Be honest...which parts in this game made you cry?
I like to think that I can be quite tough (doing martial arts and all), but I have a tendency to cry at some of the smallest things, even with films that aren't intended to be sad. So just imagine the results when I'm faced with a moment that is meant to be genuinely heart breaking. I had believed that crying at a video game was "sad" and stupid, but games such as the Walking Dead cripple me just as much as any good film, and I just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one
In S1 there were some shocking moments, like when Katja shot herself, but it was only the final episode that actually moved me to tears. Lee dying was just too much for me. I'd known he would die anyway and thought I'd got over the shock of him getting bit, but then when it actually came to it I was in bits.
In S2 it was pretty much the same story: I felt rubbish when Omid died and was overjoyed with Kenny's return, whilst Luke's death was also hard to take (till I realised how utterly stupid it was), but it was only till the end that I was really moved- any of Kenny's endings made me cry, and in the end I just couldn't leave him.
So, which part of S1 and S2 brought you to tears?
Just the ending of season 1.
I nearly cried when Luke died but I saw it coming a mile away and it lacked much raw emotion.
For Season 1 it was Lee's death that did it in for me, although if I remember right it was the song in the credits that finally made me cave and start crying after having to shoot Leeeee.
For Season 2 the moment I cried was the speech Kenny was gave to Clementine outside of Wellington, especially the things he says if you decide to stay there. Oh and I cried after Luke's death for reasons over, as quoted by a wise fan 'how utterly stupid it was' rather than over the emotions of the scene itself ಠ_ಠ may my bitterness over such bullshittery continue *[nom nom's on waffle]*
Almost every single character death. I even tear up at the smallest mentions of Lee in season 2, im such a wimp.
Obviously Lee's death is a given from Season 1. In Season 2, the first time I saw it, when Clementine was talking to Luke in the first episode about Lee and the events of Season 1, I wasn't crying, but I was a little misty eyed. Also when Clementine got shot and the Lee dream, and Kenny's death, along with both of his endings (especially if you decide to stay at Welllington) got to me. I have to say, I'm usuallly not an emotional person, but this game manages to find a way, and that's one of the reasons why I love it.
At this scene I cried like a baby
"It's just a bad dream sweatpea"
None. I'm dead inside.
Jesus, my eyes were wet with tears. The devs caught me completely off guard.
Season One:
Episode 4's penultimate scene where Vernon told Lee to give Clementine over for the better of her and her safety.
When Molly said "And you be sure to take care of that little girl. You know she thinks the world of you."
And of course, the ending.
Season Two:
The Lee flashback.
The Kenny ending.
Never, I find it hard to cry over a game
"I'm scared, Lee."
"What can I tell you to make it better?"
"That you won't leave me."
"Oh, I wouldn't do that. I promise."
Season 1's ending. Executed very well, even if Clem's bad voice-acting in the last scene makes me cringe.
I also felt terrible about Sarah's death - less because of its poor execution than because I immediately thought "a lot of creeps are laughing about this."
In Season 1 I didn't cry at all not even at Lee's death, I mean I was close but I didn't cry.
In Season 2 I almost cried at Luke's death but managed to get my emotions under control. But then I lost it all at Kenny's death, once I shot him I started to get tears in my eyes and then when he started to talk to Clem I burst into tears. Which was a big moment for me because before that moment I wouldn't cry at much not even when someone died but now I can't stop myself from crying at the stupidest of things.
When Ben died in episode 5 as well as Lee's death. I cried more at Ben's though.
Season 1's ending and Kenny's determinate death in season 2. The Wellington ending made me tear up, but I haven't cried at it... yet.
The whole of 'Amid The Ruins'. Okay, so when I played it, I chose the complete wrong save file and so Nick wasn't in my game, and Sarah and me were not friends. However I didn't notice, and I'm kind of glad.
I thought Sarah proclaiming that me and Clem weren't friends was done on purpose because she truly thought she was alone in the world, I thought the deaths of Rebecca, Sarah and the just dangerous situation of the group was terrible and the ending was abysmal since I assumed most of the people would die. But most of all, that episode (despite that horrific ending, though I was too immersed at the time) had a brilliant illusion of choice, and I felt by supporting the plan, forcing Sarah away and such, that I was at fault. So yeah, that episode made me cry a ton.
You can't imagine how worse it got, after I felt better, got onto the forums to ask where Nick was and then discover I was on the wrong save-file and that Nick dies regardless.
Never, I got stomach butterflies after both seasons endings though if that counts for anything >.>
Uh, Doug's death, Kenny and Ben's death. Season 1 ending. Luke's Death.
Nothing. I did want to throw up at and kick a foot through the monitor at the cheesiness of all of Kenny's season 2 endings though. Does that count?
