That's true. Though I think if Christa were there, she wouldn't have been afraid to knock some sense into season 2 Kenny, and possibly, possibly Kenny could've listened to her, if only because he knew her a bit better than the other characters from season 2.
That's probably the reason why Christa was written out and quickly replaced by Kenny, she would have caused the least amount of conflict in the group and would have created the least amount of drama in the story.
Kenny or Vernon as possible guardians don't look so bad in comparison to me. O̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶?̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶.̶
You picked the two worst possible people to compare Christa to, when it comes to being a guardian. Both the stranger and Kenny lose their significant other and their child. Christa goes through the exact same thing and still has the mental fortitude to not go completely batshit crazy like Kenny and the stranger did and she still takes care of Clem for 16 months. After being in Kenny's care for NINE DAYS Kenny admits to Clem that he himself doesn't trust himself to take care of Clem and AJ. Do the math.
The "she kept her alive for 16 months" argument is weak in my eyes. Would you also say Carlos did a great job with Sarah, because he kept he… morer alive for 16 months+? And once again, we don't know how they survived. Maybe they barely escaped death on a regularly basis. Christa's qualities as a mentor or guardian can only be measured on Clementine's knowledge and behaviour. Based on what I and some other posters stated she did way worse than one could have expected of her. Kenny or Vernon as possible guardians don't look so bad in comparison to me. O̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶?̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶.̶
Christa's response to seeing her lover killed is to execute the person responsible and become emotionally distant to the girl under her care. People hate her.
Pete is emotionally distant from Nick and constantly critical of him, directly leading to Nick being a neurotic mess. People love him because he admits to Clem that he loves Nick, even though he did a shit job of showing it.
Kenny uses his girlfriend's death as an excuse to yell at little girls, attack boys who've already been rendered harmless, alienate everybody else from supporting him, and force Clem to pity him. But it's okay because he SAYS he's sorry without changing his behavior.
Given the choice between a woman who doesn't say much and guys who become needlessly violent, I know who I'd be better off with.
Kenny or Vernon as possible guardians don't look so bad in comparison to me. O̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶?̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ … more̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶.̶
You picked the two worst possible people to compare Christa to, when it comes to being a guardian. Both the stranger and Kenny lose their significant other and their child. Christa goes through the exact same thing and still has the mental fortitude to not go completely batshit crazy like Kenny and the stranger did and she still takes care of Clem for 16 months. After being in Kenny's care for NINE DAYS Kenny admits to Clem that he himself doesn't trust himself to take care of Clem and AJ. Do the math.
The thing is , i'm not defending him. This is a thread about Christa, so i don't see a reason to turn it into "Unofficial Kenny bashing thread 3749".
How you use your time it's up to you. You chose to reply to me, you chose to spend months arguing about a fictional character, but yeah , you can blame me for wasting your time.
Now that's a very one-dimensional argument.
Rhetorically asking a loaded question doesn't help to make Kenny look any better. If you have an actual defense to present to me, speak it. Otherwise, you're just wasting my time.
Christa's response to seeing her lover killed is to execute the person responsible and become emotionally distant to the girl under her care… more. People hate her.
Pete is emotionally distant from Nick and constantly critical of him, directly leading to Nick being a neurotic mess. People love him because he admits to Clem that he loves Nick, even though he did a shit job of showing it.
Kenny uses his girlfriend's death as an excuse to yell at little girls, attack boys who've already been rendered harmless, alienate everybody else from supporting him, and force Clem to pity him. But it's okay because he SAYS he's sorry without changing his behavior.
Given the choice between a woman who doesn't say much and guys who become needlessly violent, I know who I'd be better off with.
Yeah that excuse is getting old. It's just lazy to say crap like this without nothing to back it up. Blah blah bad writing this and that instead it's just ignorance, a lack of trying to understand what the writers were trying to convey.
Clementine already has some major bullshit moments , the timeskip was necessary so you wouldn't see a 9 years old kicking down a door or having the strenght to hold off walkers as she did.
That would be "fuck it, i'm done" instead of "i call bullshit".
What really bothers me is that the writers didn't seem to put much thought into the implications of the 16-months-later skip. Season 2 could have taken place just a month after Season 1 and virtually nothing would have been different.
