"In cannon with the comics"
I don't know why but I keep hearing on these forums that this game is "in cannon with the comics", usually as opposed to in cannon with the tv show. The thing is it's not in cannon with the comics. It is it's own cannon, just like how the tv show is it's own cannon.
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It was confirmed canon
It's canon.
Just read this page.
Or read this:
Please try to check facts before you make assumptions like this.
Basically this also its Canon not Cannon
I think I did something good. They're in canon or... in a cannon.
Kevin Bruner (Telltale's co-founder, and current CEO) confirmed that their games based on The Walking Dead aren't canon in a post on these forums: "My canon comment was supposed to be about The Wolf Among Us (which IS canon in the Fables universe), not The Walking Dead, which is obviously NOT canon."
The game is set in the same universe, but unlike The Wolf Among Us, it is not canon with the comics. So, Robert Kirkman is free to do what he wants without worrying about Telltale's stories. Also, technically, because it's not canon, it can work the other way around as well, since Dan Connors (Telltale's co-founder and currently a member of the board of directors) did suggest that it was possible to have Telltale's characters meet the characters from the TV show.
Wait, so does this mean if they wanted Telltale could skip ahead, say, ten years for season 3?
It's non-canon. Telltale's CEO confirmed this like a long time ago. Not sure why people still say it is: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/51778/things-confirmed-from-the-reddit-discussion/p2
Are canon and set in the same universe not the same thing? I've....never heard that before. Battlefront 3 is gonna be set in the Star Wars universe, and is canon, so how are they different? I mean, one could argue since there is no 'canon' path it can't be canon, but the characters existing in that same universe aren't canon too?
I'm sorry, I'm so confused.
I'm not sure anymore since there are different outcomes in the game (barely any).
You can be in the same universe and canon at the same time, but you can also be in the same universe but not canon to the story.
Think of it like this, TWD fan fictions. They're set in the universe of TWD, but they aren't canon to the main story that Telltale makes. Just like Telltales TWD is set in the same TWD universe, but isn't canon to the show. I hope I'm explaining it well
I think you goofed up. It's clear that the game and show are in different universes, and not canon to each other. But the comics and game are in the same universe and you interact with comic characters and comic things are referenced. So it's obvious the game is canon to the comics. The comics being canon to the game is a different story on canoncity, which is what I'm asking about.
In a interview with Robert Kirkman for IGN, he said that the game couldn't skip so much time in S3, because of the comics... so I think it's cannon.
And in EP1 of Season 1, there's a some references to characters of the comics...
And for some reason, I think that the change of Carl's age in the comics was proposital, to make some Clementine and Carl romance in future... Or maybe Robert just regretted for letting Carl be too young, after seeing Clementine.
That doesnt make a sense becuase I just started to read Fables and this game cant be cannon becuase it goes againt many things. So that comment is bull. Also it is either set in the universe (which means it is cannon) or no. There is no middle ground.
Also you can be in the same universe yet have two different canons. For example, the Star Wars Expanded Universe and the Disney's Star Wars Expanded Universe are two canons set in the same universe
My main reason for thinking they were two different canons was that Hershel from the game acts a lot more suspicious and inhospitable compared to Hershel in the comics.
If we check the timeline, this was like half a year before they reached Herschel, since Dale mentions it was Christmas in Volume 2 and the ZA started July 20th.
Right? I haven't read the wiki or comics in a while. It was a long time, that's the point.
Yeah that's true, but you think that half a year of the Zombie Apocalypse would make him more suspicious and inhospitable, not less.
The game, show and comic are all in the same universes but have different canons. Think of the universe as a general setting ie, Zombie Apocalypse caused by the unknown in East Coast America. Canons are actual events that happen in that universe and how they play out. The show and the comics obviously have different canons but I don't think there's enough evidence to say that the game and the comics are in canon with each other.
Robert Kirkman still oversees the Telltale games to make sure they stay true to The Walking Dead, so they'd have to have his approval to do a story like that. But, if Robert Kirkman was OK with that, then there wouldn't be a problem. Any time jumps would only have history that affected Telltale's games and wouldn't affect the comics.
