Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • I've seen this great song, but does anyone win? XD

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Rhysha versus Rhyiona ?

  • Everyone is a winner, because hopefully Telltale will let everyone be happy ;-;

    I've seen this great song, but does anyone win? XD

  • I'm gonna need to check my comic if it's good or awful. Who is volunteer? Beware you'll be spoil of the surprise of course.

  • I'll volunteer, dude.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'm gonna need to check my comic if it's good or awful. Who is volunteer? Beware you'll be spoil of the surprise of course.

  • That's right, and I'm here to stop the Rhyionans from using the infinity stone to wipe out all other ships. Who's going to join me?!


    StarLord ships Rhysha confirmed. StarLord is in the MCU. You know who else is in the MCU? That's right, genius playboy billionaire

  • Grumpy, you should look after your things more. :P

    Here you go.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    How old are you ? Where's my poll ? I did a poll, gimme my poll ! (when i think about it, this question is weird...but it's not i promise)

  • Maybe we should keep that for a graphic. With the nationality too.

    Pipas posted: »

    Grumpy, you should look after your things more. :P Here you go.

  • edited May 2015

    I'm 16 and it's not weird, don't worry about it. :)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    How old are you ? Where's my poll ? I did a poll, gimme my poll ! (when i think about it, this question is weird...but it's not i promise)

  • That was pretty sweet and thanks for that vocaroo link to those audio files. Enjoyed 'em.

    Still, was kinda hoping that Jack would stick around long enough to see Athena come onto the scene given their past history.

    For example,

    Jack: (seeing Athena knock down Kroger) That shield...holy shit. It's the Gladiator! She's here to save your worthless lives! (after she says that 'They're mine') Whoops. Looks like she's actually here to END your worthless lives. Tough luck, dude.

    It's understandable though. Jack's such an obnoxious presence that his quips would probably cause the chapter to swell in its efforts to incorporate them all. I mean, I just entertained the idea of him still being on during the chase and the put-downs just came flooding out.

    Jack: Duck, chump.

    Rhys: AUGH! (ducks his head, narrowly avoiding Athena's shield)

    Jack: (chuckles) Ahaha, nice to see Athena hasn't lost the knack.

    Rhys: Athena?!

    Sasha: Yes, Rhys. It's Athena. A legendary Atlas thug is trying to kill us. So keep moving!

    Rhys: Oh yeah, yeah. I was totally talking to you. Heh. (whispering to Jack) The Vault Hunter you hired for the Elpis job?

    Jack: That's her. We're old butt buddies, she and I.

    Rhys: Butt buddies? But the files said-.

    Jack: It's a figure of speech, doofus...Hang on a tic, wh-why do you know about that? I mean, I didn't make her involvement in what went down up there a secret, but she was sort of a weeeeeeeeny-teensy footnote when I made a record of it. Much less what team she played for.

    Rhys: Well, I think it's important to read up on idol so you can emulate their success, right? It's not weird or anything.

    Jack: I didn't say it was weird. You're acting kind of defensive here, Rhys. Anything I should know about? Am I in a 'Misery' situation by any chance?

    Rhys: Defensive? Me? No-no. A-and that's not important right now. You should be looking out for-(shield whizzes past his cheek, nearly grazing it)-ahhhh!

    Jack: Yeesh, didn't see that one coming. Flash of blindness brought about by an overwhelming sense of curiosity. Might make me not see the next toss either.

    Rhys: okay-okay. I might have a few posters of you in my office. Purely motivational SFW things, y'know? And there's this commemorative coin collection I won off of or two fan-.

    Jack: All right, curiosity's dead, disemboweled by abject disgust. Move those feet, man. And don't look me in the eye for the next few minutes.


    Jack: (after they split up from Sasha) You know, if she's back to bounty hunting, Athena's probably going after the con artist chick. So maybe we let the two of them sort this out on their own? Double back to the garage? Jack the caravan? Maybe slit the throat of my ex's I'm getting a "probably" vibe from you right now.

