Did Christa emotionally neglect clementine!
The opening scene of episode 1 season 2, Christa witnesses her husband lying on the floor shot, she focuses on the gun that belongs to Clem as if the expression on her face points to Clem as fault.
After the time skip, 16 months later, Christa seems harsh and ill will towards Clementine. She essentially told Clem that she needs to get used to the cold in a harsh way. And both hardly exchanged words. Clementine's spirit is extremely low.
Did Christa treat Clem so bitterly everyday since Omid death? If so, she ever tries to abandon Clem, Hit her to shock her out of fear, did she tell Clem how much of a burden she is during those 16 months?
You know that Christa is going to resent Clem in somekind of way.
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I don't think she did any of those things, because that just isn't what kind of person she is, and she seemed to care about Clem's well being from the short time we saw her. But I do think that she didn't really care for or at least acknowledge her emotions after Omid's death.
Omid death was 16 months ago at that time. Imagine how she was to Clem the first week of his death. I don't think she would even look at Clem during that time or probably went into depression of some sort.
Clementine would've mentioned it later on to someone like Kenny dont you think?
She blames Clem for Omid's death. She blames Clem for the loss of her baby. She is incredibly bitter but I don't think she was violent toward her.
Judging by Clementine's physical and mental state, I find it hard to believe that Christa would be abusive towards her in any shape or form. Bitter? Yes. Distant? Yes. But neglectful, both physically and emotionally? Not at all.
Besides, she's only a human being. She can't be expected to get over dealing with a zombie apocalypse with no therapist or counselling, having lost a partner and her unborn child while late in pregnancy over a mistake she and Omid made, and not giving into the temptation in abandoning a child when it's more pragmatic to do. Give her a break.
Metallica made a comment on that and I can agree to some extent (Since I was bias a little yesterday so it changed) since Christa lost her lover. However, Omid wanted to save Clementine and Christa should at least see it at that and not blame it on Clementine by how it seems from her tone. To be frank, by a year and a third (four months) she should have taught Clementine how to build a fire by now and it's just ridiculous on that part.
If Christa was mad at Clem, then that actually makes her extra good because of how she tries to protect Clem from the bandits even despite that.
I don't give as much of a fak about daily treatment as I do regarding tough moment treatment. At least as far as TWD world is concerned.
Well, it's obvious Christa blamed Clementine for Omid's death, but really, why would the adults let the child go off and secure the other restroom alone? If Christa should blame anyone it should be herself
over a year passes and Christa is still very much emotionally detached towards Clementine. It's almost as if Christa is stickin with Clementine out of obligation...probably a combination of the promise she made to Lee and just her innate motherly instinct of not leaving a child to fend for themselves.
I think Clementine doesn't mention the loss Christa and Omid, her parents and Lee, among others, is because she doesn't want to burden others with her pain and guilt...b/c in order to survive in the world she lives in one cannot dwell on the past and she's been able to grow into a mentality that everything you will ever do could potentially be fatal (as Lee can determinately tell Clementine in S1)
Nah, just seemed like she was pissed off at the world. She didn't give up Clementine to the bandits that were questioning her. That right there is proof Christa still cared for Clementine enough to want her to live. Suffering as she was at the crappy campfire, I can understand that anyone would be a little on edge and bark at anyone around them.
If that was the case, Why didn't she tell Luke about Christa?
everything you will ever do could potentially be fatal (as Lee can determinately tell Clementine in S1)
that sounds like what Rick said to Carl. " You aren't safe. One second, its all over."
I said would've....not that she did tell him.
it's pretty much standard life lesson when dealing with a threat of zombies
But Christa isn't the type of person to abandon a child. Especially since she wouldn't shit on Lee's memory like that.
Christa obviously wouldn't physically and emotionally neglect Clementine if she told her to run from the bandits.
Bandits = Danger.
She basically saved Clementine's life. We don't know if Clementine would stay or not had she not told her (or if there could have been an option to stay to help fight).
Neglect doesn't mean hate. What I mean by neglect is that Christa cares/obligated about/to Clem, but just treats her badly because she blames Clem for her situation,and she just aggressive tiger parent.
I never said that Christa hated Clementine. "Hate" never showed up in my original comment.
I just used the word hate because she would only abandon her if she hated clem. Also, Christa telling Clem to run, isn't really enough to say that she could not neglect Clem. Heck, I'm mean to my little brother all the time,sometimes malice, but that doesn't mean that ill just leave him to drown at the beach.
There was some tension there.
But the truth is, in essence, it was no different than Kenny and Ben's relationship.
That's one reason I had Lee choose Kenny as Clementine's next guardian.
Ben's a shitbird.
Still nope.
Christa still cared enough to keep Clementine fed and made sure she survived. Also we know that Christa showed her survival techniques like how to stitch a gaping wound. She even plans to head to Wellington with Clementine and when scavengers came, she still protected Clementine. You can't really blame Christa if she blamed Clementine in any way, after her experience she should've known to keep the gun with her at all times, pretty sure Omid told her to before she went to the bathroom. Leaving a gun unattended was a mistake that cost her the life of one of her guardians. But even though Christa could've let Clementine die and she was probably depressed due to losing her partner and child, I wouldn't blame her for being a bit angry at Clementine, she's the only one her anger can be directed to but it sounded to me like she was trying to keep her anger inside.
Note: Probably going to be a bit rambly and incoherent as I'm tired as all hell and typing as I think. ^^;
She may have shut down after Omid and her baby's death but I doubt she would do anything to push the one last person she had away from her. And who knows, maybe she went through waves of depression as they journeyed (and who could blame her?) and we started the game during one of them.
But, considering how concerned Clem was for Christa throughout the game, constantly looking and asking whenever they met someone new, I doubt she was neglectful. Clem obviously still felt a bond towards her and she returned those feelings when she possibly sacrificed her life to protect Clem. If she resented Clem for Omid's death or didn't care, I doubt she would have done that.
FFS, i'm not a Christa Fan, but this is just dumb. People aren't perfect, they make mistakes. Who cares if she yelled at her one or two times whatever. Christa was going through her own pain, she wasn't really worried about Clementine, because Clementine can take care of herself. She lost her husband, her baby, who wouldn't be a little short at times.
I give her sympathy, but that is because i think she pretty much dead.
A+ discussion, guys! So deep.
No matter how bad she treated Clem, Clem would still try to find her, she is all she knows.