Kenny is the shane of the walking dead game



  • Read my reply to Flog just above yours.

    Piggs posted: »

    I, uh... don't get it. I'm still right. He's considered unstable by nearly everyone in the group, whether that's factual or not.

  • Oh. So your first post still doesn't make sense, then.

    Read my reply to Flog just above yours.

  • edited June 2015

    The worst kinds. The Kenny kinds.

    dan290786 posted: »

    The character plot holes and development inconsistencies are??

  • So you can't say what they are for everyone to agree or disagree with??

    The worst kinds. The Kenny kinds.

  • I've stated it numerous times to numerous people. At this point a conversation on where I stand on Kenny, especially to a seasoned member whose been with the forums since early 2013 is just wasting my time and yours.

    Besides, aren't you that one user that constantly makes snide remarks to my posts on Kenny? I've seen you respond to me at least a dozen times so far so you should know the deal by now.

    dan290786 posted: »

    So you can't say what they are for everyone to agree or disagree with??

  • I know, I just notice you get wound up very easily that's all.

    Anyway, i've not seen any posts where you stated plotholes and development problems with Kenny and i just wanted to know what your opinions on them were that's all.

    I've stated it numerous times to numerous people. At this point a conversation on where I stand on Kenny, especially to a seasoned member wh

  • We're using "semantics" like comparable features, analogous stuff, not dead-right accuracy.

    Sg190th posted: »

    Rick never lost Carl nor his current girlfriend. And he doesn't think irrational?

  • I wouldn't say I get wound up, I just don't take a lot of your comments seriously, especially when their comments like "you love Kenny... LOL" or whatever. At that point I'm just taking the piss.

    But since you're persisting and seem to be seriously curious, I'll answer...

    Kenny is a character whose entire "development" can be traced back to one thing and only one thing. His anger. He rarely shows any other emotion, and it's hard to connect to a one-dimensional cut out figure.

    He kills Larry and he uses his rage as a motivation to persistently peruse the cannibals never showing signs of a weakening spirit or remorse, just go go going all the way. But ok, give him the benefit of the doubt. His adrenaline was up, right? But then, throughout the time skip, he's even more angry and devoid of personality cause he acts like a spoiled little kid and throws temper tantrums only adding to his boring characterization.

    Now, of course, people say that it was a way of separating himself from his remorse which would be fine if he ever revealed it and definitively proved that he was only scared to admit. Throughout both seasons however, he never states it so it's all speculation.

    Time and time again, he deals with obstacles the same way we deal with a shit on the toilet... disgustingly crass and nastily offensive. He's a walking stereotype.

    If you like him, cool. But his rage and anger comes off making him look like a bully who screams obscenities at an eleven year old and constantly has yelling matches with a woman whose father he viciously murdered three inches in front of her.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I know, I just notice you get wound up very easily that's all. Anyway, i've not seen any posts where you stated plotholes and development problems with Kenny and i just wanted to know what your opinions on them were that's all.

  • Now, of course, people say that it was a way of separating himself from his remorse which would be fine if he ever revealed it and definitively proved that he was only scared to admit. Throughout both seasons however, he never states it so it's all speculation.

    You can talk him down at the train , and it lets you see that past that anger , he was feeling guilty the whole time about Shawn. He said something like "How is my son going to live , when i helped put someone else's on the ground?" he is actually angry because he blames himself. There is remorse.

    I wouldn't say I get wound up, I just don't take a lot of your comments seriously, especially when their comments like "you love Kenny... LO

  • Yes, about Shaun. But he never admits any remorse about separating the group with his constant fighting with Lilly. He never extents any sorrow to her pain or the pain he brought on as a result of his heinous act.

    And he doesn't change anyway, cause throughout the rest of the season as well as season two he still acts brackish and vindictive so the growth isn't there.

    Zumoshiteki posted: »

    Now, of course, people say that it was a way of separating himself from his remorse which would be fine if he ever revealed it and definitiv

  • edited June 2015

    You can blame Lilly as much as Kenny in those fights tho , they both had different views on how things had to be done. Turned out Kenny was right about almost everything, such as him suspecting about the St.Johns, or wanting to leave the Motor inn, he was looking out for his family and i don't expect him to feel remorse because he had a few arguments here and there for the sake of safety.

    Larry situation is more complicated than that, if Larry turned, chances are someone would've died or gotten biten on the meatlocker. Lilly herself on ep 1 said that he's had attacks he wouldn't have recovered if it wasn't for the medication or the hospital. It wasn't an act of cruelty for the sake of it, average heights , rotten , female walkers have been shown to make fit male such as Lee have a hard time to kill one empty handed. Then there is Larry, huge as fuck, on what would be a possible 2v1 escenario (i'm thinking Lilly might have a hard time killing his father) without anything to use as a weapon. (saltlick is not an option on moving targets)

    But as i said , it's complicated, i tried to save Larry on my first playthrough. Kenny possibly killed a living man for nothing....and he possibly saved everyone on the group. We don't know the asnwer. He thinks he does.

