I don't know if there already is a thread like this, but I thought it'd be interesting to discuss w/ others. How is YOUR Clementine? how do you play her? Is she still her old self, the warm caring beautiful pure cinnamon roll too good for this sinful earth or is she leaning more towards being cold and calculating, or maybe something in between? If we get to continue playing as Clem in S3, do you think we'll be able to further impact her personality in general?
MyClementine is basically Arya Stark. I am and have always been a vengeful person irl, I dont forgive easily and I may hold a grudge. I don't hurt innocents and I'm nice to most ppl but if you betray me, you're done, you fucked up. I stayed to watch Kenny beat Carver's ass in and I let Bonnie die. She be fake as hell, her whole agenda is pure bullshit and it felt so good to let that fucker drown. I know ppl arent black or white in a metaphorical sense, there is good and bad inside all of us but screwing us over multiple times, blaming Luke's death on an 11 year old and leaving a baby and said 11-year old girl who has just been shot to most likely die and running fast as hell away from there like you have to take a shit? Yeah, no. I didn't forgive Nick in episode 1 either, but eventually I warmed up to him in later episodes. I was still mad at him for shooting Matt but he never actively worked against me or consciously made bad decisions he knew were shitty and selfish. Arvo is a dead man walking to me. Don't get me wrong, I am v much able to forgive ppl and move on when it comes to it, I have a touchy spot too and there's a fine thin line between justice and mercy, I just value justice a little bit higher than the latter.
I also made my Clem a lil bit rebellious, she drinks and smokes #yolo swag and is also very upfront and cheeky at times. I know Clem is originally a reserved and quiet person but I tried to make her more ambivert/extroverted in my LP since I like her better that way. Despite being rather emotionally dead and serious most of the time, I try to make her more goofy and prone to jokes like Omid.
She is also rather vague, philosophical and hard to pin down. Outgoing yet distant. Compassionate and soft but unforgiving and heartless. She's a lot like me or maybe I'm just projecting my own personality on her? I think Clem is a very complex person and even if my decisions doesn't necessarily impact her character, at least I like to think they do. Anyone else feel?????
But idk thts just me lol
Clementine died for me the moment I took control, I dont roleplay I do what I would do.
I don't like the whole #MyClementine thing. Clementine is Clementine, a well-established character with morals and a naturally caring nature, seen repeatedly throughout Season 1. I get that losing Lee, her parents, and Omid shattered whatever innocence she had, but I didn't like that she was so hostile most of the time.
That's why I tried to make her as close to her Season 1 self as possible, trying desperately to make it, while instinctively standing up for those who needed it. (Nick, Sarah, Arvo.) And through these "weak" characters, I hoped we could see glimpses of the old Clementine, who looked up to Lee and learned from him, not this icy girl who gave people sarcastic looks for no reason. In the end, I feel most of what Lee attempted to teach her didn't matter in the end. And that's just sad.
I play Clementine really goofy and a bit of a smartass I also play her not very trusting of strangers but will never kill anyone unless there's no other way I tried to stop kenny from killing Carver by saying "don't do this" didn't work my Clementine was having nothing to do with that murder so I had her leave with Sarita. My Clem can be forgiving but there are certain things she doesn't forgive, getting shot and abandoned by your friends for example.
takes deep breath
The way I try to play My Clementine would be to make decisions or actions that would make Lee proud of what Clementine has become. I try to play her as nice as possible in normal circumstances, showing that she can still be who she was back in Season 1 and to show that, unlike characters such as Carver, Jane, the St. John's, etc., she hasn't lost her humanity or who she was before this all started. She also cares about the people in her group and tries to help others whenever possible. Which is why, in my game, I made decisions like telling Walter to forgive Nick, helping Sarah with her chores, not stealing from Arvo (especially this one since she didn't want to steal from The Stranger's car), and trying to help Luke.
