Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Probably, it was a pretty popular fanart. :D

    armis37 posted: »

    I think I know what you're talking about xD

  • I'm so popular!

    Alt text

    I see his replies twice lol. He is seriously a hacker or a god. Not really much difference between the two

  • Do you see my posts double? xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Probably, it was a pretty popular fanart.

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    armis37 posted: »

    Do you see my posts double? xD

  • Hehehehe, double-ception.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • armis is illuminati confirmed

    armis37 posted: »

    Hehehehe, double-ception.

  • edited May 2015

    I´ve actually seen a fanart of Clem riding Bigby. I wish I could find it again. D:

    I think that came out WAY more wrong than you intended it to

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I´ve actually seen a fanart of Clem riding on Bigby´s back. I wish I could find it again.

  • armis37 posted: »

    God damn it, you figured me out Wolf!

  • God damn it, you figured me out Wolf!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    armis is illuminati confirmed

  • ... oh my god I should probably edit that.

    I´ve actually seen a fanart of Clem riding Bigby. I wish I could find it again. I think that came out WAY more wrong than you intended it to

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    I´ve actually seen a fanart of Clem riding Bigby. I wish I could find it again. I think that came out WAY more wrong than you intended it to

  • That comment made my day lol

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ... oh my god I should probably edit that.

  • Same here, once he replied and it came out double posts :-:

    I see his replies twice lol. He is seriously a hacker or a god. Not really much difference between the two

  • it´s gone with the wind now.

    That comment made my day lol

  • But not on my post.

    Mine has been cleansed.

    It's actually still there 4 comments above us

  • It's actually still there 4 comments above us

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it´s gone with the wind now.

  • Alt text

    Fiona blogging, take 38.

  • ((A story about Rhys writing on his diary))

    This is Rhys' diary.

    Day something something.

    I have been on Pandora for a long time. Or a short time? Anyway, it has been a strange trip so far. After the deal got wrecked due some unfortunate accidents, me and Vaughn are now stuck with two Pandorians. Two girls named Sasha and Fiona. We have been traveling in their vehicle called the Caravan.

    Pandora is very dangerous. Everywhere there are beasts and bandits waiting to kill us. Once there was a Rakk Hive at the size of a mountain intending to stomp our vehicle. Several times, bandits attacked and assault our Caravan. We managed to drive them off of course but it is frightening every time. There is also the fact that my former firm is hunting me and what is inside my head. A Handsome Jack AI has been inside my head ever since I stuck the ID-drive into my brain. Fortunately, he is silent for not or is he secretly reading my diary?


    Anyway, despite the constant danger, I don't really feel...What's the word..? Homesick? Well, first of all, my best friend and bro, Vaughn is with me. Loader Bot, my trusty robot is on my side. I think he consider me a father figure. And here's to the girls. I think Sasha is fine. She knows how to shoot and how to fight, she practically protected me during that Death-Race thing...slaughter...meathouse something on day 1. Well, I'm glad that she is on our side. For now I hope.

    Then there is Fiona.

    She is special. She is dressed very classy. With her hat and her gun, she seems like a fine businesswoman. At least in Pandora kind of way. She has her attitude, but she didn't throw me and Vaughn out when we encounter her again back in Hollow Point. Well, actually I suggested we should go to Hollow Point and find her, because I didn't want to part away from her. We need her help to find the vault and Fiona knows her way around Pandora. I think if there is anyone I can trust to protect us, it would be Fiona.

    Regarding our little group as a whole, I think I care about them. I may have stabbed other people's backs, back in Helios station, but I have never betrayed those I consider friends. Vaughn, Loader Bot, Sasha and Fiona. These are my friends. Like a little family, we are going to take on the challenges that Pandora throws at us. Fiona is the leader of our family, she knows how to lead us and protect us.

    And hopefully in time, I will be able to protect Fiona too.


    Get off my diary! It's private!

  • In your post. :)

    It will stay here forever @_@

  • It will stay here forever @_@

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    But not on my post. Mine has been cleansed.


    He would so do that.

    Keep it up, this is awesome!

    ((A story about Rhys writing on his diary)) This is Rhys' diary. Day something something. I have been on Pandora for a long time. O

  • Thanks mate! I usually think a long time on what I should write. I don't want it to become over-the-top cheesy and romantic. I want to keep it real. I hope I did. I will otherwise try to improve.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    HANDSOME JACK, WRITING ON THIS CUPCAKE'S DIARY! He would so do that. Keep it up, this is awesome!

  • Even better

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    In your post.

  • Trust me, that´s normal. I never know what´s cheesy and what isn´t or if I should do it or not, haha. You did great, thank you for sharing!

    Thanks mate! I usually think a long time on what I should write. I don't want it to become over-the-top cheesy and romantic. I want to keep it real. I hope I did. I will otherwise try to improve.

  • I've been sitting and staring at the screen for 2 minutes until I realised what's on the screenshot.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 38.

  • At least you got it in the end. :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    I've been sitting and staring at the screen for 2 minutes until I realised what's on the screenshot.

  • Yes! Thank you, that was it!

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I´ve actually seen a fanart of Clem riding on Bigby´s back. I wish I could find it again.

  • Lovely story <3
    Rhysie better keeps his diary safe. It can be awkward if Fiona finds out and read it :p

    ((A story about Rhys writing on his diary)) This is Rhys' diary. Day something something. I have been on Pandora for a long time. O

  • Oh! Actually I'd love to see how Rhys would explain this to her.

    tessie0713 posted: »

    Lovely story Rhysie better keeps his diary safe. It can be awkward if Fiona finds out and read it

  • Their love story really would rmake for a good Disney movie. It's so beautiful.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 38.

  • I'm so dumb though. Ep1 came out like an eternity ago. :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    At least you got it in the end.

  • Alt text

    ((A story about Rhys writing on his diary)) This is Rhys' diary. Day something something. I have been on Pandora for a long time. O

  • I can just imagine the hearts in her eyes at this scene. <3

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Their love story really would rmake for a good Disney movie. It's so beautiful.

  • i dun diddly do dont get it

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 38.

  • Let´s hope episode 3 doesn´t take as long as episode 2...

    buntingsir posted: »

    I'm so dumb though. Ep1 came out like an eternity ago.

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    MichaelBP posted: »

    It would be super adorable.

  • Alt text

    It would be super adorable.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can just imagine the hearts in her eyes at this scene.

  • It´s when they´re making the deal with August.

    i dun diddly do dont get it

  • It's a fan blade. Fiona was in the vent.

    butt somethin is covering the screen

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