Am i the only one who couldn't live with someone who killed somebody?



  • Thanks for the update. I don't read the comics.

    I think my point still stands though. The characters in the game have no idea of this, not to mention that the walkers can obviously still bite. Now they're all just going to be hidden under the snow, underfoot, waiting for someone to trip over them.

    There is absolutely no proof that Walkers cannot move in the snow or cold. Actually we have proof that they can. There actually is: I was confused why they were going North too though.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    The characters do mention it though, with them saying that the walkers get slow and Jane saying the walkers must not be cold enough yet when we see them in the snowstorm during episode 5.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Thanks for the update. I don't read the comics. I think my point still stands though. The characters in the game have no idea of this, no

  • I only meant that while they do comment on the possibility, it is an assumption on their part. The only facts they have about the state of walkers exposed to freezing temperatures is that they are still up and walking around.

    No matter how long it takes a walker to eventually freeze solid, it doesn't actually kill them. Only preserves them until they thaw, or allows them to lie in wait under the snow until someone stumbles over them.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The characters do mention it though, with them saying that the walkers get slow and Jane saying the walkers must not be cold enough yet when we see them in the snowstorm during episode 5.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Not necessarily, we had a 16 month time skip in which anything could have happened to the characters during a winter or two, so they most likely learned they get slower.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I only meant that while they do comment on the possibility, it is an assumption on their part. The only facts they have about the state of w

  • Just pointing this out, but the snowstorm in that issue I posted, being in Georgia as well, was something Clementine probably endured.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Not necessarily, we had a 16 month time skip in which anything could have happened to the characters during a winter or two, so they most likely learned they get slower.

  • No offense, but

    • anything could have happened, and

    • they most likely learned

      are just more assumptions. And this time they're yours.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Not necessarily, we had a 16 month time skip in which anything could have happened to the characters during a winter or two, so they most likely learned they get slower.

  • Am i the only one who couldn't live with someone who killed somebody?

    Proably not! I'm sure there are many other's who would have a problem living with someone who killed somebody, especially someone you cared about.

    But, consider the Idea of this being a apocalyptic world, where in most cases it is kill or be killed. Are you really going to stand on your moral high ground and move out on your own because someone killed somebody? It's your absolute choice but you may want to consider all the possible variable of being on your own in a world like this.

    I would be more concerned with someone in my group that wasn't willing to kill in order to survive. That hesitation can get us all killed.
    It's times like this when you would have to suck it up buttercup and do anything and everything to survive or you may as well just eat your own bullet because you wont be helping anyone and will surely die eventually anyways!

  • Nicely written, I couldnt say this better.

    WowMutt posted: »

    Am i the only one who couldn't live with someone who killed somebody? Proably not! I'm sure there are many other's who would have a prob

  • How can Kenny be the bad guy

    Alt text

    did you forgot that Jane left for die poor Sarah two time in a single episode

    Alt text

    JMOREL posted: »

    How can Kenny be the bad guy, did you forgot that Jane left for die poor Sarah two time in a single episode.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Actually, you can actually see walkers starting to freeze up during the snowstorm sequence when you're making your way to the rest stop. A few of them are still walking around, but are considerably slower than usual, starting to succumb to the effects. Then there's a large number of them that are almost completely frozen in place, only able to slightly move their arms and head around.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    There is absolutely no proof that Walkers cannot move in the snow or cold. Actually we have proof that they can. In fact IMO it seems lik

  • I don't understand the message that you are trying to give me.

    How can Kenny be the bad guy did you forgot that Jane left for die poor Sarah two time in a single episode

  • It is pretty self-explanatory.

    I think your post is ridiculous, Jane never left anyone behind not by her own anyway. If you choose to side with her in the trailer, Clem and Luke also fuck right off and allow her to be savagely mauled and killed so they had a part in it as well. And Sarah's second death... I mean she was the only one putting her life at risk to save Sarah, so I don't get how you came to your conclusion.

    And Kenny is quite a bad guy, between him smashing in Larry's face and then leaving Lee to die if he doesn't suck up to his demands to murder another life on a hunch and him rather beating a bound kid to death rather than warm Clementine and even sneering at her if she chooses to intervene. Kenny's actions are disgusting.

    JMOREL posted: »

    I don't understand the message that you are trying to give me.

  • disagree. Kenny is loved or hated. He is more talked about than a lot of characters in the games. Telltale obviously struck your nerve about him lol. They did a good job

    Kenny as a whole is terribly written.

  • edited May 2015

    You are right in some points, but in Sarah second death, we need to force Jane to go save her or she will not do it and don't forget that in episode 5, Jane try to push Clem to kill Kenny, of course it didn't happen in my playthrough.

    It is pretty self-explanatory. I think your post is ridiculous, Jane never left anyone behind not by her own anyway. If you choose to sid

  • But Kenny saved me, I didn't side with Lilly, NEVER.

    It is pretty self-explanatory. I think your post is ridiculous, Jane never left anyone behind not by her own anyway. If you choose to sid

  • Jane even told her to stay out of it no matter what but later she now needs her help. Fucking bitch.

    JMOREL posted: »

    You are right in some points, but in Sarah second death, we need to force Jane to go save her or she will not do it and don't forget that in episode 5, Jane try to push Clem to kill Kenny, of course it didn't happen in my playthrough.

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