But at the same time, when the situation calls for it, or depending on the seriousness of it, I play her as someone who, as a result of everything she's seen and been through, has matured and grown up a lot. And that's what I love about what I have made my Clem into, she has really matured and become much more responsible and independent. I remember one of my Lee's final words to Clem, "You're strong Clem, you can do anything," and I also try to play her like this. In this way I've had her move on from who she was in Season 1, someone who was scared and not sure about what to do, and made her stronger. She sees the world for what it truly is now, she's given up on the idea that the world going back to what it was and is focused on survival. In a world like this, kids are forced to give up their childhood and basically grow up much faster as a result and become a young adult, and I think that Clementine has realized that, and so have the people around her (Carver saying how he sees a lot of himself in her, Kenny saying in Episode 5 how he knew she was different from the last time he saw her). I compare her a lot to Carl from the comics, who, like Clem, has also drastically changed based on the seriousness of the environment and has become, while colder, a lot more grown up, one who can take care of himself and is poised to make difficult decisions for the safety of the group. So, while Clem may only be 11, I also try to play her as more of a grown up figure, one who is willing to take charge to do what's best for the group.
And while I did say I try to keep her good most of the time, my Clem also has somewhat of a vindictive and unforgiving side, which I think is understandable since she trusted someone like The Stranger when he said he had her parents and it led to the death of Lee. I was always very hostile towards Carver, I tried as hard as I could to get Arvo killed and was unwilling to protect him from Kenny's attacks, and I still hold a deep resentment towards him, along with Mike and Bonnie (who I, for some reason and stupidly, forgave in Episode 3). In the T.V. show, there's a moment when Rick is talking to Fr. Gabriel, and he tells him that his group is like his family, and if Fr. Gabriel puts them in danger or does anything, he will kill him. I try to play Clem like that as well, I don't like being stabbed in the back, and if you pose a threat to me or my group, I will try and get you killed (now if only I was given the option to actually kill people). If you betray me, you're going to have to prove it to me that you regret it, otherwise, I'm coming for you.
One last thing, I have her drink whenever possible. I didn't go with Nick in ATR, so I couldn't drink in AHD, but in NGB, I immediately took the rum from Jane when she offered it to me (which is weird since I never drank as Lee in Season 1). Also, cursing, I don't know why, I always let Clem curse if given the option, there's something about it I like (it's weird, I know, but I don't care). But no smoking.
I think the main traits, or phrases, i associate Clementine with are "compassionate" "family" "trust" "luck"
I wanted her to remain as "pure" as possible while not fooling myself towards the nature of the walkers.
In the end of my season 2, the most recent one I played at least, Clementine never killed a living person, although I'd argue that watching Kenny kill Jane is almost the same, in a "silent witness = assailant" kinda way.
Mostly I wanted her to show trust in people and to care about how others felt but not always at the risk of herself. I felt it a bit hard to do sometimes because I generally leaned more towards helping people than myself, which is also why I felt Jane was a dangerous influence. The point where Alvin tells her to leave Carvers office fit well though, but there was no option to try and force Alvin to come anyway.
Another one is Luke. I went to get him on the ice because I wanted to stay true to the "I'd come back for you" comment, although what he said made sense.
I completely agree with everything you have said, its exactly how i played her because as players we already know what her personality is like, so it makes sense to base a decision on what we think Clem would do, i mean thats all i did in season 1 with her being the voice of reason and all. Oh and yeah i made sure that she swore whenever possible, i mean out of the player's control she uttered "oh shit" on the bridge, so she's clearly over and beyond that "you said a swear" business that she hilariously had with Lee. She also sounds awesome when she swears
Never really understood the whole My Clementine thing, I just did what I wanted to do.
Calm, cool, and Clementine. As close as possible to Clem from S1. Super nice and ready to take action when neccasary (which is a lot). During battle QTES I try and choose the smart/crafty choice. No cursing, no drinking, no smoking, no blackmailing, and no sass (yes I still have fun). When it came to Troy and Carver she didn't take no crap from them, but I still managed not to get hurt by them. Clementine the very definition of being cool.
To each their own mate, no judgement.
This just made my day. I can't stop laughing XD
MyClem is like Tyrion Lannister.
Trying to do good, but when other people do not accept it and they send you to death (Arvo xD), then I get angry.
i didnt steal from arvo but he was a dick to me anyway lol
Clementine on All That Remains and A House Divided was superbly written to be any shade of gray you wished.
