There are people that think he's an irredeemable piece of
shit that probably moonlighted as a neo-nazi that punched
babies and burn… moreed down orphanages housing various ethnic
minorities prior to the apocalypse.
So wait, you're saying he didn't do that?
This thread just further nails it in that some people on here are incapable of discussing Kenny's character civilly. I stand by my hand-in-a-hornet's nest analogy. The constant baiting on both sides sure as hell doesn't make the forums look good, either. But hey, if they wanna be part of the problem so badly, I say let them.
Mentioning Kenny period is a terrible idea, because no one on either side of the extreme can get over themselves and realize that no amount … moreof bickering is going to change anything, and that just makes it even worse for the people who are mostly neutral/reasonable in their opinions
There are people that think he's an irredeemable piece of shit that probably moonlighted as a neo-nazi that punched babies and burned down orphanages housing various ethnic minorities prior to the apocalypse. Other people think he's a swell guy. Other people are mostly neutral or just don't give enough of a shit to get involved. We should be able to keep it as simple as that, but there's enough people that continue to stir the pot and make that virtually impossible
You want people to stop bringing up Kenny or stop trying to paint him in a good light? Then stop baiting people by mentioning that he's some evil reprehensible person that is worse than if Joseph S… [view original content]
Lol I really don't see what the big deal is. The mods made that Kenny/Jane mega thread clumping all the kenny/jane threads together several several months ago, because before that they ended up having to close some threads because that was when users were openly insulting each other over their choices, over and over again. Did no one notice that now they're allowing us to discuss things and have kenny/jane threads again? Because in the recent k/j threads, no user was terrible to others (though it might have happened very rarely, and those rare comments were taken down.) And remember that insulting Kenny or Jane is not the same thing as insulting other users.
Being able to express your opinion in a calm manner is a skill that takes some time to get good at. It's also an essential life skill. Not expressing yourself, is, in my opinion, worse though, because it's essentially self-censorship, and you discourage people from being open about things.
New people surprisingly join this forum all the time, creating the same discussions over and over, but that's ok. They have a right to talk about things if they want, as much as anyone else, including older users. If you don't want to take part in a discussion because you think it's getting old or whatever, then just don't.
I think a lot of non-Kenny fans get frustrated because often the die-hard Kenny-loving extremists (who are few in number btw, and I'm not calling you, the op one necessarily either) seem to have only played the game through like only once--with Kenny as kind of an asshole, but not so bad. So non-Kenny fans will say, "But, in this other situation, this is what happens, and he was a real ass to me, and so this is why I don't like Kenny." And a lot of Kenny fans get very very upset when they're confronted with that. Though I see you're not upset about that, so great.
The best metaphor i can think of (and I'm talking more about season 1 here) is like, you (say, a kenny fan) have a best friend (Kenny), who you know is kind of an ass sometimes to you, but treats you well otherwise. But then you find out he's also an even bigger ass to other people (non-Kenny fans) who don't deserve it, and he barely ever shows any signs of changing his behavior. (If it were me, I wouldn't like that guy, no matter how nice he was to me! I think it's just plain hypocritical for Kenny to be nice to some Lees, and a huge ass to other Lees. In real life, i don't think I'd be friends with anyone as hypocritical as that in the first place lol.) But if I were friends with him, I would try to change his behavior, but so far in the game, he's failed at that for me. Maybe he can change in the future, but meh.
Lol I really don't see what the big deal is. The mods made that Kenny/Jane mega thread clumping all the kenny/jane threads together several … moreseveral months ago, because before that they ended up having to close some threads because that was when users were openly insulting each other over their choices, over and over again. Did no one notice that now they're allowing us to discuss things and have kenny/jane threads again? Because in the recent k/j threads, no user was terrible to others (though it might have happened very rarely, and those rare comments were taken down.) And remember that insulting Kenny or Jane is not the same thing as insulting other users.
Being able to express your opinion in a calm manner is a skill that takes some time to get good at. It's also an essential life skill. Not expressing yourself, is, in my opinion, worse though, because it's essentially self-censorship, and you discourage people from being open about thi… [view original content]
The amount of controversy I've seen concerning Kenny all just came in the past few month
Oh come on there's been a thread called "FUCK KENNY" since season 1 episode 2 where people were debating his worth
Snd he always apologises after he has said horrible things. Some people cannot help being hot headed, they may go off the ball with someone when angry but deep down they don't mean it
He always wavers his loyalty and friendship to Lee at one point or another no matter how much of his ass you kiss. He always yells obsceniti… morees at Clementine no matter what choice she makes in regards to Sarita. He always shows no remorse for Lilly toward his heinous murder of Larry.