The thing is , i'm not defending him. This is a thread about Christa, so i don't see a reason to turn it into "Unofficial Kenny bashing thre… moread 3749".
How you use your time it's up to you. You chose to reply to me, you chose to spend months arguing about a fictional character, but yeah , you can blame me for wasting your time.
you chose to spend months arguing about a fictional character, but yeah , you can blame me for wasting your time.
And you chose those same months watching and observing what I say and do about Kenny.
I picked two of the worst possible people to compare Christa to, because my point was even those don't look so bad in comparison. That's still far from they are better. And I was talking about season one Kenny, not "batshit crazy" season 2 Kenny. Even then: He admits that he doesn't trust himself to take care of Clementine. That's a snapshot of how Kenny felt right at this moment. Do you think Christa never doubtet herself and had moments of desperation? I think everyone would think that from time to time if confronted with taking care of a child in the apocalypse. But it's irrelevant, I was talking about season 1 Kenny.
You couldn't know how he would have developed when he had to take care of Clementine after Lee has died. What Sarita said about him, implied that he was on his way to mentally improve, before that whole Carver incident happened. And I wasn't being serious with the stranger, hence the crossed out text.
Christa goes through the exact same thing
Christa lost her partner to suicide and her son on the same day?
Kenny or Vernon as possible guardians don't look so bad in comparison to me. O̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶?̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ … more̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶.̶
You picked the two worst possible people to compare Christa to, when it comes to being a guardian. Both the stranger and Kenny lose their significant other and their child. Christa goes through the exact same thing and still has the mental fortitude to not go completely batshit crazy like Kenny and the stranger did and she still takes care of Clem for 16 months. After being in Kenny's care for NINE DAYS Kenny admits to Clem that he himself doesn't trust himself to take care of Clem and AJ. Do the math.
You hadn't asked a question, unless you mean your rhetorical little baiting question you first took the time to address me with.
But i'm not complaining about all the time i lost because it was my choice
No, you're just complaining because a user has a different opinion on a character than you do and that I am more vindictive with addressing it than others. Is that correct?
I'm complaining about you bringing up someone that has nothing to do with the discussion. You want to talk about how much of a monster Kenny is? Go ahead , i might even agree with you. But it should be done when it makes sense.
You hadn't asked a question, unless you mean your rhetorical little baiting question you first took the time to address me with.
But i… more'm not complaining about all the time i lost because it was my choice
No, you're just complaining because a user has a different opinion on a character than you do and that I am more vindictive with addressing it than others. Is that correct?
I had drawn a comparison between people's misguided observations of Christa being "bad" at protecting Clementine and then the reality of Kenny's methods. And for someone who had time and time again shown himself to be extremely terrible at keeping his family and loved ones safe, the fact that the game seems to slip this by us as simple "bad luck" or just "unfortunate" is a biased on Telltale's part.
I'm only addressing it, it really isn't that hard to understand why I made the comparison I did.
I'm complaining about you bringing up someone that has nothing to do with the discussion. You want to talk about how much of a monster Kenny is? Go ahead , i might even agree with you. But it should be done when it makes sense.
They have all made mistakes. Even Lee was worried that he wasnt doing the best for Clem all the time. Maybe Christa tried to teach her to m… moreake fire amd it just didnt click. Thats no reason to throw away Sixteen months of care that she gave her. Who knows if Lee could have done any better.
Maybe Christa tried to teach her to make fire amd it just didnt click.
Not buying that. Clem was shown to be quite the quick learner with the gun in ep. 3. Clem's pretty smart for someone her age.
Lee taught Clem 95% of stuff he knows by the eend oof S2 even though he spent one fourth the time.
Also Clem often mentions & remembers Lee but hardly talks about Christa. At the moment we can safely say Christa didnt have a lasting impression on Clem.
We have to think how Lee would have thought of Christa as a mentor & guardian. Would he be satisfied simply becoz she kept her alive ?
Having said that I would cut her some slack considering the situation they were in.
