Who will make a "lucky, real lucky" return for season 3?



  • Please don't

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    No I will not stop posting this! >.<

  • It wouldn't surprise me if they did it again, given how many times the TV show's done it. I'm sure we'll find out what happened to some of them anyway, dead or alive.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    No-one, end of story. Plus, with all the hype about a character returning for S3, I strongly doubt telltale will play that card again anytime soon, as it would be to predictable.

  • Maybelle the cow

  • Luke can say mermaids saved him and I won't question shit.

    Kateis posted: »

    I used to want no one back but now I only want Luke back.

  • you missed out Lilly. She is the only possible one who could return and maybe Christa. The 400 days characters definitely won't return. Their season 2 appearance was a complete and utter waste of time

  • I wouldn't question anything as long as he comes back. I just want him back Lilac! I need him to keep me sane!

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    He's alive! Ok? He's alive! He'll come back! He said he would! He said he would come back!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Luke can say mermaids saved him and I won't question shit.

  • Yeah I meant to include Lilly but forgot to. Her and Christa returning would be the ones that make the most sense, I'm not sure if they'd bring both of them back though - would seem a bit far-fetched.

    dan290786 posted: »

    you missed out Lilly. She is the only possible one who could return and maybe Christa. The 400 days characters definitely won't return. Their season 2 appearance was a complete and utter waste of time

  • i really wanted Lilly to return in S2 to see Kenny again and see how they'd react to each other. I also had hoped Christa had turned up and saw Kenny alive too. There's very little hope this will happen in season 3

    Michael21 posted: »

    Yeah I meant to include Lilly but forgot to. Her and Christa returning would be the ones that make the most sense, I'm not sure if they'd bring both of them back though - would seem a bit far-fetched.

  • I think Jane essentially took over the role that Lilly had in S1 in the sense that she was the opposing voice to Kenny. It would be interesting to see her again in S3, you'd probably be given the choice if you want to accept/forgive her or not.

    dan290786 posted: »

    i really wanted Lilly to return in S2 to see Kenny again and see how they'd react to each other. I also had hoped Christa had turned up and saw Kenny alive too. There's very little hope this will happen in season 3

  • Christa

  • I think Christa will for sure come back. I'd really like to see molly come back again. She's like a better Jane.

  • other way around. Jane is another Molly

    Suzy222 posted: »

    I think Christa will for sure come back. I'd really like to see molly come back again. She's like a better Jane.

  • I'm gonna fucking puke

    fallandir posted: »

    This guy.

  • Alt text

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    No I will not stop posting this! >.<

  • Here's some food for thought, if Luke had survived why didn't the writers have him join the group at the cabin?
    After all, the cabin and the lake were right next to each other, so what reason could the writers come up with as to why he didn't join them, one that would be logical or believable?

    Kateis posted: »

    I used to want no one back but now I only want Luke back.

  • Quite frankly, in some respects I don't care what the writers do.
    It's just a game, and as such, it's value is solely for entertainment purposes, and that's it.
    I like the game, my favorite characters in it would be Lee, Kenny, Luke, and Clementine.
    I do enjoy the game, but I don't get overly engrossed in it.

    Michael21 posted: »

    It wouldn't surprise me if they did it again, given how many times the TV show's done it. I'm sure we'll find out what happened to some of them anyway, dead or alive.

  • No one pls

  • That he was rescued by someone that didn't go to the house because I don't see any other way he can get out otherwise. So if he wasn't rescued by someone in the small time window he has then he's dead.

    Or, here's a concept. How about Luke got out (by someone rescuing him) and he attempts to go to the house but the person says it's been 3 days since they rescued him so his group is long gone? I don't know! I'm clutching at straws here!

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Here's some food for thought, if Luke had survived why didn't the writers have him join the group at the cabin? After all, the cabin and th

  • edited May 2015

    I wasn't meaning to offend you.
    I was just merely pointing out how difficult it would be to have him return for S3, as unlike Kenny in S1, Luke's death scene was not open-ended.

    On a side note, combined with haircut Luke has, do you think a mustache would look good on him?
    Kenny pulled off the mustachioed look very well.
    Do you think Luke could as well?
    If Luke did return for S3, do you think he might be shown sporting a mustache?
    I think it would better than a full beard.

    Kateis posted: »

    That he was rescued by someone that didn't go to the house because I don't see any other way he can get out otherwise. So if he wasn't rescu

  • mike and arvo!!!!

  • Don't worry, I'm not offended. :P

    And I know how hard it would be for him to return. I've been coming up with ideas since his death and I still have no logical way he can come back other than someone seeing his body and helping him within the small time window he has.

    You could say I'm in this stage of grief:

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    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I wasn't meaning to offend you. I was just merely pointing out how difficult it would be to have him return for S3, as unlike Kenny in S1,

  • I see.
    What is your opinion, in regard to the question I asked in my previous post?

    Kateis posted: »

    Don't worry, I'm not offended. :P And I know how hard it would be for him to return. I've been coming up with ideas since his death and I

  • I could see Lilly possibly returning.
    Not so sure about Christa, as her "death-scene" was a pretty open and shut case.

    MaconMajr posted: »

    and All I ask

  • Hmm, I don't know. I kind of just like his stubble but I don't think he would suit a moustache. I have another question, how in the apocalypse do some people have little facial hair while others have lots and mostly beards? Where are all the razors?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I see. What is your opinion, in regard to the question I asked in my previous post?

