Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • T-Rex roar yAS. OMG yas. This ship has killed me(in the good way) over and over throughout this episode!

  • Question! What system are you on? o.O I don't have it yet for PS3 in North America

    T-Rex roar yAS. OMG yas. This ship has killed me(in the good way) over and over throughout this episode!

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    Guys i'm working here so please calm down ! I don't want to be spoiled :'(

  • Wii U.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Question! What system are you on? o.O I don't have it yet for PS3 in North America

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    Wii U.

  • is it a spoiler when I tell you that you'll love this episode?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Guys i'm working here so please calm down ! I don't want to be spoiled

  • Well i have to wait 5 hours til then.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    is it a spoiler when I tell you that you'll love this episode?

  • multi-ships are lies brought to you by false shippers. There is only one OTP

    Dracu98 posted: »

    oh. really? didn't know there was something like multi-ship, I thought everything would go bat-shit-crazy now well then...forget what I said, except for the fact that this moment was awesome and sasha looked beautiful with the flower

  • then I have a huge problem. btw, what is OTP?

    multi-ships are lies brought to you by false shippers. There is only one OTP

  • This episode was beatiful. I can't hold my feels. So many Rhysha moments. I'm sorry... I just have no words. I need a moment here. Talk to you soon.

  • I know what you mean. just loved the flower-scene :3 and the "I won't let you fall"-scene. awesomeness on a whole new level

  • I have yet to play the episode but from the responses in here and the enemy camp, I think it it safe to assume that victory is upon us. Justice has been served!

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    Onwards, my brethren! Glory awaits!

  • The guilty king is pleased with thy work. 'Tis a fine piece of art, I reckon.

  • OTP= One true pairing

    But that's just a commonly followed practice, and in no way a rule. Only have one pairing for a character? That's fine. Have several for them? That's fine too!

    Course, typically some ships carry more weight than others, but that's just a personal preference.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    then I have a huge problem. btw, what is OTP?

  • It's true. I am just the kinda guy who can only ship one pairing for each character, deeming every other one inferior. But there are this kind of people and the other kind, I guess.

    OTP= One true pairing But that's just a commonly followed practice, and in no way a rule. Only have one pairing for a character? That's

  • Honestly, now I'm afraid to go to Tumblr. I bet they're raging, haha. :D

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I know what you mean. just loved the flower-scene and the "I won't let you fall"-scene. awesomeness on a whole new level

  • I wish I could play it. I didn't get it yet :(

    Pipas posted: »

    Honestly, now I'm afraid to go to Tumblr. I bet they're raging, haha.

  • Noice

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Guys i'm working here so please calm down ! I don't want to be spoiled

  • Just played it! OMG! So adorable! Fuckin Jack tho...

  • Haha, I didn't trust Jack. Heard he's a cockblocker if you trust him. :P

  • say whaaaat? trusting jack was probably the best decision I made during the game! I got to shoot assquez' arm off and had a nice talk with jack about the funny noises bandits make when they die. jack and me, we'll become good buddies and rhys will become a maniac...I believe in this! I want to make rhys a mass-murdering, labile maniac. I want to see him stepping into the dark abyss of his own soul while he kills everyone and everybody near him...except for sasha, maybe. the rhysha-moments in this episode really got me by the feels

  • Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. @Lilacsbloom is actually part of both camps :P

    Dracu98 posted: »

    oh. really? didn't know there was something like multi-ship, I thought everything would go bat-shit-crazy now well then...forget what I said, except for the fact that this moment was awesome and sasha looked beautiful with the flower

  • if we put that out of context, this would be a funny talk about coming-outs

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. @Lilacsbloom is actually part of both camps :P

  • Also, would you be interested in having your avatar Rhysha-fied?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    then I have a huge problem. btw, what is OTP?


  • hell yes! I have to ask grumpy for this, right?

    Also, would you be interested in having your avatar Rhysha-fied?

  • nah, i meant when he took over rhys's body and disrespected Sasha.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    say whaaaat? trusting jack was probably the best decision I made during the game! I got to shoot assquez' arm off and had a nice talk with j

  • Gonna play the third episode tonight.
    Here's something in the mean while.
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  • Yep. Hey @grumpydof we have someone wanting some Rhysha goodies!

    Dracu98 posted: »

    hell yes! I have to ask grumpy for this, right?

  • Wow, I didn't know that so many people support RhysXSasha.
    Can I be a new member of "Rhysha map" too? I was born and am currently living in Korea(South)

  • oh. yeah, that scene was kinda...awkward. hope sasha understands that jack-was-in-my-head-stuff. either that, or she liked being touched like this and just doesn't want to admit it

    nah, i meant when he took over rhys's body and disrespected Sasha.

  • Welcome to the forums & Rhysha!

    Good you aren't from North Korea lol.

    Maximin posted: »

    Wow, I didn't know that so many people support RhysXSasha. Can I be a new member of "Rhysha map" too? I was born and am currently living in Korea(South)

  • Welcome! :)

    Maximin posted: »

    Wow, I didn't know that so many people support RhysXSasha. Can I be a new member of "Rhysha map" too? I was born and am currently living in Korea(South)

  • Welcome friend! This is your go-to place for shipping Rhysha!

    It's nice to meet such diverse people!

    Maximin posted: »

    Wow, I didn't know that so many people support RhysXSasha. Can I be a new member of "Rhysha map" too? I was born and am currently living in Korea(South)

  • Alright but first i want to play the episode. I'm too scared when i'm on the forums...

    Maximin posted: »

    Wow, I didn't know that so many people support RhysXSasha. Can I be a new member of "Rhysha map" too? I was born and am currently living in Korea(South)

  • Rhyiona just got fucking rekt

  • 10 minutes and it will be downloaded ... Damn you slow connection

    Well guys prepare yourselves for the most cutest scene ever!!! You will love it!!!

  • Cockblocking Jack. The episode made me ship LB with Gortys

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