What did Clem learn from Kenny as a guardian?



  • Please stop bashing Kenny already...

  • edited May 2015

    Not to be crass, but never before has a fictional video game character deserved more bashing than Kenny.

    Throughout both seasons of the game thus far, his actions have time and time again proved how morally irreprehensible he is. Slowly pushing him from being someone who is an oaf with good intentions to full-on no justification for his ill-intended actions.

    He's little more than a monster and I for one will continue to bash him 'till his death is canonically realized throughout everyone's game and he's nothing but a memory.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Please stop bashing Kenny already...

  • Clearly you've never met AJ before.

    Bokor posted: »

    Going with Kenny means you'd rather be suicidal than pragmatic, because babies don't need as much shelter and warmth and medicine and guardians and food as they can get.

  • 'Please stop expressing opinions I disagree with'

    Vaxij posted: »

    Please stop bashing Kenny already...

  • Indeed. I think that's the fundamental difference between Kenny and Jane's character.

    But clem is still trying to teach Kenny.

    If anything the season's about Clem showing Kenny and Jane how to be better than they are, rather than the other way round. Eh, Kenn

  • An opinion is one thing, another thing is being continually attacking him. Every damn post on this forum where Kenny is mentioned, there's always bashing.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'Please stop expressing opinions I disagree with'

  • edited May 2015

    Mm. So essentially choosing to go with Kenny is more like choosing Kenny over AJ, if we're being practical about this. Staying at Wellington could be likened to choosing AJ over Kenny.

    ...And then this is assuming of course that Wellington is safe at all.

    Bokor posted: »

    Going with Kenny means you'd rather be suicidal than pragmatic, because babies don't need as much shelter and warmth and medicine and guardians and food as they can get.

  • edited May 2015

    Every post on the forum where Kenny is mentioned, there are also people praising him.

    And it's not one person continually posting that they dislike him, its lots of people posting they dislike him once on this thread.

    So no-ones doing something continually, all they're doing is expressing an opinion which is popular.

    Vaxij posted: »

    An opinion is one thing, another thing is being continually attacking him. Every damn post on this forum where Kenny is mentioned, there's always bashing.

  • Then ignore the kenny threads, personally I hate kenny but havnt posted here as there is nothing more to be said

    Vaxij posted: »

    An opinion is one thing, another thing is being continually attacking him. Every damn post on this forum where Kenny is mentioned, there's always bashing.

  • I don't see anything near praising at all. At least not lately. Besides it's not only the bashing, can't people just express their opinions with respect? Some people can't. I've read too many insults as well (not in this thread). Nevermind, I shouldn't have commented. I got mocked just by asking for some respect, so...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Every post on the forum where Kenny is mentioned, there are also people praising him. And it's not one person continually posting that th

  • Yeah, good luck with that. You could also let people think whatever they want of the characters. Free will. I myself think he's a good man, flawed yes, but who isn't? Also who wouldn't do all kinds of crazy shit on the apocalypse?

    Not to be crass, but never before has a fictional video game character deserved more bashing than Kenny. Throughout both seasons of the g

  • edited May 2015

    I got mocked just by asking for some respect, so...

    Respect for what? Yourself or the character?

    Vaxij posted: »

    I don't see anything near praising at all. At least not lately. Besides it's not only the bashing, can't people just express their opinions

  • For Kenny. I think I shouldn't ask for respect for me. Everyone is mature enough to respect each other.

    I got mocked just by asking for some respect, so... Respect for what? Yourself or the character?

  • Why does Kenny always deserve our respect?

    Vaxij posted: »

    For Kenny. I think I shouldn't ask for respect for me. Everyone is mature enough to respect each other.

  • Why doesn't? I mean he's one of the "good guys" after all. Yes, I know he does lots of crazy shit, but in the end he only wants to protect Clem and the baby.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why does Kenny always deserve our respect?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2015


    Alt text

    You just accidentally said that he is a good person

    Kenny, still fucking you over from beyond the grave

    Not to be crass, but never before has a fictional video game character deserved more bashing than Kenny. Throughout both seasons of the g

  • Bashing a character is not the same as bashing the people who like said character or who are even similar to said character. I don't really know any Kenny fans personally on any deep level, so I don't feel I can judge the whole personality of a die-hard Kenny fan solely on the decisions they made in a gosh darn video game. And I'm not doing that; I'm expressing my judgement of a character who we've been able to scrutinize under literally several different situations, up until our time with him can end in several different ways, and taking all these circumstances into account.