A lot of what he does and who he is canon with the game.
Maybe you should let go the fact that people want to discuss it. I will always be annoyed when people only look at something from one person's perspective and never from another (e.g. looking at it from Kenny's perspective and not Jane's, or looking at something from one perspective and not the other for any debate not game-related really), and so even though I sometimes tire of the Kenny/Jane crap, I will occasionally come back to talk about it. Sometimes new things are even added to the discussion, so that's nice.
Maybe you should let go the fact that people want to discuss it. I will always be annoyed when people only look at something from one person… more's perspective and never from another (e.g. looking at it from Kenny's perspective and not Jane's, or looking at something from one perspective and not the other for any debate not game-related really), and so even though I sometimes tire of the Kenny/Jane crap, I will occasionally come back to talk about it. Sometimes new things are even added to the discussion, so that's nice.
Do I think Kenny is the most contemptuous character throughout both seasons? Absolutely.
Do I have a problem with others liking him? No.
The issue for me with Kenny is if you spend a long enough time dissecting and analyzing his character, he becomes harder and harder to like. So much so that you wonder why the game and writers continue to act so favorable towards him. He's done more than enough harm to be considered a villain in any other narrative and it seems a bit unfair for his character to go through seemingly unscathed, being propped up as a slightly unhinged anti-hero of sorts when in reality he can be so horrid and vile.
I mean, I was disgusted by the end in which Clementine shoots Kenny in his chest and the game Segway's extremely sloppily into a "heartfelt" scene of him rekindling Clem's emotional trauma for doing something that by all means was the only option given to her. And more so, I hadn't connected with him and yet she's sobbing and trembling in sadness over a man that only a few days ago left her to die in a walker heard. All in an attempt to garner the same emotional impressions left by the first season's ending.
Larry is a level 21 dick (just now unlocking some of the cool dickheaded perks), Kenny is a level 40th prestige dick (can 360 dickhead anyone and has the most powerful dickhead perks).
No one is getting hurt by my hating him, as you unnecessarily pointed out, he's not real, but my feelings of irritation for him most certainly are, so for that I choose not to forgive him.
I had the same thought but I did the opposite.. I wanted to leave with Jane and I did, but it has always bothered me that I had to shoot Kenny. I don't like to call it a regret because I did what I felt best for Clem, But I hated killing Kenny.
People who like Kenny won't change their minds about him because there's no reason to. Unless Kenny becomes a villain character, somebody who's a fan of his isn't going to suddenly stop liking him or change their mind about him. Why? Because they realize he's a good, loyal and honest man who's trying to do what's best for the people he cares about. People who hate him however don't have as strong reasons for hating him. They stay angry at him because of how he treats you if you don't side with him in the meat locker, only focus on his negative qualities, and only point out facts that support their own personal point of view on him. You would think that his endings in season 2 would cause these people to at least develop an understanding of his character, but his haters aren't even capable of doing that. In fact, with the way his haters talk about him, you'd think that his endings in season 2 don't even exist at all.
In short Kenny fans won't change their mind about him because despite his negative qualities, he his a good person, but Kenny haters won't change their minds about him because they care more about their own person feelings about him than they do about what kind of person he is.
Hey, like I said, there's a lot of reasonable people that hate Kenny for very valid reasons, and are capable of respecting the people that like him. There's people that like him for valid reasons, and are capable of respecting the people that dislike him. But then there's extreme sides of the spectrum, where those 'exaggerations' are actual, honest viewpoints. There are people that legitimately think Kenny is like Hitler, and there are people that are legitimately convinced he's a deity that hasn't done anything wrong. Let's not even kid ourselves here, we've seen both of these rather... 'radical' viewpoints before.
What I was saying, is that those are the people that have such radical opinions on the matter that they make it more difficult for everyone else that have legitimate reasons for liking/disliking Kenny, and as a result, make it harder for the reasonable ones to express that without it turning into a shit show. They end up, whether intentionally or not, baiting each other into what inevitably turns into a war, and all semblance of civility will eventually go right out the window. Even the more reasonable people are guilty of baiting the other side at times, although it's usually more inadvertent and unintentional (I won't lie, I'm guilty of doing this before), but the damage caused by the more radical people is much worse than any offhand comment that a reasonable person could make.
