How long do the Walkers last?

It's been two years since the outbreak, and there are still walkers walking around. How long do they last? A normal corpse completely decays after a year. These are definitely not normal corpses, I believe. They are still somewhat alive (at least their brain is still alive). However, the starving boy looked quite weak. So maybe they get weaker if they do not eat anything for a while.

So how does it work exactly? They are motivated by an insatiable appetite. But do they actually need food?

A second question: I have never watched the movie, or read the comicbooks, so what happens when an animal gets bit? Are there any zombie cats or cows out there?


  • Only humans turn into walkers.

  • A bite would most likely kill an animal I think because it's dying that turns you into a walker not the bite, I think the bite just kills you. And only humans turn into walkers.

  • Animals can't turn into zombie, only humans do.

    edited May 2015

    They don't nourish themselves, just eat it because it's their instinct.

    Also, in the comics most of the walkers have decayed and are a really dark black without clothes (the clothes decomposed), but they themselves are still walking.

    And no, animals don't turn, and if they normally nourish on corpses then they could also probably nourish themselves on walkers, like Shiva could in the comics.

  • Kirkman said that the walkers don't have functional digestive systems, thus they eat instinctually. Eating does have a benefit for them - when they devour the victim, they lose interested in anything else - meaning if they ran out of food (like an attic boy) they would become slower and finally starve to death. Or simple die from decomposition (it would take a longer period of time though).

    There is always an option that the walkers don't need food at all, it's just the virus which created a compulsion to consume life, like rabies causing the infected animal to bite.

  • It's been even longer in the comics and the zombies are still moving about, albeit they are actually starting to decay and have mostly all formed into herds at this point.

    Since the game is in comic canon I assume that it will follow the same logic once it reaches the time period the comics are at (still a few years off).

  • animals prob just die, because an undead bite is loaded with bacteria, thats why its fatal to be bit, you get infected with all kinds of junk.

  • I think the people aren't alive anymore, but the cells are kept alive by little parasites inside of them. That way, their normal functions would die, but still maintain the ability to live.

  • Chances are the phenomena that resurrects the corpses sustains them for longer and keeps them kind of mummified so they don't break down after a few months. Plus there are always survivors knocking about which walkers inevitably pick off and "recruit."

    As for animals, they just die from the bite due to the bacteria. Bites are only intended to kill, not to turn someone into a walker. The resurrection is more of a side effect of the death, not a desired result.

  • edited May 2015


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    They don't nourish themselves, just eat it because it's their instinct. Also, in the comics most of the walkers have decayed and are a re

  • I think they just instinctively eat, but that they're are probably just super slowly rotting away. it would take months or years possibly for the corpse to rot away enough to no longer be threat...but since it doesn't matter how someone dies, there won't be shortage of walkers...for wherever there's human life the Walking Dead will be lurking in the shadows

  • That's how you say it? Thanks for the correction, didn't know that :p

    Aerie88 posted: »


  • edited May 2015


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That's how you say it? Thanks for the correction, didn't know that

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