    Jack: (after a near miss) I really don't understand why she stopped that guy from shooting the two of you. She's trying to mudrer you now, so the bounty's probably a DOA thing if not a "Kill on Sight" jam. Now from a semi-hypothetical standpoint, if it had been me, I would've let those two bad haircuts kill you guys, then kill them while they were busy picking up your corpses, and then turn all four of you in for bonus big cash money.

    Jack: (after Loader Bot tosses Athena) Why can't that ever happen to Vault Hunters I hate? Like Mean Grey or that boozed-up bird-banger?

    Then there's

    Jack: (during the confrontation at Scooter's Catch a Ride with Springs as Athena enters) Have fun talking your way out of this one, kid. I'm going to have a little fun with one of the most humorless killjoys on this rock. (proceeds to abuse invisible, phasing nature to do a bunch of rude gestures on or around Athena including wet willies, bunny ears, shadow boxing, and "got your nose")

    Athena: (noticing that Rhys is trying very hard to suppress a smirk) What's so funny?

    Rhys: F-funny? No, there's nothing funny-it's just-(takes a long hard look at Jack. His face brightens) She said that your name is Athena. You wouldn't happened to be Athena the Gladiator?

    Athena: (sternly) So what if I am?

    Rhys: (mock gasp) ohmigosh, I am such a big fan. (yanks a perplexed Sasha to his side) WE are such big fans. Isn't that right, Sasha?

    Sasha: T-totally. We're huge fans. Enormous fans! So enormous that w-we were nearly speechless in your presence. That is the extent of our adoration.

    Springs: Oh that's so sweet. Isn't that sweet, Athena? You have a little fan club!

    Athena: Yes...that is...sweet. What are the odds?

    Springs: It's a lovely coincidence to be sure.

    Rhys: You said it. Crazy coincidence. We didn't track you here. Especially since you guys are obviously trying to lay low. Cause that'd make for some weird fans, right?

    Jack: (as he's "gouging out" Athena's eyes and kicking her in the rear) You'd definitely know a thing or two about that.

    Rhys: (scowls in his direction...but it's also Athena's direction, so she scowls back at him) Ahehe...

    Sasha: (semi-nervously) Ahahahahaha.

    Scooter: (joining in) It's funny because usually people aren't this lucky!

    Sasha: Right. Lucky. Um, before we go, mind if have your autograph?

    Jack: (as Athena begrudgingly gives Sasha her autograph) Hmph. Nice closer.

    Rhys: (muttering) It was my idea...

    Followed by

    Jack: (if Sasha takes Athena's shield) Mmm, this plate sure does bring back memories. (sighs) Always wanted to take a dump on it. RHYS! Get on this thing when you feel the URGE!

    Sorry, just had to get this all out. Hope some of you find it entertaining to some extent.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Thank you guys for liking the fic! The Switch Part 3 - Wanted “You’re really gonna turn down a dead man’s final gift to you?” aske

  • Haha Sasha will definitely give Rhys a pair of good-bad-ass looking socks and he is gonna give her a pretty cool hyperion weapon so she can smash the enemies with style ;)

    RHYSHA QUESTION What would they get each other for their birthdays? (aside from wild fronking, I'm looking at you Carley)

  • edited May 2015

    Haha yeah I was considering doing that but I have never played the pre sequel so I wasn't really sure what jack and Athena's relationship was like or how he'd react, plus I'm not sure yet how jack's AI mechanics work during a chase scene. It seems like he always disappears right before Rhys has to run away from something to avoid doing any work himself.
    But thank you for the addition!

    The-Qing posted: »

    That was pretty sweet and thanks for that vocaroo link to those audio files. Enjoyed 'em. Still, was kinda hoping that Jack would stick a

  • What have you done?

  • edited May 2015

    Look at it! Take it in! Accept it!

    What have you done?

  • What the hell dude?

  • Alt text

    Look at what you did! You scared the poor guy and made him scratch up my face!