Want Clementine to bully a naïve young shut-in to giving you medicine? Done. Want Clementine to blackmail a pregnant lady and tell her husband she cheated? Go ahead. Want Clementine to tell the cabin group Kenny is a dick pitting them against him? Say no more.
The beauty of those first couple episodes was that you could have Clementine be more aggressive and it changed the perception of not only her, but also the world she was caught in. Then it slowly went downhill starting with In Harms Way.
This where Clementine has to agree with going on a very likely suicidal mission to snatch some walkies without so much as a fight or sneer of opposition. Or when asked if Clem trusts a man whose plan to escape a truck is "nah, we'll fuckin' wing it," she leans considerably in the direction of understanding from his point of view. She started becoming a passive participant to Kenny's and everyone else's dumbassary and shenanigans.
Then, came Amid the Ruins. A moment of relief, we could again push Clementine to abandon the same naïve child to a horrible fate and were allowed to rob a scrawny teen's medical supplies. It felt like Clementine could be independent and even a bit morally corrupt again... then [sigh] No Going Back.
Clementine foolishly follows Kenny's word to the ends of the earth and has no agency in any of the gangs' idiotic decisions, relegating her to a fucking prop for an emotionally bankrupt season finale. She was literally just along for the ride.
My point in all this is that I do want a slightly grey Clementine. Someone who would give you an enduring smile as fast as she would rob you or interrupt your final words to a loved one by forcibly killing them because you need to move your ass out of the dangerous walker herd. I want Clementine to be unique, not another victim.
I have to agree. Clementine was transformed from a well written child deuteragonist with opinions of her own into a blank slate for the players to project into.
It worked for Lee because he was always intended to be a player character with a multiple choice past and personality, but as for Clementine she was already a pre-established character, and turning her into a player character meant discarding everything that she said and done in Season 1, and most if all were never properly carried over seamlessly to Season 2.
I tried to select the options that I thought made the most interesting storyline, whilst still trying to give the character a clear personality. I think WD1 done this a little better than WD2. I see the character as pretty fiesty and stubborn when she felt passionately about something, but generally pretty chilled. The character is also pretty mentally strong considering her age and everything she has been through.
#YourClementine didn't choose to let her die nor did she have a clue that was going to happen. It couldn't really have been the plan to kill Bonnie, by not trying to save Luke.
#YourClementine didn't experience those things if she let Bonnie die, so that's not really an argument.
However, I played her like I played Lee, meaning I chose the options that were closest to what I would say or do in respective situations, altough that often clashed with the sweet Clementine I knew from S1.
If Clem stays with Jane and makes the family to walk away, it will mean she is not herself anymore. Whoever choose that ending is heartless.
Well...that was my ending, and it's not necessarily the most heartless of endings from what I see.
I chose to turn the family away because I was suspicious towards Randy, mainly due to his aggressive attitude and his threat towards Clementine should she refuse them. I was fooled by Vernon, and by Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo, and Kenny had let me down enough to know that I couldn't trust him anymore. By then I was tired of all the drama and I turned them away in case they had plans for me and AJ.
But your Clementine is not the same anymore, you know.
She hasn't really been the same since she was made a playable character. That's what #MyClementine was all about to begin with.
Canonically she probably would have chose the Alone ending, since I don't think she would have allowed a friend to murder someone they may not have even done.
I can see her shooting Kenny akin to her shooting the Stranger to save a life, but in a twist she will soon come to regret her decision upon finding out that Jane was in fact responsible for the confrontation by deliberately hiding AJ to get a reaction out of Kenny. Not wanting to forgive her, she leaves with AJ in her arms and abandons Jane without looking back, and find herself alone with AJ, with her trust in adult figures crushed and sets off to find a new life alone.
I hated Clem as being the protagonist. Lee shouldn't have died, he was better than Clem.
I didn't think that Clementine worked well as a protagonist either, but it could have worked with better and more consistent writers.
I don't think anyone wanted Lee to die, but his death was still one of the most emotional and dramatic end to the first season, and having him live would probably cheapen that.
MyClem is a smart and cautious person. She doesn't trust that easy. But once a person earns her trust they're family for life.