If Clementine was cut as Protagonist, who would you choose

What characters would you like to see a new storyline written about, it could be a prequel so season one characters count. Would you prefer a new character, a returning one, or a past one IE someone from group 1 IE Mark, or whatever.
Personally i wouldn't mind seeing Eddie again, or Nate, Lilly i feel had some more growing to do.
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I would rather play someone new, but this whole game's gonna feel off course without Clementine. That's why I didn't care much about 400 Days.
If I had to choose a new protagonist I would want it to be AJ a bit older though of course. I don't want Clem cut out at all though.
No one.
Someone new and maybe in a new setting rather than the south or east coast. See how other parts of the US, or even the world, was dealing with the walkers.
If they were to cut Clementine as PC, then they should just make a new character.
[Says a name reeeeally quietly...]
What? I can't hear you.
Luke :c
Maybe he survived? ;-; cuddles Luke plushie
We all know who it is... Jane. Right?
No... No, I know you better than that. It's Kenny.
Of course not! This is you saying a name. There is only one...
Luke! (I know LuckY97 already said it but still... we all know who you mean).
Yeah, it's Luke. Because this is you and Lilac begins with an L.
I think it would be interesting to play from Eddie's point-of-view, since he's a bit of a huge coward. Lee and Clem have been pretty fearless, as far as things go, and the 400 Days players never really showed much fear when we played as them either, as far as I can remember, except for maybe Russell, hm....But yeah, that would be an interesting change. The closest character I can think of who matches Eddie's cowardice would be Reggie, and he was understandably scared. Hell, a lot of people I think would like to claim that they'd be the big bad tough guy/gal during the apocalypse, but I bet you there'd be a wholeeee lot more cowards out there than people think. Also back on Eddie, redemption stories are nice, and Eddie has a lot to make up for if you ask me. Nate's return would be cool too; not sure how it would be playing as him though. There's so many unknowns about the character, and I think playing as him might define those unknowns and that mystery too much and take away from his gray character.
Personally I'd love to see a prequel where we play as Jane or Jaime, and oooo if they do a couple things like 1. switching up the playable characters between Jane and Jaime like they're doing for TftB so you can really see the two perspectives' and what they're thinking, and 2. having flashbacks of what Jane/Jaime went through before and after the ZA started? Gimme gimme. It's obviously not gonna be what season 3's about, but it would be neat if it got into the DLC somehow, at least partly....And hell, even if you, George, don't believe Jaime exists (which I still don't agree with) and you turn out to be right about that, I'd still like to see what Jane had gone through to get to such a point to become such a pathological liar like that.
From a purely predictive standpoint though, I think it'll probably be Christa we play as in Season 3. If it turns out that Season 3 is the last season for Clem's story in TWDG, then it makes sense to me from a storytelling standpoint because (as others have said) the first season was from the viewpoint of a father figure, the second season was from the viewpoint of a child figure, and the third season could be from the viewpoint of a mother figure. And Christa's certainly not the average "mother" either, but rather a mother ravaged by the world of TWD.
[pets hair of her own Luke plushie] sigh...
Did you know that if you remove A from Lake and replace with U you get Luke?
I did know that.
So... if it is a lake, and we know it is.
Does that mean...? Lake and Luke... replace the a and u you get Luke and lake... is this what I think?
Clem or we riot.
But no, in all seriousness, I wouldn't want a prequel or use existing characters. I'd prefer someone brand new, preferably not AJ like many people want. I wouldn't mind seeing AJ older, but I don't think I'd care to play as him. Plus, trying to pull off another child character like Clem is probably impossible in this series. He just wouldn't be as likeable. Then again, writers can do some amazing stuff, so who am I to say it can't be done.
Someone new.
This is gonna be the new Kenny, isn't it? Pulls out shotgun. Well, Goodbye world! Shoots self.
I have a very long list of protagonists more fitting.
(I'm aware it's not that long)
Anyway... did you ever doubt us?
I want her back so much.
Edit: While I want Lily back, I feel her distinct personality (much like Kenny's) is too one-sided for a player to play as her.
No, I suppose not.
I want someone new
I would like to see what happened to Christa. Assuming she isn't dead.
