An Indian tribe would have been cooler...

Than the Russian Group. Believe it or not I'm not against the idea of foreigners in TWD as long as it's not cliche and unbelievable. Russian mobs, groups etc. have become an overused concept in the media, especially video games. An Indian tribe would have been more interesting and if we could explore them more as actual (go to their camp, more development). This is something Telltale had an opportunity to make work and I hope they will for Season 3 as they would make formidable and interesting villains




  • I wish we could have a group of penguins as the S3 villains.

  • Lol insert "cowboys and Indians" stereotype here

  • Same with the Russians.

    sialark posted: »

    Lol insert "cowboys and Indians" stereotype here

  • That was my joke. :facepalms:

    Sg190th posted: »

    Same with the Russians.

  • edited May 2015

    The Russian group also could have been interesting if you had done the same things--visiting their camp and developing their characters. It actually would've been really cool to see how telltale could have developed characters who couldn't speak any English, using just body language, actions, and tone of voice, and making more decisions having to do with these characters. I know they did that with that one guy in Shel's story in 400 Days, but there could be more situations to explore, especially if they were peaceful characters.

    I agree Native Americans would've been an interesting culture to explore. However I'm pretty sure there are about zero Native American reservations in the Ohio/Michigan area where Clem's group must have been. But there could still be a handful of Native American individuals walking around that area somewhere....

    On an unrelated note, I got really excited when I saw the title of your thread, because I thought you meant Asian-Indians. My ethnicity is Asian-Indian, though I grew up in the U.S., and you got me all excited over nothing. :(

  • I heard S1 was going to have some sort of mob (criminal enterprise) that would be antagonists against Lee and Clem. It was scrapped obviously. Perhaps the Russians are re-use assets that Telltale just didn't want to let go.

    Anywho, Native American characters could happen. It's not outside the realm of possibility.

  • oh...

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    sialark posted: »

    That was my joke. :facepalms:

  • lol oh well XD

    Sg190th posted: »


  • Perhaps the Russians are re-use assets that Telltale just didn't want to let go

    that sounds very plausible considering there wasn't as much heart and thoughtfulness in S2...

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I heard S1 was going to have some sort of mob (criminal enterprise) that would be antagonists against Lee and Clem. It was scrapped obviousl

  • Why not a group of chinese tourists?

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    Why are there no tourists in TWD? Surely they can't all be dead. They have very good reaction skills and everything they need to survive in their belt packs, including travel socks and plastic raincoats.

  • It would be incredibly difficult to do that sensitively.

  • Doing things "sensitively" shouldn't be a concern in a game like this.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It would be incredibly difficult to do that sensitively.

  • I think avoiding reinforcing racism should always be somewhat of a concern.

    Doing things "sensitively" shouldn't be a concern in a game like this.

  • edited May 2015

    Why? I don't think it would be too hard, with proper writing. You could address the struggles of the Native American people without insulting them, and give their characters depth and meaning without resorting to stereotypes. It just has to be done with care, is all.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It would be incredibly difficult to do that sensitively.

  • edited May 2015

    Because it's reasonably unlikely that the writers have first hand experience with any native americans at all.

    I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's very hard. They'd have to be careful, yes, but they'd also have to research.

    sialark posted: »

    Why? I don't think it would be too hard, with proper writing. You could address the struggles of the Native American people without insultin

  • Lol yeah that's true. Hopefully the difficulty of such a task as research wouldn't discourage them from at least trying properly though. It would be awesome if they could pull it off properly, without being offensive. More representation is always cool and interesting, especially with greatly-under-represented cultures.

    Though lol

    but they'd also have to research.

    Yeah, they sure do a lot of "research" for all the "realism" in this game...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Because it's reasonably unlikely that the writers have first hand experience with any native americans at all. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's very hard. They'd have to be careful, yes, but they'd also have to research.

  • edited May 2015

    I think research into the presentation of a real culture which has been the object of racism for centuries is more important than that into how likely it is that Clementine would be strong enough to be able to break open the skulls of walkers with a hammer :P

    sialark posted: »

    Lol yeah that's true. Hopefully the difficulty of such a task as research wouldn't discourage them from at least trying properly though. It

  • Lol, yes, it is more imoortant. :p And beyond the whole properly-representing-cultures-thing, this whole franchise is more about the drama and morals of the living people than it is about the zombies themselves, after all.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think research into the presentation of a real culture which has been the object of racism for centuries is more important than that into

  • This would be way cooler: A group of people who can't speak English, (one of them can somewhat speak it) and are from eastern Europe and parts of Siberia.

  • While it'd probably be more diverse than the Russian Group, I don't really think it would work in the context of the game, it might seem too out of place or wacky.

    Though, it would be pretty interesting if Sarita was still alive and we ran into a tribe, we'd learn more about her character and the culture etc.

  • edited May 2015

    -___________- Sarita was not Native American. She was Indian, as in Asian-Indian, as in she/her family's from India. India, part of Asia.

    Jesus do people actually not know the difference still?!?!

    Klicksend95 posted: »

    While it'd probably be more diverse than the Russian Group, I don't really think it would work in the context of the game, it might seem too

  • I am half and half. I am half dot, half pizza.

    sialark posted: »

    -___________- Sarita was not Native American. She was Indian, as in Asian-Indian, as in she/her family's from India. India, part of Asia. Jesus do people actually not know the difference still?!?!

  • A group that you can friendly or hostile towards would be a beneficial key element

  • what?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I am half and half. I am half dot, half pizza.

