because of Clementine and the amount of question for it*.
*it: The Walking Dead Telltale series
They confessed that Clementine 'was' the most important character from season 1 in a interview. and it's obvious that she is / was after Lee's death.
okay. so the question was "will telltale kill off clementine" so with that you said about you would rater not have her to be the main protagonist, does this means that you wan't them to kill her off? or just a off-topic opinion regards the title / main question?
not that it really matters between wether you want her to die or just not to be the protagonist, but i am just wondering.
Was do you mean with "They put season 3 in production because of Clementine" ?
I didn't know they declared that. I think that sucks. Sometimes it's kind of disappointing to hear developers talk about their own game in such a definite and matter-of-fact way.
I would of killed her off this season. Personally i want a new story with new characters, new experiences, and new challenges.
I would rather her be gone, but i don't want to get into a argument over opinion.