Sam as a companion
How cool would it be if we had the option to take him with us? I know y'all will say his death "was needed for plot reasons" and blah blah blah but he would make for an awesome companion if he stuck around the whole season like Dog Meat in Fallout 3. What they did with him is kinda lazy
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As much of a dog lover as I am, having a pet, unless it was extremely well trained, would be too much of a liability IMO
I wanted this, as soon as we found Sam i wanted him to be my new travelling buddy. It could've worked.
Instead of a dog, who could fend for himself somewhat - they gave us AJ....
The coolest.
No, I was glad he died. Just one more foul-smelling mouth to feed.
He could at least be a useful one that contributes positively to the plot
AJ more than has that position filled.
AJ is foul-smelling as a whole, not just the mouth.
I wouldn't want him. All dogs do is bark, and they'd probably want to attack every walker they see.
I think I read somewhere once that he was originally going to be around longer but in the end they scraped that idea and just killed him. I think it would've been really cool having him as a companion.
I thought about that before and yeah, it would be cool if he wasn't just a plot purpose.
Good, so when we got hungry later, instead of Sam trying to eat Clem...Clem could've eaten Sam.
That's the spirit milk them for all their worth
You know how messed up that would make season two? That would've been amazing and sick, it would show how desperate humanity would be at this point...and hopefully we would of had an emotional connection.
You have a good point there although what's sad and stomach turning about this is Tuesday night dinner to the people in China.
Not really although his death did get to me I don't see that much of a reason to have him other than occassional scenes where Clementine or Sarah would play with him.
Ugh, please, no. I was glad we didn't have to take him with us.
Any reason for that...?
Because I hate dogs. They're loud and obnoxious and having to deal with one for the entire Season would have made it worse in my eyes than it already is.
Talk about generalizing dogs. xD