I would rather play as clem or no one at all it started with clem it ends with clem
Good assumption! If we didn't see them die, they're probably not dead. I really like Christa.
Luke, a leader in the making (of course as a prequel).
I'd like a fresh new face, one we gave influence over like Lee and Bigby
People that wanted Luke, so would you make it a Prequel, how would you set it up. Would Carver still be alive, Sarah, the other survivors?
I'd say Kenny or a new character.
Great, but this is a thread without Clem, i just don't see why you felt the need to derail this thread.
She seemed like she was pretty reasonable most of the time, at least in my opinion.
I think so too, i find flawed characters much more interesting than everyday heros, maybe because i think i can relate with a flawed character such as Nate, or Kenny, Lilly than better than a perfect Nathan Drake.
When i was in combat i saw other men crying. You never know who will snap, who will hold it together. Nothing really phases me anymore tbh, the PTSD pretty much killed every emotion i have.
That would be a really cool idea. I hope they do that for the next game, maybe they could give us a choice of which Protagonist we want to control. Personally i don't want to control Clementine anymore, but i would rather have that Parent Child relationship, like in S1.
At this point, i really cant say for sure either way, but i been lied to a lot in my life, which makes has me keep my trust at bay. She lied about the baby being dead, a omission of the truth is still a lie in my opinion. So that makes me think she would lie about other things. People lie all the time. I don't know. I'm not saying i'm right or wrong, she could of existed, and she really could of eaten glass.
Yeah agreed, though I think we talked about this before lol. However I think it's more correct to say that a person sympathizes with flawed characters who share that person's flaws in particular. E.g. you sympathize more with Nate/Kenny/Lilly, but I sympathize more with Jane because I find myself having similar flaws to hers, e.g. I tend to cut myself off from others when things get bad. However I don't find myself getting incredibly angry like Kenny/Lilly too often....So perhaps a playable character with new flaws that haven't been explored so much yet would be appropriate.
;.; That sounds like it really truly sucks so much ass. I hope you're doing better with that these days?
^_^ I appreciate your positivity. Agreed, I wouldn't want to control Clem anymore either, though I'm pretty sure she'll still be there. A Parent/child relationship would be great. Going into the opposite direction though lol, I wonder if perhaps the playable character could be someone who could be a potential *enemy* to Clem? Like I was thinking if Wellington fell because of Clem for some reason, and you played as Edith, how would the player approach this situation? Or what if you played as Patricia (the lady in the family from the Howe's ending), and that Randy dude (also from the family) does something stupid, and Patricia has to try to solve the upcoming conflict between Randy, Jane and Clem? Even if it wasn't Patricia or Edith, it would be interesting if the next playable character started out as an "enemy" and then became more of a parent towards Clem. (This didn't really happen with Lee, as Clem pretty much trusted Lee from day 1; he was never her enemy.)
:shrugs: Idk. I just hope we do get concrete evidence if Jaime existed or not. I would be so disappointed if we never get anything with Jane in it again, not even a few minutes at the beginning of season 3, or a teeny tiny cameo in the dlc.
...But that made me legit laugh out loud. XD
You know, I think it'd be interesting to play as Lilly. Only because she's the character I hate the most (besides her obnoxious father) and it'd be interesting to see if Telltale could ever make me actually like her. I also don't care for Bonnie, but I'd never want to play as her again. It was bad enough in 400 days. The only character out of all of those people I'd ever want to play as again is Russell and that's because I was very interested in where his story was going to go and how his character would change, but you never really got to see that.
I don't think Lilly can come back seeing as how she's comic book character and ends up in Woodbury sometime after the events of the game. I think the novel series features a version of her as one of the main characters.
I also don't think it's possible to continue Kenny or Jane's stories after season 2 without Telltale having to write a bunch of different scenarios for Season 3.
I'd rather not play Clementine anymore mainly because I don't wanna be stuck as a kid anymore. I felt a lot more capable and powerful when I was playing Lee. As Lee, I always tried to act as the leader of the group, but I just couldn't get that same feeling with Clementine. Not that I don't love Clementine, I'd just like to play an adult next time around.
