So I Beat Season 1 and I Would Really Like Your Opinion On Something That's Bothering Me.....
First off, it's not an original response, but it's true, THIS GAME WAS AMAZING.
Now, for the most part, I'm about 90-95% happy with the choices I made, even if I did rewind a lot because I'm finicky about a few things. However, there are a few things I probably would've changed, like save Duck instead of Shawn(he was surrounded by 3 Walkers while trapped under a tractor, he seemed like he needed me more), or would've done differently had I known it was an option, like try to save Kenny from the Walkers by mercy killing Ben(I didn't think they'd BOTH die..... ;; ), or not kill the stranger(for some reason, it felt like I had to, even though I spared everyone I could up to that point), or simply even said something slightly different at the time. For the most part I really am content with the choices I made(THANK GOODNESS I DIDN'T STEAL FROM THE STRANGER'S CAR).
My main point in all this is that the version of the game I played can't transfer over it's save file to the next season or get the DLC for the first one, so I'm going to purchase the game on Steam at some point(maybe even very soon) and play through it again in a way that can be continued on. Don't worry about this though, for the first time I can recall, and possibly ever, I find myself wanting to replay a game I JUST finished(that doesn't have a new game+ or is really short), and I am MORE than happy to support the developers in anyway I can by repurchasing it.
I digress again though, what I want to know is:
Do you think it's alright to "change" a few decisions I made on my next playthrough?
It might seem like an easy yes, but the fact is that since I'll be playing it again in a way that I can transfer saves over with, this will be my true playthrough. This is the one that I'll be sticking with in the end and carry over. While for most that would be their first playthrough, for me this isn't the case. Is it alright for me to change a few things, or should I stick with the mistakes I've made along the way, which is pretty much the entire point of these games.
After writing this, I think it's a little ironic I'm being indecisive about my indecisiveness. Anyways, I'd REALLY love your input on this, thanks. ^^
P.S. Expect to see me GUSHING about this game in the future, I tend to do that with things I've thoroughly enjoyed. XD
TL;DR: See the quoted part, keeping in mind it will be my "true playthrough".
I always say stick to your choices on your first playthrough but you finished season one so go ahead and pick whatever you want
. I don't change my decisions until I beat the game.
First off, welcome to the TWD section, hope you'll stick around with us. :>
If you want to treat this game like "what would I do, if a real apocalipse happened?" I'd reccomend you to hold on to your original playthrough and choices you made intuitively, not after spending hours of thinking "what should've I done instead?" Because making tough decisions under the pressure it's a true point of this game.
However you can also be less dead serious about a game and start your second playthrough with different option and enjoy discovering things you haven't seen before. I think the majority of people here have at least a couple of different playthroughs to freely choose which one they want to continue. At the end, you can always play the game multiple times, when you'll have enough time to do so (holidays are coming though).
Yeah, that's why it's bothering me. I'll probably change a few decisions I made in Episode 5, since I (understandably) rushed through it quicker than any other episode.
There's a lot I would do the same, like I said, even some decisions that were apparently "bad", like I would still cut my arm off in a heartbeat(first thing that came to mind when I saw it actually XD I kept thinking CUT IT OFF CUT IT OFF CUT IT OFF and then was pleasantly surprised they gave me the option to).
That's a tough choice! I played through it originally on my brother's xbox 360, then I bought my own and he had done a wipe of his storage, so I had to play through again (then on through season 2), then it came out on the XB1. I played through it all again.
All that to say that I believe that your main playthrough should be the one where you made your mistakes and you have to own up to them. I tried to keep it pretty much the same the entire time (though I had to reset things because I wanted my "original" stuff). I don't use the rewind button because, again, I want to live up to my mistakes.
I..... well..... probably used that button a lot more than I should.... ^^;
You need to keep in mind, though, this game is impossible to do mistake or regret free. You MUST choose between Doug OR Carley, and you MUST go to the dairy farm.
I'm also thinking about how I'll play through S2 and 400 Days. Since I was accidentally spoilered about a few of S1's major details(pretty much if each of the main characters, including Lee, lives or dies in the end. Luckily, with the exception of Carley/Doug, I never saw exactly how or when it would happen), and I'm pretty much unspoilered completely for S2 and 400 Days, I'm probably going to do everything in one go.
Stick with your choices, your first playthrough is always the one that show who you are in these situation.
Well, the thing is, sometimes who I am in those situations isn't properly shown at times. More importantly though, the things I would change are my choices. The things I would change are what I would honestly choose. The difficult thing with this game is that sometimes what you want to do and what ends up happening are two completely different things at times, and you can't always do exactly what you would do in that situation.
The fact that I WANT to change them shows that it's what I really I wanted. To be honest, if it was really me, I would've died ages ago in a quicktime event, probably the one with the gun in the barn at the dairy. XD
In real life, you can't change the choices that you make, like it or not, there is consequence for every action.