You're one of the reasonable ones. You have a lot of valid reasons for disliking him, reasons you're capable of discussing civilly, and that's a good thing. But then you have the extreme people that make it all the more difficult for people like you to express that without getting caught in the crossfire. I should make it clear that my original post was not trying to deliberately target anyone in particular, nor was I trying to invalidate anyone that dislikes Kenny.
"Got the train to go"? What did Kenny do to get the train started? Because from what I remember Lee took care of all of that, Kenny did nothing but sit up front.
He helps lee get food season 1. Helped get the truck starting and got them out of the gas station. Got them to the train. Got the train to g… moreo. Season 2 helped get the group food and welcomed them in to the house. Took blame for Clem's radio. Got the truck starting. And if you went to Weligton said to just take the kids. Saying that he has no use doesn't make sense. But I respect your decision as I said.
When the option came to "shoot Kenny" or "Look away"....I said to myself, "damn, they really want you to kill Kenny" (those bastards).I know Jane was losing the fight, but I didn't like how there wasn't an option to "shoot Jane"...but I felt like shooting him would've been such a betrayal against I chose the "look away option"
when I chose that tho, I honestly thought that Clementine was still going to shoot, but just not look at whom she was shooting...and when Jane died...I was a little shocked, but I told myself, well, there's no going back...I felt like neither deserved to be killed, but my inaction resulted in Jane's death...and after playing the Jane ending, I didn't regret it, it reinforced my original decision, especially since I found Jane's ending to be very emotionally lackluster...
Now, when I got to Wellington and they said they'd only take me and Aj I decided to leave with Kenny b/c I was still reeling from the loss of Jane...I said to myself, "I just [inadvertently] let you kill Jane, I'm not about to lose you too, especially since Christa isn't even behind those walls."
I had the same thought but I did the opposite.. I wanted to leave with Jane and I did, but it has always bothered me that I had to shoot Kenny. I don't like to call it a regret because I did what I felt best for Clem, But I hated killing Kenny.
"Got the train to go"? What did Kenny do to get the train started? Because from what I remember Lee took care of all of that, Kenny did nothing but sit up front.
And here we have a not so veiled attack on Kenny haters. Im sorry but your reasons for liking him are not more valid than mine for feeling the opposite, never mind his saccarine sweet Wellington endings. I think I understand his character perfectly. That doesnt mean i have to like him or justify everything he's done and i dont owe this character anything, let alone putting my own feelings aside to try to understand him the way you do.
People who like Kenny won't change their minds about him because there's no reason to. Unless Kenny becomes a villain character, somebody wh… moreo's a fan of his isn't going to suddenly stop liking him or change their mind about him. Why? Because they realize he's a good, loyal and honest man who's trying to do what's best for the people he cares about. People who hate him however don't have as strong reasons for hating him. They stay angry at him because of how he treats you if you don't side with him in the meat locker, only focus on his negative qualities, and only point out facts that support their own personal point of view on him. You would think that his endings in season 2 would cause these people to at least develop an understanding of his character, but his haters aren't even capable of doing that. In fact, with the way his haters talk about him, you'd think that his endings in season 2 don't even exist at all.
In short Kenny fans won… [view original content]
Okay, I take your point and its fair. I just wanted to make sure its known that Im not foaming at the mouth, lol. Kenny just pissed me off and sometimes Ill express that, as do others. I dont like any of the extremity that goes on, where fans are viciously attacking each other. Thats when it gets ugly.
Hey, like I said, there's a lot of reasonable people that hate Kenny for very valid reasons, and are capable of respecting the people that l… moreike him. There's people that like him for valid reasons, and are capable of respecting the people that dislike him. But then there's extreme sides of the spectrum, where those 'exaggerations' are actual, honest viewpoints. There are people that legitimately think Kenny is like Hitler, and there are people that are legitimately convinced he's a deity that hasn't done anything wrong. Let's not even kid ourselves here, we've seen both of these rather... 'radical' viewpoints before.
