What did Clem learn from Kenny as a guardian?



  • edited May 2015

    Haha, hoisted on your own petard.

    Much like Icarus, I flew too close to the Sun. Oh well... you know what I mean, which is what counts.

  • The artistic point, not the literal physical aim of the group.

    Vaxij posted: »

    I'm not sure what the point of the season was at all. Season 1 was finding a safe place for Clem and the group. Season 2 is kind of all over the place.

  • I had a real problem with that too. 9 days and this newborn is as docile as a lamb? I hope next season the challenges of taking care of him are shown more.

    sialark posted: »

    Completely agreed. I just wish that they would've at least shown Kenny, Clem and AJ to be hungry (and for AJ to be crying because he's hu

  • Wait so if Kenny does something we think is immoral, we have to blame the writers rather than him? We can't blame him for doing something bad?


    I'm a fan of Kenny.. Jane fans: I'm also a fan of Jane. Lee fans: I'm also a fan of lee, christa, clem, ect. Don't hate on such top

  • Him breathing after giving him four compressions are a good start.

    So how do you know that he was breathing and he wasn't actually reanimating? We'll never know. Some people will think he was alive and some will think he was dead (even if there aren't any signs of reanimation, it depends, some reanimate faster without any signs of reanimation besides their eyes). Both ways should be respected.

    Of course not, but Lilly and Clementine certainly did.

    Everyone has lost people, Kenny too, I understand Lilly being mad at him, but Kenny's actions weren't focused on hurting Lilly, just surviving. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but he had to. Clementine has witnessed far worse things, and she would have to sooner or later. Not everything would always be sunshines and rainbows. I hated for her to witness that, don't get me wrong, but she would have to know sooner or later that that world is a difficult one, and if you want to survive, you're gonna have to make hard choices. Lee wasn't going to be there forever.

    Yes, he kept us safe... Like if you don't side with him and he sits behind a stall door watching Lee ready to be gunned down. Which also in and of itself pisses me off because if he is so willing to murder a potential (and I use that term loosely) walker, what's to stop him from actually doing a heroic action by sucker punching Danny? If he was so hell-bend on rescuing his family, why allow someone who is on the same side as you to die making progress harder for your own objective?

    That's the determinant stuff. It would be too "easy" to make Kenny help him whatever he decides, but hey "your choices matter". Also I think it's normal that if you don't back someone up, he won't do it either. Happens everyday. But I'll give you that one that Kenny did wrong not doing anything to save Lee on that situation.

    Anyways, to each their own.

    How can you know he wasn't dead? Him breathing after giving him four compressions are a good start. Larry didn't feel anything

  • Blame the writers? Do we have to blame, say, Shakespeare for Othello being a killer? How's that even an argument?

    I'm a fan of Kenny.. Jane fans: I'm also a fan of Jane. Lee fans: I'm also a fan of lee, christa, clem, ect. Don't hate on such top

  • So how do you know that he was breathing and he wasn't actually reanimating?

    He only breathes like that if you push on his chest four times. The same time elapses regardless of whether you push on his chest.

    Pushing on someone's chest doesn't make them reanimate faster.

    Ergo, he was taking a breath.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Him breathing after giving him four compressions are a good start. So how do you know that he was breathing and he wasn't actually r

  • Or he could've had some kind of nervous spasm.

    Flog61 posted: »

    So how do you know that he was breathing and he wasn't actually reanimating? He only breathes like that if you push on his chest fou

  • edited May 2015

    You don't get that kind of nervous spasm if you're already dead.

    And even if you could, Lee presses 4 times in exactly the same place. If it was a spasm, it would have happened the other three times.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Or he could've had some kind of nervous spasm.

  • Maybe. Maybe not.

    Anyways, you have your opinion, I have mine. Let's just drop the subject already. Have a great day.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't get that kind of nervous spasm if you're already dead. And even if you could, Lee presses 4 times in exactly the same place. If it was a spasm, it would have happened the other three times.

  • None of what we were just discussing was opinion, it was all fact - Larry was, factually, taking a breath.

    Vaxij posted: »

    Maybe. Maybe not. Anyways, you have your opinion, I have mine. Let's just drop the subject already. Have a great day.

