Well, It depends on how I end up, I've been planning for a ZA for about 10 years, I have strategies.
If Plan A (Rob my family's survival store with best friend and girlfriend) Goes according to plan, I would be Like Deanna/Douglas. I'd start a community with order, A New world, and I'd be a generally nice person.
If Plan B (Drive to St. Louis, a supposed safe zone in Missouri according to a zombie prepping site) goes well, I'd be Like Tavia/Aaron. I would stay in the safe zone, find and recruit people, Look for my family maybe, and Be a Lone wolf, But a good conversationalist.
If Plan C (Rob Local stores, Kill Locals and Loot, Go alone to a remote area) has to happen, I might become a wanderer, But more of a guy who only cares about select people, Like Governor from Season 4, or Kenny.
Well, It depends on how I end up, I've been planning for a ZA for about 10 years, I have strategies.
If Plan A (Rob my family's survival … morestore with best friend and girlfriend) Goes according to plan, I would be Like Deanna/Douglas. I'd start a community with order, A New world, and I'd be a generally nice person.
If Plan B (Drive to St. Louis, a supposed safe zone in Missouri according to a zombie prepping site) goes well, I'd be Like Tavia/Aaron. I would stay in the safe zone, find and recruit people, Look for my family maybe, and Be a Lone wolf, But a good conversationalist.
If Plan C (Rob Local stores, Kill Locals and Loot, Go alone to a remote area) has to happen, I might become a wanderer, But more of a guy who only cares about select people, Like Governor from Season 4, or Kenny.
im sorry?? i mean what the fuck do you want??? he ask how would we be if we were in a ZA. he gave us the guy from Fallout A game NOT IN THIS THREAD. so why dont you give him shit??? ohh i see you like fallout and you dont like TLOU cuz "its overrated" fuck off
Don't fret, some people just don't like it because of the hate bandwagoning that surrounds the game and the propagandizing of it being "overrated" being more than enough to stilt the games many accomplishments.
The sheer mentioning of Joel is now more than enough to piss people off because he was the protagonist... sad indeed, but what can you do?
im sorry?? i mean what the fuck do you want??? he ask how would we be if we were in a ZA. he gave us the guy from Fallout A game NOT IN THIS… more THREAD. so why dont you give him shit??? ohh i see you like fallout and you dont like TLOU cuz "its overrated" fuck off
Proactive. Ideally, I would have become super mega-rich enough in time to build an enclosure specifically designed for a ZA. News outlets would mock me, but I'll have the 'who's laughing now?' banners at the ready when they come to seek shelter family and friends would be welcome. Oh yeah and I'll build a replica of The Winchester from Shaun of the Dead to make it more authentic when they ask what we should do now. "Would anyone like... A peanut?"
In reality though, If it was a '28 days later' style ZA, my real plans would be screwed. Slow, dumb zombies are crucial to my success. Even fast ones would be OK as long as they're dumb.
First, wait until greedy people kill each other fighting over the supplies. Wait out the chaos. Then, try to contact the family or friends and don't panic if you can't. Gather whatever you can find. Since I don't own a firearm and don't know any person or place I could get it from, I would stick to my replica of medieval sword and ol' good bow & arrows.
I would be that creepy alone stranger going down the abandoned highway.
i would be like morgan from the TV show, maybe a bit crazy at times, but generally practical and use ingenious traps/tactics to survive, possibly what Doug would have been like if he had survived longer.
ultimately i would try to still be a good person, but be pragmatic at the same time.
The type to go to military bases and grab grenades and guns and lure the zombies in spots and blow them up. Then grab a lot of technicians, medics, plant workers, BAM instant humanity reborn
Hmm, yeah, thats true. You've got me there. But that can be beneficial if they do end up killing him since the viewers would assume that he's safe because of the plot protection, but it ends up kicking then right in the face when they end his character and base it on another character in the group.
Maybe instead of offing out all the weak, you teach them to become strong in order to stop mankind from caving in on itself. I think that's the true meaning of "doing what you gotta do."
Well, It depends on how I end up, I've been planning for a ZA for about 10 years, I have strategies.
If Plan A (Rob my family's survival … morestore with best friend and girlfriend) Goes according to plan, I would be Like Deanna/Douglas. I'd start a community with order, A New world, and I'd be a generally nice person.
