Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • They're awful places, let's just put it that way. :P

    I took his money cause well... what will a dead man do with money? Nothing. At least Fiona's alive. :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah... Pandora and Hyperion aren't the most moral places in the world... I took his money only in my second playthrough... Wow, sometimes I'm too nice. (totally not being narcissist, not at all)

  • Yep, gotta agree with that. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    They're awful places, let's just put it that way. :P I took his money cause well... what will a dead man do with money? Nothing. At least Fiona's alive. :P

  • Care to guess whose eyes it will be? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe it's not what it seems; we're sure to have a cliffhanger, though.

  • edited June 2015

    That's tricky to pronounce xD

    I don't think there's very much difference between those two - just a passing second ;)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    The last one is when the Rhyshas get punished for not admitting the one true ship... Vausquez! Seriously though it scares me too. I need to know the exact level of anger, like "I'm gonna kill you" anger or kills you anger.

  • Prior to the screenshots I woul've said Athena just because of the red eyes in Fiona's story but right now I have no clue. And you?

    armis37 posted: »

    Care to guess whose eyes it will be?

  • It's a wild guess, but maybe it's Fiona? Maybe at the end, the group will be separated and Fiona will think that Rhys (with or without Vaughn) left them voluntarily. The catch is that Rhys has Gortys (for example) and leaving Fiona and Sasha without it is practically a murder. I know, this requires a lot of certain situations and twists, but like I said - a wild guess :)

    Maybe it's a new enemy with a terrifying look, who knows xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Prior to the screenshots I woul've said Athena just because of the red eyes in Fiona's story but right now I have no clue. And you?

  • edited June 2015

    Actually... that would make a lot of sense. That would explain why Fiona is so angry at him in present time. Maybe he doesn't have a choice in leaving the group behind -- wishful thinking, but I'd like to image Rhys is better than that. :(

    armis37 posted: »

    It's a wild guess, but maybe it's Fiona? Maybe at the end, the group will be separated and Fiona will think that Rhys (with or without Vaugh

  • Yes, I'd like to believe that too. It's only that Fiona will THINK that Rhys left them voluntarily - in reality, maybe he'll be taken away by force. But I guess we will have to wait and see :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Actually... that would make a lot of sense. That would explain why Fiona is so angry at him in present time. Maybe he doesn't have a choice in leaving the group behind -- wishful thinking, but I'd like to image Rhys is better than that.

  • Yeah, I really hope that's the case. I don't want Rhys to just throw away all of them like that. The group dynamic is good, I want them to keep it.

    armis37 posted: »

    Yes, I'd like to believe that too. It's only that Fiona will THINK that Rhys left them voluntarily - in reality, maybe he'll be taken away by force. But I guess we will have to wait and see

  • Hey, since we're talking about dynamics and such, which elements do you think each member of the group represents? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I really hope that's the case. I don't want Rhys to just throw away all of them like that. The group dynamic is good, I want them to keep it.

  • Sasha strikes me as incendiary because of how blunt she is; Fiona too, but that's probably the way I play her.

    Rhys probably corrosive? Vaughn I have no idea.

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey, since we're talking about dynamics and such, which elements do you think each member of the group represents?

  • when the whole squad is in the thread

    Alt text

  • Sqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when the whole squad is in the thread

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • RIP in peace page 169 </3

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Ours best friend die.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    RIP in peace page 169 </3

  • "Will always be remembered."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    RIP in peace page 169 </3

  • It will be back in the form of 269.

    Eryka posted: »

    Ours best friend die.

  • i cri everitiem

    Killah posted: »

    "Will always be remembered."

  • Sanic irl <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Okay, that one is terrifying.

  • Haha yeah true but I meant more like "threatening but not really meaning it" or "actually doing it".

    armis37 posted: »

    That's tricky to pronounce xD I don't think there's very much difference between those two - just a passing second

  • So, R.I.P. Rhyiona rocketship, I completely forgot. Cries

  • I hope Claptrap shows up this episode and sweeps Gortys off her feet.

    Well, she doesn't have feet but you get my point.

  • At least we will be proudly saying we(thread members) are the original artists that started drawing Gortys <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Well, I think now after her revelation there will be tons of fanart with her. And I really look forward to it. She's so adorable, I just can't get over it. I wonder how Ashley Johnson would sound as her... presuming she is voicing her.

  • Love is in the air

    Eh? Eeeh? Seems legit ;D

    They grow up so fast... tear

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I hope Claptrap shows up this episode and sweeps Gortys off her feet. Well, she doesn't have feet but you get my point.

  • what if claptrap...died? what if someone was so annoyed by him that he destroyed him?...gosh I don't even wanna think about it, but we haven't heard of him in pre-sequel, so...what if? why the heck am I even thinking of this? I hope we get the chance to create more claptraps. there, I said it! I hope we can get this poor, lonely robot some friends, seriously, I feel f*cking sorry for him

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I hope Claptrap shows up this episode and sweeps Gortys off her feet. Well, she doesn't have feet but you get my point.

  • Dont worry, claptrap isnt dead <3

    Dracu98 posted: »

    what if claptrap...died? what if someone was so annoyed by him that he destroyed him?...gosh I don't even wanna think about it, but we haven

  • No.

    I don't believe it.

    He just went into hiding, waiting for his true love.

    But now...

    She's here.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    what if claptrap...died? what if someone was so annoyed by him that he destroyed him?...gosh I don't even wanna think about it, but we haven

  • I want this so bad.

    I wanna tell him off as Rhys but encourage him as Fiona.

    Gortys x Claptrap master race.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Love is in the air Eh? Eeeh? Seems legit ;D They grow up so fast... tear

  • YESH


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I want this so bad. I wanna tell him off as Rhys but encourage him as Fiona. Gortys x Claptrap master race.

  • Imagine if everything we've been cooking actually happened.

    Claptrap x Gortys <3

    XDJulieXD posted: »


  • tfw u finally get the option to kiss fiona but accidentally let the timer run out but rhys kisses her anyway

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  • Yep, that's me.

    Green613 posted: »

    tfw u finally get the option to kiss fiona but accidentally let the timer run out but rhys kisses her anyway

  • No, I mean as nature elements xD I imagine as:

    Sasha - Fire

    Rhys - Air

    Fiona - Earth

    Vaughn - Water

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sasha strikes me as incendiary because of how blunt she is; Fiona too, but that's probably the way I play her. Rhys probably corrosive? Vaughn I have no idea.

  • Not saying calling it, but calling it.

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    Once they get out of the facility and into the sky again, Rhys or Fiona will say something and then they will just stare at each other, and then awkwardly look away.

    Now I aint saying calling it. But calling it.

  • sure tho im still pissin my pants here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but i would still be nice, just spooky ;-;

  • yo wolfie, just saw that rhysha has this map of their members: http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/269635maprhysha07.png we have much, MUCH more members, but could you maybe try to create such a map, too? of course only if you want to, and if you don't think it's "idea-stealing" :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No. I don't believe it. He just went into hiding, waiting for his true love. But now... She's here.

  • I think that pretty much could be it. I could also see the duos (Vaughn/Rhys) and Sasha/Fiona) switched around, either would be pretty good.

    armis37 posted: »

    No, I mean as nature elements xD I imagine as: Sasha - Fire Rhys - Air Fiona - Earth Vaughn - Water

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