One thing Season 3 needs to cut



  • It must be as close to the beginning of the 21st century as possible. Jane mentions "busted pagers" that you can find looking through walkers' pockets. And pagers were hardly used in 2006.

    Is that common practice to assume that railway lines will last until a specific year? And why would social norms change in the apocalypse? In a time of struggle, why would social norms matter?

  • edited May 2015

    If that were to happen we'd face threads complaining about how Season 1 & 2 Decisions don't matter anymore.

    They need to cut Clementine out of season 3 that is all.

  • I don't think there has ever been forced bonding with any characters.There is an overall storyline, so the story is going to provide the protagonist with opportunities to interact with and spend time with characters that progress the story forward, mostly, regardless of how the player may feel about a particular character, so you just need to go where the story takes you. You may not like Jane or Kenny or Molly or whoever the person is, but the game is still an're playing someone elses story, not your own.This game is centered around choice, but choices the player does not have are who is important to the story and ultimately where the story goes.

    If players do not want 'forced bonding', then the choice mechanism in the game needs to be drastically altered and improved. Player choices would need to be able to affect the future story.

  • Kenny was crazy and was funny sometimes and Carver's voice was scary. So yeah.

    Really? I thought Kenny and Carver were the most boring characters in S2. Like, they were so hilariously predictable.

  • I'm not sure, but I'm just assuming.

    I've mistaken what you meant by "social norms changing." I was thinking that by changing, it'd be completely different and not matter to how much they matter in those years.

    Is that common practice to assume that railway lines will last until a specific year? And why would social norms change in the apocalypse? In a time of struggle, why would social norms matter?

  • completely irrelevant.

    True, but this game is dating back to the early 2000's, not nowadays.

  • what i got laid at 13 and this was 2003 ssoooo ur point is.

    It's relevant because not a lot of 13-year-olds were dating back then. And since Clementine only had the social knowledge of a first grader, I doubt she'd want to date someone.

  • eh thats iffy at best.

    Sg190th posted: »

    They need to stop killing people off so early. Lee is an exception since I think it's perfect for his demise to save Clementine.

  • Sure, okay.

    completely irrelevant.

  • Congratulations.

    But we're not going to forget that Clementine has the social knowledge of a first grader, yes?

    what i got laid at 13 and this was 2003 ssoooo ur point is.

  • "Social knowledge of a first grader."

    I wasn't aware that we have "social knowledge" dictated based onto our education level. Besides it's ignorant to think that she isn't smart as some adults because of her age and education. Also as far social experiences go, she was pretty much forced to grow up mentally to be an adult way before her body is ready to look like one.

    I doubt people were schooled to be better in zombie apocalypse. As a survivor she has a lot of knowledge that wasn't schooled to the most people like ability to camp (by just using the sticks,) hunt and use firearms effectively.

    Anyway the point is that socially she has learned a lot more than such young person would be expected to if it wasn't a zombie apocalypse, so she definitely has way more social knowledge than Ben. ;)

    Congratulations. But we're not going to forget that Clementine has the social knowledge of a first grader, yes?

  • edited June 2015

    Honestly, bonding is fine as long as you do it/time it right.I tried to avoid going with Luke on the bridge and with Jane on the search for Sarah and all the talking,it was useless.But oh man that bonfire bonding scene was terrible...I mean, it feelt so... out of place, I can't describe it.

    Luke was grieving about how he couldn't save his cabin group friends, and then few hours later (in the game)

    "Oh it's my birthday XD"

    "OH I got bOOze just For ThIS!"

    "I went to art school, and lasted 10 minutes with Jane"

    "Hey I know I spend 16 months with a pregnant woman, and I never asked about birds & bees, but I know you guys are talking about kissing stuff."

    I hope there aren't going to be secens like these...(after so many character deaths)

  • I wasn't aware that we have "social knowledge" dictated based onto our education level.

    Have you thought of a first grader dating someone seriously?

    Besides it's ignorant to think that she isn't smart as some adults because of her age and education.

    I didn't say she wasn't as smart as some adults. Most likely survival wise anyway, but yeah. I didn't say that.

    Also as far social experiences go, she was pretty much forced to grow up mentally to be an adult way before her body is ready to look like one.

    Not exactly to "be an adult," but to survive efficiently.

    Anyway the point is that socially she has learned a lot more than such young person would be expected to if it wasn't a zombie apocalypse, so she definitely has way more social knowledge than Ben

    I'm not sure if you understand what I'm trying to say.

    Clementine didn't grow up with much other children, and right now she should be starting puberty. If the zombie apocalypse didn't occur, and she was in school with other students, she'd experience boys talking about girls, and vice versa. But she hasn't been around that type of environment. So dating wouldn't really occur to her at all. Thus giving her the social knowledge of the first grader she is.

    Clord posted: »

    "Social knowledge of a first grader." I wasn't aware that we have "social knowledge" dictated based onto our education level. Besides it'

  • Agreed

    They should stop killing off antagonist so quickly. And they should go back to the season 1 style.

  • I don't mind being forced to interact with characters at certain points, but we should be able to have more say in how we interact with them.

    Despite the fact that most of the character arcs ended in the same way, season one still did a stronger job in shaping the relationships around our actions. Even if you were forced to work together with Ben and Kenny, that didn't mean you had to be their friends. There were opportunities to defend them as well as to berate them, which in turn, often affected how they interacted with you. In contrast, season two doesn't allow Clementine to make friends and enemies in the same fashion.

  • Are you seriously bragging about that? :/

    what i got laid at 13 and this was 2003 ssoooo ur point is.

  • I think TTG should've ended Lee and Clementine's story after S1. S2 should've been a new story.

    Clemenem posted: »

    But can't we progress and explore new storylines with Clementine in it I think her appearing alongside the new main group still seem

  • because of that forced bonding I started to really like Kenny, and then Jane. So.. yeah it worked

  • If they do that it has to be optional. Playing as Lee I stepped into his shoes and I was Lee. But since I'm male and Clementine isn't I couldn't exactly step into that role as easily for age and gender reasons. I eventually got used to it but it still felt a bit off when people called me "little girl", tried to bond with me over girl things, or something like that. It will be even more difficult if I'm talking to a boy and have "I love you", "Kiss", etc. as my only options of interaction.

    She'll probably be older than 11 by Season 3, and not far from puberty. It might not be a pleasant thing to think about, but it will happen at some point.

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