What I was saying, is that those are the people that have such radical opinions on the matter that they make it more difficult for everyone else that have legitimate reasons for liking/disliking Kenny, and as a result, make it harder for the reasonable ones to express that without it turning into a shit show. They end up, wheth… [view original content]
Well he knew the controls didnt he? I mean other than that he didnt. But same case can be made for every character that nobody does anything. Nobody else helped with the train right? Because thats how the game is supposed to be played. The main character doing everything for gameplay.
"Got the train to go"? What did Kenny do to get the train started? Because from what I remember Lee took care of all of that, Kenny did nothing but sit up front.
Again its all a matter of how you play and if you want to be pals with Kenny or hate him. Season 2 did not give us that choice because no matter what he would always be the same. In season 1 by the end it would always be the same but at least throughout that game you could be best pals or enemies for a lot of the time.
As for the shooting kenny ending, yes i think they tried to replicate a similar heartbreak ending like they did in S1 that for me didn't work the same i agree, however, Clem is a caring person, deep down the way i see it, Kenny and her went through a lot together, they have history, she liked Duck and Katjaa very much and seeing him die obviously upset her. I did however get emotional during the scene at Wellington. What Kenny did for Clem and AJ made up for everything he had ever said or done bad as far as im concerned. It was definitely the best ending in my opinion
Do I hate Kenny? Yes.
Do I think Kenny is the most contemptuous character throughout both seasons? Absolutely.
Do I have a problem wit… moreh others liking him? No.
The issue for me with Kenny is if you spend a long enough time dissecting and analyzing his character, he becomes harder and harder to like. So much so that you wonder why the game and writers continue to act so favorable towards him. He's done more than enough harm to be considered a villain in any other narrative and it seems a bit unfair for his character to go through seemingly unscathed, being propped up as a slightly unhinged anti-hero of sorts when in reality he can be so horrid and vile.
I mean, I was disgusted by the end in which Clementine shoots Kenny in his chest and the game Segway's extremely sloppily into a "heartfelt" scene of him rekindling Clem's emotional trauma for doing something that by all means was the only option given to her. And more so, I hadn't c… [view original content]
No one is getting hurt by my hating him, as you unnecessarily pointed out, he's not real, but my feelings of irritation for him most certainly are, so for that I choose not to forgive him.
We're not talking about everybody else we're talking about Kenny, and all I was saying is don't give him credit for something he didn't do just to make it seem like he's better than what he actually is.
Well he knew the controls didnt he? I mean other than that he didnt. But same case can be made for every character that nobody does anything… more. Nobody else helped with the train right? Because thats how the game is supposed to be played. The main character doing everything for gameplay.
Its no different from getting invested in a book character or a tv character. Theyre designed to elicit an emotional response to draw people into the story. I get irritated by a great many things. You cant control how you feel. You never felt that way about a fictional character?
Ok then sorry for mentioning the train. And about the other characters I'm just saying nobody else does anything. And this conversation was stRted saying Kenny didn't do anything which out of anybody Kenny does and did more. If you want a list look at the comments above. In reality Kenny does a lot.
We're not talking about everybody else we're talking about Kenny, and all I was saying is don't give him credit for something he didn't do just to make it seem like he's better than what he actually is.
I never said he didn't do anything, please don't twist my words, I said he didn't help get the train started. And I don't need a list of everything Kenny's done because I'm well aware, I've played the game also.
Ok then sorry for mentioning the train. And about the other characters I'm just saying nobody else does anything. And this conversation was … morestRted saying Kenny didn't do anything which out of anybody Kenny does and did more. If you want a list look at the comments above. In reality Kenny does a lot.
I never said you did. I said the conversation started that way not the one with you. Idk why we are making this worse than it has to be. This was about the first conversation. Not about this. I'm just saying it started with someone saying "Kenyy doesn't do anything" then I said what he did do. Then you said "he didn't start the train" then I said "sorry didn't mean to but this conversation started with talking about what Kenny did" so I don't know what we are arguing about. Sorry haha I really don't know why we are getting on the wrong foot.
I never said he didn't do anything, please don't twist my words, I said he didn't help get the train started. And I don't need a list of everything Kenny's done because I'm well aware, I've played the game also.
Ha fair enough! I disagree of course! At lesst Kenny never insulted people with every word he spoke like Larry did! Except for being nice to his daughter and Brenda. Mr Doucebag Larry
Not to that level.