If Plan B (Drive to St. Louis, a supposed safe zone in Missouri according to a zombie prepping site) goes well, I'd be Like Tavia/Aaron. I would stay in the safe zone, find and recruit people, Look for my family maybe, and Be a Lone wolf, But a good conversationalist.
If Plan C (Rob Local stores, Kill Locals and Loot, Go alone to a remote area) has to happen, I might become a wanderer, But more of a guy who only cares about select people, Like Governor from Season 4, or Kenny.
I'm 16, and why the fuck does everyone care about my age? Jesus, Yes, I have been planning since then because i'm extremely cautious about everything, and I was taught about Zombies very early on, Stop commenting about my age and MYOB. sorry, but it's quite annoying.
I'm 16, and why the fuck does everyone care about my age? Jesus, Yes, I have been planning since then because i'm extremely cautious about e… moreverything, and I was taught about Zombies very early on, Stop commenting about my age and MYOB. sorry, but it's quite annoying.
Alright, alright, let's not act too hasty and assume the world is out to get us now.
Sorry, but in my personal opinion I doubt you've been planning how to survive a ZA at the age of 6. Not sure if you're over exaggerating or not. But if I am indeed wrong, then I apologize.
What do you mean "stop commenting about my age"? This is the first time I've brought it up, you act like I annouce is on a daily basis.
I'm 16, and why the fuck does everyone care about my age? Jesus, Yes, I have been planning since then because i'm extremely cautious about e… moreverything, and I was taught about Zombies very early on, Stop commenting about my age and MYOB. sorry, but it's quite annoying.
I don't think that a lack of law enforcement means that morality becomes obsolete, morals come from within. As for me, I liked this quote from @RichWalk23,
A more competent version of Luke...I hope, minus the good looks.
I wouldn't starve, I know how to hunt and trap. I can build my own shelter if need be, my friends and I built bunkers for airsoft games over 5 years ago out of logs we found and they are still standing, with no maintenance. I'm a decently competent carpenter. I have the skills to survive, but trying to save other people would get me killed. Probably not in a frozen lake though, because I've swam in the winter before multiple times with my cousin and always survived.
Just because it has GOTY awards doesn't mean it's great, they're just material objects. and It IS overrated, It's done nothing new mechanic wise, other games have done that, it's like the OoT of the new generation.
Ikr... Screw TLOU
Ok, unreasonable hatred turns into...
It's good, but not fantastic
So, is it "good" or is a game worth the "screw TLOU" comment? You're contradicting yourself.
Alright, alright, let's not act too hasty and assume the world is out to get us now.
I never said that. Sorry, I've had the shittiest week of my life.
Sorry, but in my personal opinion I doubt you've been planning how to survive a ZA at the age of 6. Not sure if you're over exaggerating or not. But if I am indeed wrong, then I apologize.
It's the truth. I am very Paranoid about it, and My father and I have been preparing for 10 years. and it's okay, I'm sorry for being A dick, I really need to stop being on here when I'm pissy.
What do you mean "stop commenting about my age"? This is the first time I've brought it up, you act like I annouce is on a daily basis.
Actually, I wasn't just referring to you, I was referring to everyone. and It pissed me off when even one person Mentions It. I have no beef with you dude, and I'm so so sorry for being The biggest asshat in the world. Okay?
Alright, alright, let's not act too hasty and assume the world is out to get us now.
Sorry, but in my personal opinion I doubt you've bee… moren planning how to survive a ZA at the age of 6. Not sure if you're over exaggerating or not. But if I am indeed wrong, then I apologize.
What do you mean "stop commenting about my age"? This is the first time I've brought it up, you act like I annouce is on a daily basis.
Hey, no problem. I mean, they aren't as good as the real thing, but they're... virtual... thus, making it cool! Flawless logic, right there. Plus they've got pixelated chocolate chips in 'em, which really does make it all the better.
In a world overwrought with senseless AAA developers barring off content by the heaps and locking entire chunks of game only acquirable by means of pre-order exclusives and / or $9.99 DLC, The Last of Us was a game that came complete, the experience was sold as a whole, so that's one thing right there. Naughty Dog continues to earn it's customers' loyal support and although all their stupid micro transactions aren't without scrutiny, the fact they continue to craft experiences for their fans is undoubtedly praise worthy in a world full of EA-esque business practices.
