Am i the only one who couldn't live with someone who killed somebody?



  • edited April 2015

    Killing in this world isnt that much of a big deal, I mean you basically have to do it in a lot of cases, Its pretty much everything else that annoys me about Kenny

  • oh u r rightz, kenny haz been thru da worst, u changed my mind aboot him.

    I will now worship him az a god!!1

    Flog61 posted: »

    he lost his familey u dont get wat hes been thru he haz been thru worse than evry single human in apocalype put together. who r u 2 judj him

  • hale 2 keny! hail 2 urban moostach god!! xD hail to gavinism...wel love u gavinism.....u r our saviour....................i know u don like u worshipng u gavine but fuk that..hail 2 gavine..hail 2 mustach gode

    oh u r rightz, kenny haz been thru da worst, u changed my mind aboot him. I will now worship him az a god!!1

  • Go ahead. I have never said Kenny was on a higher moral standard than the others.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I could list all the times each character left a character to die or in a dangerous situation to save themselves, Kenny included.

  • We see the situation the same way. I would have let them go too had it just been one bag, even more so if they had manned up and done it to our faces instead of sneaking off.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Oh, don't get me wrong. I absolutely take issue with the way that whole scene played out, as Mike, Arvo and maybe Bonnie took off, with all

  • I've never claimed to be all knowing myself. And where did I state I know someone better than themselves?

    I have a assumption on the character of Clementine in the setting that she is presented just like everyone else. I also have a idea of what I would do in a similar circumstance, but I would never claim to fully grasp the reality of it, just like I don't think anyone else can.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I think it's absurd to tell someone that they couldn't possibly know how they themselves might feel about something, while simultaneously stating that You know how they can't possibly feel or think about the same. Holy Hypocrite Batman!

  • Not that well I don't think. Mind you this is just my assumption, but I don't think anyone can ever predict with certainty how they would act in a life or death scenario.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Some people know themselves, better than you think they do.

  • It was hinted that Walt is gay, and most people identify him as a gay character,eventhough, there isn't any hard evidence that he was. As far as we know, Walt and Matt were just great friends.

    prink34320 posted: »

    The option to leave Leland behind is completely controlled by the player, so it's completely controversial in that matter. As for 'hinting'

  • It all depends on how well you know yourself.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Not that well I don't think. Mind you this is just my assumption, but I don't think anyone can ever predict with certainty how they would act in a life or death scenario.

  • Walter said Matt was his partner.

    It was hinted that Walt is gay, and most people identify him as a gay character,eventhough, there isn't any hard evidence that he was. As far as we know, Walt and Matt were just great friends.

  • Because they're kids and don't get that much hate and mistrust from strangers. And they were protected by Carlos/Christa who supposedly did the dirtywork if there was any. Also, if Clementine had managed to kill the attackers from episode 1 she wouldn't have fallen into that river, strand somewhere alone and without food and oddly uninjured, get bitten by a dog etc, which would have normally killed her, if this wasn't a videogame.

    Same for Sarah if someone killed Carver before he captured them.

    Flog61 posted: »

    If you have to kill to survive in a zombie world, how come clem can survive without killing anyone for 2 years? Or Sarah? Was she not alive?

  • No it doesn't. No one can predict their own reaction when instict takes hold.

    prink34320 posted: »

    It all depends on how well you know yourself.

  • I think it's absurd to claim you'd know how you would feel in that situation

    This is what you said. This is what i was commenting on. Just because you don't think someone can know themselves better than you know yourself, doesn't mean we cant.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I've never claimed to be all knowing myself. And where did I state I know someone better than themselves? I have a assumption on the char

  • edited April 2015

    Yes. And if not, she made no attempts to stop the fight after it has started. She couldn't have known that he wouldn't stop unless she tried telling him.

    Yes, because she should have anticipated that that would be kenny's reaction(or at least one of kenny's possible reactions) to the whole oops I lost the baby cinematics. And the baby was placed so nearby so she had proof right there.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You think that would have stopped him trying to kill her? You think you can think that logically when someone is actually trying to kill you?