    Not to mention, Kenny fans are still free to answer the OP's question about specific life skills Kenny could teach Clem, but I've yet to see any do so yet in this thread really.

    I could say the same about Jane never being praised, and how there's often a lot of Jane hate around. Maybe not right now but could be again in a while. I've tried publicly discussing her and trying to actually talk about her while trying to get past her bashings on this forum before, and nothing much comes of it. So I let people have their opinions and look for others more interested in talking about it and say, "Good Day." That's all.

    Vaxij posted: »

    I don't see anything near praising at all. At least not lately. Besides it's not only the bashing, can't people just express their opinions

  • Alright, maybe that was harsh, but i'm so sick of his shit. I remember i did everything i could to be Kenny's friend other than killing Larry. I just didn't think he was dead, and that Dammed me for the rest of the game in Kenny's Eyes. I was so tempted to beat the crap out of him on the train, when his son was sick, but i calmed down, and talked him down, and he still wouldn't help me.

    Then Season 2 Comes along and he gets worse, he never listens to anyone, always fighting with people. I'm just sick of his shit. If he could just chill, and relax, he would be fine.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    How to always think you are right, and fight with everyone over everything? I'm glad he is dead.

  • I mean he's one of the "good guys" after all

    He's the villain of my game, as Clem doesnt like him and he constantly endangers her, and tears the group apart.

    Kenny being 'one of the good guys' is totally and utterly an opinion and not a fact.

    Why doesn't?

    Because of how immoral I think he is..

    Vaxij posted: »

    Why doesn't? I mean he's one of the "good guys" after all. Yes, I know he does lots of crazy shit, but in the end he only wants to protect Clem and the baby.

  • Well I think he isn't written to be a villain, but controversial. It's difficult to be a survivor yet conserve your morals. It's like people who hate that he beat Arvo just "because he's a kid". As Chuck said: "You gotta consider her a living person, you ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive." Strangers are dangerous no matter how old they are. And he was right, Arvo almost killed Clem. And that wasn't Kenny's fault just because "he angered him". You can be nice to Arvo with Clem, telling Kenny to be nice with him, showing him you care, yet he'll shoot you no matter what when he was about to escape.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I mean he's one of the "good guys" after all He's the villain of my game, as Clem doesnt like him and he constantly endangers her, a

  • Why is it people endlessly misquote Chuck as an excuse to throw away morality?

    Arvo was a poorly written plot device whose shooting of Clem happened only to retroactively justify a redneck beating up a crippled teenage foreign boy. That's incredibly gross to me.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Well I think he isn't written to be a villain, but controversial. It's difficult to be a survivor yet conserve your morals. It's like people

  • Going with Kenny is stupidly presented as a happy ending, complete with corny quips ("you're as stubborn as a mule"), rather than the bleak failure it really should be.

    But then again the writers never really handled the survival aspect well. Case in point: waiting for several days at the observation deck (without any food or water) has literally the same effect as leaving immediately, which makes no logical sense whatsoever.

    sialark posted: »

    Mm. So essentially choosing to go with Kenny is more like choosing Kenny over AJ, if we're being practical about this. Staying at Wellington

  • It's not an excuse. I find it more of an excuse to say Arvo was just a poor kid. He knew what he was doing when robbing Clem's group. The whole russian group wanted a fight. Honestly I'd do the same if that teenager wanted to kill me or my family in the apocalypse, though I'd probably just kill him, not beat him. No one survives the apocalypse just because. Look at Carl for example. He's a kid, yet he's probably one of the most dangerous characters of all the TWD universe.

    Bokor posted: »

    Why is it people endlessly misquote Chuck as an excuse to throw away morality? Arvo was a poorly written plot device whose shooting of Cl

  • She could've learned to never give up. No matter how hard it gets you keep on trying until you pass. Like when he wanted too find Wellington, he didn't give up. When he wanted to escape Carver's camp, he didn't give up. Heck, as soon as he got up from his injury, he wanted to go.

  • Yes exactly that's why it doesn't matter.

    Bokor posted: »

    Going with Kenny is stupidly presented as a happy ending, complete with corny quips ("you're as stubborn as a mule"), rather than the bleak

  • Alt text

    Much like Icarus, I flew too close to the Sun. Oh well... you know what I mean, which is what counts.

