Official Bonnie LOVE Thread

This thread is for the people who still love our adorable, country-like redhead!

Bonnie for Season Three!

Bonnie as Season Three's PC!



  • You have just returned and have already created a new thread? :)

    Good luck ;)

  • I know, right? xD Maybe it'll be a learning experience.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    You have just returned and have already created a new thread? Good luck

  • If you dont break the ice Bonnie drowns...

  • And i thought i was the only one who liked her

  • I always will be love Bonnie and Mike :(

    supersagig posted: »

    And i thought i was the only one who liked her

  • You like her too super!? Yusss!!!

    All fans group hug for Mike, and Bonnie. (Arvo too hopefully?!)

    Alt text

    supersagig posted: »

    And i thought i was the only one who liked her

  • edited June 2015

    Yes :)

    I'm not angry with him.

    He experienced a lot, and I forgave him.

    Now We can hug?

    You like her too super!? Yusss!!! All fans group hug for Mike, and Bonnie. (Arvo too hopefully?!)

  • Good man. And definitely.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Yes I'm not angry with him. He experienced a lot, and I forgave him. Now We can hug?

  • I killed Bonnie lol. RIP

  • And me. I couldn't wait for the opportunity. The way I see it, she deserved everything she got. Especially since I played the other options after my primary game and heard she blamed Clementine for Luke's death and worse still, she actively encourages that Russian stereotype to shoot her and then leave her unconsciousness in the snow.
    No, I hope Kenny shit her in the face. Mike to come to think of it, he wasn't as bad as Bonnie, but a close second.

    IF the opportunity comes round to hunt down that Arvo, or come across him. He had better dig himself a grave, because he's going in it first chance I get.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    I killed Bonnie lol. RIP

  • edited June 2015

    You all love a woman that is willing to abandon a girl and a baby? I'm curious if you guys have your reasons on why you all love Bonnie despite that stunt.

  • I can't love a woman who would steal all the supplies from a group that has a little girl and a baby in it who did no wrong towards her. Just because there's a "scary man" in the group doesn't seem like a valid reason to me. :/

  • edited June 2015

    I find Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo pretty interesting, not because they themselves are interesting (let’s face it, they’re the dictionary definitions of “bad plot device”), but because they demonstrate just how easy it is for writers to manipulate their audience’s emotions.

    Never mind the fact that they suddenly act completely illogically and wildly out of character in an incredibly convenient manner in order generate drama and drive the plot forward, clearly Mike and Bonnie were just secretly evil all along regardless of how little sense that makes.

    I sometimes feel people forget that The Walking Dead is a story. Written by writers.

  • Fuck Bonnie. Nuff said.

  • edited June 2015

    And the fact that she would blame Clementine for Luke's death if she [you] covered him.

    I can't love a woman who would steal all the supplies from a group that has a little girl and a baby in it who did no wrong towards her. Just because there's a "scary man" in the group doesn't seem like a valid reason to me.

  • That's why I went back and let her drown with him.

    Sg190th posted: »

    And the fact that she would blame Clementine for Luke's death if she [you] covered him.

  • Did you know that if you don't break the ice, Bonnie dies?

  • Yeah, that's why I didn't break it. :P

    Did you know that if you don't break the ice, Bonnie dies?

  •'re also right

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Fuck Bonnie. Nuff said.

  • Are you kidding or for real? :3

    I never realized she could die

    Did you know that if you don't break the ice, Bonnie dies?

  • And I did a dead man a favor, I couldn't let Luke down because he was about to die and didn't want to disappoint him. :|

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Fuck Bonnie. Nuff said.

  • I find it funny how this thread is supposed to be a love thread for Bonnie

    Yet the comments is mostly about her dying

    Yeah, that's why I didn't break it. :P

  • Bonnie was a nice character.
    She had a kindness about her that made her endearing.
    She was a completely likable character.
    But due to her lack of good sense, she was not trustworthy.

  • (?) Dojo will remember that.

    You like her too super!? Yusss!!! All fans group hug for Mike, and Bonnie. (Arvo too hopefully?!)

  • Or did we? we didn't see her floating dead body yet, which makes me wonder.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    I killed Bonnie lol. RIP

  • Thanks :)

    You good man too!

    We must always forgive.

    Alt text

    Good man. And definitely.

  • Let's not forget that this is the series where people love and make excuses for Nate, a psycho asshole who shot an old couple when they were not a threat and were originally only defending themselves from a perceived threat, and smiled about it and shrugged it off right after. Or Kenny, who was perfectly willing to let a woman get eaten alive so he could get his hands on more supplies. Or, outside of the game, Shane, Governor, Negan, Merle, and other douchebags.