  • It's me (or anyone agreeing) saying no and those who disagree who say yes. I've not claimed I am absolutely right, just that I doubt people fathom the change in psychology an apocalypse situation would actually do to themselves. Perople overestimate themselves.

    I still don't see the hypocricy.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I think it's absurd to claim you'd know how you would feel in that situation This is what you said. This is what i was commenting on. Just because you don't think someone can know themselves better than you know yourself, doesn't mean we cant.

  • And somehow people don't know their own instincts? I make decisions based on my instincts, which is usually to choose the most logical choice.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    No it doesn't. No one can predict their own reaction when instict takes hold.

  • Alt text

    Alt text

    Hur! Rasem ez sew fune u giyzz!

    Flog61 posted: »

    hale 2 keny! hail 2 urban moostach god!! xD hail to gavinism...wel love u gavinism.....u r our saviour....................i know u don like u worshipng u gavine but fuk that..hail 2 gavine..hail 2 mustach gode

  • I wonder what tumbler people would say about the movies Goonies, about the horrible treatment of the deformed guy.

    Hur! Rasem ez sew fune u giyzz!

  • No you don't. That's not how affective priming works. You make decisions on a analytical level inside your head that compares the decision to events or situations that you are familiar with.

    Instinct is when you are faced with unknowable situations where your body reacts before that process can decide it for you.

    prink34320 posted: »

    And somehow people don't know their own instincts? I make decisions based on my instincts, which is usually to choose the most logical choice.

  • when ?

    prink34320 posted: »

    Walter said Matt was his partner.

  • edited May 2015

    I killed Jane because I couldn't stand her getting Sarah killed, she was stupid and selfish. She deserved to die.

  • How exactly did she get Sarah killed?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I killed Jane because I couldn't stand her getting Sarah killed, she was stupid and selfish. She deserved to die.

  • Gladly you asked. Jane made Luke an offer causing him to ditch his job, letting the walkers get close to the group. There were a lot of walkers at the observation deck forcing the group use the cannon to block the gate thus causing the deck to fall, Sarah too. When Jane was trying to save her, she couldn't use her freaking gun to kill the walkers nearby and when Sarah gets devoured, she just runs away, that's what upseted me so much, she didn't want to kill the walkers and put Sarah out of her misery, she left her to suffer. If you say it's determinant Jane getting Sarah killed, she is still to blame if Sarah dies at the trailer because she makes Clem to let her die.

    fallandir posted: »

    How exactly did she get Sarah killed?

  • edited May 2015

    Jane made Luke an offer causing him to ditch his job, letting the walkers get close to the group.

    Luke is just as guilty as she is. Doesn't matter who made an offer, the other side agreed.

    When Jane was trying to save her, she couldn't use her freaking gun to kill the walkers nearby

    It was like a bazillion walkers approaching them, and Sarah was trapped under the rubble. Jane would've used all of her ammo, then got surrounded and killed. Also, Bonnie and Mike were shooting at walkers while she tried to free Sarah. Why couldn't they go on and keep using their freaking guns?

    she just runs away

    What should she do instead? Let the walkers devour her too?

    she didn't want to put Sarah out of her misery, she left her to suffer

    Because falling piece of wood hit her in the head, almost knocking her down. She barely made out of this alive.

    she is still to blame if Sarah dies at the trailer because she makes Clem to let her die.

    She rushed Clementine to go, Luke did it as well.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Gladly you asked. Jane made Luke an offer causing him to ditch his job, letting the walkers get close to the group. There were a lot of walk

  • I meant she should have killed the walkers and shoot Sarah in the head to prevent her suffering before she comes up.

    fallandir posted: »

    Jane made Luke an offer causing him to ditch his job, letting the walkers get close to the group. Luke is just as guilty as she is.

  • If I got hit in the head with a plank the size of a flagpole, I wouldn't be able to even hold my gun properly, not to mention shooting at targets.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I meant she should have killed the walkers and shoot Sarah in the head to prevent her suffering before she comes up.

  • Flog61

    Glenn has managed just fine so far right? Lol

    Flog61 posted: »

    If you have to kill to survive in a zombie world, how come clem can survive without killing anyone for 2 years? Or Sarah? Was she not alive?