  • He oversee her actions and protected her. that is a guardian. Before Carver arrives at the lounge, Kenny was going to originally kick out Luke's group and just have Clem stay: " You dont have to worry about running any more . they'll[Luke's group] will be gone first thing in the morning." Also, Kenny try to stop Clem from drinking. Overall, just thought of her as a family member

    dojo32161 posted: »

    What did Clem learn from Kenny as a guardian? Don't remember him ever being a guardian of any sort. Anyway I learned not to be even remotely like him. Of course, I already knew that.

  • Carlos protected clem and saw lots of her actions.

    Was Carlos her guardian?

    He oversee her actions and protected her. that is a guardian. Before Carver arrives at the lounge, Kenny was going to originally kick out Lu

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2015

    The Cabin Group was going to leave on their own terms and I planned to leave with them. Personally he was just another group member. Besides if Kenny was going to kick them out, that isn't the type of thing a nice guardian would do especially if Clem considers them friends.

    He oversee her actions and protected her. that is a guardian. Before Carver arrives at the lounge, Kenny was going to originally kick out Lu

  • Carlos had her locked in the shed.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Carlos protected clem and saw lots of her actions. Was Carlos her guardian?

  • Kenny had her steal the walkie talkie regardless of whether she wanted to.

    Carlos had her locked in the shed.

  • Alt text

    Ok then...

    KCohere posted: »

    Haha, hoisted on your own petard.

  • huh!? You're right. Why aren't these people starving or tired from these 9 day trips?

    sialark posted: »

    Completely agreed. I just wish that they would've at least shown Kenny, Clem and AJ to be hungry (and for AJ to be crying because he's hu

  • And the purpose of that was to escape Carver's.

    The purpose of locking Clementine in the shed was to literally see if she was going to live or not. Unnecessarily.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Kenny had her steal the walkie talkie regardless of whether she wanted to.

  • why would they do that, if they thought it was safe and rebecca is pregnant? Alvin wouldn't want to leave because of his wife. that would be a nice conflict to see.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The Cabin Group was going to leave on their own terms and I planned to leave with them. Personally he was just another group member. Besides

  • Carlos sole interest wasn't to protect Clem. I don't think he had any interest in protecting her in any instance. He haves a daughter that needs the protection more.And he sucks at that.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Carlos protected clem and saw lots of her actions. Was Carlos her guardian?

  • edited May 2015

    purpose of locking Clementine in the shed was to literally see if she was going to live or not.

    Did you even play the first episode? The purpose of locking Clem in the shed was to determine if it was a walker bite, as admitting someone with a walker bite had killed Nick's mother recently. He was trying to protect his family and friends by shitty means. Like Kenny was by putting clementine at risk against her wishes.

    And the purpose of that was to escape Carver's. The purpose of locking Clementine in the shed was to literally see if she was going to live or not. Unnecessarily.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    They were leaving to avoid Carver, remember? Can't stay in one place for too long.

    why would they do that, if they thought it was safe and rebecca is pregnant? Alvin wouldn't want to leave because of his wife. that would be a nice conflict to see.

  • Kenny's sole interest wasn't to protect Clem either.

    If Carlos never wanted to protect her, then why did he protect her from walkers?

    Carlos sole interest wasn't to protect Clem. I don't think he had any interest in protecting her in any instance. He haves a daughter that needs the protection more.And he sucks at that.

  • The purpose of locking Clem in the shed was to determine if it was a walker bite

    Which is why I said 'live or not'.

    He was trying to protect his family and friends by shitty means. Like Kenny was by putting clementine at risk against her wishes.

    Except that in these two cases (technically one, the other is determinant) where Clementine is put at risk against her will, one was to benefit people she didn't know, the other was to benefit ones she did know at that point and herself.

    Flog61 posted: »

    purpose of locking Clementine in the shed was to literally see if she was going to live or not. Did you even play the first episode?

  • But its way more than 'live or not', it's 'live or possibly end up killing my daughter'.

    I dont see how her knowing them has anything to do with it, she can determinantly dislike all of them.

    Both situations are people putting Clementine at risk to save people they want to save.

    The purpose of locking Clem in the shed was to determine if it was a walker bite Which is why I said 'live or not'. He was try

  • Im just kidding. No need to throw the googly eyes at me.

    Ok then...