  • edited May 2015

    I wondered the same thing about Kenny in S1.
    In S1, Lee's beard was shown to have grown out as the season progressed, but Kenny still continued to have just his mustache.
    Either it was a design oversight, or they were trying to make each character distinctive in some way.

    Of course, if you examine homeless men, not all of them have scraggly beards.
    In fact, there is no exact description for a homeless man.
    In fact, some homeless people try to take care of their appearance to the best of their ability.
    So if you ever hear someone say: "That guy doesn't look homeless," the person making that remark is making a very serious error.
    In essence they're discriminating against the homeless.

    And honestly, if Luke was not shown with a mustache, I think a Goatee would be a good look for him.

    Kateis posted: »

    Hmm, I don't know. I kind of just like his stubble but I don't think he would suit a moustache. I have another question, how in the apocalypse do some people have little facial hair while others have lots and mostly beards? Where are all the razors?

  • Is it possible some people can't grow beards and moustaches? Because that would make sense, or maybe people are just using their knifes... that are used to kill walkers... :P

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I wondered the same thing about Kenny in S1. In S1, Lee's beard was shown to have grown out as the season progressed, but Kenny still conti

  • You can shave with a knife, though I wouldn't recommend it.
    Having shaved with a straight edge on occasion, I can tell you that it does take time to master.
    And most people don't shave like that anymore.

    Kateis posted: »

    Is it possible some people can't grow beards and moustaches? Because that would make sense, or maybe people are just using their knifes... that are used to kill walkers... :P

  • Yeah, I know. That's why I thought there would be more people with beards but I guess even in apocalypse men take care of their facial hair just like the woman seem to take care of their hair. :P

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You can shave with a knife, though I wouldn't recommend it. Having shaved with a straight edge on occasion, I can tell you that it does take time to master. And most people don't shave like that anymore.

  • edited May 2015

    Well from what I researched on cold-water drownings, people that've been under water for long periods of time without a pulse [some cases being an hour or even more] have still made a full recovery without any long lasting effects such as brain damage, however these survivors didn't just bounce back up after a few minutes; recovery can take a while and each case varies, but my guess is it would maybe take a person a day or so to recover from something like that.

    Granted this is a ZA and when you die you turn, but for that to happen I would assume the brain would have to be dead [as in no brain activity and brain cells actually dying] and in cold water like that if we're talking about realism in any of this, it would actually delay the process for a while. As of yet, we've not seen any successful CPR done on a character in the game after they've died. It was said some files on Larry hinted he might've originally made some zombie noises before Kenny smashed his head in, but since this is cut audio it can't be counted as confirmed. We do see with Arvo's case of trying to revive his sister that shortly after CPR was stopped she turned.

    But I'd have a read of this just for the sake of it being interesting:

    An Expert on Cold-Water 'drownings' says some of the Crash Victims Might Have Been Saved

    But honestly for Luke to even get out of that lake, it'd have to be from outside help and ideally within the first 30 minutes. But if you want an excuse for not showing up at the house, there are your reasons ;_; the other being he's still on ice.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Here's some food for thought, if Luke had survived why didn't the writers have him join the group at the cabin? After all, the cabin and th

  • 30 minutes!? I think we need to bring back this picture!

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    But Lilac! Even with all your research and everything, you and I both missed one huge factor.

    Luke might not be dead! And I'm not joking this time.

    You know how if you don't break the ice he sinks? Well dead bodies float and alive bodies sink. Which means Luke only passed out and isn't dead... so everyone who has said we clearly see him dead, he's just unconscious not dead!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Well from what I researched on cold-water drownings, people that've been under water for long periods of time without a pulse [some cases be

  • Well there is that, and you gotta remember that it is only a videogame, and thus the characters are gonna look however the writers want them to look.
    I only say that, as based on what I've seen on here and I mean no offensive when I say this, but some members seem to form an obsession over the game.

    Kateis posted: »

    Yeah, I know. That's why I thought there would be more people with beards but I guess even in apocalypse men take care of their facial hair just like the woman seem to take care of their hair. :P

  • Only... only a videogame...?

    but some members seem to form an obsession over the game.

    Well... I certainly have and I try to find realism as much as I can but I have greatly formed an obsession for the game and specifically Luke, soooo... yeaaah.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well there is that, and you gotta remember that it is only a videogame, and thus the characters are gonna look however the writers want them

  • Christa...and maybe Molly, unfortunely I think she is like million miles from clementine :/

  • edited May 2015

    Given this game's brilliant track record with realism, I think he has a decent shot XP

    And I can't believe you held onto that picture o.o I posted that MONTHS ago!

    Kateis posted: »

    30 minutes!? I think we need to bring back this picture! But Lilac! Even with all your research and everything, you and I both missed

  • Yep! He does, now all he has to do is use his cassanova status to persuade Telltale.

    Can't you believe? I hold on to any pictures that I can somehow associate with Luke, you should see my pictures folder

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Given this game's brilliant track record with realism, I think he has a decent shot XP And I can't believe you held onto that picture o.o I posted that MONTHS ago!

  • Lee Everett BABY.

  • I'd Say Colin Ferrell!

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    Nah, In all seriousness, Nate is due for a long Needed Return.

  • edited May 2015

    I don't want anyone to come back except Mike and Arvo. Because Kenny had more development than s2 characters. I kept him alive for season 3 because I like him and I know he is gonna die in s3. I feel like Lilly is gonna come back, I hope I will have a chance to kill her. I don't think Molly will return because I heard somewhere that she is a one-time character.

  • Winstooooooooooon!

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