New character for season 3
Name: Arthur Sloan
Age: 31
Residence: Walden, GA
Job: Lawyer
Appearance: 6"1 195lbs. Caucasian. Black hair, brown eyes. Light goatee (beard and mustache)
Backstory: Arthur was born in Denver, CO in 1984. His parents were Jeremy and Maria Sloan. When he was 13, his mother died battling breast cancer. When he was 16, he moved to Atlanta because of his dad's new law firm. He studied Law at the University of Georgia. At the age of 21, he met the love of his life. Her name was Julie Monroe. They married each other in 2007 in Walden, GA. In 2008, Julie gave birth to a girl named Tori. In 2010, Arthur's father died due to unknown causes. Three years later, Arthur found out that he was bitten by a walker and then was shot. In 2014, Arthur and his family met a group of 8 survivors. They were trying to get on a boat to escape the walkers when some stranger and his 'goons'. They locked them up in a prison and they were forced to do hard labor. One night, the survivors came up with a escape plan. They planned to distract the guards and then kill them to escape. Sadly, Julie Monroe was the few survivors that were caught and was killed. In a fit of rage, Arthur took a gun from the guard and killed everybody, including the leader Phil Evans. While escaping with 5 other survivors, he got separated from his 7 year old daughter by a horde of walkers. He wandered throughout the snow, but then he met Clementine.
And what happened when he met clem? :-:
Clem was travelling through the snow with the baby and she had only a knife with her. She stabbed a walker in the head, but got her knife stuck in the head. She couldn't get it out in time and had to run away. She then was surrounded by walkers. She was almost going to be killed when a man (Sloan) saved her by killing all the walkers with his knife and pistol. Arthur took Clem to this small little abandoned cabin where they stayed overnight.
Come up with your own character or add onto this one
Is this some fanfiction?
I hope no one comes back in S3 except Arvo, Mike and Bonnie (determinant), new characters should get more development and make it through the ENTIRE season.
I want Lee to somehow comeback like if Clem was just having a bad dream about the outbreak but it was after they got in the RV I miss Lee and you guys do to I know u do.