Personally, I'd like the protagonist for season 3 to be Mike. I'm really amazed that I haven't seen anyone mention him. He in no way seemed like a bad guy to me. He was just a dude that was witnessing an unstable Kenny beating the shit out of a seemingly innocent guy and wanted to bail out. From his point of view, he just escaped being enslaved by one insane dictator and didn't want to end up in a group with another insane person calling the shots. Hell, he even invites Clementine to come with him before Arvo turns into fucking psycho and shoots her.
So, I'd really like to see Mike dealing with Arvo right after the events of the last episode. Afterwards, I'd kind of like to see him cross paths with Christa if she's still alive.
Also, I remember seeing this cut scene in which Clementine can shoot Mike:
I just feel like there's a good chance Telltale might bring Mike back in some way.
Lastly, I don't want Season 3 to be a prequel with a character who's fate I already know. I'd feel little to no suspense if that were the case.
Oh, @Lilacsbloom!!!!! Come here! George's got a question. xp
Yes, yes and yes and no lakes >.>
At first I though this idea was amazing, but now that I read it, it sounds a bit silly. But I have had this thought since last year when S2 ended.
The very first frame of 301 would be Luke waking up on a pile of snow near the river he 'died' in. A woman's voice is sincerely asking him to wake up, so he does. Luke shouts for Clementine, and everyone else, but the woman covers his mouth. This woman is revealed to be Lilly/Molly (I'm iffy about this), and then Luke gets to know their story with Lee and Clementine. They then decide to go to Wellington/Howe's depending on your final choice to spare Jane or Kenny.
If Wellington was chosen, and Kenny left Clementine there, Luke finds Kenny (or his body with a note, I'm unsure still) sitting on a tree stump looking depressed. Lilly/Molly recognize Kenny and Luke discovers the whereabouts of the rest of his group. Luke is set on going to find Clementine and him and Lilly/Molly embark toward the area. They're greeted by Edith, who proceeds to tell them that her community is full and they're not letting anybody in. Luke asks for Clementine, and to see her, so Edith walks off to find her. Luke and Lilly/Molly discuss what they're going to do, and various dialogue options adapt Luke's relationship with Lilly/Molly, though the final decision is to let Clementine come with them. Then the season continues with Luke as the protagonist/PC for Season 3. The scenes are similar if you chose to leave with Kenny, but instead of Wellington, Luke and Lilly/Molly find them both scavenging a nearby rest stop, and then team up to reform a group.
Now, if Jane was saved and you went with her as Clementine, Luke and Lilly/Molly travel back to Howe's to gain supplies and food. Along the way, depending on if you let the family come in or forced them to leave, Luke and Lilly/Molly might see three corpses huddled together, walking around as walkers. If the family was allowed in, the two find Howe's and are greeted by Patricia, who insists on letting them in, though Randy (I think his name is) is skeptical and an argument breaks out between Luke and him. Jane comes out to see what the commotion is about, but she halts herself when she finds Luke standing on the other side of the gate. Clementine soon joins her, and that is the beginning of 301, with Luke as the PC.
This brings us to our last opening scene/s, If Clementine is alone at the end of S2, Luke and Lilly/Molly stumble across a horde of walkers, and Luke insists on covering themselves with the scent in order to get through them. The two accidentally bump into Clementine and AJ, and the four of them rejoice together, then decide it would be best to try and find Jane/Kenny if you left one of them alone, or find somewhere safe to stay for a while if both are dead. This is again the opening scenes of Season One Episode One, where you play as Luke.
Please tell me what you think of these, because at first I thought it was kind of cool to bring Luke back, as many people liked him, (I, included) and it would be a nice surprise for Clementine. I think it would also be a good idea if Telltale were to keep switching PCs every season, while keeping Clementine as a main character in your story. I apologise for any grammatical errors, this was all from my mind and is the first attempt at writing/typing it down.
If I could like this a thousand times I would! It's perfect!
Also I'm kinda drowning in feels... but this idea is amazing. :DDDDDDD You have made me very happy, thank you. ^.^
Your ideas are very good. And the idea isn't silly, it's good and no I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan of Luke. No. I'm saying that because that is a very good opening sequence by including all the ends.
It makes me very happy!