I think that it will be similar to the walking dead season 2. The last episode came out pretty quickly after the penultimate episode. I be… morelieve episode 5 will come out in 20-29th of July and the Finale will be released the last Tuesday of august or the first Tuesday of September.
We'll definitely hear something about ep5 at E3 along with Tales from the borderlands ep4.....and TWDS2 DLC, which i think will be like two episodes this time.
I don't think so. Unless the storylines don't get wrapped up and were left on a huge cliffhanger i don't see the need for a GoT DLC. We're already pretty much guaranteed a second season of GoT because of the fact that they signed a multi year multi season licence. I think we could expect something like this.....
GoTS1 and TflBS1 **ends by September and October
Minecraft will probably start in July after an E3 reveal. (and end by Feb2016)
The **walking dead season 2 DLC (2 episodes) released in september/october/november2015.
The walking dead season 3 to start in maybe late January/February 2016 (I wouldn't be surprised with a March premiere tho)
And i think we will be getting GoTS2 in late 2016 (kind of like the wait between s1 and 2 of TWD) September-November 2016
Marvel Super Show 2017
I think that it will be similar to the walking dead season 2. The last episode came out pretty quickly after the penultimate episode. I be… morelieve episode 5 will come out in 20-29th of July and the Finale will be released the last Tuesday of august or the first Tuesday of September.
We'll definitely hear something about ep5 at E3 along with Tales from the borderlands ep4.....and TWDS2 DLC, which i think will be like two episodes this time.
Hmmm I think the Forresters get some mercenarys from Daenerys, but if it necesseary that Asher lead them?
I guess we have in Westeros the most characters (Rodrik in the North, Gared on/beyond the Wall and Mira in the south/Kings Landing). If Asher went to Westeros too we have no remaining character in Essos and it would be sad if Danys plot fall out. I think after the fall of Meereen Daenerys should Asher offer a place on her side and his uncle brings the promised mercenarys to Ironrath. Three characters in Westeros and one in Meereen and we have all important places to play. Asher could forge an alliance between Daenerys and the Forresters in the future. Meanwhile in Westeros Rodrik and his family have to deal with the other pretenders (after they defeated the whitehills). Most likely the Forresters declare themselves to Stannis (or get a oppurtunitiy to join Margaery/the Tyrells against Cersei. )
It would be interesting if in the end we have the choice between several kings and queens: Dany, Stannis, Margaery/Tommen or someone else (Littlefinger). Declare for one of them and betray the others and play a major role in the game of thrones. This would be awesome if our decisions would affected the end in a crucial way. Or better you could put a Forrester on the Throne (e.g. by marriage.) or make him to the Hand. But this are hopes for the next parts. I hope telltale works on GoT until the end and not only season 4.
Yes I know...GoT ep5 will come out either the last Tuesday of July or first Tuesday or august. The finale will quickly follow that about 5 or 6 weeks later in September (This is obviously me just guessing but i think they are pretty close to what the release dates will actually be)
There is no reason for personally attacks against me. If you don't like Dany so you have to hope there is a choice to leave her. But it would be a weakness in the game to cut her part completely without option for us. I think all necessary theatres of the GoT-world should be playable and regardless of your inadequate judgement is Essos/Meereen/Danys area one of them.
God damn it, Time is so fucking slow since they told us the release date. 3 days to go...(XB1 owner) Maybe i'll buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to hold me off until then and until episode 5. I hear The Witcher is a 50 hour long story.
God damn it, Time is so fucking slow since they told us the release date. 3 days to go...(XB1 owner) Maybe i'll buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to hold me off until then and until episode 5. I hear The Witcher is a 50 hour long story.
Valar Morghulis, motherfuckers
The episode comes out for PS4 in Europe on the same day as PS4 North America - May 26th. PS3 Europe comes out later in the week, May 29th.
Android gets it before PS3 EU? Are you kidding me?
Good news! Thank you so much
Will we be getting GoT DLC?
at first I thought it said Kiss Talia.....
