The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Is it OK if my first thought is that the little one's about to get her head bitten off?

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I woke up today and I thought "I haven't bothered people with my "art" in a while, lets do exactly that today. :DD" and thus, this was created:

  • Yep, I am down with it.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Is it OK if my first thought is that the little one's about to get her head bitten off?

  • I know, right?!

    I want to SQUISH it >w<

  • In addition to kiwi_Walking_Dead and HiroVoid from a while back, we also have @CathalOHara on board as a new mod! The mod team was kinda light on (active) mods for a while, hence why we've been adding a few new mods closer together than usual. That'll probably be it for a while in terms of new mods now that we have what seems to be a good amount.

    In case you guys missed it, Telltale staff also added @kenjisalk as a new mod after they got to know each other. :)

    Puzzlebox said:
    Job and I actually met @kenjisalk at PAX South earlier this year, and got to know him a bit over the past few months. You can definitely expect to be seeing more of him around here! ;)

  • Finland is best country ever, my blood is finnish lol

    finland is fucking weird

  • Whew, congratulations @CathalOHara

    In addition to kiwi_Walking_Dead and HiroVoid from a while back, we also have @CathalOHara on board as a new mod! The mod team was kinda lig

  • UK?

    ah, i live close to your homeland

  • The mods are raising an army. They must know something we don't.

    In addition to kiwi_Walking_Dead and HiroVoid from a while back, we also have @CathalOHara on board as a new mod! The mod team was kinda lig

  • We need to form a rebellion or something to stop the- oh wait, that'll get us banned. OH WAIT, IF WE ALL GET BANNED THEY'LL HAVE NO ONE TO MODERATE, MAKING THEM WORTHLESS LIKE US! MUAHAHAHAA IT'S GENIOUS

    The mods are raising an army. They must know something we don't.

  • GASP Blind have you no manners?!??! Not everyone has played GoT yet!

    The mods are raising an army. Muhahah, the Telltale forums will be at our mercy in no time!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015

    The mods are raising an army.

    Muhahah, the Telltale forums will be at our mercy in no time!

    Alt text

    The mods are raising an army. They must know something we don't.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    Thanks for welcoming me on board!

    In addition to kiwi_Walking_Dead and HiroVoid from a while back, we also have @CathalOHara on board as a new mod! The mod team was kinda lig

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    Thank you! :)

    Whew, congratulations @CathalOHara

  • I think its 29.99

    Lehfeels posted: »

    well i sometimes game on pc so ill try it on pc whats the pricing for pc dude?

  • Congrats on your online promotion.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Thanks for welcoming me on board!

  • If this doesn't make you smile.. You have no soul..



  • I'm graduating tomorrow from high school, time to celebrate.

    Click here

  • So I was right when I saw you post to Cathal 'did you see my PM'...


    In addition to kiwi_Walking_Dead and HiroVoid from a while back, we also have @CathalOHara on board as a new mod! The mod team was kinda lig

  • Green Shhhhh, We can salvage what's left after the MegaBan if we stay quiet so we're not immediate targets....

    Green613 posted: »

    We need to form a rebellion or something to stop the- oh wait, that'll get us banned. OH WAIT, IF WE ALL GET BANNED THEY'LL HAVE NO ONE TO MODERATE, MAKING THEM WORTHLESS LIKE US! MUAHAHAHAA IT'S GENIOUS

  • edited May 2015

    I recently finished Fatherland: a novel that details an alternate history where the Nazis did not lose the Second World War but rather succeded in establishing the Greater German Reich in Europe (no worldwide New Order like in Wolfenstein, thank god). It is a great book. I recommend it highly.

    I digress, however. This prompted me to do some research on the subject of the New Order proposed by the NSDAP. I did this on the worlds number one go-to source for information: Wikipedia. One click lead to another and eventualy I came across a Wikipedia article for a white-supremacist forum website called Stormfront. Being my curious self, I decided to pay this website a visit for the experience (I have no idea what posessed me).

    Let's just say I have NEVER seen a larger pile of utter lowliness and idiocy in my life. This is NOT an exageration, and I repeat thus: I have NEVER seen a larger pile of utter lowliness and idiocy in my life.

    I simply cannot express in words how disgusted this site made me and how it made me feel so ashamed at that moment to be a white person like those cock-ends.

  • Lucky... I'm graduating next month.

    I'm graduating tomorrow from high school, time to celebrate. Click here

  • edited May 2015

    Damn rules 8-9 of the internet. If this army becomes what I project it shall, then we are doomed. DOOMED!!!!!!!!

    The mods are raising an army. Muhahah, the Telltale forums will be at our mercy in no time!

  • nah nah the great ol denmark


    edited May 2015

    Seeing Theon and Ramsay singing together is heartwarming.

    i love zis

  • Congratulations Mr. Rimmer. I know you've been waiting on this promotion for a very long time.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Thanks for welcoming me on board!

  • Congratulations, I have another damn year.

    I'm graduating tomorrow from high school, time to celebrate. Click here

  • I'm going to see what's that about, it sounds really stupid.

    I recently finished Fatherland: a novel that details an alternate history where the Nazis did not lose the Second World War but rather succe

  • oh lol im Finnish officialily born their and my parents are finnish lol so that closer but now we emigrated to holland

    nah nah the great ol denmark

  • Congrats man, you deserve it.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Thank you!

  • edited May 2015

    Oh, it is beyond stupid. It is the lowest website I have seen so far and just disgusting and an insult to humanity as a whole.

    I also advise you (especially you, AWESOMEO) to view this website at your own discretion should you decide to visit it, as it contains some very insulting views and beliefs; especially in reference to Judaism.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm going to see what's that about, it sounds really stupid.

  • Congrats

    Lucky... I'm graduating next month.

  • I saw, I don't really waste energy on that kind of people.

    Oh, it is beyond stupid. It is the lowest website I have seen so far and just disgusting and an insult to humanity as a whole. I also adv

  • Good man.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I saw, I don't really waste energy on that kind of people.

  • Alt text

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I woke up today and I thought "I haven't bothered people with my "art" in a while, lets do exactly that today. :DD" and thus, this was created:

  • Always loved Zangoose. Can't resist his swag.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    If anyone likes Pokemon, here is my favorites list:

  • edited May 2015

    Exactly. I just have an interest for Japanese culture along with Egyptian, a little bit of Irish, a little of Scottish, Native American, a little of Greek, and Russian cultures as well.

    I don't see him denouncing his culture or telling everyone he's Japanese. It's been made pretty clear that he's not Japanese and I'm sure he

  • Take care, have fun, and good luck on the exams!

    Lol, not like anyone would actually miss me,

    Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I haven't been on much this week... Anyways, I've been really busy. I have exams coming up, and I feel like me taking a break from the fo

  • edited May 2015

    Oh.... uhm... I kinda don't know how to change the date on the camera...

    (goes back into my rabbit hole, embarrassed)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If this was a week ago, how come your camera thinks it's 2012?

  • edited May 2015

    Yeh stormfags are kind of insane like that, but at least they get social stigma everytime they present their white-supremacism opinions, meanwhile others get important stages in mainstream media to spout similar nonsense and i'd rather have 10 more stormfront websites than 1 more rotherham. Political correctness is cancer.

    I recently finished Fatherland: a novel that details an alternate history where the Nazis did not lose the Second World War but rather succe

  • Eh... (chews on my carrot) what's up doc?

    i think calling you a weaboo is becoming an understatement.

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