Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Thanks! All I need now is a Profile Pic. If anyone has time donations are appreciated :P

    Pipas posted: »

    All who ship Rhysha are accepted! Welcome aboard, bigdogg!

  • Just wait till @GrumpyDof comes online, I'm sure he'll help you with that. :)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Thanks! All I need now is a Profile Pic. If anyone has time donations are appreciated :P

  • Sounds like a plan. I dont need anything complex (for GrumpyDof if/when they read this) I just want a light blue Rhysha under a background of your choice. Thanks so much

    Pipas posted: »

    Just wait till @GrumpyDof comes online, I'm sure he'll help you with that.

  • Poogs was right, there is more unused conversation between Sasha and Rhys about her Atlas Silver (to my knowledge only the first few lines were used if you kept your shoe and went to Hollow Point first, then talked to Sasha at Old Haven). I missed it because I couldn't put together the disjointed audio files, but someone else on tumblr uploaded them.

    Here's the conversation if you let Sasha borrow the stun baton

    Here's the conversation if you didn't let Sasha borrow the stun baton

  • I like Poogs, despite being a Rhyiona shipper he always is willing to be nice and even help us Rhysha shippers.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Poogs was right, there is more unused conversation between Sasha and Rhys about her Atlas Silver (to my knowledge only the first few lines w

  • edited May 2015

    More like the resistance ! Vault hunters against the Rhyiona corporation ;)


    Pipas posted: »

    By position, you mean ranks? Because if so, we need to establish what are we exactly. A royal house? Mafia family? Or just random Pandorans? Throw some ideas at me, guys!

  • Welcome to great Rhysha.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I ship Rhysha and I would like to join the Rhysha army! (I may look like a forum noob but I know whats goin on around here ^_^)

  • Goddammit Telltale, stop removing these awesome lines.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Poogs was right, there is more unused conversation between Sasha and Rhys about her Atlas Silver (to my knowledge only the first few lines w

  • <3

    There was actually alot of unused Sasha lines in ep 2, such as Fiona and Sasha talking about where they wanted to live with Sasha saying she wanted to live in "Bandit Cove" (if I remember correctly, wherever the place the Captain Scarlet Dlc took place.) and that she would live in a palace made of ice cream with servants to rub her feet. Also the Caravan chase was alot more heated, with Rhys and Vaughn trying to get Sasha to give Rhys the wheel, with Sasha not knowing where to go but not giving Rhys it. Also, it looked like Sasha could have drove the Caravan the whole time and not Rhys at all.

    I'll find the ones of Sasha driving the Caravan the whole time and her talking about where she would live and upload them here aswell

    I like Poogs, despite being a Rhyiona shipper he always is willing to be nice and even help us Rhysha shippers.

  • Rhys and Fiona had better ones removed :(

    Goddammit Telltale, stop removing these awesome lines.

  • edited May 2015

    Here I found the lines of Sasha driving the Caravan the whole time, still looking for her saying where she'd want to live.

  • Thanks! I feel like I belong here after looking at the Rhyiona thread. They think they are superior but its obvious Rhysha is the top ship.

    Welcome to great Rhysha.

  • So much sass.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Poogs was right, there is more unused conversation between Sasha and Rhys about her Atlas Silver (to my knowledge only the first few lines w

  • edited May 2015
  • Fair enough, but what ranks do they have? :D

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    More like the resistance ! Vault hunters against the Rhyiona corporation Resistance

  • You're the administration here my dear, this is your job !

    Pipas posted: »

    Fair enough, but what ranks do they have?

  • That was awesome! Thanks Poogers

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was actually alot of unused Sasha lines in ep 2, such as Fiona and Sasha talking about where they wanted to live with Sasha saying she

  • Was she sarcastic when she said that? Because if not, that's almost Butt Stallion-tier indulgence.

    Dream big, I guess.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was actually alot of unused Sasha lines in ep 2, such as Fiona and Sasha talking about where they wanted to live with Sasha saying she

  • edited May 2015

    I'm still squealing from the cuteness of this extended dialogue between Rhys and Sasha

    Alt text

  • Trying to figure out gravitar real quick. Excuse the current avatar. ._.

  • Same here lol. They better be saving something for ep. 3 or 4 because this scrapped dialogue and such sounds interesting

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm still squealing from the cuteness of this extended dialogue between Rhys and Sasha

  • put his gun down

    Oh okay.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Trying to figure out gravitar real quick. Excuse the current avatar. ._.

  • It says I need a hash. Whats that mean? Maybe I'm a bit of a noob

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    put his gun down Oh okay.

  • I've no idea... You just need to create an account and link it to Telltale if i remember.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    It says I need a hash. Whats that mean? Maybe I'm a bit of a noob

  • Nope

    The-Qing posted: »

    Was she sarcastic when she said that? Because if not, that's almost Butt Stallion-tier indulgence. Dream big, I guess.

  • If I was a girl I would squeal too but since I'm a guy I will just say that I'm quite pleased with that dialogue

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm still squealing from the cuteness of this extended dialogue between Rhys and Sasha

  • Rhyiona corporation heh great one grumpy look like we now defenietly need something pandoran now

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    More like the resistance ! Vault hunters against the Rhyiona corporation Resistance

  • Awwww, that just makes it cute then.

    Real hard sifting through all these audio files. Hope I can find it.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • God, I really hope something happens between them in Ep3.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm still squealing from the cuteness of this extended dialogue between Rhys and Sasha

  • edited May 2015
    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Trying to figure out gravitar real quick. Excuse the current avatar. ._.

  • Alt text

    Okay, I'll think of something...

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    You're the administration here my dear, this is your job !

  • So many removed lines. ;_;

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I'm still squealing from the cuteness of this extended dialogue between Rhys and Sasha

  • I agree they really have to try to not ship those two....

    Pipas posted: »

    So many removed lines. ;_;

  • Goddammit Telltale!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I agree they really have to try to not ship those two....

  • Sasha calling Rhys an asshole is cute?

    The-Qing posted: »

    Awwww, that just makes it cute then. Real hard sifting through all these audio files. Hope I can find it.

  • edited May 2015

    So, you guys hyped for ep 3 to start with Rhyiona again :o

  • Dude wait for the actual episode to re-ignite the shipping war. But those audio logs seems promising, but not for Rhyiona it won't happen like never ever, So joing us Poogers

    Alt text

  • The amount of cut Rhyiona lines and the few episode 3 lines should make you want to join Rhyiona, amrit? ;3

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Dude wait for the actual episode to re-ignite the shipping war. But those audio logs seems promising, but not for Rhyiona it won't happen like never ever, So joing us Poogers

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited May 2015

    It's quite obvious that Rhys and Fiona would have more lines than him and Sasha, main characters after all. Besides in the beginning most of the forum with with exceptions where Rhysha...then the great schism came.... I bet you shipped Rhysha at the beginning too.

    Also this awesome thread should

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The amount of cut Rhyiona lines and the few episode 3 lines should make you want to join Rhyiona, amrit? ;3

  • Nope, you look back at those original shipping threads, I always said Rhys and Fiona ;3

    Leluch123 posted: »

    It's quite obvious that Rhys and Fiona would have more lines than him and Sasha, main characters after all. Besides in the beginning most of

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