Larry is a level 21 dick (just now unlocking some of the cool dickheaded perks), Kenny is a level 40th prestige dick (can 360 dickhead anyone and has the most powerful dickhead perks).
Off topic, I know, but looking through this threads comments I think they can be used as a perfect example as to why this section of the Telltale forum has easily become the worst.
Off topic, I know, but looking through this threads comments I think they can be used as a perfect example as to why this section of the Telltale forum has easily become the worst.
Off topic, I know, but looking through this threads comments I think they can be used as a perfect example as to why this section of the Telltale forum has easily become the worst.
Its no different from getting invested in a book character or a tv character. Theyre designed to elicit an emotional response to draw people… more into the story. I get irritated by a great many things. You cant control how you feel. You never felt that way about a fictional character?
He always wavers his loyalty and friendship to Lee at one point or another no matter how much of his ass you kiss. He always yells obsceniti… morees at Clementine no matter what choice she makes in regards to Sarita. He always shows no remorse for Lilly toward his heinous murder of Larry.
A lot of what he does and who he is canon with the game.
See how people exaggerate? Some of us hate Kenny because of the way he acted, not because we think he's akin to Hitler.
This thread just further nails it in that some people on here are incapable of discussing Kenny's character civilly. I stand by my hand-in-a-hornet's nest analogy. The constant baiting on both sides sure as hell doesn't make the forums look good, either. But hey, if they wanna be part of the problem so badly, I say let them.

Lol I really don't see what the big deal is. The mods made that Kenny/Jane mega thread clumping all the kenny/jane threads together several several months ago, because before that they ended up having to close some threads because that was when users were openly insulting each other over their choices, over and over again. Did no one notice that now they're allowing us to discuss things and have kenny/jane threads again? Because in the recent k/j threads, no user was terrible to others (though it might have happened very rarely, and those rare comments were taken down.) And remember that insulting Kenny or Jane is not the same thing as insulting other users.
Being able to express your opinion in a calm manner is a skill that takes some time to get good at. It's also an essential life skill. Not expressing yourself, is, in my opinion, worse though, because it's essentially self-censorship, and you discourage people from being open about things.
New people surprisingly join this forum all the time, creating the same discussions over and over, but that's ok. They have a right to talk about things if they want, as much as anyone else, including older users. If you don't want to take part in a discussion because you think it's getting old or whatever, then just don't.
I think a lot of non-Kenny fans get frustrated because often the die-hard Kenny-loving extremists (who are few in number btw, and I'm not calling you, the op one necessarily either) seem to have only played the game through like only once--with Kenny as kind of an asshole, but not so bad. So non-Kenny fans will say, "But, in this other situation, this is what happens, and he was a real ass to me, and so this is why I don't like Kenny." And a lot of Kenny fans get very very upset when they're confronted with that. Though I see you're not upset about that, so great.
The best metaphor i can think of (and I'm talking more about season 1 here) is like, you (say, a kenny fan) have a best friend (Kenny), who you know is kind of an ass sometimes to you, but treats you well otherwise. But then you find out he's also an even bigger ass to other people (non-Kenny fans) who don't deserve it, and he barely ever shows any signs of changing his behavior. (If it were me, I wouldn't like that guy, no matter how nice he was to me! I think it's just plain hypocritical for Kenny to be nice to some Lees, and a huge ass to other Lees. In real life, i don't think I'd be friends with anyone as hypocritical as that in the first place lol.) But if I were friends with him, I would try to change his behavior, but so far in the game, he's failed at that for me. Maybe he can change in the future, but meh.
Let it go already, Jane is either dead or determinant, same as Ken. If he is dead, just forgive him and be done with it.
Done with it, yeah, forgive him, no.
Well i like Kenny. Some things i disagree with him on but hes a likeable character in my opinion
And Larry isn't?
Was it that far back? lol.
Snd he always apologises after he has said horrible things. Some people cannot help being hot headed, they may go off the ball with someone when angry but deep down they don't mean it
He is just a video game character, its not like he burned down your house and ate all your food.
Maybe you should let go the fact that people want to discuss it. I will always be annoyed when people only look at something from one person's perspective and never from another (e.g. looking at it from Kenny's perspective and not Jane's, or looking at something from one perspective and not the other for any debate not game-related really), and so even though I sometimes tire of the Kenny/Jane crap, I will occasionally come back to talk about it. Sometimes new things are even added to the discussion, so that's nice.