Honestly, yes, for the reasons you said and because of... Well, I'll just copy and paste something I wrote earlier:
Christa and Omid: "He… morey, 9 year old Clem, go check out the bathroom without us even though it's extremely possible that there's murderers, bandits, rapists, and/or walkers in there who might outnumber you and the bullets in your gun! Us having sex is more important than your safety right now! Man oh man, we sure are making Lee proud! Parents of the year award! More than 16 months later after having reunited and I still haven't taught you how to make a fire! Yep, definitely a better guardian than Lee just because I was with you longer!"
I truly believe that not even Ben would've done something as stupid as that.
My Lee is rolling in his grave.
And I wasn't being serious with the stranger, hence the crossed out text.
The crossed-out feature is not available on my phone's mobile version of this website, and it is normal text on my phone, which was where I responded to it. On my computer however I see it's different.
And I was talking about season one Kenny
It would help if you could be more clear next time, since most people refer to Season 2 Kenny when they say, "Kenny" these days. Anyway, I still don't agree about season 1 Kenny being "not so bad" compared to Christa after Omid's death. You could argue Kenny was suicidal at the end of season 1 in his two final scenes, in 1. how he sacrificed himself to get Christa out of that building, and 2. how, when he went to the fallen Ben, he locked the door behind him in that alley. Wouldn't Kenny have been a better help if he had just shot Ben and left with Lee to help find Clem, and then he actually could've been a potential guardian for her in the first place, like Omid and Christa had been? Instead he just locks the door behind him, when he has plenty of time to still go with Lee, and try to find Clem if he wanted to....The only thing I can think of to explain the writing is that he was suicidally intending to not come back, and then he changed his mind about wanting to die, and then escaped. Still though, it was pretty clear he was at least teetering on the edge of being suicidal here. I feel bad for this Kenny, but I still would not trust this Kenny with taking care of Clem either.
You couldn't know how he would have developed when he had to take care of Clementine after Lee has died. What Sarita said about him, implied that he was on his way to mentally improve, before that whole Carver incident happened.
Sarita and Kenny both implied that when Sarita found him, Kenny was not in a good place. After his infamous "I got lucky, real lucky" line, Kenny says, "Spent a lot of time alone after that. It uh..." And he trails off. Then he says, "And then I met Sarita, thank god." Later Sarita says, "When I met him, well...he's so different now."
Sarita also says, "Clem, I wanted to ask you...does Kenny seem different to you? I didn't know him before, and well...I'm curious. He has good days and bad days like everyone else. But lately I get the feeling he's...struggling." If Clem says, "He seems like the same old Kenny to me," Sarita seems surprised, saying. "Oh. Well, that's good..." If Clem says nothing, Sarita looks nervous, saying, "Forget I said anything." Source: So yeah Kenny may have been getting better, but even before the Carver incident Sarita says Kenny is "struggling."
The picture these details paint of Kenny immediately after Season 1 is not a good one, and I still wouldn't trust the Kenny from "A House Divided" or the Kenny from the end of season 1 with Clem over the stoic Christa-post-Omid's-death; Christa still had it way more together than Kenny did from what we saw. Christa could have given in to suicidal thoughts like Kenny could have in the past (it seemed very apparent to me for Kenny), but we see zero evidence of this at all for Christa.
Do you think Christa never doubtet herself and had moments of desperation?
Yes, she probably did. I think it's important to remember that Christa was not a person to run from responsibility. She probably did blame Clementine in her mind for what happened (we don't know if she ever said it to Clem's face), but I think it's important to remember Christa most definitely blamed herself and Omid for what happened as well. Afterwards at least, she must have realized that if she and Omid had been paying closer attention and had not taken the time to fool around in the bathroom, that things could have been very different. Christa probably hated herself for this at least as much as she blamed Clementine. And with this realization, she still took care of Clem.
Yes, Christa was emotionally distant toward Clem. However she still kept hope alive for them both in their plan to get to Wellington. Further, Christa was still sympathetic when Clem said, "I miss Lee," with Christa saying in return, "I'm sure you do."
Christa lost her partner to suicide and her son on the same day?
You're right; that didn't happen to Christa. Fate even points to Christa being less broken and thus being in a better position to be a better guardian than Kenny. It's admirable for Kenny to try to be a good caretaker given his circumstances, but if he can't, then he can't. I'm not trying to be mean to the guy; I'm just stating facts here.