  • also Clem can Kenny so i guess that counts

    Flog61 posted: »

    If you have to kill to survive in a zombie world, how come clem can survive without killing anyone for 2 years? Or Sarah? Was she not alive?

  • Who would go to the south when Wellington is behind the corner and walkers cant move there because of winter and snow?

    Flog61 posted: »

    And by the end, Kenny backstabbed the whole group by refusing to listen to what they wanted to do - go south.

  • The way I see it, as far as killing in a videogame, I could care less about it.
    After all, it's just a videogame and nothing more.
    There are more important real-world problems that are going on right now, like that deal in Baltimore, that earthquake in Nepal, and the drought going on in California.
    You ask me, those are issues that truly deserve attention.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Because at the time no one knew whether or not it actually existed and wasn't some kind of rumor, and even if it wasn't a rumor no one knows where it is so it would be a longshot to actually find it before the cold would kill them, they aren't impervious to the weather after all.

    Who would go to the south when Wellington is behind the corner and walkers cant move there because of winter and snow?

  • Well it couldnt be just a rumor becuase a lots of people did hear about it and where is smoke ...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Because at the time no one knew whether or not it actually existed and wasn't some kind of rumor, and even if it wasn't a rumor no one knows

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It can, the more a story is told, the larger a tale is spun, it could have easily just been a few tents pitched with a small barbed wire wall, that eventually got more impressive with each retelling of the story until people thought it was some kind of small fortress.

    Well it couldnt be just a rumor becuase a lots of people did hear about it and where is smoke ...

  • Well that is true but still more people means bigger chance for the survival.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It can, the more a story is told, the larger a tale is spun, it could have easily just been a few tents pitched with a small barbed wire wal

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Unless they turned out to be cannibals, bandits or some other unsavory sort. Heck the rumor could have started as a way to warn people about them but it was somehow twisted into the camp being some kind of zombie defence fortress.

    Well that is true but still more people means bigger chance for the survival.

  • Lots of people heard about the fountain of youth and El Dorado. I don't think either exist.

    Well it couldnt be just a rumor becuase a lots of people did hear about it and where is smoke ...

  • edited May 2015

    How can Kenny be the bad guy, did you forgot that Jane left for die poor Sarah two time in a single episode.

  • There is absolutely no proof that Walkers cannot move in the snow or cold. Actually we have proof that they can.

    In fact IMO it seems like the opposite would be true. If the Walkers are in an environment where it's cold enough to preserve the flesh on their bodies and prevent them from rotting, they could theoretically last forever if someone doesn't kill them.

    Whereas if they are in an environment where the weather is sweltering hot and rainy - the flesh on the Walkers (and even their entrails and brains) would proceed to rot more and more, of it's own accord. And eventually they would decompose fully.

    And that doesn't even take into account the fact that, it's the people who are the ones who need to worry about surviving the Winter. Irregardless of Walkers. The further North you go, the smaller the growing season, the longer and harsher the winter, the less light you have for 6-8 months of the year. The more you need to worry about heat, and clothes, blankets, and food stores. Not to mention Frostbite and Hypothermia.

    Obviously these people have no idea how to survive in the Winter.... They couldn't even see what a completely stupid, suicidal idea it was to cross an untested lake of ice, even after Clem points out that it's a terrible idea. Then, they proceed to waste time arguing while Clem sits and suffers from Hypothermia ( from which she most likely would have expired, if not for 'you know videogame logic )

    Who would go to the south when Wellington is behind the corner and walkers cant move there because of winter and snow?

  • There is absolutely no proof that Walkers cannot move in the snow or cold. Actually we have proof that they can.

    There actually is:

    Alt text

    I was confused why they were going North too though.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    There is absolutely no proof that Walkers cannot move in the snow or cold. Actually we have proof that they can. In fact IMO it seems lik

  • edited May 2015

    That's right!!!! That's why I let Jane die. She got my best friend killed, she never cared for Sarah, I promised to Carlos that I'd look after her and Jane just destroyed, I even told her that she didn't wanna save her. Jane is a troublemaker.

    JMOREL posted: »

    How can Kenny be the bad guy, did you forgot that Jane left for die poor Sarah two time in a single episode.

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