Don't arouse the creepy shippers
I don't think so. Unless the storylines don't get wrapped up and were left on a huge cliffhanger i don't see the need for a GoT DLC. We're already pretty much guaranteed a second season of GoT because of the fact that they signed a multi year multi season licence. I think we could expect something like this.....
GoTS1 and TflBS1 **ends by September and October
Minecraft will probably start in July after an E3 reveal. (and end by Feb2016)
The **walking dead season 2 DLC (2 episodes) released in september/october/november2015.
The walking dead season 3 to start in maybe late January/February 2016 (I wouldn't be surprised with a March premiere tho)
And i think we will be getting GoTS2 in late 2016 (kind of like the wait between s1 and 2 of TWD) September-November 2016
Marvel Super Show 2017
Asher Forester is going to lead his mercenary with Stanis agents the Boltins if you read the books.
Don't worry, this isn't the TFTBL section.
Thank me later to the people that want to go to Youtube.
So did britt, he was forced to kill him.
But Talia is no man
but episode 5 isnt the last one. GoT has six episodes.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? That there will be only 2 endings or what?
Seriously? Ps3 Europe comes out 29th?
Hmmm I think the Forresters get some mercenarys from Daenerys, but if it necesseary that Asher lead them?
I guess we have in Westeros the most characters (Rodrik in the North, Gared on/beyond the Wall and Mira in the south/Kings Landing). If Asher went to Westeros too we have no remaining character in Essos and it would be sad if Danys plot fall out. I think after the fall of Meereen Daenerys should Asher offer a place on her side and his uncle brings the promised mercenarys to Ironrath. Three characters in Westeros and one in Meereen and we have all important places to play. Asher could forge an alliance between Daenerys and the Forresters in the future. Meanwhile in Westeros Rodrik and his family have to deal with the other pretenders (after they defeated the whitehills). Most likely the Forresters declare themselves to Stannis (or get a oppurtunitiy to join Margaery/the Tyrells against Cersei.
It would be interesting if in the end we have the choice between several kings and queens: Dany, Stannis, Margaery/Tommen or someone else (Littlefinger). Declare for one of them and betray the others and play a major role in the game of thrones. This would be awesome if our decisions would affected the end in a crucial way. Or better you could put a Forrester on the Throne (e.g. by marriage.) or make him to the Hand. But this are hopes for the next parts. I hope telltale works on GoT until the end and not only season 4.
Hopefully not Dany is just dreadful, especially if you're her advisor. She already has a sellsword to sleep with
Yes I know...GoT ep5 will come out either the last Tuesday of July or first Tuesday or august. The finale will quickly follow that about 5 or 6 weeks later in September (This is obviously me just guessing but i think they are pretty close to what the release dates will actually be)
Reread my post. You read it wrong.
Nothing of the sort is said in the books. The only thing that's said about the Forresters is that they're guides for Stannis' army.
It's a joke.
Don't get hyped, but they'll be something that we will regret.
I personally think it'll be released at August. Well, in my opinion :1
And she's 13. Well, Ethan died at that age, but ....still....no....just-uh......no.
While I am Reading some Comments I'll be like this!
There is no reason for personally attacks against me. If you don't like Dany so you have to hope there is a choice to leave her. But it would be a weakness in the game to cut her part completely without option for us. I think all necessary theatres of the GoT-world should be playable and regardless of your inadequate judgement is Essos/Meereen/Danys area one of them.
How do you know her age?
Oh! I forgot to mention, that's just a prediction....it's just that Talia/Ethan look young.
sorry if I confused you.
Haha, it's alright
I have to disagree though, I'd say they're about 15
That word is dead.
They used it too often and now we all get super pissed whenever we hear the word "soon".
Even though I am a shipper, this made me laugh. xD Shots fired.
Puzzlebox still has bufkin as logo...TWAU S2 CONFIRMED!!!
Exactly )<
Guess we'll find out if they mention it in one of the remaining episodes
God damn it, Time is so fucking slow since they told us the release date. 3 days to go...(XB1 owner) Maybe i'll buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to hold me off until then and until episode 5. I hear The Witcher is a 50 hour long story.
actually its almost 200 hours counting side quests and upcoming expansion packs