Was A.J originally planned to be a girl?
I'm just thinking this because it seems they kept switching it up every episode. Actually, if I remember correctly, Alvin thought it was going to be a boy in episode two, but in episode two Rebecca believed she was having a girl and you know, mother's intuition and stuff. Then episode three, if Alvin is still alive he thinks it's a girl, but in episode four Rebecca thinks she'll have a boy. And low and behold, she has a boy. I just don't think the creators cared that much of the gender and just decided in episode four, "let's just make him a boy." or maybe they flipped a coin. I don't know it's not like it's a big deal, what do you guys think?
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I think it was going to be a girl and then they changed it to a boy. The show has Carl and his baby sister, so it's like a gender swap, a girl with her baby brother.
...>.> I think it should've been a girl, then Clem could've gotten a little sister.
I dont think they changed anything
I don't think it changed, it's always been that Rebecca wanted a girl and Alvin wanted a boy. Rebecca then decided it was a boy, probably hoping for
it after her husbands death sort of thing.
Well, honestly at first Alvin thought it was going to be a boy, and Rebecca thought it was going Girl. Alvin dies, now Rebecca wants it to be what Alvin wanted. If Alvin is about to die, he wants it to be a girl because thats what Rebecca wanted. Its more or less switched based on emotions
I don't think they had it planned to begin with.
My assumption is that somewhere along the design process someone thought "Hey, if we make it a boy we can give Clem the option to name him! Lee, Alvin, Omid and Duck, those are the options!"
Then they decided for it to be a boy but scrapped the naming idea because it would be insane to get different recorded lines for all the names in later episodes/games..
Naaaahhh, boy is better
That assumption doesn't make any sense due to the fact that girls also have names.
My assumption is not based on just the gender, but mostly Lee. Everyone loves Lee and one of the more popular opinions around the forum at the time was the idea of naming the baby, specifically Lee.
I have a hard time thinking that no one on the development team was not on board with that at some point. But as I said this is just my assuption.
I'm just saying that AJ begin a boy is better,duh.
I don't see what gender has to do with anything.
Why do you think the fact that he has a penis makes his character better?
Ayyyy lmao.
Never heard of that one before.
Or shitposting.
I think he's drunk typing.
I didn't say making him having a penis makes his character better.. :<
Here you go:
'I'm just saying that AJ being a boy is better'
You think AJ being a boy is better than him being a girl. This means you think he is better because he is male rather than female.
Why does that make him better?
Are you trying to start an arguement here? Starting an arguement about AJ begin a female or male is pointless for you ya know?
Drunk typing??? Nice fact,bro.
Let's just chalk this up to an awkward misunderstanding and get back on topic by stopping this here. Thanks.
I don't really understand why? It's hardly as if this conversation has been going on for 100 posts and has completely derailed the thread.
It doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding, he's just avoiding my point.
Who knows if Telltale decided on a gender for AJ in the episodes before he was born, only Telltale staff know that for sure. I would say they did a decent job keeping everyone in the dark about it though. It would be damn near impossible for Alvin & Rebecca to know and of course parents expecting would have their preferences. It was nice they confided into Clementine their hopes on what the baby will be so we could at least try and start caring for the little guy.
Not yet; I'm trying to prevent this from being derailed in the first place.
Ah ok.
Also, actually, isn't a discussion about whether AJ should or shouldn't have been a girl relevant to a thread asking whether this was meant to happen?
Well, I learn something new every day. Cheers.
This is fine and on-topic.
This has potential to derail the thread, as it wasn't the main post that insinuated AJ being a boy was "better" than him being a girl - it was somebody else, and I asked them to stop before they derailed the thread.
That's the same thing.
The second comment was me explaining him why him saying he thinks AJ being a boy is better than him being a girl is worthy of a request for explanation.
If there were a thread asking whether Lilly was coming back, and someone commented 'Lilly is a bad character, so I hope she doesn't come back', and I asked why they thought this, would it be fair to ask me to stop because of derailing the thread?
The original post was phrasing it as speculation if the writers originally intended for AJ to be a boy or a girl - not if it was "better" for AJ to be a boy or a girl.
I'm asking for the whole "AJ is better as a boy/girl" discussion to be dropped as the original post was only focusing on speculation of whether AJ was always supposed to be a boy. Debating on whether AJ is better as a boy/girl is something I see as potentially derailing the thread, so I'm asking for it to stop.
Can you stop Already?
'Nahhhhhhhhh, boy is better' doesn't really say 'I think it's the case that AJ was intended to be a boy' to me, but that's your interpretation so fine.
I still don't see how discussion of whether he's better as a boy or girl is derailing the thread at all. Like I said about Lilly, a thread asking about whether she returns might lead to debating whether its a good thing if she returns, and this may possibly end up in discussions about forgiveness etc which aren't in the original thread's parameters, but that doesn't mean they're derailing. It's progression of discussion.
Many factual discussions go from 'is x true' to 'is x a good thing', this is humanly natural, and not a reason to remove possible discussion.
I don't know, but I always found it a little odd that Rebecca said Alvin never had a sense about these things when Clem tells her he thought it was going to be a girl, even though she wanted it to be a girl and, if I remember correctly, referred to the baby as "she" in episode 2. I guess that mother's instinct or whatever didn't kick in until about several hours before delivery.
Hey, what's that over there? Is that the script?!