I picked two of the worst possible people to compare Christa to, because my point was even those don't look so bad in comparison. That's sti… morell far from they are better. And I was talking about season one Kenny, not "batshit crazy" season 2 Kenny. Even then: He admits that he doesn't trust himself to take care of Clementine. That's a snapshot of how Kenny felt right at this moment. Do you think Christa never doubtet herself and had moments of desperation? I think everyone would think that from time to time if confronted with taking care of a child in the apocalypse. But it's irrelevant, I was talking about season 1 Kenny.
You couldn't know how he would have developed when he had to take care of Clementine after Lee has died. What Sarita said about him, implied that he was on his way to mentally improve, before that whole Carver incident happened. And I wasn't being serious with the stranger, hence the crossed out text.
Christa goes th… [view original content]
The search for Christa could have delivered at least some kind of connection between the happenings of ep 1 - 5 and some overarching task for Clementine.
1) What ever happened with Victor (the dude who had attacked Christa and to whom we could give the water bottle to)? Why did the decision to give him water go nowhere? Why was he so close to where Clem was in the first place? Could he have gotten to that stream because of Christa? 2) The weapon of Winston (one of the dudes who attacked Christa) was a knife tied to a stick, and was the same weapon that was pulled from the bodies from the river massacre:
So it could've been that Christa had had that weapon and had been very very close by to that river massacre where Clem/Pete/Nick were at the end of Season 2 ep 1.
3) The large stream that Clem falls in at the beginning of season 2 ep 1 could've been connected to the smaller streams where the massacred bodies were found, given they were the closest bodies of water around. This suggests that Christa could have seen Clem fall into that river, and she could have been following that river, and was trying to track Clem.
So we don't know for sure, but Christa could have been trying her best to still find Clem even after being so stoic towards the girl. But the writers clearly must have cut this subplot for unknown reasons. You'd think they would've at least followed up with one of the major decisions--the water bottle. But my guess is they're planning on sneaking something with Christa into a DLC or something.
Actually I'm not trying to belittle what Christa has done. I just dislike how they handled everything that has got to do with Christa and th… moreat strange 16 month timeskip. The search for Christa could have delivered at least some kind of connection between the happenings of ep 1 - 5 and some overarching task for Clementine. If they would have emphasised Clementine's refusal of Christa we could have accompanied Clementine on the travel of realising that just because you nearly spent 2 years with someone doesn't mean you have to stay with her and like her and there's other people you feel more drawn to because they make you laugh or give you hope instead of just "keeping you alive".
Or you could use every chance you get to look for Christa even if that means you risk the life of your new friends (or are they?), because you feel you owe it to her and this one time it's you that has to keep her alive or save her.
But they did neither.
If y… [view original content]
Yeah. Though another reason why people were more accepting of Pete's character was because he did not treat Clem in the same way that he treated Nick, and players are more concerned with Clem's well-being than Nick's. If Pete had been just as emotionally abusive towards Clem as he had been towards Nick, then Pete's popularity would've plummeted.
If we boil it down, I'd say Christa is emotionally neutral towards Clem, Pete is verbally and emotionally abusive (though unintentionally emotionally abusive, I believe) towards Nick (not Clem), and Kenny is verbally and/or physically abusive towards the majority of the people around him.
Christa's response to seeing her lover killed is to execute the person responsible and become emotionally distant to the girl under her care… more. People hate her.
Pete is emotionally distant from Nick and constantly critical of him, directly leading to Nick being a neurotic mess. People love him because he admits to Clem that he loves Nick, even though he did a shit job of showing it.
Kenny uses his girlfriend's death as an excuse to yell at little girls, attack boys who've already been rendered harmless, alienate everybody else from supporting him, and force Clem to pity him. But it's okay because he SAYS he's sorry without changing his behavior.
Given the choice between a woman who doesn't say much and guys who become needlessly violent, I know who I'd be better off with.
the fact that Christa is able to keep the two of them alive is more than enough proof that she was not failing and did not fail Clementine. We don't know all the details of how the two stayed alive, but given how often the living are killed, especially when they come across other living people, it's still an amazing feat that they survived as long as they did together. Christa kept Clementine alive for the majority of her post-apocalyptic experience.
