what the end you choose at season 2
hi guys
what the end you choose at the end of the season 2 , and why ?
i choose kenny and i stay at willngton with A.J
cuz of it my purpose first and i think about A.J, but i were very sorry about kenny im thinking to join him
(just for chating)
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My original ending was Clem, AJ and Jane plus the family. I chose to stay with Jane so Clem and AJ wouldn't be alone, but I didn't forgive Jane for what she did.
I don't know if I'll stick with my ending for season 3 though, because I don't like it. :c
I stayed in Wellington with AJ. To me, Wellington had always been an end goal, ever since Christa mentioned it in Episode 1. It felt like the right way to end my story, and it echoed my finale decision from Season 1 when I told Clementine to leave Lee (like she's leaving Kenny). It was also probably the best thing for AJ.
My first ending was actually with Jane and the family, but it didn't sit right with me and didn't resolve any of the plotlines I thought were important, so I replayed.
Left both of the living menstruations behind deader than I found them and roamed the zombie infested wastes as a prophet with the anti-Christ AJ at my side forever suffering the torment of the writers' plot-device.
I'm with Kenny and AJ and not at Wellington in my original play through, but I'm using the other save slots for the alone ending, at Wellington, and with Jane and the family.
With Jane, AJ, Randy, Patricia and Gil.
Shot Kenny, then left Jane - didn't trust her at all.
Jane made me kill Kenny to prove what? Couldn't stand her bullshit attitude anymore, so I left with AJ.
Kenny lives, but my Clementine is in Wellington. Maybe they'll have toilet paper in there.
I stayed with Kenny. I had no regrets killing Jane.
That´s nice.
Your Clementine is not herself anymore. You happy?
Only with Jane and AJ.
My ending is my ending, not yours. So I don´t know why you´re so upset over what I did in my own game.
Sorry I just....nevermind
Killed Jane, which I really regretted till I realised she hid the baby, and then I couldn't leave Kenny at Wellington
Throughout the season I sided with the cabin group, then when they were gone, I decided I would go with Jane, because this would be in keeping with my first playthrough where Lee was pals with Lilly, But as soon as I realised what a selfish bitch Jane was I opted to go it alone. This was my gut reaction to the episode.
With Jane, and AJ. Although I wanted to let the family in, so our group can grow in numbers, not to mention they looked pretty harmless. I just couldn't, too risky.
Nope, didn't know that. Care to explain why you think it's a heartless ending?
Why? Why,why,why,why,why? Did Clementine have to be so cold and bitch (I know it sounds harsh but seriously) to a starved family?
Consider what she had just went through. Lost a lot of people she considered family, and was shot after lowering her weapon. Who wouldn't have their guard up?
I don't trust Randy especially but I distrust Jane more than his family.