Well then I guess I died. The end. XD
But really, keep in mind that not only am I happy with almost every decision I made, it's NOT the consequences I want to avoid. EVERYTHING has consequences.
You mean Lee, yeah there was no way for him to not die, but you play as someone else in season 2. (Not saying the name in case that you didn't start season 2)
No, I meant if it was me in real life, I would've died in a quicktime event. XD I know that his death is unavoidable, and it's also pretty obvious who you play as in season 2.
Like I said though, sometimes my actions didn't reflect what I would actually do. The crowning example of this being when it says I lied to Hershel by telling him I was looking in Clementine's house for help(what?!), so I had to change it to get that reflected properly.
Yeah your right, it happens to me a lot of times.
I'm pretty happy with many of the decisions I made, as for the decisions I would actually be changing, the ones off the top of my head I would change are:
Save Duck instead of Shawn.(He looked like he needed it more, and I thought Duck could hold out until then since his position wasn't as bad. In reality I'd do what every player would've done and gone for both. I probably would've tried to move Shawn, found out he was trapped under the tractor, something I didn't realize at first somehow, saved Duck, and rode the tractor off of him, knowing fully well it's way too heavy to push.)
Not shoot the girl on the street.(I went back and forth about this for a LONG time, despite the fact I told Carley to give that girl the gun in the first episode without hesitation. To me this situation seemed a lot different for some reason. I guess realistically I would've done what I did the first time through and shoot a few walkers before Kenny pulled me up.)
A few decisions in the final episode, I rushed through this chapter because I wanted to see the end pretty badly. I would change it so I don't lose my temper with Kenny(I always try to be calm and collected, no idea how this happened. Didn't go back to figure it out because I was rushing through and knew it wouldn't be my final playthrough), not kill the Stranger(I had no idea this was an option. Aside from mercy killing, I always go for sparing lives) and the last decision.(ESPECIALLY that unfair last decision. If it were me, I would've shot myself, but that wasn't an option. I'm still back and forth on this one).
Other than that I'm absolutely fine with every other decision I made(or at least every significant one). Would these be alright to change? The fact that I'm even asking this in the first place tells you I can be pretty indecisive. All of them seem justified in my mind except the first, which is a little iffy, but understandable due to the surprising complexity of the situation and that [whiney]I really wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ;;[/whiney]
Due to the fact that season 2 has been remarkably somehow unspoiled for me at all, I'll probably be doing everything in one go except for misunderstandings like with Hershel.
The stranger always dies if Lee doesn't kill him the stranger starts strangling Lee and Clementine shoots him to save Lee.
Yes, this is what i do.
I play my first playthrough as instinctually as i can. Then the next playthrough which will be the one i use for Season 2, i can change those small things, that bothered me in their results. Where my dialogue didn't match what i thought it would be and so on.
But no matter how many times i play these games, i find my decisions don't really change much. Just minor diversions from my original playthroughs. Good luck!
I carried on my 1st playthrough from S1 onto S2 without changing anything, that way it felt more true to how I'd react straight away to the situation. Then I did a second one from S1 which meant I had more time to think through what the best decisions were, then carried that through to my second playthrough on S2. I think it's best to play both season 1 and 2 all the way through without changing anything once, as it probably gives a better representation of your morals. Everybody's different though.
I'd say that it'd be alright for you to change some of the decisions you made :-)
True, in real life you have to own up to your mistakes, and it's a part of the WDG itself. However, since it is just a game, not everyone is dead serious about it (haha puns man, amirite?) I know that I go back after I'm done playing the whole game and switch some decisions around to see which ones I instinctively like and am okay with. And some decisions are more ambiguous than others, but it's all about your perception. So go ahead and do what you wanna do!
If you want to change it, Go nuts! There are a lot of Easter eggs in the game, and some REALLY funny conversations!
Welcome to the forums Buddy! and I suggest to steer clear of them until you finish Season 2, There are a lot of spoilers here everyday.
YES, this is EXACTLY how I feel, thank you!~
I felt a little guilty about changing things around a bit, but like I said, I'm not changing very much around, in fact probably only the things I listed above. Thanks for the feedback!~ ^w^
Yeah, my first playthrough(sans Episode 5, I was too eager to see the ending and rushed through it), was ALMOST what I wanted, only slightly off. I felt kind of guilty about changing things around, because it felt almost like I was cheating, but I am only really changing those few things, which I didn't really like. Aside from that, I tried to be as caring as possible to everyone.
I never go back on the choices I've made the first playthrough, for better or worse I remember every character as they were initially presented to me through the raw reactions and original decisions I've made.
That's just me though.
No problem Waddlededede!