I do wish though that wish we had gotten to see what they went through after Omid's death b/c that is what most certainly should've impacted Clementine...
Despite my earlier criticisms on Christa, she did a good job taking care of Clementine. I even regret saying that she deserved getting stabbed in the leg.
The "she kept her alive for 16 months" argument is weak in my eyes. Would you also say Carlos did a great job with Sarah, because he kept her alive for 16 months+?
given Sarah's helplessness, yes, Carlos did a great job keeping Sarah alive, but he also wasn't alone in that endeavor. He had the help of Pete, Luke, Nick and his mother, Rebecca and Alvin...not to mention, who knows how long they were at Howe's before they decided to relocate to the cabin. Carlos may have done a poor job preparing Sarah for the new environment, but part of that was brought on by her PTSD or PD or whatever else anxiety disorder Sarah was ailing from. It doesn't matter if they barely escaped death on a regular a world where people are dying left and right and where every moment is precious and potentially fatal...Christa still deserves a lot of credit. We don't know how they survived and given Christa's fortitude and survival skills, there's no reason to believe that Christa and Clementine survived purely per chance and constantly narrowly escaping death...that's opposite of the facts known about Christa...and even Clementine's known survival skills
The "she kept her alive for 16 months" argument is weak in my eyes. Would you also say Carlos did a great job with Sarah, because he kept he… morer alive for 16 months+? And once again, we don't know how they survived. Maybe they barely escaped death on a regularly basis. Christa's qualities as a mentor or guardian can only be measured on Clementine's knowledge and behaviour. Based on what I and some other posters stated she did way worse than one could have expected of her. Kenny or Vernon as possible guardians don't look so bad in comparison to me. O̶r̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶?̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶.̶
That's true. Though I think if Christa were there, she wouldn't have been afraid to knock some sense into season 2 Kenny, and possibly, possibly Kenny could've listened to her, if only because he knew her a bit better than the other characters from season 2.
You picked the two worst possible people to compare Christa to, when it comes to being a guardian. Both the stranger and Kenny lose their significant other and their child. Christa goes through the exact same thing and still has the mental fortitude to not go completely batshit crazy like Kenny and the stranger did and she still takes care of Clem for 16 months. After being in Kenny's care for NINE DAYS Kenny admits to Clem that he himself doesn't trust himself to take care of Clem and AJ. Do the math.
Christa's response to seeing her lover killed is to execute the person responsible and become emotionally distant to the girl under her care. People hate her.
Pete is emotionally distant from Nick and constantly critical of him, directly leading to Nick being a neurotic mess. People love him because he admits to Clem that he loves Nick, even though he did a shit job of showing it.
Kenny uses his girlfriend's death as an excuse to yell at little girls, attack boys who've already been rendered harmless, alienate everybody else from supporting him, and force Clem to pity him. But it's okay because he SAYS he's sorry without changing his behavior.
Given the choice between a woman who doesn't say much and guys who become needlessly violent, I know who I'd be better off with.
The thing is , i'm not defending him. This is a thread about Christa, so i don't see a reason to turn it into "Unofficial Kenny bashing thread 3749".
How you use your time it's up to you. You chose to reply to me, you chose to spend months arguing about a fictional character, but yeah , you can blame me for wasting your time.
I'd hate to be that guy, but I have to agree. Certain attitudes are acceptable to have so as long as you have the 'right' gender for it.
Yeah that excuse is getting old. It's just lazy to say crap like this without nothing to back it up. Blah blah bad writing this and that instead it's just ignorance, a lack of trying to understand what the writers were trying to convey.
Clementine already has some major bullshit moments , the timeskip was necessary so you wouldn't see a 9 years old kicking down a door or having the strenght to hold off walkers as she did.
That would be "fuck it, i'm done" instead of "i call bullshit".
And you chose those same months watching and observing what I say and do about Kenny.
But i'm not complaining about all the time i lost because it was my choice. You really like turning things around to avoid giving an actual answer.
I picked two of the worst possible people to compare Christa to, because my point was even those don't look so bad in comparison. That's still far from they are better. And I was talking about season one Kenny, not "batshit crazy" season 2 Kenny. Even then: He admits that he doesn't trust himself to take care of Clementine. That's a snapshot of how Kenny felt right at this moment. Do you think Christa never doubtet herself and had moments of desperation? I think everyone would think that from time to time if confronted with taking care of a child in the apocalypse. But it's irrelevant, I was talking about season 1 Kenny.
