How badly did you beat up Gryff Whitehill?

I accidentally went a little too far and took out an eye. I'm kind of glad I got to do that, but I fear the consequences will come back to bite me in the ass when we trade him for Ryon. Did any of you stop before it was too late? Or did you keep going?



  • I Stopped When Rodrik Aimed His Cane At Gryff's Face. I Think It Was After 3 Punches.
    I Had No Regrets After Seeing The Whitehill Family Banner.

  • I didn't. We're supposed to be the good guys. It makes no sense from a pragmatic standpoint either, the Whitehills will want revenge for his mistreatment and they have the means to do it to Ryon.

  • I punched him once. After that I reminded myself that they still have Ryon.

  • I beat him and took his eye but then I stopped. I figured if the Whitehills find out they will want revenge for retaking the house so I said "F*ck it" and beat his ass. I did it until he wasn't cocky anymore, and it sure as hell felt good.

  • edited May 2015

    I punched him twice then remembered that Ryon may have to suffer for it. I didn't spit on him because I felt that that was over doing it, though I did do that sweeping leg move‐ made me feel awesome.

  • Tripped him, smacked him three times and spat on him. I think it's more of a fitting comeuppance to humiliate/devalue him, rather than to cripple him.

  • I beated the crap out of him, until Elissa told me to stop.

  • First play through I beat him until Lady Forrester stopped me. Second one though I didn't hit him in once and did feel good about the "I'm not like you, Gryff." line. Forresters are better people then the Whitehills. I think not hitting him is better.

  • I hit him once. I felt like one was enough to get the message across and get some sort of revenge for the Maester and Rodrik's beatings and Elaena's forced marriage. Hitting him more than three times I think would devalue Rodrik's honor and endanger them, having damaged his eye. Also I can't really stomach beating characters unless I really have to.

  • Punched him a couple of times , but after Rodrik aimed his cane at him , I stopped . Can't drag myself to that pig's level !

  • This episode I surprised myself because I'm generally not a vengeful person but I played this episode rather blood thirsty when the Glenmores grabbed him I thought to myself "oh I'm gonna enjoy this" but I did manage to stop before I went too far one more hit and I would've blinded him.

  • I blinded him. I think I may regret that later.

  • I kept beating gryff until Elissa got in the way. Once i couldn't hit him anymore i maimed him. No Regrets.

  • edited May 2015

    I barely touched him. I didn't want to start abusing prisoners when the enemy has prisoners of their own that they could do the same to if they heard word of what happened.

  • In my original play through I beat him till our mother forced me to stop, but I had planned on taking his life. Crime of passion what with trying to steal my future wife and all.

    Second play through I just slapped him a bit till he asked for mercy.

  • I beat him until I was forcefully stopped.

    Honestly I don't really care about Ryon, but even if I did, what are the Whitehills going to do? They're not even going to find out about the beating until the trade. Are they really going to say "hold on! No trade until we beat Ryon".. not if they want Gryff back alive.

    Plus, am I the only who noticed that the door they brought Ryon out from obviously led to the dungeons? They're not exactly treating him well.

  • Put it this way. Gryff kinda looked like smeagle when he gave an evil glare from the Ironrath cells.

    Probably not the right call... But so so satisfying!

  • Didn't touch him.

  • Just spit on him lol. Didn't beat him up because I kind of felt bad after I saw what happens if you do :/

  • I stopped after Rodrik went for his eye. I didn't think Rodrik would actually blind him, but as soon as that happened and Lady Forrester was telling me to stop, I stopped. This definitely feels like it's going to bite me in the ass when it comes time to trade Gryff for Ryon.

  • It's nice to play the game assuming, that everybody is going to die anyway. Whether it's your fault or not. I can't let the fear for Ryon distract me in the way I would handle the Whitehill threat. I pretty much gave up on Ryon, Mira and Rodrik. I just know there will be a certain death in the last episode, but you can't really stall. I don't care that Margaery wouldn't let me braid her hair and wants to send me back to Ironrath (come at me, bitch). The girl is coming down pretty soon in the story, too. I am fairly open about everything with the people I call allies.