Add on to that, the story was longer than a five hour slog through modern warfare battlefields and was paced superbly well. It had some issues sure (I still cringe every time I see Ellie take a full lead pipe to the cheek and immediately starts shooting, never showing signs of harm). However, the game is exactly where it needs to be, I for one will continue purchasing Naughty Dog projects simply because they give a shit about who's playing. and care about their customers, which is more than I can say for shit like the Batman franchise locking off content and putting huge portions of their games behind a $39.99 pay-wall.
Right lets be honest here. For the people that think they will be like character x or y, is complete crap.
Just because you have watched a show and played a game does not mean you are physically, nor mentally fit for the ZA.
Am I? Hell no, we're a computer not a bunch of weights
im sorry?? i mean what the fuck do you want??? he ask how would we be if we were in a ZA. he gave us the guy from Fallout A game NOT IN THIS… more THREAD. so why dont you give him shit??? ohh i see you like fallout and you dont like TLOU cuz "its overrated" fuck off
"Writing favourism"
He's the main character, basically the face of the franchise.
Take Kenny's loyalty to his family + his brutality to his enemies, and Lee's desire to help others and you got me.
Its particularly boring though because you always know no matter how bad things are he'll never die ever
I'd be a dead person..... but if i survived id be like JOEL!!!
Well, It depends on how I end up, I've been planning for a ZA for about 10 years, I have strategies.
If Plan A (Rob my family's survival store with best friend and girlfriend) Goes according to plan, I would be Like Deanna/Douglas. I'd start a community with order, A New world, and I'd be a generally nice person.
If Plan B (Drive to St. Louis, a supposed safe zone in Missouri according to a zombie prepping site) goes well, I'd be Like Tavia/Aaron. I would stay in the safe zone, find and recruit people, Look for my family maybe, and Be a Lone wolf, But a good conversationalist.
If Plan C (Rob Local stores, Kill Locals and Loot, Go alone to a remote area) has to happen, I might become a wanderer, But more of a guy who only cares about select people, Like Governor from Season 4, or Kenny.
Fallout 3 Evil Karma Mode that shit bro
Another fucking reference to that game NOT ON THIS THREAD
Takes Clemenem's Hand and Frolics through the wastelands of DC
Ikr... Screw TLOU
2 Edgy 2 Furious
im sorry?? i mean what the fuck do you want??? he ask how would we be if we were in a ZA. he gave us the guy from Fallout A game NOT IN THIS THREAD. so why dont you give him shit??? ohh i see you like fallout and you dont like TLOU cuz "its overrated" fuck off
Don't fret, some people just don't like it because of the hate bandwagoning that surrounds the game and the propagandizing of it being "overrated" being more than enough to stilt the games many accomplishments.
The sheer mentioning of Joel is now more than enough to piss people off because he was the protagonist... sad indeed, but what can you do?
Proactive. Ideally, I would have become super mega-rich enough in time to build an enclosure specifically designed for a ZA. News outlets would mock me, but I'll have the 'who's laughing now?' banners at the ready when they come to seek shelter
family and friends would be welcome. Oh yeah and I'll build a replica of The Winchester from Shaun of the Dead to make it more authentic when they ask what we should do now. "Would anyone like... A peanut?"
In reality though, If it was a '28 days later' style ZA, my real plans would be screwed. Slow, dumb zombies are crucial to my success. Even fast ones would be OK as long as they're dumb.
First, wait until greedy people kill each other fighting over the supplies. Wait out the chaos. Then, try to contact the family or friends and don't panic if you can't. Gather whatever you can find. Since I don't own a firearm and don't know any person or place I could get it from, I would stick to my replica of medieval sword and ol' good bow & arrows.
I would be that creepy alone stranger going down the abandoned highway.
I'd probably be like Kenny.
I'd probably be Mark or Doug.
i would be like morgan from the TV show, maybe a bit crazy at times, but generally practical and use ingenious traps/tactics to survive, possibly what Doug would have been like if he had survived longer.
ultimately i would try to still be a good person, but be pragmatic at the same time.
The type to go to military bases and grab grenades and guns and lure the zombies in spots and blow them up. Then grab a lot of technicians, medics, plant workers, BAM instant humanity reborn
Hmm, yeah, thats true. You've got me there. But that can be beneficial if they do end up killing him since the viewers would assume that he's safe because of the plot protection, but it ends up kicking then right in the face when they end his character and base it on another character in the group.