You couldn't know how he would have developed when he had to take care of Clementine after Lee has died. What Sarita said about him, implied that he was on his way to mentally improve, before that whole Carver incident happened. And I wasn't being serious with the stranger, hence the crossed out text.
Christa lost her partner to suicide and her son on the same day?
You hadn't asked a question, unless you mean your rhetorical little baiting question you first took the time to address me with.
No, you're just complaining because a user has a different opinion on a character than you do and that I am more vindictive with addressing it than others. Is that correct?
I'm complaining about you bringing up someone that has nothing to do with the discussion. You want to talk about how much of a monster Kenny is? Go ahead , i might even agree with you. But it should be done when it makes sense.
I had drawn a comparison between people's misguided observations of Christa being "bad" at protecting Clementine and then the reality of Kenny's methods. And for someone who had time and time again shown himself to be extremely terrible at keeping his family and loved ones safe, the fact that the game seems to slip this by us as simple "bad luck" or just "unfortunate" is a biased on Telltale's part.
I'm only addressing it, it really isn't that hard to understand why I made the comparison I did.
Not buying that. Clem was shown to be quite the quick learner with the gun in ep. 3. Clem's pretty smart for someone her age.
Its a small point. My main point still stands.
Lee taught Clem 95% of stuff he knows by the eend oof S2 even though he spent one fourth the time.
Also Clem often mentions & remembers Lee but hardly talks about Christa. At the moment we can safely say Christa didnt have a lasting impression on Clem.
We have to think how Lee would have thought of Christa as a mentor & guardian. Would he be satisfied simply becoz she kept her alive ?
Having said that I would cut her some slack considering the situation they were in.
The crossed-out feature is not available on my phone's mobile version of this website, and it is normal text on my phone, which was where I responded to it. On my computer however I see it's different.
It would help if you could be more clear next time, since most people refer to Season 2 Kenny when they say, "Kenny" these days. Anyway, I still don't agree about season 1 Kenny being "not so bad" compared to Christa after Omid's death. You could argue Kenny was suicidal at the end of season 1 in his two final scenes, in 1. how he sacrificed himself to get Christa out of that building, and 2. how, when he went to the fallen Ben, he locked the door behind him in that alley. Wouldn't Kenny have been a better help if he had just shot Ben and left with Lee to help find Clem, and then he actually could've been a potential guardian for her in the first place, like Omid and Christa had been? Instead he just locks the door behind him, when he has plenty of time to still go with Lee, and try to find Clem if he wanted to....The only thing I can think of to explain the writing is that he was suicidally intending to not come back, and then he changed his mind about wanting to die, and then escaped. Still though, it was pretty clear he was at least teetering on the edge of being suicidal here. I feel bad for this Kenny, but I still would not trust this Kenny with taking care of Clem either.
Sarita and Kenny both implied that when Sarita found him, Kenny was not in a good place. After his infamous "I got lucky, real lucky" line, Kenny says, "Spent a lot of time alone after that. It uh..." And he trails off. Then he says, "And then I met Sarita, thank god." Later Sarita says, "When I met him, well...he's so different now."
Sarita also says, "Clem, I wanted to ask you...does Kenny seem different to you? I didn't know him before, and well...I'm curious. He has good days and bad days like everyone else. But lately I get the feeling he's...struggling." If Clem says, "He seems like the same old Kenny to me," Sarita seems surprised, saying. "Oh. Well, that's good..." If Clem says nothing, Sarita looks nervous, saying, "Forget I said anything." Source:
So yeah Kenny may have been getting better, but even before the Carver incident Sarita says Kenny is "struggling."
The picture these details paint of Kenny immediately after Season 1 is not a good one, and I still wouldn't trust the Kenny from "A House Divided" or the Kenny from the end of season 1 with Clem over the stoic Christa-post-Omid's-death; Christa still had it way more together than Kenny did from what we saw. Christa could have given in to suicidal thoughts like Kenny could have in the past (it seemed very apparent to me for Kenny), but we see zero evidence of this at all for Christa.