    I don't trust any of those fuckers, but I know I have to negotiate to accomplish something. I am playing these characters the way I think they would react. So, Asher is described as strong-willed and reckless, I have him do a reckless thing. Even if it worries Malcom. Rodrik is described as the perfect leader, so he wouldn't stand down for the sake of having peace. You catch my drift. I let go of the fantasy that the story will develop exactly they way I imagined.

    So, long story short. I stopped beating Gryff the moment he said: "That's enough!". Why? Because with that he pretty much told me, I broke the fucker. Keep in mind, he is pretty much Joffrey Lannister, only he's not really a wuss.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I hit him three times but when Rodrick pointed the end of his stick at Gryff i thought that was going too far so i stopped, after that i spat on him.

  • edited May 2015

    I didn't spit on him, cause it's... i dunno, it doesn't fit to Lord. I hit just once. And i'm glad i did, cause Rodrik says later the same thing i thought: he didn't want to become like that.
    My Rodrik knows when to stop. He's not agressive animal like Gryff. He can show mercy even to his enemy. That's why i'm proud to call him "my lord" and i want everyone else to be proud of him too.


    bloop posted: »

    Oh, I didn't want to stop.

  • I just spit in his face.

  • I smashed him in the face twice

  • Smart man.

    I didn't. We're supposed to be the good guys. It makes no sense from a pragmatic standpoint either, the Whitehills will want revenge for his mistreatment and they have the means to do it to Ryon.

  • I think it doesn't matter. There isn't going to be any trade because the Glenmores are going to kill him in secret because if Griff returns to Highpoint, they will marry. That's why she wanted him dead but I really really hope that isn't true and doesn't happen.

  • I hit him once because I was frustrated and he smiles, but I stopped after that as I did not want to lower myself to his standard. If I would have kept on going I would not have been better than him.

  • He was restrained so I couldn't hit him.

  • edited May 2015

    I hit him 3 times as retaliation for the hits I received from him in Episode 3 but I stopped after Rodrik raised his cane up. All Gryff did was punch/kick you so starting to smack him in the eye with your cane was taking it too far for me.

  • I gave him the full beating as well. Savored each blow and then I spat on him.

    bloop posted: »

    Oh, I didn't want to stop.

  • I didn't hit him. It was satisfying to say "I'm not like you Gryff". My reasoning was part Ryon but also because the whitehill daughter said not to give them an excuse to invade. I thought beating him would be the perfect excuse. Locking him up for an assault was justified.

  • I beat the crap out of it without any kind of hesitation.
    Let Ludd do what he must, I have already won

  • I stopped when rodrik raised his cane to beat him .... had a feeling that would lead to something bad ... I try to play the good northern/ honourable/ Family guy. (Like Ned Stark i guess)

  • I felt the same way, when Rodrick raised his cane I knew it would be him losing control completely

    Belg_123 posted: »

    I stopped when rodrik raised his cane to beat him .... had a feeling that would lead to something bad ... I try to play the good northern/ honourable/ Family guy. (Like Ned Stark i guess)

  • I kicked his butt until I couldn't kick it no more, then I knocked his ass out! Sinking to their level isn't the best choice, but damnit it's the only language these jerks understand.
    What will they do to Ryon? Who knows, this is GoT... if he doesn't eventually die he'll have a purpose... otherwise why make him a character?
    I'll tell you I WAS pissed when my mom blurted out we had Gryff as a prisoner... I wasn't going to say a darn thing about it. SHEESH

  • My only problem with the idea the Whitehills will want revenge is....

    They ALREADY want to wipe you out.

  • I didn't stop until the woman came In my way and forced me to put gryff in the prison instead of killing him.

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