  • edited May 2015

    I wouldn't mind seeing a street gang as a group. Latin kings, Bloods, Aryans etc. Sad to say, but those are actually the type of assholes I can see lasting a while in a ZA

  • I agree. Same with Sexism and Sexualism i think? How do you use a word for the LGBT hate that isn't "Homophobic''?

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think avoiding reinforcing racism should always be somewhat of a concern.

  • Considering how thoughtlessly the Russians were used I think getting actual non-white foreigners into the mix would only court some unwanted "racist" controversies.

  • Heterosexism? That word applies to thinking any kind of sexual orientation that isn't 'straight' is bad.

    I agree. Same with Sexism and Sexualism i think? How do you use a word for the LGBT hate that isn't "Homophobic''?

  • Thank you Bokor!

    Bokor posted: »

    Heterosexism? That word applies to thinking any kind of sexual orientation that isn't 'straight' is bad.

  • Welcome back, mate

    Thank you Bokor!

  • Damn dude, chill, I made a simple mistake.

    I made the comparison because it seems to be common to say "Indian" when you actually mean Native American.

    Yes, I know the difference, RELAX.

    sialark posted: »

    -___________- Sarita was not Native American. She was Indian, as in Asian-Indian, as in she/her family's from India. India, part of Asia. Jesus do people actually not know the difference still?!?!

  • See, this is the reason we need more representation of both Asian-Indians and Native Americans and other cultures in these games. Sarita was so forgettable that you confused her for being Native American, suggesting she had a tribe, when she clearly was not Native American, even when she clearly had an Asian-Indian accent. Telltale's effort to include any sort of culture from her was a complete sham, and her so-called "Indian-ness" was completely pointless. If her accent had been taken out and her skin lightened, she'd be exactly the goddamn same, only present to make Kenny look more "worldly." She's "present" as a minority, so people say, "Oh yay, minority! Great! Look how diverse this game is!" and yet people forget what minority she even IS! HOW is that representation?

    And no, I will not relax when a person like me is clearly so invisible to you that you'd confuse me for someone of a completely different culture, which is as equally invisible to you, be it visually (as you did with Sarita) or be it via misnomer ("Indian" vs. "Native American.")

    Yes, I know the difference, RELAX.

    You can't even remember the difference, so you clearly don't know the difference. Learn it.

    Klicksend95 posted: »

    Damn dude, chill, I made a simple mistake. I made the comparison because it seems to be common to say "Indian" when you actually mean Native American. Yes, I know the difference, RELAX.

  • I can picture that

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I wish we could have a group of penguins as the S3 villains.

  • I didn't mean in the same scene. I meant an entirely different plot all together such as Clem and company finding a tribe and exploring them instead of them just existing to be killed by the pathetic group of Season2

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    How about no group or tribe at all would've been cooler? The Russian group only served to force some half-assed conflict into the story so e

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited May 2015

    How about no group or tribe at all would've been cooler? The Russian group only served to force some half-assed conflict into the story so e4 could end on a cliffhanger, to which I may add ultimately led to nothing(everyone lives; bad guys die,minor injuries,etc). Changing them to in indians or cowboys or whatever wouldn't have made the situation any less forced or better than with the Russians.

  • That actually sound more realistic and badass

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    I wouldn't mind seeing a street gang as a group. Latin kings, Bloods, Aryans etc. Sad to say, but those are actually the type of assholes I can see lasting a while in a ZA

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    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    I can picture that

  • edited May 2015

    You can't even remember the difference, so you clearly don't know the difference. Learn it.

    Would it hurt to knock it off with the passive-aggressive attitude? It makes it hard to even try and agree with your points, besides, we can discuss this in a perfectly civil manner.

    suggesting she had a tribe, when she clearly was not Native American

    I never once suggested she had a tribe or anything of the sort, I was implying that, had she actually been Native American, we could have learned more about her as a character, her beliefs, moral code etc, Sarita wasn't really well developed due to every other character needing screen time, we never learned ANYTHING about her besides literally her meeting with Kenny. All I'm trying to say, was that the idea wouldn't have been half-bad. (As for the accent thing, that's really nitpicky, though this whole argument is if I'm being honest.)

    And no, I will not relax when a person like me is clearly so invisible to you that you'd confuse me for someone of a completely different culture

    Invisible, C'mon dude, I'm not trying to be an ass, but you're nitpicking at this point. The only time we get conformation
    of Sarita's ethnicity is during the conversation with Troy, who more than likely doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Secondly, as I said in the first post, it seems to me that in most American media, Native Americans are referred to as Indians, whether it's correct or not, it was a mistake/misconception, that's all.

    I'm not going into the whole Kenny thing since it's not relevant to our current discussion.

    I understand the feeling of being invisible and why it'd be annoying to have someone say something that's offensive, but that's not really a reason to rant about it, especially since the Forum is quite a bit more fun with less arguing and more discussion, you could have corrected me in a peaceful and civil manner, why you chose to rage, I don't know.

    sialark posted: »

    See, this is the reason we need more representation of both Asian-Indians and Native Americans and other cultures in these games. Sarita was

  • Or what about a group similar to ISIS? theoretically the comic book universe is set around 2003 and so on. These years were during the early post 9/11 era in a time when the Iraq war was raging. imagine a group forming from Al Qaeda or the Taliban that is trying to survive the zombie Apocalypse and imposing there own set of strict religious laws on the local population. It's a far fetched idea because if that ever happened in the Z.A it would happen in the middle east rather than America

  • Breakfast Club: Oh SHIT it's a motherfucking penguin!

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