Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • You spoil my like count too much.

    Pipas posted: »

    Congratulations you guys on the 100th like! Come to think of it, I've never liked this thread. <_< >_> Fuck it, you guys deserve it. The 102nd like is mine.

  • Thank you Pipas, we really appreciate it! :D

    Pipas posted: »

    Congratulations you guys on the 100th like! Come to think of it, I've never liked this thread. <_< >_> Fuck it, you guys deserve it. The 102nd like is mine.

  • Good thing that won't have to happen, eh? ;P

    armis37 posted: »

    Just a warning - if we stop being friends, I'll make your feed show my messages 100 times! And be sure that I'll comment a lot

  • Actual undeniable evidence that the 101 dalmatians ship Rhyiona.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    101 already?! This thread is on fiiiiiiiiiiire!

  • have fun, i'm going to sleep ;_;

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  • Look at us.... 54 members and this thread has 101 likes and we are almost 100 page...and so many comments to read oh my gosh :o I'm pretty sure telltale is proud of us :3Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    101 already?! This thread is on fiiiiiiiiiiire!

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its ok, you'll change sides in good time

  • Congratulations you guys on the 100th like!

    Alt text

    Come to think of it, I've never liked this thread.



    Fuck it, you guys deserve it. The 102nd like is mine.

  • Oh my god yes.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Does every like make more Rhyiona run through your veins?

  • Never! ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Good thing that won't have to happen, eh? ;P

  • And I just liked this post too. Oops, sorry.

    Green613 posted: »

    You spoil my like count too much.

  • Does every like make more Rhyiona run through your veins?

    Green613 posted: »

    You spoil my like count too much.

  • Yeah, I think we'll definately hit 100 pages + 10k comments, beofre episode 3 comes out. The rest depends on e3's release.

    By the time episode 5 is released, this thread will be the size of these two titans, maybe even larger:

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, it depends... we can definitely reach page 100 before episode 3 but I do believe that with all this activity we can hit 10k comments too. Imagine this thread by episode 5. :P

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    xfuriouss posted: »

    have fun, i'm going to sleep ;_;

  • Bless.

    Green613 posted: »

    Oh my god yes.


    Killah posted: »

    Look at us.... 54 members and this thread has 101 likes and we are almost 100 page...and so many comments to read oh my gosh I'm pretty sure telltale is proud of us

  • Titans ain't gonna have shit on us.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, I think we'll definately hit 100 pages + 10k comments, beofre episode 3 comes out. The rest depends on e3's release. By the time episode 5 is released, this thread will be the size of these two titans, maybe even larger:


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I bet they check this. There's no way they don't.

    Green613 posted: »


  • No, they most certainly will mot. They'll look like ants, compared to this topic.

    (We gonna do this? We gonna sing SnK's theme?)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Titans ain't gonna have shit on us. SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAGER

  • edited May 2015

    They already posted on the first page so we at least now they're very aware it exists. ;P

    Green613 posted: »

    I wish we could get some confirmation V_V Any staff willing to admit?

  • I wish we could get some confirmation V_V

    Any staff willing to admit? :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I bet they check this. There's no way they don't.

  • waits for Telltale to admit they ship Rhyiona

    Green613 posted: »

    I wish we could get some confirmation V_V Any staff willing to admit?

  • I'm not sure if there is a pic that can represent how large this thread will be, by then.

    (Me neither, I was just gonna copy and paste them from a site)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This thread is already massive, imagine by episode 5. Titans are nothing. (No cause I can't speak japanese :P)

  • This thread is already massive, imagine by episode 5. Titans are nothing.

    (No cause I can't speak japanese :P)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    No, they most certainly will mot. They'll look like ants, compared to this topic. (We gonna do this? We gonna sing SnK's theme?)

  • It'll be unique, that's for sure. We've come a long way.

    (Oh... well, now I feel stupid haha)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm not sure if there is a pic that can represent how large this thread will be, by then. (Me neither, I was just gonna copy and paste them from a site)

  • I might post another story later if I have time because today is special here, we'll see.

  • They gotta check this section sometimes... can't miss it since it's always at the top of the page.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah, but do they know how fucking big it got?

  • Yeah, but do they know how fucking big it got?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    They already posted on the first page so we at least now they're very aware it exists. ;P

  • Yep, I think a picture of the Universe will be an accurate representation of the size of this thread. We sure have. Nothing can stop us.

    (No need for that. So you up for it?)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It'll be unique, that's for sure. We've come a long way. (Oh... well, now I feel stupid haha)

  • Shame that no picture can capture the whole universe. That would be perfect.

