Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Jack is more "badass" but I had a better time with Fiona. Shit was hilarious,

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't know what happens but I switched my ending to trust Fiona ;______________________________________________________;

  • one word : HYPE.

    now i wish i bought it on PS4

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm not playing myself, I watched a stream so... yeah. I prefer the Fiona option because it's a lot funnier. I laughed through most of it. Nothing spoils the story here so you can stay.

  • don't we all ;-;

    Mercyva posted: »

    one word : HYPE. now i wish i bought it on PS4

  • Whyyyyy xD personally, i wont change trusting jack! but i will SURLY play it again but with fiona xD

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't know what happens but I switched my ending to trust Fiona ;______________________________________________________;

  • edited June 2015


  • Must......resist.....urge....to...... look..... at..... forumsAlt text

  • Didn't take the "Because I trusted Fiona" line. Why do I even watch these things?

  • I can't belive THIS ENDING finally i can talk about it;I hate now Vallory so bad,and WHERE'S VAUGH WHAT SHE DID THAT BEATCH VALLORY TO HIM?;P.S. MORDERCAI WAS THERE BUT IT WAS TAKEN PLACE NOT BEFORE PRE SEQUEL IT WAS AFTER BORDERLANDS 2.And can't wait to see episode 4 how Yvette helps Rhys because she has the feeling.Poor gortys;fk vallory again for what she do to my fiona and to athena;and fk brick

  • I watched it..I hate myself...My self control omg..

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  • 2ManySpoliers4u

    Must......resist.....urge....to...... look..... at..... forums

  • This made my day xD

    So I made this post on Tumblr before Episode 1 came out. So this guy Harrison Pink likes it and I found that name familiar so I decided to look at his Tumblr and fucking look... TELLTALE SHIPS RHYIONA CONFIRMED

  • just... another.. 12 hours...

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  • edited June 2015

    That opening montage! I would play an entire game that was just their road trip! I'm actually kind of bummed it's sort of skipped in a montage. Freaking Vaughn just being paralyzed the whole time...

  • So...RhysxSasha gets a lot more play in this episode than RhysxFiona. It's worth noting, though, that it's basically 100% optional. Since Rhys and Fiona both need sections where you pay as them, they split up and Sasha gets paired with Rhys for most of the episode. There's basically an atmospheric scene where they're in a pretty place and you have the option to say some shippy dialogue. Then you have the option to pick and flower and if you do you have the option to give it to Sasha (which gives you a genuine romantic moment) or keep it (which I haven't seen the outcome of).

    I can't actually speak to how much RhysxFiona this episode has, as I did not play the episode. Just clicked through a stream with no sound. According to another user though if you sided with her in ep 2 there's some good stuff (They do get more time together in the opening should you do that, but it's mostly action) and a few opportunities to have optional convos (which I didn't see).

    But yeah, Sasha got a lot more play here. Here's to hoping you get to pick and Sasha isn't Rhys's only option.


  • Don't feel bad I couldn't control myself either this time around, which is weird considering I've always been able to control myself and avoid spoilers V_V


  • God damnit telltale, we don't want shit tier ships in our games :(

  • edited June 2015

    I really liked this episode, your choices started to matter more, and I don't think Telltale would make us suffer with a partner you would not want Rhys to be with. Oh, and that bromance minute!

  • Yeah

    I suppose, it's so difficult bc of MONTHS of waiting. Now we all have the only one desire which is TO PLAY IT ;D

    Have u heard smth from PC-users? Has somebody already played ep 3 or now it's only on PS4?

    Green613 posted: »

    Don't feel bad I couldn't control myself either this time around, which is weird considering I've always been able to control myself and avoid spoilers V_V

  • no update for pc yet

    Yeah I suppose, it's so difficult bc of MONTHS of waiting. Now we all have the only one desire which is TO PLAY IT ;D Have u heard smth from PC-users? Has somebody already played ep 3 or now it's only on PS4?

