Would you kill Ludd if.....

You were under guest right? We all know that violating guest right makes you cursed in the eyes of the gods. Say you were at Highpoint and bread and salt had been served and you were given the option to kill him, would you? I think it would be a really interesting choice. It would look something like... [Kill Ludd] [Be Cursed]

I wouldn't kill him. What would you do?


  • What do you mean be cursed?

  • No I wouldn't kill him no matter the circumstances I'm not big on revenge usually I do everything I can to keep everyone alive no matter how much I hate them.

  • I fookin hate bread and salt!

  • well, it doesn't mean we can't sabotage his house and bone his daughter(s)

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  • Curse be damned

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  • edited May 2015

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    (But, in all honesty, I'd wouldn't kill him while under guess right. That'd be too easy and it'd start more problems. Walder Frey and Roose Bolton broke that rule because they were cowards. But Rodrik is better than that.)

  • I'd kill him

  • I kill them if I don't get my bread and salt

  • Fook them in their arses

  • Nope. I wouldn't.

    I respect tradition. And I'm not going to stoop to Walder Frey's level and attack The Whitehills after I accepted their bread and salt. But, don't get me wrong; I would love to kill Ludd at Highpoint. But, if I take the bread and salt, I will not even dare.

  • Nah.

    It's not always easy to keep track of that, but more Freys died due to reprisals for the Red Wedding than at any other point before their defection to the Lannisters.

    Curses are tricky like that.

  • Ludd Whitehill can enjoy a tasty pie made from Gryff after he's had his fooking bread and salt.

    I find that topics like these ones are best answered by asking, "What would Wyman Manderly do?"

  • Kill him for all of his lies.

  • The reason everyone hates the Freys is because it's a set-in-stone tradition that if a host serves his guests bread and salt, then they are welcome under his roof by decree of both the Seven and the Old Gods. If you breach that, you are considered a moral abomination, and Mr. or Mrs. Karma is gonna come knocking at your door with an executioner's axe sooner or later.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What do you mean be cursed?

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