Maybe instead of offing out all the weak, you teach them to become strong in order to stop mankind from caving in on itself. I think that's the true meaning of "doing what you gotta do."
(Obviously in this context)
Yeah, screw that award winning, original and emotionally investing game! How dare it be mentioned! Yuck!
Didn't you once tell me you were 15...? I doubt you've been planning since you were five.
I'm 16, and why the fuck does everyone care about my age? Jesus, Yes, I have been planning since then because i'm extremely cautious about everything, and I was taught about Zombies very early on, Stop commenting about my age and MYOB. sorry, but it's quite annoying.
It's not the great dude. It's good, but not fantastic. -_-
There's no need for aggression, man. Take a virtual cookie.
"Bombs awaaaaay!"
[five seconds later]
"Crap, I missed." Welpguessitistimetorunlikehell.
I'll be a Doug.
It's not great? lol say it's not great" to the game of the year awards it has. And it's no where near overrated.
Alright, alright, let's not act too hasty and assume the world is out to get us now.
Sorry, but in my personal opinion I doubt you've been planning how to survive a ZA at the age of 6. Not sure if you're over exaggerating or not. But if I am indeed wrong, then I apologize.
What do you mean "stop commenting about my age"? This is the first time I've brought it up, you act like I annouce is on a daily basis.
Ok, unreasonable hatred turns into...
So, is it "good" or is a game worth the "screw TLOU" comment? You're contradicting yourself.
Calm down, everything is OK. Have some positive energy.
I don't think that a lack of law enforcement means that morality becomes obsolete, morals come from within. As for me, I liked this quote from @RichWalk23,
I wouldn't starve, I know how to hunt and trap. I can build my own shelter if need be, my friends and I built bunkers for airsoft games over 5 years ago out of logs we found and they are still standing, with no maintenance. I'm a decently competent carpenter. I have the skills to survive, but trying to save other people would get me killed. Probably not in a frozen lake though, because I've swam in the winter before multiple times with my cousin and always survived.
Just because it has GOTY awards doesn't mean it's great, they're just material objects. and It IS overrated, It's done nothing new mechanic wise, other games have done that, it's like the OoT of the new generation.
After the week I've had and the constant people yelling at me and telling me I'm wrong about everything, I would love a virtual cookie, Thank you.
It is good, But it's undeserving fame and it's retarded easily offended fans make me pissed off.
I never said that. Sorry, I've had the shittiest week of my life.
It's the truth. I am very Paranoid about it, and My father and I have been preparing for 10 years. and it's okay, I'm sorry for being A dick, I really need to stop being on here when I'm pissy.
Actually, I wasn't just referring to you, I was referring to everyone. and It pissed me off when even one person Mentions It. I have no beef with you dude, and I'm so so sorry for being The biggest asshat in the world. Okay?
Hey, no problem. I mean, they aren't as good as the real thing, but they're... virtual... thus, making it cool! Flawless logic, right there. Plus they've got pixelated chocolate chips in 'em, which really does make it all the better.
In a world overwrought with senseless AAA developers barring off content by the heaps and locking entire chunks of game only acquirable by means of pre-order exclusives and / or $9.99 DLC, The Last of Us was a game that came complete, the experience was sold as a whole, so that's one thing right there. Naughty Dog continues to earn it's customers' loyal support and although all their stupid micro transactions aren't without scrutiny, the fact they continue to craft experiences for their fans is undoubtedly praise worthy in a world full of EA-esque business practices.
Add on to that, the story was longer than a five hour slog through modern warfare battlefields and was paced superbly well. It had some issues sure (I still cringe every time I see Ellie take a full lead pipe to the cheek and immediately starts shooting, never showing signs of harm). However, the game is exactly where it needs to be, I for one will continue purchasing Naughty Dog projects simply because they give a shit about who's playing. and care about their customers, which is more than I can say for shit like the Batman franchise locking off content and putting huge portions of their games behind a $39.99 pay-wall.
Right lets be honest here. For the people that think they will be like character x or y, is complete crap.
Just because you have watched a show and played a game does not mean you are physically, nor mentally fit for the ZA.
Am I? Hell no, we're a computer not a bunch of weights
leave it to this forum to find a way to conjure arguments out of thin air