Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • The funny thing is The Stranger can determinantly not know what the grenades do up until this point. So how would he know if its a flashbang grenade? Dun dun duuuuun

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Choosing [Make Her Head Spin] causes Fiona to shove a grenade in Vallory's face and blow her head off, Vallory's glasses then land on Fiona and the words' "Deal With It" can be heard.

  • I love the eyeball scene. Considering the weird stuff that Athena has witnessed, the fact that she thought that this is weird, must really break new grounds for her. :)

    mirashade posted: »

    1.) Trusting Jack, you'll get to interact with Dumpy in the area before opening the Atlas gate. Interacting with it 3 times will make it cir

  • Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right?

    Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

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  • I love it! :D

    Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right? Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

  • I found it, To be honest I spent my money before realizing loader had a Tuxedo outfit.

    Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right? Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

  • Anyone remember that Ferris Bueller reference Nick Herman was talking about on Twitter?

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  • No doubt, you just made Nick Herman happy. :)

    dfh15 posted: »

    Anyone remember that Ferris Bueller reference Nick Herman was talking about on Twitter?

  • Awesome. And it hilariously changes with Vaughn being paralyzed.

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    dfh15 posted: »

    Anyone remember that Ferris Bueller reference Nick Herman was talking about on Twitter?

  • edited June 2015

    Do you know the Quick Change machine BGM is actually a remix version of Sam & Max Bosco's Inconvenience store BGM?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you blew up Loader Bot in episode 1 you can get him to forgive you in episode 3, Loader Bot will also bring up how you forgave Vaughn if you did that in episode 2. You can give him a Robro Fist.

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  • How u got so much money?

    Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right? Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

  • At the free-roam scene, before entering the old dude's home, when looking around with your echo eye, you can see Jack and he will be doing stuff like dancing and making fun of Vaughn...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    (But only if you trusted Jack at the end of episode 2)

    At the free-roam scene, before entering the old dude's home, when looking around with your echo eye, you can see Jack and he will be doing stuff like dancing and making fun of Vaughn...

  • I don't know if this is an easter egg bu you can see Bagger 288 in the backround in Ep.3

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    this thing:

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  • If Rhys does not get his boot back in episode 2 he still will not have it in this card playing scene.

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  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Are all of Fiona's cards the 7 of hearts?

    If Rhys does not get his boot back in episode 2 he still will not have it in this card playing scene.

  • I could not tell it looks like at least the two on the right look like sevens but after that I can't see what they are.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Are all of Fiona's cards the 7 of hearts?

  • Yeah, I missed it too... I'll probably replay and get Loader Bot the tuxedo.

    Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right? Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

  • Aww.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you blew up Loader Bot in episode 1 you can get him to forgive you in episode 3, Loader Bot will also bring up how you forgave Vaughn if you did that in episode 2. You can give him a Robro Fist.

  • Yeah because in my game, I didn't catch Rhys as he was falling and I got that shoe scene, really confused me, but it's most likely just a glitch.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    or if you don't catch him in episode 2

  • Or if you grabbed Rhys or not in Episode 2, because if you fail to catch Rhys, you still get the shoe scene (most likely a glitch).

    nursethalia posted: »

    It changes depending on whether or not you asked Fiona for your boot back in episode 2.

  • I didn't realize that, I just thought he was looking in the distance, good catch.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • How does this happen, tell me.

  • Does this happen if you trust Jack?

    Whenever you scan something, Jack now describes it to you... Rhys's Echo eye now has a Jack-epedia... There are some more fun ones...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2015

    If you trust Fiona and didn't blow up Loader Bot, instead of having a conversation with Vaughn or a conversation about how you blew up Loader Bot, you'll have a conversation about Vaughn, this happens with an optional dialog if you say that Vaughn will be better "soon".

    How does this happen, tell me.

  • Fiona has some magic hair gel that keeps her hair from dangling while upside down.

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  • I saw it, it was awesome. For Fiona, I bought the third outfit and got Sasha some nice new goggles. How I wanted to give Loader Bot the nice tuxedo, but I didn't have enough cash.

    Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right? Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yes, only if you trust Jack.

    Does this happen if you trust Jack?

  • edited June 2015

    More and more I regret my decision to trust Fiona, trusting Jack gets you some awesome scenes and changes, like the Jack-apedia.

    EDIT: I just learned that trusting Jack causes him to slap Sasha's ass, so I take that back, no amount of Jack-apedia's will now get me to regret trusting Fiona.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    (But only if you trusted Jack at the end of episode 2)

  • Before the flower scene happens with Sasha you have the opportunity to either look or touch one of the beautiful blue floaty thingys. If you touch it Rhys will let out the most adorable giggle you have ever heard in your life.

    It quite honestly makes Gortys seem gruff by comparison - it's THAT cute.

    I don't even know how Troy Baker could physically produce the sound Rhys makes...

    It's worth a replay for that moment alone!

  • I wish they hadn't hidden it right off in the corner. I ALWAYS explore locations thoroughly and even I didn't spot it. Really disappointed that I missed out on this, because I'm tired of her outfit that she's had since Episode 1. And, since I'm so against going back and changing something in my main save file, I won't be getting the chance for this stuff in canon.

    Soooo, I wasn't the only one that missed out on the outfit vending machine on my first playthrough right? Cause, I found it in my second playthrough, and it's completely awesome.

  • Yes, I'm finally on the level of those who evacuated him in Episode 1!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you blew up Loader Bot in episode 1 you can get him to forgive you in episode 3, Loader Bot will also bring up how you forgave Vaughn if you did that in episode 2. You can give him a Robro Fist.

  • Oh okay, I did all of that except the last one, I said something else in that scene.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you trust Fiona and didn't blow up Loader Bot, instead of having a conversation with Vaughn or a conversation about how you blew up Loade

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You can actually touch that plant Sasha is looking at when you first get to the dome, it's just kind of hard to get the option. The plant will make a noise.

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  • Before the flower scene happens with Sasha you have the opportunity to either look or touch one of the beautiful blue floaty thingys. If you

  • I had to move in circles a bunch of times just to actually select that option. xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You can actually touch that plant Sasha is looking at when you first get to the dome, it's just kind of hard to get the option. The plant will make a noise.

  • edited June 2015

    So if you tell Vaugh to search for more information about the Vault he will confirm why is called Vault of the Traveler.

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  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I don't think your images are working.

    Janek95 posted: »

    So if you tell Vaugh to search for more information about the Vault he will confirm why is called Vault of the Traveler. Link 1 Link 2

  • Yesssss - thank you!

    :repeatedly refreshes:

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Cutie. Rhys = Kawaii.

  • I think they work now. Can you see them?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I don't think your images are working.

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