  • Look what you did....this is my last Sasha photo I kept it in case of emergency....

    Alt text

  • Nice one :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Look what you did....this is my last Sasha photo I kept it in case of emergency....

  • And the last one unfortunetly, my wheel is as dry as dessert. And I don't feel like reposting previous images with few more effects sigh....I guess we need to think of some other form of praising Rhysha

    armis37 posted: »

    Nice one

  • Well, it seems like Ep. 3 is coming soon, so maybe we'll have new content soon enough :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    And the last one unfortunetly, my wheel is as dry as dessert. And I don't feel like reposting previous images with few more effects sigh....I guess we need to think of some other form of praising Rhysha

  • Please don't use the S-word, but yeah some new sources will be available but I guess we can only go so far on pics. I now lack time to do any video, I have few idea but they would take time to pull. Maybe we should think of some game we can play here

    armis37 posted: »

    Well, it seems like Ep. 3 is coming soon, so maybe we'll have new content soon enough

  • So, guys. I've recently decided to FINALLY download Source FilmMaker, and this is the work in progress at the moment.

    Unfortunately, I can't find a Rhys model yet. So this will have to do for now.

    Alt text

  • Throws Rhysha at you

    Alt text

  • Also I had to sketch some more things because of that damn link with the freaking Rhysha lines (that was probably way back somewhere, but goddammit) (beware, very quick sketchies)

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Throws Rhysha at you

  • 11/10

    Also I had to sketch some more things because of that damn link with the freaking Rhysha lines (that was probably way back somewhere, but goddammit) (beware, very quick sketchies)

  • The comic is coming guys ! give me 3 days ! maybe 4. Or 5. Uuuuuuhhh...

  • Looking forward to it.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    The comic is coming guys ! give me 3 days ! maybe 4. Or 5. Uuuuuuhhh...

  • He's a pretty cool dude in the Pre-Sequels. Still a bit of a jerk considering it's still set after he puts Angel in the Core, but he's much nicer and more genuinely benevolent. Then he goes insane.

    Check here for a quick summation of his arc/flaming fall from grace/descent into powermadness:

    As for how that whole high speed thing would go down: He'd run at first. Then when he gets (instantly) fed up with that, he'll realize he can kind of float/fly.

    Like some kind of jack-ass Peter Pan.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Haha yeah I was considering doing that but I have never played the pre sequel so I wasn't really sure what jack and Athena's relationship wa

  • Hahaha, nice! :D

    Also I had to sketch some more things because of that damn link with the freaking Rhysha lines (that was probably way back somewhere, but goddammit) (beware, very quick sketchies)

  • Great work, Carley!

    Alt text

    So, guys. I've recently decided to FINALLY download Source FilmMaker, and this is the work in progress at the moment. Unfortunately, I can't find a Rhys model yet. So this will have to do for now.

  • Soon...

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    The comic is coming guys ! give me 3 days ! maybe 4. Or 5. Uuuuuuhhh...

  • Well welcome to SFM the place where we pose models anyway we like because we can,i have no idea how to animate in sfm but i use it mainly for posters/backgrounds, you can make some amazing stuff once u get used to it, i look forward to seeing your work.

    Alt text

    So, guys. I've recently decided to FINALLY download Source FilmMaker, and this is the work in progress at the moment. Unfortunately, I can't find a Rhys model yet. So this will have to do for now.

  • Awesome work lepa!

    Also I had to sketch some more things because of that damn link with the freaking Rhysha lines (that was probably way back somewhere, but goddammit) (beware, very quick sketchies)

  • Nicely done Carley, it looks like your skill evolved

    So, guys. I've recently decided to FINALLY download Source FilmMaker, and this is the work in progress at the moment. Unfortunately, I can't find a Rhys model yet. So this will have to do for now.

  • Thank you :3

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Awesome work lepa!

  • Why Rhys is holding a book ? if it's 50 shades of Rhyiona, i'm gonna be so mad...

    Thank you

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