  • Thanks for info :з

    Kruzii posted: »

    no update for pc yet

  • Oh I don't think they'll force you into a romance, no. I just really hope they give you more than one option. Otherwise it looks like Telltale has already decided.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    I really liked this episode, your choices started to matter more, and I don't think Telltale would make us suffer with a partner you would not want Rhys to be with. Oh, and that bromance minute!

  • edited June 2015

    I just woke up and wow... no option for Rhyiona? I ain't going to hate on Rhysha (because I don't like ship hate) but why no Rhyiona?

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    so... yeah, my life is officially over.

  • I don't know the full episode, but I don't think there are more than Rhyiona hints. I'll be able to tell you more when I actually get to play it. At the very least the Rhysha is not required.

  • The best you can say it that the Rhysha is not required. You can avoid doing it. But there's no denying it's a pretty big imbalance.

  • What bothers me is that even if you go out of your way to avoid all the Rhysha dialog, the whole scene ends up really awkward and you can tell from the atmosphere that it's still implied even if not said.

  • Just waiting for the Dashboard to refresh. At 11am....

  • Yeah, I agree. Altough I am here because I belong here (All hail to Rhyiona), I found it cool that we had those moments - based on our choices - in EP3 with the person we did.

    udc24 posted: »

    Oh I don't think they'll force you into a romance, no. I just really hope they give you more than one option. Otherwise it looks like Telltale has already decided.

  • What happens if you keep the flower?

    xValkyx posted: »

    What bothers me is that even if you go out of your way to avoid all the Rhysha dialog, the whole scene ends up really awkward and you can tell from the atmosphere that it's still implied even if not said.

  • No idea yet :S

    udc24 posted: »

    What happens if you keep the flower?

  • Are there ANY Rhyiona hints? Like at all? I'm assuming you've played this since I haven't seen that scene when not picking that dialogue.

    xValkyx posted: »

    No idea yet :S

  • Actually i was impatient and watched a stream of it. I only saw half of the episode though so i'm not sure if there were any hints. The person i watched playing it chose Fiona though at the end of ep2 and they kept picking dialog that didn't seem in favour of her in this episode. There is some hints if you are someone who tends to analyse the little looks they give each other sometimes, but as far as i'm aware of there is no big Rhyiona moments between them in episode 3 :(

    I think there will be quite a few though if you pick the right dialog options (which this person avoided), especially since i can't see them completely leaving us out since there are so many people who ship Rhys x Fiona and they messed around with us on Twitter.

    Here's hoping anyway ;_;

    udc24 posted: »

    Are there ANY Rhyiona hints? Like at all? I'm assuming you've played this since I haven't seen that scene when not picking that dialogue.

  • edited June 2015


    Poogers555 posted: »

    We should start to predict what intro song we will get for ep 3. I just noticed that this song could work rather well for in an intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-CRzgG2MsM

  • If Rhys didn't get his shoe back from Fiona in episode 2, there's a cute scene at the ending of the opening credits road trip montage where she gives it back to him. If you did get the shoe from her, the scene is replaced with a scene of Handsome Jack trolling Rhys and Fiona looking at him like he's crazy.

  • edited June 2015

    Badass Fiona.
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    Family time! Rhyionas, this is what you're waiting for...
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  • edited June 2015

    Well, the episode was pretty epic and imo the best by far... the only bad thing is that even if you try to "skip" their moments, Rhysha is present and it's implied that TT wanted to show them. They have this scene (that kinda reminded me of Avatar) where you can give her a flower and even if you don't you still have a Rhysha scene.

    BUT, Fiona is super cute in this episode (don't get why Rhys can't see that... hopefully YET!) and the very first part is made by funny and nice Rhyiona interaction ;) (if you trusted her).

  • edited June 2015

    the rhyiona-lord testet me...and I failed him...

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    she just looked beautiful...forgive me, rhyiona, for I didn't know what I was doing...

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