Negan can totally appear in Michonne's mini-series
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Games Mini-Series stars the iconic character from the comic book series haunted by her past and coping with unimaginable loss and regret. The story explores her untold journey during the time between issues #126 and #139. Through this Telltale Games mini-series of 3 episodes, players will discover what took Michonne away from Rick, Ezekiel, and the rest of her trusted group… and what brought her back.
If anyone doesn't know Negan is imprisoned during this timeframe. He can appear. Thoughts?
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Well interesting indeed
He's imprisoned and we'll explore Michonne during her time away from Rick and co. Which means we will not see Negan.
Could be cool. I'm actually hoping for a Governor appearance.
But Governor has been dead for a few years at this point in the story.
A anti-hero I think, He is alike Carver. And oh he killed Glenn brutally in the comic books.
He's basically the next major villain after the Governor. He leads a big group called the Saviors who basically force other communities to give up their goods for "protection" from walkers. At the point where we'll see Michonne's story he's been defeated and imprisoned by Rick and his people.
I thought they were gonna tell her story before she met Rick and crew
EDIT: Nevermind. Read the thread.
But he'll be in prison the whole time? I'm even assuming we wont see rick or anyone
are you sure its gonna take place during that time? cuz michonne doesn't even use those walker protectors anymore
The blog post says it takes place between issues 126 and 139, so yes, there's a chance, it's slim, but still something.
maybe episode 1 could be more about her back story i guess, even those who have read the comics already know, episode 2-3 could definityl take place during issues 126-139.
That is what I was thinking. Michonne is out sailing around in a boat feeling sad.
he is the most butual psychopathic Humerus murderer with a sense of humor and swears allot, he is basically Nate if he Became a villain.
They kind of already made a comic of her backstory its called the Michonne special
im hoping i could see comic Rick i want to know what he sounds and looks like with color
It says it will explore what took her away from Rick and Ezekiel as well. This means that we will be probably at Alexandria, and being there we can see him behind bars.
But that's set way back before she met Rick or his group. And we don't know THAT much.
whaaaaat? i never knew about that! thats awesome!
It's only like six pages. There's a few of them.
The Governor Special, the Tyreese Special, and I think there's another besides Michonne.
This implies we will see them, at least to me. And the time difference between issue #126 & issue #127 is two years. If we are in Alexandria, we can see him.
It be a wasted not to include him.
I guess it is possible.
I realllyyyyyyy wanna see Telltale's version of Rick, having a model of him would be really awesome!
well most likely not since this whole thing is based during the time where michonne is away basically between issues 126 and 139 we most likely won't even see rick until the very end if we even see him at all
Nate's already crossed villain territory.
Hey there... You forget about us?
Yah but he didnt kill russel when he found him and when russel tried to leave he didnt kill him
Well Negan still has people he trusts and cares about on his side, Well, at least that's How I interperate it.
Yes i know that but what Negan does is he kills anyone and doesnt gave a shit who he kills cause when he just met Ricks group he smashed Glenn's head in with a baseball bat, Nate didn't do this cause when he meets Russel he didn't kill him even though if Russel acts like a little shit,the only reason why Nate killed the old couple is cause they shot at him first, and the only reason why Nate was chasing after Eddie and Wyat is cause Eddie accidentally shot one of his buddies.
Michonne goes A Wall while Negan is imprisoned after All Out War so the odds are not likely, I'm afraid
The thing is we don't know how quickly she left after All Out War (right?). Assuming the game will start us before she leaves, we can see him.