    The point is, I think if there's any series where it shouldn't be all that odd when a character does something horrible but still finds forgiveness for it in the eyes of the fandom, especially when it's out-of-character nonsense rather than in-character fuckwittery, it'd be the Walking Dead.

    Sg190th posted: »

    You all love a woman that is willing to abandon a girl and a baby? I'm curious if you guys have your reasons on why you all love Bonnie despite that stunt.

  • I like pre-"No Going Back" Bonnie. Clearly, some kind of brain parasite got inside her head during episode 5 which caused many of her actions in that episode. It's like they realized that Bonnie and Mike were the only saving graces of the absolutely deplorable previous episode, so they tried to make them look bad because it was just easier that way. You know what would have been even easier and would have salvaged their characters? I mean, besides dying in the shootout. Have them try to take Clementine and AJ with them. Boom. Instantly understandable actions. Hell, you could even keep it ambiguous as to whether or not they truly mean it and aren't just trying to save face before Arvo fucks everything up. At least then, you keep a certain tragic mystery to their intentions and whether they were pure or not and whether you could really have trusted them, rather than just, "Oh, you liked these characters before? LOLNOPE!"

    But in the end, what the writing says goes, and I can deal with that. As a result, while I can't say I love Bonnie after "No Going Back", I certainly don't hate her either. There's just not enough to her writing that makes me feel true hate, like with Nate. Just disappointment, for a variety of reasons.

  • I always wonder what exactly makes these threads 'official'... xD

  • You have good points and I actually forgot about what Kenny did. It's really ridiculous but then again, this is what the Walking Dead really is. Clementine reveled as the best for being Lee's legacy or whatever and Kenny for being the "Best Bro"

    damkylan posted: »

    Let's not forget that this is the series where people love and make excuses for Nate, a psycho asshole who shot an old couple when they were

  • You pretty much summed up why I didn't care for Bonnie and Mike's characterisation in Episode 5, they became 'traitors' for the sake of drama. There were no build up or any credibility to their actions, and yet it happened because there needed to be a shocking moment near the end of the episode besides the Kenny vs Jane event at the finale.

    I'm a little miffed that the two were considered fan favourites in Episode 4 for being the only well adjusted characters among a cast of depressed, unlikable, traumatised, and suicidal characters. There were even a 'ship' named #Bike for the two, showing how well received they were in spite of their lack of backstory or characterisation.

    Then come Episode 5 and the writers apparently realised that we were rooting for the wrong characters, and decided to turn them 'evil' to correct that error. Now they're suddenly one of the most hated characters, and they were basically robbed of any kind of dignity and respect, all for the sake of creating drama that doesn't even make any kind of sense.

    damkylan posted: »

    I like pre-"No Going Back" Bonnie. Clearly, some kind of brain parasite got inside her head during episode 5 which caused many of her action

  • Because it makes it sound more professional, like you're not going to click on a thread that says...

    This thread is for the people who still love our adorable, country-like redhead!

    Bonnie for Season Three!

    Bonnie as Season Three's PC!

    Not entirely worthy of the "official" title that's there.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I always wonder what exactly makes these threads 'official'... xD

  • edited June 2015

    This thread is for the people who still love our adorable, country-like redhead!

    This should be the title. xD

    Because it makes it sound more professional, like you're not going to click on a thread that says... This thread is for the people who

  • I agree with u 100%. Bonnie was acting all "I'm sorry for everything, I just wanna be friends". I hated her character and if she shows up again and there is a option to kill her or something, I'll do it.

    And me. I couldn't wait for the opportunity. The way I see it, she deserved everything she got. Especially since I played the other options

  • Bonnie is stupid. She always chooses the easy way, like at the lodge when she lead Carver there, and wanted to be in his good side, and (the thing i was not expecting) leaving Clem and the baby to run away with ARVOS and Mike? What the hell...

    Sg190th posted: »

    You all love a woman that is willing to abandon a girl and a baby? I'm curious if you guys have your reasons on why you all love Bonnie despite that stunt.

  • I like her better than Clementine. She is more interesting to me.

  • She just wants Luke's dick and finds something to blame on. It's why of all characters, she is a stupid as shit.

    Bonnie is stupid. She always chooses the easy way, like at the lodge when she lead Carver there, and wanted to be in his good side, and (the thing i was not expecting) leaving Clem and the baby to run away with ARVOS and Mike? What the hell...

  • I think Bonnie is a whore. In the last episode of S2 she said that she was with a group of men before and no one respected her or her decisions... Why is that?.. whore, she just wants some dicks ahah

    Sg190th posted: »

    She just wants Luke's dick and finds something to blame on. It's why of all characters, she is a stupid as shit.

  • Bonnie FTW!!!! All that hate makes no sense at all :P

  • Yay! hugs you

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Thanks You good man too! We must always forgive.

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