Be honest...which parts in this game made you cry?



  • edited May 2015

    What they should really focus on to make the game so emotional when someone dies is MUSIC!

    They should really make some music and camera angles and everybody in the game would just SHUT UP and their faces would show shock towards the death!

    We don't cry ( I only cried when Lee) because there is no MUSIC, everybody talks while someone dies for some reason which makes us focus on them and forget the character dying, and everything happens too fast, add some slow motion or something Telltale!

    They should really focus on their work when they want a character to die!

  • What do you mean by everyone talking?

    Also, sometimes having no music can actually have a positive effect- it is an apocalypse after all, and having no music helps convey the bleakness and hopeless of a situation, and it shows the player just how brutal this new world is were no one is safe, and there are no heroes or villains. Only survivors and the dead.

    What they should really focus on to make the game so emotional when someone dies is MUSIC! They should really make some music and camera

  • Well yeah but it is a game after all and having no music all the time isn't positive it won't give you feels.

    And I mean when someone dies everybody is like noo and ahh it is true to say that but every single time when someone dies they scream and shout, I just want to see resemblance of shock on their face and a moment of silence with some touching music!

    What do you mean by everyone talking? Also, sometimes having no music can actually have a positive effect- it is an apocalypse after all,

  • i cried when clementine was shot + the whole lee dream sequence.

  • "Skipping stones. Braiding hair."

    Gave me the biggest knot in my stomach. Although I never cried during seasons 1 and 2, this came pretty close. Good song to end the season.

  • Honesly nothing made me cry from either Season One or Season Two. It moved me but it wasn't enough to reduce me to tears.

    I'm just someone who pretty much never cries unless I'm cutting onions.

  • Actually, I tend to get annoyed when the music gets over-dramatic - it comes across as compensating for bad writing/acting/direction. This is particularly apparent when Kenny 2.0 dies.

    Well yeah but it is a game after all and having no music all the time isn't positive it won't give you feels. And I mean when someone die

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    If you're talking smack about the track I think you're talking about, then I am ready to THROW DOWN

    ...the peaceful suggestion that we agree to disagree on the matter

    Bokor posted: »

    Actually, I tend to get annoyed when the music gets over-dramatic - it comes across as compensating for bad writing/acting/direction. This is particularly apparent when Kenny 2.0 dies.

  • I think it might be sad if I associated it with a different character.

    We can all agree that Alive Inside is made poignant because it's forever associated with Lee's death.

    Deltino posted: »

    If you're talking smack about the track I think you're talking about, then I am ready to THROW DOWN ...the peaceful suggestion that we agree to disagree on the matter

  • Season 1

    Mark's Death: I felt a real Connection to Mark, seeing Him go was awful.

    The Locker: I made a thread about why it made me cry.

    Doug's Death: I think the words that came to mind during that scene were... None. I was silent, until I began sobbing.

    Lee Vs Kenny: This was absolute torture, Out of fear for a game over, I was the one to win the fight, and it felt Awful.

    Kenny's Sacrifice for Christa: Truly powerful Moment, I loved both of them, and seeing that was just... Ugh...

    Lee and The strangers Conversation: In every other huge moment, We've seen Music and Lee's friends during the scene, But the Missing Music, The Serious talking, Clem's absense, and No one was around, I slowly began to realize that Lee's journey ended here, Making me cry before the sad parts even began.

    Season 2

    Not much.

  • (S2) Kenny and his bullshit.

    I think I nearly cried in torture whenever I have to talk to him in Episode 3, 4 & 5.

  • I have to admit the season 1 ending made me cry and the ending credits song didn't help.

  • I teared up at the end of S1...and although it's not my main playthrough, I actually started balling when I chose to shoot Kenny and save Jane. Having Kenny tell Clem she made the right choice and how he's been asking to die but not that he his he's scared....after I did that playthrough, that solidified for me that saving Kenny was the right choice

  • Well my nephew was on a huge frozen kick, so i would see that movie on the TV all the time, so when i saw that scene where he is in the water, it reminded me of that Disney FIlm.

    Yea, that counts Seriously though, his death was so dumb it was laughable, though I was more shocked and then later annoyed rather than amused.

  • No not just then, I loved the part When Reggie Died, that was hilarious, I made a joke to myself, and said in my mind "Watch your Step." Oh you took a tumble, you got all sticky now, now get up and wash off the dirt on your face. Come on Reggie, you can do it. He must be sleeping...

    I laughed SO HARD when Reggie Died, It was good.

    I also loved the part when Troy said. "Everything Come out OK Girls." I wasn't expecting that, and i fell out of my chair with amusement.

    I remember Carlos had a good line, but i can't remember what it is now.