    Deltino posted: »

    irreprehensible You just accidentally said that he is a good person Kenny, still fucking you over from beyond the grave

  • edited May 2015

    Also who wouldn't do all kinds of crazy shit on the apocalypse?

    Well, I'll use my own fuck up as an example since it seems appropriate. I do make mistakes as Deltino presented (you sly bastard) but I learn from them and am able to accept my own flaws and faults as a way to improve myself for the better. I don't fuck up and them blame everyone else, I take responsibility for my actions.

    Add on to that, "crazy shit" is something I wouldn't do If it meant murdering unconscious fathers in front of their daughters or beating on bound teenagers rather than aiding the slowly dying eleven year old that sits freezing to death only a few feet away. "Crazy shit" for me, at least, is stepping on someone's shoes accidently and then apologizing making sure not to do it again, not countlessly doing morally reprehensible (ha-HA!) acts that leads to everyone around me downfall.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Yeah, good luck with that. You could also let people think whatever they want of the characters. Free will. I myself think he's a good man, flawed yes, but who isn't? Also who wouldn't do all kinds of crazy shit on the apocalypse?

  • edited May 2015

    I think he's written to be a villain depending on your perception of the events in season 2.

    In fact, I think that;s the entire point of the season.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Well I think he isn't written to be a villain, but controversial. It's difficult to be a survivor yet conserve your morals. It's like people

  • Then why say 'straight' and not just keep on moving?

    He's talking about moving on in life, not being morally straight.

  • About the Larry situation, honestly, it was either him or probably all of them. It was tough, it isn't something something anyone wants to do, but it had to be done. Yeah, he probably wasn't dead, but what if he was? Some people wouldn't take that risk. I'm sure Kenny didn't like what he did (I myself tried to save Larry). Kenny can blame people when he's angry, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel bad, he later apologizes (I know that doesn't make up for it, but it's a start), he admits he can be an asshole sometimes, but hell, he's just a beaten man. I know he has no right to treat people like assholes, but that's just his temperament talking. He also took responsibility for some of his actions, such as endangering Clem with the walkies (which in the end costed him his eye) or helping Ben/Christa. Kenny is not the only culprit of the destruction of the group. The cabin group were the ones who indirectly put him in the Carver mess that destroyed his new life in the first place. They all were culprits as well.

    Also who wouldn't do all kinds of crazy shit on the apocalypse? Well, I'll use my own fuck up as an example since it seems appropria

  • I'm not sure what the point of the season was at all. Season 1 was finding a safe place for Clem and the group. Season 2 is kind of all over the place.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think he's written to be a villain depending on your perception of the events in season 2. In fact, I think that;s the entire point of the season.

  • Why are you asking me this? I didn't post that comment, I just explained it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Then why say 'straight' and not just keep on moving?

  • First off, I wouldn't rectify Kenny's actions just because he apologized once immediately after killing Larry, which was most likely out of sheer shock and not a genuine formal apology but a defense mechanism.

    Secondly, "but what if he was dead?" Isn't a good defense as I've stated before to other users. Kenny knowingly picked up a large extremely heavy object and lunged it at a man who absolutely wasn't dead. Being a paranoid klutz is no reason to murder. And he's done it time and time again.

    Vaxij posted: »

    About the Larry situation, honestly, it was either him or probably all of them. It was tough, it isn't something something anyone wants to d

  • How can you know he wasn't dead? Larry didn't feel anything anyways. Also, Kenny apologized more than once. He also apologized when he yelled at Clem. Seriously how would you kill that thing if Larry reanimated? Kenny was scared and did what he had to do to make sure he and the rest would be safe.

    First off, I wouldn't rectify Kenny's actions just because he apologized once immediately after killing Larry, which was most likely out of

  • I'd say willfully misreading the behavior of characters is an "excuse." It's clear, if you aren't blinded by rage and pay attention, that Arvo is clearly reluctant and regretful at the end of Amid The Ruins - he even outright tells you that he's not the one in charge of his group.

    It's a bit telling that you consider killing to be simpler than torturing a kid. Or that you identify Carl as a badass rather than what he really is - a stupid boy who only survives because of plot armor.