I just don't see the point of keeping all that bitterness inside, imo it is unhealthy. Some people really hate Kenny/Jane.
Do I hate Kenny? Yes.
Do I think Kenny is the most contemptuous character throughout both seasons? Absolutely.
Do I have a problem with others liking him? No.
The issue for me with Kenny is if you spend a long enough time dissecting and analyzing his character, he becomes harder and harder to like. So much so that you wonder why the game and writers continue to act so favorable towards him. He's done more than enough harm to be considered a villain in any other narrative and it seems a bit unfair for his character to go through seemingly unscathed, being propped up as a slightly unhinged anti-hero of sorts when in reality he can be so horrid and vile.
I mean, I was disgusted by the end in which Clementine shoots Kenny in his chest and the game Segway's extremely sloppily into a "heartfelt" scene of him rekindling Clem's emotional trauma for doing something that by all means was the only option given to her. And more so, I hadn't connected with him and yet she's sobbing and trembling in sadness over a man that only a few days ago left her to die in a walker heard. All in an attempt to garner the same emotional impressions left by the first season's ending.
I just don't get it.
Not to that level.
Larry is a level 21 dick (just now unlocking some of the cool dickheaded perks), Kenny is a level 40th prestige dick (can 360 dickhead anyone and has the most powerful dickhead perks).
No one is getting hurt by my hating him, as you unnecessarily pointed out, he's not real, but my feelings of irritation for him most certainly are, so for that I choose not to forgive him.
I had the same thought but I did the opposite.. I wanted to leave with Jane and I did, but it has always bothered me that I had to shoot Kenny. I don't like to call it a regret because I did what I felt best for Clem, But I hated killing Kenny.
People who like Kenny won't change their minds about him because there's no reason to. Unless Kenny becomes a villain character, somebody who's a fan of his isn't going to suddenly stop liking him or change their mind about him. Why? Because they realize he's a good, loyal and honest man who's trying to do what's best for the people he cares about. People who hate him however don't have as strong reasons for hating him. They stay angry at him because of how he treats you if you don't side with him in the meat locker, only focus on his negative qualities, and only point out facts that support their own personal point of view on him. You would think that his endings in season 2 would cause these people to at least develop an understanding of his character, but his haters aren't even capable of doing that. In fact, with the way his haters talk about him, you'd think that his endings in season 2 don't even exist at all.
In short Kenny fans won't change their mind about him because despite his negative qualities, he his a good person, but Kenny haters won't change their minds about him because they care more about their own person feelings about him than they do about what kind of person he is.
Hey, like I said, there's a lot of reasonable people that hate Kenny for very valid reasons, and are capable of respecting the people that like him. There's people that like him for valid reasons, and are capable of respecting the people that dislike him. But then there's extreme sides of the spectrum, where those 'exaggerations' are actual, honest viewpoints. There are people that legitimately think Kenny is like Hitler, and there are people that are legitimately convinced he's a deity that hasn't done anything wrong. Let's not even kid ourselves here, we've seen both of these rather... 'radical' viewpoints before.
What I was saying, is that those are the people that have such radical opinions on the matter that they make it more difficult for everyone else that have legitimate reasons for liking/disliking Kenny, and as a result, make it harder for the reasonable ones to express that without it turning into a shit show. They end up, whether intentionally or not, baiting each other into what inevitably turns into a war, and all semblance of civility will eventually go right out the window. Even the more reasonable people are guilty of baiting the other side at times, although it's usually more inadvertent and unintentional (I won't lie, I'm guilty of doing this before), but the damage caused by the more radical people is much worse than any offhand comment that a reasonable person could make.
You're one of the reasonable ones. You have a lot of valid reasons for disliking him, reasons you're capable of discussing civilly, and that's a good thing. But then you have the extreme people that make it all the more difficult for people like you to express that without getting caught in the crossfire. I should make it clear that my original post was not trying to deliberately target anyone in particular, nor was I trying to invalidate anyone that dislikes Kenny.
"Got the train to go"? What did Kenny do to get the train started? Because from what I remember Lee took care of all of that, Kenny did nothing but sit up front.