    And he doesn't change anyway, cause throughout the rest of the season as well as season two he still acts brackish and vindictive so the growth isn't there.

    I agree with you here 95% , the 5% remaining being the Wellington ending.
    He acknowledges he's done bad things , and he might be remembering the Larry incident when he says he feels ashamed about the things she had to endure because of him.

    Then again...this is just my opinion. Take it as you will

    Yes, about Shaun. But he never admits any remorse about separating the group with his constant fighting with Lilly. He never extents any sor

  • Well i admit that most of the time he is angry but that is just the type or character he is, i wouldn't say hes one dimensional though. I find him hilarious when hes angry lol but depending on how you play, he can be as loyal a friend can get! What about herioically saving Christa? Or mercy killing Ben? And he showed in Season 2 how much he cared about Clem's well being! Despite asshole moments from him!

    He uses his rage as motivation yes, if my family were held hostage by cannibals i'd be the same! How would you feel if you found out someone in your group was a traitor that got your husband/wife and kid killed?

    As someone else stated, Kenny shows remorse over Shaun's death, he tells the group in episode 5 how he could have been a better father and friend, he knows his faults, he goes off the handle but then apologises to Clem after the events of ep4 into ep5 in season 2. Also you say about how nasty and offensive he is but what about Larry? The way he treats Lee is sickening, even if it is because hes worried about his daughter and that he was a murderer! He didnt give Lee a chance in the 3 month time skip.

    Anyway, its all down to how you play. Have you ever actually tried siding with Kenny just to see how the game plays out? Its all fine because its your opinion of course.

    You have probably discussed this lots before but if you were stuck in that room with Larry possibly about to turn, would you honestly risk trying to revive him? You'd take that chance? Again its all opinions but i know if i was trapped and there was that risk that while giving CPR or heart massage or whatever that he'd suddenly turn, i would want to defend myself. You may hate hearing that but i guess it really was the perfect choices that TTG gave us from that game because so many of us are divided. Lily shot Carley/Doug point blank, who knows if she may or may not have done that if Larry hadnt been killed but she still did it and that to me is just as bad as the Larry death.

    I wouldn't say I get wound up, I just don't take a lot of your comments seriously, especially when their comments like "you love Kenny... LO

  • I only got one thing to say.

    Regardless of how much you side with him, he'll always waver his loyalty to you and Clementine at one point or another. My first playthrough, I tried to stay diplomatic and civil, and yet still he initially refused to help save Clementine in Around Every Corner. Of course, this was after he very nastily called Clementine a "sham" in The Long Road Ahead.

    At a certain point, you realize that a person is a fucking dick. It just so happens that I realized it faster than a lot of others.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Well i admit that most of the time he is angry but that is just the type or character he is, i wouldn't say hes one dimensional though. I fi

  • edited June 2015

    So is Larry not a dick then??

    Well its your opinion and it depends how you play as i said and fair enough to you. He's not a dick to you if you side with him and that's that. And the sham comment was more to do with insulting Lee being Clem's carer as it isn't his daughter. He was calling the situation a sham, not Clem.

    By the way if you stay neutral with him, he can still go with you to find Clem but i think you have to say something like "shes my family now" or something and depending on previous decisions he can go with you.

    I only got one thing to say. Regardless of how much you side with him, he'll always waver his loyalty to you and Clementine at one point

  • Agree with you Zumoshiteski!

    Zumoshiteki posted: »

    You can blame Lilly as much as Kenny in those fights tho , they both had different views on how things had to be done. Turned out Kenny was

  • I wonder what it would be like if Shane and Kenny were in a group together and they were both group leaders.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    So is Larry not a dick then

    I'm going to say this much: even if you side 100% against Kenny, he will still agree with you or see eye to eye with you on at least one thing at some point in the game.

    That's better than Larry consistently criticizing you no matter what you do:

    Get him his medicine? Leaves you to die right in front of Clementine, and doesn't even make one effort to thank you for getting something he needed to survive.

    Give him the axe? He still acts overly aggressive with you.

    Getting attacked by a zombie? He comes over and yells at you and continues to be a dick even when he's saving your life.

    He actually saves your life? Still yells at you and calls you an asshole and says that you're going to get them all killed.

    Try to talk to him? Pretty much tells you to fuck off.

    Take Travis with you to the motor inn? Acts like it's all your fault, even though you're not the one that shot him.