Yes, she probably did. I think it's important to remember that Christa was not a person to run from responsibility. She probably did blame Clementine in her mind for what happened (we don't know if she ever said it to Clem's face), but I think it's important to remember Christa most definitely blamed herself and Omid for what happened as well. Afterwards at least, she must have realized that if she and Omid had been paying closer attention and had not taken the time to fool around in the bathroom, that things could have been very different. Christa probably hated herself for this at least as much as she blamed Clementine. And with this realization, she still took care of Clem.
Yes, Christa was emotionally distant toward Clem. However she still kept hope alive for them both in their plan to get to Wellington. Further, Christa was still sympathetic when Clem said, "I miss Lee," with Christa saying in return, "I'm sure you do."
You're right; that didn't happen to Christa. Fate even points to Christa being less broken and thus being in a better position to be a better guardian than Kenny. It's admirable for Kenny to try to be a good caretaker given his circumstances, but if he can't, then he can't. I'm not trying to be mean to the guy; I'm just stating facts here.
Yes, I think the writers were going to have something more with where Christa had gotten integrated more into Season 2, as others have speculated in this thread: But let me give you some main Christa-points summarized from it:
1) What ever happened with Victor (the dude who had attacked Christa and to whom we could give the water bottle to)? Why did the decision to give him water go nowhere? Why was he so close to where Clem was in the first place? Could he have gotten to that stream because of Christa? 2) The weapon of Winston (one of the dudes who attacked Christa) was a knife tied to a stick, and was the same weapon that was pulled from the bodies from the river massacre:
Credits to @fallandir for the image.
So it could've been that Christa had had that weapon and had been very very close by to that river massacre where Clem/Pete/Nick were at the end of Season 2 ep 1.
3) The large stream that Clem falls in at the beginning of season 2 ep 1 could've been connected to the smaller streams where the massacred bodies were found, given they were the closest bodies of water around. This suggests that Christa could have seen Clem fall into that river, and she could have been following that river, and was trying to track Clem.
So we don't know for sure, but Christa could have been trying her best to still find Clem even after being so stoic towards the girl. But the writers clearly must have cut this subplot for unknown reasons. You'd think they would've at least followed up with one of the major decisions--the water bottle. But my guess is they're planning on sneaking something with Christa into a DLC or something.
Yeah. Though another reason why people were more accepting of Pete's character was because he did not treat Clem in the same way that he treated Nick, and players are more concerned with Clem's well-being than Nick's. If Pete had been just as emotionally abusive towards Clem as he had been towards Nick, then Pete's popularity would've plummeted.
If we boil it down, I'd say Christa is emotionally neutral towards Clem, Pete is verbally and emotionally abusive (though unintentionally emotionally abusive, I believe) towards Nick (not Clem), and Kenny is verbally and/or physically abusive towards the majority of the people around him.
the fact that Christa is able to keep the two of them alive is more than enough proof that she was not failing and did not fail Clementine. We don't know all the details of how the two stayed alive, but given how often the living are killed, especially when they come across other living people, it's still an amazing feat that they survived as long as they did together. Christa kept Clementine alive for the majority of her post-apocalyptic experience.
I do wish though that wish we had gotten to see what they went through after Omid's death b/c that is what most certainly should've impacted Clementine...
Despite my earlier criticisms on Christa, she did a good job taking care of Clementine. I even regret saying that she deserved getting stabbed in the leg.
given Sarah's helplessness, yes, Carlos did a great job keeping Sarah alive, but he also wasn't alone in that endeavor. He had the help of Pete, Luke, Nick and his mother, Rebecca and Alvin...not to mention, who knows how long they were at Howe's before they decided to relocate to the cabin. Carlos may have done a poor job preparing Sarah for the new environment, but part of that was brought on by her PTSD or PD or whatever else anxiety disorder Sarah was ailing from. It doesn't matter if they barely escaped death on a regular a world where people are dying left and right and where every moment is precious and potentially fatal...Christa still deserves a lot of credit. We don't know how they survived and given Christa's fortitude and survival skills, there's no reason to believe that Christa and Clementine survived purely per chance and constantly narrowly escaping death...that's opposite of the facts known about Christa...and even Clementine's known survival skills