    Just then? Surely not. At reggies death i had to pause the game I was laughing so much

  • Season 1's ending, and I even read a spoiler about it in a magazine (and I am those NO SPOILERS GODDAMMIT! people.) It was just so emotional... it's how I found several Let's Players I watch now because I wanted to see if it impacted anyone else the same way. Obviously they did.

  • As I said before nothing made me cry except Lee dying, nothing touched me so hard. :/

  • I didn't cry at any part.

  • edited May 2015

    Didn't cry in S1, althought i got a bit choked up at the Jewelry.

    Came close to it at Lee's flashback:

    What can i tell you to make it better?

    That you wont leave me...

    And then lost it at Kenny trying to convince Clem to stay at Wellington. I still don't know why , but it gets me everytime.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    I didn't cry at any part.

  • Nothing.

    Got super angry at Season 2's bullshit though.

  • edited May 2015

    Every time i play, these scenes always get to me:

    • Duck & Katja's death
    • Lee's death, both choices (obviously)
    • Sam's suffering (i feel so horrible after both choices)
    • the Kenny ending
  • Doug's death.

    Lee's death.

    Omid's death.

    Sarah's death.

    The Lee flashback.

    And,A.J.'s fake out death.

  • 1- Lee's Death
    2- Kenny's choice on making Clem stay in Wellington
    3- When Clem met with Kenny after 2 Years.(Tears of Joy)

  • Lee dying, but the theme with it made it more poignant.

  • I cried when Lee died and when I shot Kenny. It was so sad, but Kenny had done so many awful things and had so many awful things happen to him, I thought it was his time ;o;

  • None, the only time I actually remember crying at a show/movie/game is when E.T had to leave. The ending of Season 1 and the Lee flashback were very very emotional though.

  • The only part of the game that made me get a little tight in the throat, was S1-E5, after Lee died.
    And I did feel sorry when it looked like Kenny got killed in the alley.
    Other than that, none of the scenes from Season 1 and 2 had that effect on me.
    In all honesty, I don't really get choked up by games and movies.

    And on a side note, and I know that in the past I've stated this before, but I still wish Lee had survived to S2, and still been the playable character.
    The things the writers had Clementine doing, and the weight her words carried with the other characters, in my opinion was stretching reality quite a bit.
    But then again, so does a videogame about a zombie apocalypse, lol!

  • I feel like such a crybaby saying this, but I bawled when Lee died in Season 1 and I instantly start crying whenever I see anything about him since. The flashback to Clem and Lee in the RV during Season 2 after Clem gets such tears me to pieces--a part of me was kind of just hoping the entire game up until that point had been Clem dream during the RV trip...but it wasn't lol.

    I also cried when I shot Kenny at the end of Season 2...I didn't want to, but I couldn't let him kill Jane.

    As for the show, I don't remember too much, but I think I cried when Shane, Lori, and Hershel died.

  • Lee's death and the Wellington ending were the most tear jerking moments for me.

  • I cried during the first three times of playing the end of the last episode of first season. In my later playthroughs it just made me extremely sad. I was close to crying when I found Nick's body and when Katja and Duck died. I didn't cry at the end of second season, but later, while watching endings where Kenny is dead or left alone I cried like a little bitch and just couldn't stop. Seriously, I have never cried that hard over something fictional in my whole life.

  • edited June 2015

    I never cried. But Ben's death hit me hard. ( I don't even know why) His death still haunts me to this date. He was the only survivor of a 40 something group. And now there was nothing left of it.

  • Luke's death, not gonna lie.

  • When Clementine started crying Lee looked like he was smiling...

    I was more confused than sad at first, but then on the second time I got a bit misty eyed.

  • I'm not being sarcastic one drop when I say this. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has seriously made me tear up (in a good way) more than this game....

  • The short episodes made me cry. Compared to season 1 the game length was half at best. I'm not a fan of this new TTG max game length of 90 mins.

  • I cried for about half an hour when carley died and didn't play the game for about a week after that. I cried a little when katjaa died but I was kinda laughing as well I don't know why. Cried when Lee died,I was upset when Sarah died but that was just cuase I like the pairing clarah. Its weird that I cried so much,I usually don't, I laughed when Doug died tho.

  • The first part that tore me to shreds was the lead up to lee's death, after that I was a downhill roller coaster :'(

    For most of S2 I was an emotional wreak and when Clem's flashback happened I broke down <3 I have such high expectations for S3 that I can't wait to see how they play off each of the endings, I chose Kenny's ending :')

    The entire game I was just like:

    Alt text

  • Kenny and Clementine walking away together. Best ending :')

  • Season1: Lee's death (I teared up a bit)

    Season2: Lee flashback (I cried)

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