    (Fumare ta hana no namae mo shira zu ni)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, I think a picture of the Universe will be an accurate representation of the size of this thread. We sure have. Nothing can stop us. (No need for that. So you up for it?)

  • Truly a shame. It would be the best representation of this thread, by episode 5.

    (Chi ni ochita tori wa kaze wo machiwabiru)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Shame that no picture can capture the whole universe. That would be perfect. (Fumare ta hana no namae mo shira zu ni)

  • It's so majestic, that this pic is shit, when compared to it:

    Alt text

    (Ima wo kaerunowa tatakau kakugoda)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's alright, the thread is majestic on its own. (Inotta Tokoro the nani mo nai ima)

  • It's alright, the thread is majestic on its own.

    (Inotta Tokoro the nani mo nai ima)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Truly a shame. It would be the best representation of this thread, by episode 5. (Chi ni ochita tori wa kaze wo machiwabiru)

  • Rhyiona truly is amazing

    (Shikabane humikoete)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's so majestic, that this pic is shit, when compared to it: (Ima wo kaerunowa tatakau kakugoda)

  • It truly is. Nothing can compare to it.

    (Susumu ishiwo warau butayo)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhyiona truly is amazing (Shikabane humikoete)

  • Rhyiona IS love and IS life, afterall.

    "Kachiku no annei kyogi no hanei shiseru garou no jiyuu o!"

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It truly is. Nothing can compare to it. (Susumu ishiwo warau butayo)

  • It´d always been something he was curious about.

    He´d never asked because he wasn´t sure of how far into her personal life he could step into but he´d always been curious.

    Time passed since the first time they´d met and comfort came naturally. And with comfort came the questions, questions she´d started, and he wondered if this was his opportunity.

    His hand moved without his permission, tracing the contorts of her eyebrow, and Rhys was surprised at himself. He wasn´t usually this bold and for a split second he was worried how she was going to react to the sudden movement. If she was surprised, however, she didn´t show it and simply eyed him with genuinely confusion.

    "Uh... I was just- I was just wondering how you got this scar."

    He felt her eyebrow raise beneath his finger and almost drew his hand back in surprise but managed to contain himself. It was probably better to act casual, though he suspected his voice already betrayed him and threw the chance of that out the window, instead of letting it show it had been a moment of weakness.

    He was ready for a heart aching story, afraid that he poked into emotional territory that he shouldn´t, but Fiona just snorted and he felt silly not even knowing why.

    "Con gone wrong, I make a break for it, trip and hit my head and here we are."

    He didn´t mean to look disappointed (it did seem like an awful thing to think, if he stopped to think about it) but his face must of looked along the lines of that because she chuckled and swatted his hand away.

    "You know, not every scar is a battle scar. Sorry to disappoint."

    She didn´t sound angry - her expression more akin to one she was fond of using during their playful banters - but he still felt the need to clarify or he probably wouldn´t sleep that night, overthinking things.

    "No, I mean..." he scratched the back of his head, "I´ve just been wondering for a while and I was really scared to ask before that I thought it would bring up painful memories or... something, I don´t know. And then it´s just you being a klutz. It´s like... I could´ve asked this sooner, I worried for nothing."

    "Hey, I´ll have you know," she waved a finger in front of his face in mock seriousness, but the grin remained, "he was extremely dangerous and could´ve killed me if I didn´t run fast enough. I´d say that´s a pretty painful memory, thank you very much."

    He couldn´t help smiling alongside her; there was something contagious about the time this where she would let herself be genuinely happy and he found himself wanting to experience this more often. It felt natural, like a logical progression, and he was too tired to try and fight it and he wondered if she´d ever felt the same way.

    "Yeah, good thing you had a headstart otherwise he´d have caught you when you fell face first into the ground, huh?"

    "Yeah,let´s just say that even when I screw up I still do it well."

    She was joking, of course, but he felt himself tempted to agree. But he wouldn´t give her the satisfaction, not yet. Maybe in the future, if things progressed as well as they´d been so far.

    "Sure, okay."

    Fiona didn´t reply for a second, eyeing him carefully and he suddenly felt a bit exposed before she smirked lightly and poked the side of his neck with a sharp - too sharp- nail.

    "I may be a klutz," her voice was low, teasing and Rhys felt a blush creeping up on his face, "but I bet you cried when you got this tattoo done."

    "Oh, come on!"


    For @Janek95 who gave me this wonderful prompt. Thank you!

  • Wonderful as always

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It´d always been something he was curious about. He´d never asked because he wasn´t sure of how far into her personal life he could step

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