It's not uncommon to have stories that are set in the same universe, but aren't considered canon. Most of the official Doctor Who novels, comics and audio dramas are set in the same universe as the television show, but aren't considered canon by most fans unless the events are mentioned in the show itself (like the Brigadier's daughter, who was first introduced in Downtime (which was a direct to video film that was licensed by the writers who created the characters in the film, but not BBC), or the Eighth Doctor's companions from the Big Finish audio dramas, who were mentioned in The Night of the Doctor).
The Star Trek animated series is the same way. It was designed to be set in the same universe as the show, and to tell the remaining years in the original five year mission of USS-Enterprise (and some aspects from the show have made it into official Star Trek television shows and films). However, Paramount has stated that the animated series is not canon.
The Wolf Among Us is canon to the comics. In fact, the story is actually being adapted into the comic itself as Fables: The Wolf Among Us.
Good explanation
Yeah, Carl is now 13 when he should be 11. That means Clementine would be about 14 after that time skip since it's not winter anymore.
I think it's less him being inhospitable, and more "why the hell do these random people keep coming to my house"
If you're referring to this post, then you'd be wrong.
He just worded it weirdly there. He's saying that the canon comment is about TWAU, since TWD is obviously not canon to Fables, not that TWD isn't canon to the TWD comic.
It's not canon now? Why? It's not like Clem's story can contradict Rick's, TTG and Robert Kirkman have made sure, so to have it set in the same universe but not be canon to the comics seems obsolete and sort of silly. The idea that it's in the comics universe but only one girl's story is nice because it makes the story larger than just Rick
mannn... Why is the weather significant?
Dude, She's a Mod, Don't be like that, and Also, Just because it doesn't stay true, The Main Characters are the same, the story is the same, the Universe is the same. It's canon.
But as @Jennifer stated above, TWDG is not Canon with the Comics
I made it before I read Jennifer's comment, it was just a joke. :P
This is why I don't understand why the Walking Dead isn't canon if TWAU is.
Same universe.
Same characters. (Herschel, Glenn)
The story even makes references to comic characters.
Is it just the choice aspect making it 'non-canon'?
I would say that's the reason TTs TWD isn't canon to the comics is b/c TT version doesn't affect the comic story in any way. Yes, in the beginning we saw characters like Glenn and Hershel and Lilly (originally), but there aren't any characters from the comics now...and once that one novel came about about Woodbury and gave Lilly a backstory, TT changed the achievement in the game when Lilly departs from "Woodbury Bound" to "Now What?"....but anyways...that's why I think the game can take place in the same universe, but not be canon to the comics, b/c it's not connected to the comic story in anyway...having Glenn and Hershel in the game can just be a nice homage or easter egg for fans of comic, not to emphasize that the game is canon
I mean there are stories that are never directly mentioned in another story but are still canon to it. Take Jurassic World, for example. The director confirmed there would be no references to the other two sequels of Jurassic Park: The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3, essentially ignoring them. However, they are still canon to Jurassic Park universe and nothing was removed.
Star Wars is another prime example. There's tons of novels (new canon) that are and will never be mentioned in the movies and are still canon.
It's bugging me, actually.
It is canon though, in the sense they can't do anything major like find a cure or state the cause of the outbreak because that stuff doesn't happen in the comics.
they are still canon to the Jurassic Park universe, but not canon to those actual stories... they're essentially revamping the series so there's no need to mention past sequels if they're rebooting the series....
but it's like a canon within a canon
it's b/c the game follows the rules set by RKs TWD...so it's The Walking Dead Universe, as opposed to the Resident Evil Universe or TLOU, etc, or what have you...but regardless, would it really make that much of a difference if they said it was canon with the comics? saying that it's not is their way of saying that the game characters will no end up or effects the comics in anyway...something that's canon should add to the original story in some way, which TT TWD does not, therefore it is not canon
Jurassic World isn't a reboot......
It's a direct sequel to Jurassic Park. Just doesn't acknowledge the other films. They're still canon.
Ok, so Jurassic World is sequel...which would explain its canonicty...TTs TWD is not a sequel...and if they're saying it's not canon to the comics, then I would assume its not a prequel either
to be canon would mean to be part of the original story in question...Clementine's story is not canon to Rick's story, it's quite simple, really