    Vaxij posted: »

    It's not an excuse. I find it more of an excuse to say Arvo was just a poor kid. He knew what he was doing when robbing Clem's group. The wh

  • I never said Carl was a badass, just that he's dangerous. And I didn't say killing would be simple, but it's self defense. Arvo may not have wanted to fight, yet there he was, and yet he shot Clem.

    Bokor posted: »

    I'd say willfully misreading the behavior of characters is an "excuse." It's clear, if you aren't blinded by rage and pay attention, that A

  • I'm a fan of Kenny..

    Jane fans: I'm also a fan of Jane.

    Lee fans: I'm also a fan of lee, christa, clem, ect.

    Don't hate on such topic. You people really make confused of stupid actions on a game. Many fights happen here because two people show contradicted opinions.

    Such thing, blame the writers not Kenny himself. I feel I will get the "Ooh, we're getting live in the game, don't act so genius about it" treatment.

    For fuck's sake, just don't. hate.

    It's even more stupid to argue with you guys, because you will just increase the hate.

    Just sayin.

  • I wouldnt consider that self defense when he was tied up and helpless all the times Kenny was wailing on him.

    Vaxij posted: »

    I never said Carl was a badass, just that he's dangerous. And I didn't say killing would be simple, but it's self defense. Arvo may not have wanted to fight, yet there he was, and yet he shot Clem.

  • How can you know he wasn't dead?

    Him breathing after giving him four compressions are a good start.

    Larry didn't feel anything anyways.

    Of course not, but Lilly and Clementine certainly did.

    Also, Kenny apologized more than once. He also apologized when he yelled at Clem

    I was referring to him apologizing to Lilly once. And in any rate, an apology rarely means anything if you're not willing to take the actions necessary to prove that your apology was ever worth it to begin with.

    Seriously how would you kill that thing if Larry reanimated?

    I'm interested, why does the outcome that we're hypothetically throwing have to be a worse-case scenario? Why does the argument have to be "what if Larry reanimated?" If Larry was a zombie, why couldn't Kenny have waited for a sign of reanimation? Everything we've been shown so far tells us that there is very definitive signs of reanimation. Pale discoloration, raspy breathing, foggy and swollen eyes, etc. Larry was the only character so far that didn't have any pale skin pigmentation. He may not have been as healthy as a horse, but he very obviously alive.

    Kenny was scared and did what he had to do to make sure he and the rest would be safe.

    Yes, he kept us safe... Like if you don't side with him and he sits behind a stall door watching Lee ready to be gunned down. Which also in and of itself pisses me off because if he is so willing to murder a potential (and I use that term loosely) walker, what's to stop him from actually doing a heroic action by sucker punching Danny? If he was so hell-bend on rescuing his family, why allow someone who is on the same side as you to die making progress harder for your own objective?

    What I'm trying to ask is if Kenny can kill a man who was no immediate harm to anyone, why'd he stop at actually killing a man who was?

    Vaxij posted: »

    How can you know he wasn't dead? Larry didn't feel anything anyways. Also, Kenny apologized more than once. He also apologized when he yelle

  • Completely agreed.

    I just wish that they would've at least shown Kenny, Clem and AJ to be hungry (and for AJ to be crying because he's hungry for goodness' sake) as they should've been at least starving, and it should've taken wayyyyyyy longer than nine days to find Wellington when they had no flipping clue where it was, as they weren't even sure which state it was in exactly. ("It's a big camp up near Michigan.") How many would have gone with Kenny, and how many would have thought Kenny's sunshine ending was so great if AJ had been crying from the cold and hunger, ready to draw walkers as soon as they walked away from Wellington's walls? (That whole "I'll race you up the hill, Clem! Wellington's on the other side!" should've been, "Oh shit, run up this hill away from the walkers, Clem! If only I hadn't been so stubborn to look for Wellington when I had no idea where it was, and now AJ's so hungry that he's crying and drawing walkers left and right! Woeeee is meeeee!") If they had been starving to the point that it actually showed in their character designs, on their actual faces, where they could barely walk anymore, how many would've left Wellington and returned into that wilderness with Kenny to continue starving with their "family"? Doomed to die in their "sunshine ending."

    Anyway. I digress.

    Bokor posted: »

    Going with Kenny is stupidly presented as a happy ending, complete with corny quips ("you're as stubborn as a mule"), rather than the bleak

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