  • Do you folks remember Sarita mentioned a couple of times Kenny was different before he reunited with Clementine? Was he caring and reasonable?

  • Carlos shoots the walker in episode 2 because he just happens to be around the area. He wasn't like" oh god clem is endanger."

    Kenny's always been about the baby and Clem. why would he care that you didnt sit next to him and actually felt hurt about it if he didnt have a interest in her?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Kenny's sole interest wasn't to protect Clem either. If Carlos never wanted to protect her, then why did he protect her from walkers?

  • I think that Kenny was just about to become sane again. Then , the carver thing ruined it.

    Do you folks remember Sarita mentioned a couple of times Kenny was different before he reunited with Clementine? Was he caring and reasonable?

  • Googly eyes are the best though.

    KCohere posted: »

    Im just kidding. No need to throw the googly eyes at me.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alt text

    KCohere posted: »

    Im just kidding. No need to throw the googly eyes at me.

  • Lee had Clem for < 1 year.

    I fricken know, but yet again, Kenny in season was only alive for about 3 weeks. So, You can't really blame him too much for the lack of te

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    In hindsight, they really should have just made it so Larry takes those "breaths" regardless of player action, so it'd appear more ambiguous

    Or maybe just remove them entirely

    Flog61 posted: »

    None of what we were just discussing was opinion, it was all fact - Larry was, factually, taking a breath.

  • Not to mention, Kenny fans are still free to answer the OP's question about specific life skills Kenny could teach Clem, but I've yet to see any do so yet in this thread really.

    Yeah they have, and you tried to dis them

    sialark posted: »

    Bashing a character is not the same as bashing the people who like said character or who are even similar to said character. I don't really

  • Alt text

    Excuse me?? And where, pray tell, did I "dis" Kenny fans? Please feel free to read through my comments and point me to one. Maybe I insulted Kenny but not his fans. And just so you know darling, if I wanted to insult someone, then I'd drive them into the ground, and never without good reason, too.

    And no, I don't think anyone on this thread has answered the OP's question, not really. If anyone actually read the OP a bit more carefully, it says, "Do you guys think that if you keep Kenny alive that Kenny in the opening scene of season 3 will be teaching Clem how to repair cars, Or a cooler opening scene where its still in the intro credits and you hear a what seem to be someone just got slapped, the scene opens and its Kenny teaching Clem how to fight dirty or fishing, something useful?" Rather, people are discussing if Kenny is a guardian at all, and they are discussing general morals they believe Kenny passed on to Clem, which was not what the OP, @wrestlingdead12 was specifically looking for (at least it seems that way to me). The OP means specific manual skills, like if Kenny could teach Clem how to properly drive a car, or he could show her how to shoot a rifle properly (remember she couldn't when she tried shooting a rifle in "A House Divided," but Kenny knows how to), or how to go hunting (Kenny was shown to be hunting with Lee in "Starved for Help.")

    AGentlman posted: »

    Not to mention, Kenny fans are still free to answer the OP's question about specific life skills Kenny could teach Clem, but I've yet to see any do so yet in this thread really. Yeah they have, and you tried to dis them

  • Well its kinda funny you wrote that whole thing, because I just realized I'm a complete retard and combined like 3 peoples opinions into one person's ......lol.

    Alt text

    sialark posted: »

    Excuse me?? And where, pray tell, did I "dis" Kenny fans? Please feel free to read through my comments and point me to one. Maybe I insulted

  • edited May 2015

    Lol aw. You're not a "retard" or an idiot. But it's ok; I forgive you. :p

    ...Though actually I have to go back and check how many people were explicitly insulting Kenny fans in this thread. Not sure they were. But then I'd have to go and read the whole thread over againnnn! :lazy face: D:

    AGentlman posted: »

    Well its kinda funny you wrote that whole thing, because I just realized I'm a complete retard and combined like 3 peoples opinions into one person's ......lol.

  • oh, he was just saving his anger to fuck everyone over.

    RIP luke ;( you're still my no. 1 bae 4 ever

    Do you folks remember Sarita mentioned a couple of times Kenny was different before he reunited with Clementine? Was he caring and reasonable?

  • Shhh. you're going to get people started with him.

    oh, he was just saving his anger to fuck everyone over. RIP luke ;( you're still my no. 1 bae 4 ever

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