    You get attacked by the bandits and Mark gets shot? He immediately walks over to you and asks you what happened as if it's your fault.

    Give Lilly food but not him? Makes it all about himself and chews you out for not feeding him in particular, and doesn't even show one ounce of gratitude of any sort for feeding his daughter. 10/10 father.

    Stop them from eating Mark? Argues with you and acts like you're just being a douche the whole time, and then chews you out for not stopping them in time.

    Give him food and choose the nicest possible options? Still thinks that you were an asshole to him.

    I don't know why anyone would expect this guy to even be anything close to nice if you were able to save him in the meat locker. He would have still found a way to chew you out for it. He'd probably just be like "Goddamnit Lee, you bruised my fucking rib, you stupid piece of shit! What a load of help you were!"

    dan290786 posted: »

    So is Larry not a dick then?? Well its your opinion and it depends how you play as i said and fair enough to you. He's not a dick to you

  • Haha i laughed hard at your last line Deltino! Yes, try telling EveryonesClemInTime this! I never liked Larry the moment he left Lee to die in the drugstore. And people will disagree but seriously, trapped in a meat locker with someone who is most likely about to turn, you just wouldn't take the risk! Who would do this seriously? What if you were giving mouth to mouth with Larry to revive the guy for him to suddenly wake up and rip your mouth off your face?

    Deltino posted: »

    So is Larry not a dick then I'm going to say this much: even if you side 100% against Kenny, he will still agree with you or see eye

  • edited June 2015

    I remember when Kenny said that to my Lee. I think i literally gasped out loud. I was like, "Who do you think you are?" Its not just blood thst makes a family and what Lee and Clem had was not a sham. And that was when I was still trying to be his friend. I felt like he just had no respect at all for Lee, not where it counted.

    I only got one thing to say. Regardless of how much you side with him, he'll always waver his loyalty to you and Clementine at one point

  • edited June 2015

    Kenny is a great fair-weather friend, don't get me wrong. He is loyal when it's not his ass on the line and is a great ol' pal if you're willing to murder an unconscious man in cold blood. Much like the two above me said, he was willing to be nice to them because fuck turning the other cheek and rising above.

    Morality to some is just a reflective balance, not something you have to take on as a higher level of inner-peace. I wanted to save Larry not because I liked him, but because it was the right thing to do... well, that and he was alive and killing one of our members made no sense especially in a situation like that.

    KCohere posted: »

    I remember when Kenny said that to my Lee. I think i literally gasped out loud. I was like, "Who do you think you are?" Its not just blood t

  • edited June 2015

    There was no proof that he was alive or dead. If reviving him, he twitches meaning he was either going to recover or he was turning. In regards to the situation though as i said, if i were in that position, I couldn't take the chance trying to revive him if it meant at any second he was going to turn! Don't get me wrong though, if it was different, i'd do the right thing and try and save him but not when your own life and others are in danger

    Kenny is a great fair-weather friend, don't get me wrong. He is loyal when it's not his ass on the line and is a great ol' pal if you're wil

  • Lives were not in danger though. He only moves his mouth if you give him a certain number of compressions which heavily implies that it was a breath and no sign of reanimation.

    And if that (for some reason) is too far-fetched for you to understand. His skin tone was still very much of a healthy and not in any way alarming. No pale skin would not only imply, but straight up rules out that he was dead. No way to argue around that unfortunately.

    dan290786 posted: »

    There was no proof that he was alive or dead. If reviving him, he twitches meaning he was either going to recover or he was turning. In rega

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    I guess I'm in the minority of people that didn't even take Kenny saying that personally

    After all, it's the words of a desperate father in the state of grieving and deep-seated denial. Having dealt with people I care about saying some very nasty shit to me when they were in the process of grieving, what Kenny said is pretty tame by my standards

    And as far as I'm concerned, if you're going to tell an emotionally volatile person like Kenny to wake the fuck up (not even counting him being in the grieving process), you're kind of asking for him to throw something nasty right back at you. Hell, the fact that he doesn't immediately take a swing at you when you say that is surprising enough as it is, because almost everyone I know would probably immediately clock me in the face if I tried to say that. I'd probably even do it myself if someone said that to me

    Then again, maybe I just grew up around a bunch of lunatics and am naturally used to it, I dunno

    KCohere posted: »

    I remember when Kenny said that to my Lee. I think i literally gasped out loud. I was like, "Who do you think you are?" Its not just blood t

  • It is never ever stated that he was still alive though, it is just your view on the situation, it is not fact and there will always be people arguing about this theory. They were in a meat locker, what if this slowed down the skin colour changing? Hell i'm no doctor of death but just saying! All i know is, if someone has a heart attack, you have 4 minutes to save their life. In the time they were all talking about what to do with Larry, what's to say he hadn't died at that point?