When the option came to "shoot Kenny" or "Look away"....I said to myself, "damn, they really want you to kill Kenny" (those bastards).I know Jane was losing the fight, but I didn't like how there wasn't an option to "shoot Jane"...but I felt like shooting him would've been such a betrayal against I chose the "look away option"
when I chose that tho, I honestly thought that Clementine was still going to shoot, but just not look at whom she was shooting...and when Jane died...I was a little shocked, but I told myself, well, there's no going back...I felt like neither deserved to be killed, but my inaction resulted in Jane's death...and after playing the Jane ending, I didn't regret it, it reinforced my original decision, especially since I found Jane's ending to be very emotionally lackluster...
Now, when I got to Wellington and they said they'd only take me and Aj I decided to leave with Kenny b/c I was still reeling from the loss of Jane...I said to myself, "I just [inadvertently] let you kill Jane, I'm not about to lose you too, especially since Christa isn't even behind those walls."
And he still wouldn't get out of my way so i could get to a map. I mean really? Shift your ass there Kenneth!
And here we have a not so veiled attack on Kenny haters. Im sorry but your reasons for liking him are not more valid than mine for feeling the opposite, never mind his saccarine sweet Wellington endings. I think I understand his character perfectly. That doesnt mean i have to like him or justify everything he's done and i dont owe this character anything, let alone putting my own feelings aside to try to understand him the way you do.
Okay, I take your point and its fair. I just wanted to make sure its known that Im not foaming at the mouth, lol. Kenny just pissed me off and sometimes Ill express that, as do others. I dont like any of the extremity that goes on, where fans are viciously attacking each other. Thats when it gets ugly.
Well he knew the controls didnt he? I mean other than that he didnt. But same case can be made for every character that nobody does anything. Nobody else helped with the train right? Because thats how the game is supposed to be played. The main character doing everything for gameplay.
Again its all a matter of how you play and if you want to be pals with Kenny or hate him. Season 2 did not give us that choice because no matter what he would always be the same. In season 1 by the end it would always be the same but at least throughout that game you could be best pals or enemies for a lot of the time.
As for the shooting kenny ending, yes i think they tried to replicate a similar heartbreak ending like they did in S1 that for me didn't work the same i agree, however, Clem is a caring person, deep down the way i see it, Kenny and her went through a lot together, they have history, she liked Duck and Katjaa very much and seeing him die obviously upset her. I did however get emotional during the scene at Wellington. What Kenny did for Clem and AJ made up for everything he had ever said or done bad as far as im concerned. It was definitely the best ending in my opinion
I don't know, getting that emotionally invested in a videogame character, i don't get it. Why keep that irritation in.
We're not talking about everybody else we're talking about Kenny, and all I was saying is don't give him credit for something he didn't do just to make it seem like he's better than what he actually is.
Its no different from getting invested in a book character or a tv character. Theyre designed to elicit an emotional response to draw people into the story. I get irritated by a great many things. You cant control how you feel. You never felt that way about a fictional character?
Ok then sorry for mentioning the train. And about the other characters I'm just saying nobody else does anything. And this conversation was stRted saying Kenny didn't do anything which out of anybody Kenny does and did more. If you want a list look at the comments above. In reality Kenny does a lot.
I never said he didn't do anything, please don't twist my words, I said he didn't help get the train started. And I don't need a list of everything Kenny's done because I'm well aware, I've played the game also.
I never said you did. I said the conversation started that way not the one with you. Idk why we are making this worse than it has to be. This was about the first conversation. Not about this. I'm just saying it started with someone saying "Kenyy doesn't do anything" then I said what he did do. Then you said "he didn't start the train" then I said "sorry didn't mean to but this conversation started with talking about what Kenny did" so I don't know what we are arguing about. Sorry haha I really don't know why we are getting on the wrong foot.
Ha fair enough! I disagree of course! At lesst Kenny never insulted people with every word he spoke like Larry did! Except for being nice to his daughter and Brenda. Mr Doucebag Larry
Off topic, I know, but looking through this threads comments I think they can be used as a perfect example as to why this section of the Telltale forum has easily become the worst.
Pssshhhh no way.
Here's to hoping it gets better when Michonne (and eventually S3) start up
No, not really. I don't really get emotional, those times are long gone.
What happened to him?
He does that cayse it is the fuckin apocolypse even the most sane people will go crazy especially if you have anger issues wich Kenny obviosly has
Hee hee