Only game to ever make me shed a tear was the ending of Crisis Core. Other than that, I'm a brick wall. Lee's death made me angry more than anything.... because of what Clementine lost (those two were platonic soul mates) and the future that Lee had to sacrifice. That brilliant man could've gone on to become the leader of large community somewhere...... save dozens of lives. If Rick can do it I know Lee could've.
Season 1: Lee's death
Season 2: Sarah's death and Lee in the dream.
A bit of a weird one, but choosing to say "Larry was a good father" to Lilly made me tear up a little bit
Duck and Katjaa's deaths (and that whole scene starting from getting Kenny to stop the train)
Kenny's sacrifice/Ben's death (felt equally sad about both)
Season 1 ending, obviously
Omid's death (to be fair, this one only made me tear up, not full-on cry)
Pete's sacrifice/death in episode 2 (again, more of a tear up scene than full-on crying)
Kenny's return, specifically that hug with the Clementine theme playing in the background and all that
Alvin's episode 3 death (again, another scene that made me tear up)
Kenny's death (probably an unpopular opinion, but Kenny's death hit a little bit harder than Lee's for me. Something about it struck more of a chord with me)
The Wellington ending
Season 1's ending almost made me tear. Season 2 tried to hard to copy the level of feels.
... I don't even know. There are many parts that made me panic (like Luke's death... because of the drowning thing), but there weren't a lot that made me flat out cry. I was spoiled for both seasons, so... You know how that goes. However, I did tear up very slightly at Lee's death. :P
Season 1:
Season 2:
Lee's death obviously is a high mark for the franchise.
Sam's death was not only well done, but him being a dog ("man's best friend") that turned on Clementine was stomach turning.
That's it, really. Every other emotional highlight either missed it's mark, didn't connect, or was more shocking than actually giving able time for me to process the emotional response needed for me to tear up. Sarah would've been sad if not for the fact she didn't really impact anything on the season and just kind of died without any real connection being made. I would've said Kenny's death would've been sad if not for the fact I was laughing and cheering the whole time. And, maybe Luke's could've been sad if I wasn't hyperventilating and blowing steam out of my nose at the shitty and arbitrary nature of it in the first place.
The end of Season 1 only
S2. Kenny's speech to go into Wellington. It made me weep. Been through so much and make it to the end, only to have the guard say "no" access denied. A good deed and a noble sacrifice, but at a cost.
During the wait for S2 I watched Ben die and Kenny supposidly die in a let's play. It just suddenly hit me that everyone is dead and it got me teary eyed.
The scene where Katjaa commits suicide, and you have to decide who ends Duck's life. I actually liked the kid, he was goofy and funny, so it broke my heart that one of us had to kill him. I did the deed in the end, I couldn't let my main man Kenny do that to his own son.
And of course, the Season 1 finale...such a gut-wrenching scene. I already knew what would happen, but I was still not emotionally prepared to witness it and make decisions like that. God just thinking about it can make me tear up a little.
Only the ending of season 1 got me to tears.
My brother was shocked when I started crying, because it was a first. xD
I didn't cry but my eyes were very teary when Kenny sacrifices himself, Lee's death, Omid's death, Luke's death, Kenny's final words to Clementine when you reach Wellington. I was expecting Luke to survive into Season 3 you know....him being the last cabin survivor and all.
Season 1 ending and S2 kenny ending.......I cried a lot...and alive inside song. Nick's death made me feel sad, he was losing it so much like he is getting bullied. And Luke's death.
I had tears coming out of my eyes from laughter when luke died if that counts.
Just then? Surely not. At reggies death i had to pause the game I was laughing so much
Agreed. His death was so poorly done, it did his character no justice.
Oh, when you decide to stay at Wellington and he gives you his hat saying "it'll keep the sun outta his eyes"...I swear I've never cried more, that was just unbelievably sad. If I'm honest, probably a sadder moment than Lee's death. And then he has to go and say "I won't look back, not because I don't want to...I'm real glad I met you Clementine.". I got the feeling that that was it for Kenny, and that without Clem or AJ he didn't have a purpose in life anymore.
I was more confused than sad at first, but then on the second time I got a bit misty eyed.
The funny thing is I just finished replaying No Going Back and said pretty much the same thing, that if you enter Wellington, we'll most likely never see him again and that was his final goodbye.
I'm usually pretty much the same, but then with games with raw emotion like TWD, which to be honest is closer to a film/series than it is to these trashy, rubbish, meaningless games like COD, I end up crying every time.
If we're talking about funny deaths then I thought Larry getting his head crushed was hilarious, especially if you try to save him and then a salt lick comes out of nowhere and lands on his face.
Yea, that counts
Seriously though, his death was so dumb it was laughable, though I was more shocked and then later annoyed rather than amused.