    The whole point is, why would you or anyone even take the risk knowing that if he was not able to be revived that he would turn and kill you??

    Lives were not in danger though. He only moves his mouth if you give him a certain number of compressions which heavily implies that it was

  • Hahaha, the "violent, unstable, crazy, mad monster" that we're talking about did take Clem to a good place (they gave food to strangers, so they are nice) well, unless u killed him for trying to kill a person who admitted to kill a baby.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Hahaha, the "violent, unstable, crazy, mad monster" that we're talking about did take Clem to a good place

    A place that no one at the time no one could even be sure existed and if it did what were the odds they'd find it before they died of the cold? Kenny wanted to drag every single group member with him, despite them repeatedly saying they did not want to go, now imagine if they all made it to Wellington and learn that no one's allowed in but they still manage to convince them to take Clem, what's the rest of the group supposed to do in this situation out in the cold?

    unless u killed him for trying to kill a person who admitted to kill a baby.

    She said that she couldn't help AJ and that it was an accident she did not say she killed the baby, it's not like she came in and said she snapped AJ's neck.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    Hahaha, the "violent, unstable, crazy, mad monster" that we're talking about did take Clem to a good place (they gave food to strangers, so they are nice) well, unless u killed him for trying to kill a person who admitted to kill a baby.

  • LOL, good point, no neck snapping...

    well, the odds were 100% because it did exist, at worst they would get some supplies from the nice lady... Kenny got Clem in a good place.
    The group should go to hell for i all care, they didn't help Clem when that justin bieber shot her. Kenny and Clem should've left for that place without those imbeciles.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Hahaha, the "violent, unstable, crazy, mad monster" that we're talking about did take Clem to a good place A place that no one at th

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Personally I didn't want to go with Kenny at all, I wanted to go with Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, Jane and AJ.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    LOL, good point, no neck snapping... well, the odds were 100% because it did exist, at worst they would get some supplies from the nice l

  • To be honest, Kenny would never sacrifice someone to save someone else, would he? I think Jane was like Shane because they both let someone get eaten by walkers and not put them out of the misery. They are both selfish and I hate selfishes

  • You can also spot a few similarities between Kenny and the Governor. Both men lost an eye and both men were driven mad after losing their families.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I see Kenny as more of the Rick of the series, and if you think about it, both Kenny and Rick's story share a lot of similarities. For ex

  • Not in that sense, Kenny didn't straight up shoot a bitten kid or behead an old man after going rogue.

    You can also spot a few similarities between Kenny and the Governor. Both men lost an eye and both men were driven mad after losing their families.

  • He shot him so that the zombies would be distracted eating Otis and he could make an easier exit. He wasn't sacrificing someone else, in a sense, he was actually being practical. ONE of them needed to get those supplies back to the farm. Otis was lagging, may not have made it either way, he gets shot. Shane knew he had a better chance of making it back than Otis did. and if he didn't do that then Shane Otis and Carl will all have died. and i'm pretty sure Kenny would have done the same if Clementines Ducks or Katjias life was on the line.

    AronDracula posted: »

    To be honest, Kenny would never sacrifice someone to save someone else, would he? I think Jane was like Shane because they both let someone get eaten by walkers and not put them out of the misery. They are both selfish and I hate selfishes

  • edited June 2015

    Then why didn't he just shoot him in the head? It would have been easier.

    -Kenny posted: »

    He shot him so that the zombies would be distracted eating Otis and he could make an easier exit. He wasn't sacrificing someone else, in a s

  • Well Otis's scream attracted more walkers so Otis's screaming = better chance at making it out there alive, and also walkers tend to want to eat living prey more then dead prey

    AronDracula posted: »

    Then why didn't he just shoot him in the head? It would have been easier.

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

  • Mike,Bonnie,Jane,Arvo's logics: "Alright since kenny is an annoying terrible monster. Clearly the best counter course of action to do is to take all the supplies, put it in the car, and leave kenny,jane, little girl clem and baby AJ without transport or a scrap of food.

    ...........are we sure we don't have the monsters confused here?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Personally I didn't want to go with Kenny at all, I wanted to go with Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, Jane and AJ.

  • edited June 2015

    It's like those "Kenny was insane, Jane so did not provoke his family or his recent dead girlfriend at all, leave her alone, Kenny's obviously crazy" comments...

    I think everybody should watch Flimsii's critique of TWDG...

    HERO_1000 posted: »

    Mike,Bonnie,Jane,Arvo's logics: "Alright since kenny is an annoying terrible monster. Clearly the best counter course of action to do is to

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