I only knew their channel today and this is the first video I've watched. But in the QnA video (their first one) he said that it's real... I'm kind of confused, because most of the people are saying that they're fake and the others are saying that they are real. Hmm...
You think your feed will be distroyed? because i created this thread every single comment appears in my feed so it will probably catch fire like it did when the Catch a Ride screenshots where released :P
You think your feed will be distroyed? because i created this thread every single comment appears in my feed so it will probably catch fire like it did when the Catch a Ride screenshots where released :P
You think your feed will be distroyed? because i created this thread every single comment appears in my feed so it will probably catch fire like it did when the Catch a Ride screenshots where released :P
None of the characters from season 2 or 1?............................Cue the making of Wellington, or a game based on comic book characters. Just please tie into season 3 like they said.
I'm so ready for this announcement who's with me?!
Shall I get up early enough to watch the announcement at 6:00am (of course my mum won't let me get up at 4:00am because it's too early) or wait till 12:45pm (New Zealand time) which is when school ends early to watch it when I get home? Its just that I want to get up early but I might almost fall asleep in class just like I did in my Food Tech class, my friend never waked me up (at least my teacher never noticed)...
I really want to see the announcement SO badly! ;-;
What shall I do...? (Wake up early) (Wait till school ends)
I don't think it's a good idea to stay up late or wake up early if you have school, any announcement details will be added to the OP including key art (if we get some) so maybe you could quickly check the forum when you wake up. A archived version of the stream will also be added so you can watch the whole panel when you get back from school
I'm so ready for this announcement who's with me?!
Shall I get up early enough to watch the announcement at 6:00am (of course my mum won'… moret let me get up at 4:00am because it's too early) or wait till 12:45pm (New Zealand time) which is when school ends early to watch it when I get home? Its just that I want to get up early but I might almost fall asleep in class just like I did in my Food Tech class, my friend never waked me up (at least my teacher never noticed)...
I really want to see the announcement SO badly! ;-;
What shall I do...? (Wake up early) (Wait till school ends)
I don't think it's a good idea to stay up late or wake up early if you have school, any announcement details will be added to the OP includi… moreng key art (if we get some) so maybe you could quickly check the forum when you wake up. A archived version of the stream will also be added so you can watch the whole panel when you get back from school
I'll check on my iPhone 4 before my mother drops me off to school since I usually don't turn on my laptop in the morning, I'm looking forward to it! At least I finish early every Tuesday (Thanks to staff meetings)!
After school I'll watch the whole announcement live on YouTube! Is the announcement going to appear on IGN just like the E3 announcement that appeared on their YouTube account today? Just wondering...
I don't think it's a good idea to stay up late or wake up early if you have school, any announcement details will be added to the OP includi… moreng key art (if we get some) so maybe you could quickly check the forum when you wake up. A archived version of the stream will also be added so you can watch the whole panel when you get back from school
Is the announcement going to appear on IGN just like the E3 announcement that appeared on their YouTube account today? Just wondering...
I don't know if it will appear in IGN but i am going to record it and upload it to youtube to remove the bits before and after so it only focuses on the Telltale part, it will be up fairly quickly after the panel finishes.
I'll check on my iPhone 4 before my mother drops me off to school since I usually don't turn on my laptop in the morning, I'm looking forwar… mored to it! At least I finish early every Tuesday (Thanks to staff meetings)!
After school I'll watch the whole announcement live on YouTube! Is the announcement going to appear on IGN just like the E3 announcement that appeared on their YouTube account today? Just wondering...
but i am going to record it and upload it to youtube to remove the bits before and after so it only focuses on the Telltale part, it will be up fairly quickly after the panel finishes.
Okay that sounds like a good idea, I didn't like how IGN uploaded an E3 video today and it kept crashing, my head was banging on the wall the whole time...
Is the announcement going to appear on IGN just like the E3 announcement that appeared on their YouTube account today? Just wondering...
… more
I don't know if it will appear in IGN but i am going to record it and upload it to youtube to remove the bits before and after so it only focuses on the Telltale part, it will be up fairly quickly after the panel finishes.
Thread: About tomorrow's announcement
Will it be a release date? What if its something small and we waited all this time for nothing!
Right, small :P
I only knew their channel today and this is the first video I've watched. But in the QnA video (their first one) he said that it's real... I'm kind of confused, because most of the people are saying that they're fake and the others are saying that they are real. Hmm...
Anyone else watching the E3 today, I only watched half of it and I'm still pissed off from the crashes, IGN sucks...
Only 9 hours left
Can't wait! I'm going to go straight home after I finish school tomorrow just to watch E3!!
I just know my feed is gonna be destroyed when I wake up later with all the e3 news and walking dead news lol
You think your feed will be distroyed? because i created this thread every single comment appears in my feed so it will probably catch fire like it did when the Catch a Ride screenshots where released :P
We'll need Fire Department when it'll happen.
At least you aren't the OP of a ship thread that gets 100+ comments a day.
I don't think I'll ever see anything pre March 17th from my feed ever again ;______;
Been a long day... bedtime for me now. Can't wait to share this annoucement thing with you guys tomorrow!
I have a feeling this won't be the last time I'm using this gif.
I'm ready,bitches.
Gif addiction.
Wooh. I'm Still Alive after yesterday's secret. Thank you for my life, kind mods!
I think I'm going to have a baby by this happines!
And I'm man...
As many as 7 hours and 10 minutes.
I've been waiting for this.
I am more concerned about said Gin and Tonic being spilt all over laptop full of secrets.
If that happened then the secrets would be gone forever :O :O :O
None of the characters from season 2 or 1?............................Cue the making of Wellington, or a game based on comic book characters. Just please tie into season 3 like they said.
too bad i'm asleep when the stream starts.
Damn u timezones!
You can wake up
It's 3am and I can't sleep.
I have to either get up at 4am for the announcement or just stay awake til then, Hmmm....
Hard choise ;>
I'm so excited! ;D
I'm so ready for this announcement who's with me?!
Shall I get up early enough to watch the announcement at 6:00am (of course my mum won't let me get up at 4:00am because it's too early) or wait till 12:45pm (New Zealand time) which is when school ends early to watch it when I get home? Its just that I want to get up early but I might almost fall asleep in class just like I did in my Food Tech class, my friend never waked me up (at least my teacher never noticed)...
I really want to see the announcement SO badly! ;-;
What shall I do...? (Wake up early) (Wait till school ends)
I have a hard choice myself. Why does god hate me...?
it's almost 11:00pm where I am...
I don't think it's a good idea to stay up late or wake up early if you have school, any announcement details will be added to the OP including key art (if we get some) so maybe you could quickly check the forum when you wake up. A archived version of the stream will also be added so you can watch the whole panel when you get back from school
It starts at 6pm in my time zone and it is a perfect time
My p...oh wait wrong forum
Ready for the news, Ozzy?
I'll check on my iPhone 4 before my mother drops me off to school since I usually don't turn on my laptop in the morning, I'm looking forward to it! At least I finish early every Tuesday (Thanks to staff meetings)!
After school I'll watch the whole announcement live on YouTube! Is the announcement going to appear on IGN just like the E3 announcement that appeared on their YouTube account today? Just wondering...
I don't know if it will appear in IGN but i am going to record it and upload it to youtube to remove the bits before and after so it only focuses on the Telltale part, it will be up fairly quickly after the panel finishes.
Okay that sounds like a good idea, I didn't like how IGN uploaded an E3 video today and it kept crashing, my head was banging on the wall the whole time...
I'm looking forward to it Ozzy see you then!
I'm ready to watch E3 tomorrow, so excited!!