Should Telltale do movies?
You know I was thinking that TWD game could actually be a pretty fun movie. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the gameplay but I could also find myself sitting back and just watching the story unfold from my couch, and not even be at the controls. What about you?
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TWD IS a interactive movie !?
A movie about Telltale - that would be awesome.
But based on the game... I think it will be very difficult to find a girl for the Clementine's role.
Telltale games are already basically movies, they have even said that their games are interactive movies I believe.
there is no one who is worthy enough ^^
Keyword "interactive". My comment was a pure movie. Meaning I pop in the dvd, and watch it without interacting.
ok, i get it
but i agree with PalomaRuso,
would be hard to find actors like Lee ,Kenny and Clementine
but the story is worth to be told
There's long YouTube videos that you can watch as movies with no commentary. Take Jurassic Park: The Game's one, which is roughly 4 hours long.
I don't quite get it. It seems like the franchise always try to make a movie out of every sucessful game. Sometimes games don't need movies, simply because you wouldn't be as emocionally involved as you was when experiencing the game yourself. Yes, I do believe some games and movies based on them could coexist, but TWD one would most likely ruin the experience for me.
I'm gonna go with maybe but not any time soon since they have enough to keep them busy.
Exactly. The thing about Telltale's games is they're like a movie, except you feel more emotionally invested in it since you're(partly) choosing what happens during the story.
No! Stick to games it's better that way.
No you don't need to find actors. I'm talking an animated movie, just like the games except you aren't playing.
I wonder how a game company would take a turn and do movies.
What makes Tellatales games so enjoyable and fun to play is that you get to create who you are and get to choose what you do, if they were to make a movie how would that turn out? In the middle of the movie 4 options show up and what ever one get's the most votes using a voting machine thingy that pops up next to your seat is the choice? Nah that wouldn't work I have had discsusions like this with my friends and that multiple times and everytime I give the same answer, It just wouldn't work
Have a good day
They're not likely to be moving into movies soon, but they are going to be trying television, and they're trying something that will make even the television show somewhat influenced by decisions.
Telltale is working on a Super Show format, where they're going to have a television series and a game set in the same universe (they're partnering with studios to handle the television side of things, but it's likely some Telltale staff will be involved in the production of the television show side in some capacity, since they're going be set in the same universe and sharing characters and settings). Not a lot has been said about it so far, but the first partner announced for the super show is Lionsgate, and it's known that in the super shows, the show and the game will interact with each other in some way (it is said that the choices made by the majority of gamers in the game portion of the super show will somehow influence the story in the television show).
No. That's a good thing too. Perhaps you haven't heard the rumor about good game = very shitty movie.
See Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Max Payne and Far Cry
I prefer the interactive element. Their games basically are like movies, but I feel the interactive element to it actually compliments the style, and helps keep the player engaged and invested. Interactivity gives it that extra kick that makes it all the more effective than a pure movie when it comes to emotional investment and immersion.
I'd Love to see One! Maybe Sam and Max or Even about this Rendition of the walking dead! They could do a lot!
Ellen Page would be perfect because Ellen Page is adorable.
Oh Yeah, Well, To be fair, those Movies were written by People who are Notorius for fucking movies up. If Telltale made it themselves, it'd turn out pretty cool.
My Only question is, They've ruined every good game out there with a shit movie, But No one has touched the best RPG type game of them all, Fallout. Maybe because they don't wanna shame themselves by fucking it up.
I agree. I'm glad they Cancelled The Fallout Movie, I would probably have burned down the Cinema if they messed it up.
They had a Fallout movie set up and was planned to launch but they instead cancelled it due to fear it would be money wasted like the previously mentioned titles. Heavy Rain also had a film adaption in the making called "Rain" with New Line Cinema however for reasons unknown it was cancelled. I'd still advise Telltale not to do it seeing as how it could be negative and a waste of money
I would love it...BUT...the voice actors don't all look like their characters so how would that work because a diff voice would turn me off. Also, we all made different decisions so some scenes may be different, unless telltale decided to go with the majority decisions from each episode.
I always been more connected with a great game over a great movie think about twd ending with Lee has a moment in a film upset you that much?
Because games have more immersion you can be part of the story and the adventure and dictate what happens making you feel part of the story as you feel like one of the characters
I feel like telltale games right now are interactive movies already tbh the story's are linear I miss twd s1 style with more gameplay making me immersed more
Nope, I don't think Telltale should do movies. I think a lot of connection that we have with characters comes from interacting with them not just watching them do their own thing.
I wish if they could only if they got the suitable cast for the movie.
He's talking about an animated movie.
i knew that runs off post
The Walking Dead would make a nice movie, but one of it's biggest points is being able to choose what happens that makes it so entertaining. They could still pull it off with The Walking Dead, and they could definitely pull it off with Sam & Max, whose games have a set storyline.
Also, to anyone saying a movie based off a video game with these would be bad, not only are they both immensely entertaining, but both didn't actually start as video games, and if I recall correctly with both of these licenses Telltale has made certain to stay completely true to the original series and vision of the creators, even having both creators work with Telltale on their respective games.