The Borderlands Fan Art Thread



  • edited July 2015

    Alt text So... my first gif, and probably the last.

  • This is AWESOME

    So... my first gif, and probably the last.

    Why ?

    Terkoun posted: »

    So... my first gif, and probably the last.

  • Well very nice !!!

    Terkoun posted: »

    So... my first gif, and probably the last.

  • Thanks! And answer to why: I am pretty lazy person and blinking is probably the only move that I can make look smooth... so who knows, maybe one day I'll make another one, but probably not...

    SzymeG posted: »

    This is AWESOME So... my first gif, and probably the last. Why ?

  • Thank you! :D

    Shoogli posted: »

    Well very nice !!!

  • oh wow that's incredible!

    bembiann posted: »

    Done! ^^

  • edited July 2015

    woah amazing animation! love the flicker and the slight yellow glow in his eyes!
    Also this makes me think of all those old classic point and click games where the characters would blink ever so often

    Terkoun posted: »

    So... my first gif, and probably the last.

  • XD Than we had same association.

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    woah amazing animation! love the flicker and the slight yellow glow in his eyes! Also this makes me think of all those old classic point and click games where the characters would blink ever so often

  • edited May 2016


  • Okay, and here - too. Troy and Laura in their roles
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  • Lil happy Rhysie

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  • to cute :"I

    ZombiDJ posted: »

    Lil happy Rhysie

  • shit for a second i though its a in game screen shot in black and white

    Caoline posted: »


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    #my art #dont steal it #i will find u!!
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    Credit goes to their rightful owners.

  • Nice art, lol what you said reminded me of this :D
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    #my art #dont steal it #i will find u!!

  • nice

    And it's literally a piece of shit done in like 2.5 seconds but thank you.

    Nice art, lol what you said reminded me of this

  • Happy Nerd and Trash King

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  • I'll just leave this here..

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  • Welp, I did it again. I added shading and stuffs.

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  • Pretty :)

    Welp, I did it again. I added shading and stuffs.

  • thank u ;u;


  • Look at my friend's precious art! I love her style so much!! O-O

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    Vaughn is so cute when he's embarrassed. Awesome art!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Look at my friend's precious art! I love her style so much!! O-O source

  • I've been drawing some robots lately.. :3

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  • Ikr!!

    btw, she's the same person who drew that Borderlands sock edition with me ;) (I have her permission to say that!)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Vaughn is so cute when he's embarrassed. Awesome art!

  • That sock edition will forever stay in my heart, haha. You guys rock! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ikr!! btw, she's the same person who drew that Borderlands sock edition with me (I have her permission to say that!)

  • Oh my God, you did it! You made her cuter!


    (also they badass bots are amazing - you have so many gorgeous, yet distinct styles!)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I've been drawing some robots lately..

  • After Sasha's goofiness and Vaughn's bashfulness I was not prepared for Jack's terrifying-ness.

    I LOVE IT!

    (that sneer, tho.)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Look at my friend's precious art! I love her style so much!! O-O source

  • edited July 2015

    she draws the best Jack in my opinion! :) She captures his personality so well.

    After Sasha's goofiness and Vaughn's bashfulness I was not prepared for Jack's terrifying-ness. I LOVE IT! (that sneer, tho.)

  • Totally - you should make her join up here so we can tell her how amazing she is! ^_^

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    she draws the best Jack in my opinion! She captures his personality so well.

  • Thanks! I will tell this to her! ;)

    buntingsir posted: »

    That sock edition will forever stay in my heart, haha. You guys rock!

  • Thanks a lot! C: I really enjoy drawing Gortys.

    Oh my God, you did it! You made her cuter! WHAT IS THIS ADORABLE SOCERY?! (also they badass bots are amazing - you have so many gorgeous, yet distinct styles!)

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    I started something, but I really really really really really don't like it, so it will probably stay in this sorry wip state forever :\

  • There's just a little too much forehead, and the chin is a little pointy. It looks really good the way it is but I just don't think it looks like either Jack or Rhys.

    I started something, but I really really really really really don't like it, so it will probably stay in this sorry wip state forever

  • Thanks, that's constructive criticism, I was trying to make it look like both and ended up with nobody, haha. Maybe I'll try and tweak it sometime.

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    There's just a little too much forehead, and the chin is a little pointy. It looks really good the way it is but I just don't think it looks like either Jack or Rhys.

  • I totally got that it was supposed to be an amalgamation of the two! If you focus on the specific, individual features you can clearly see which character they're based on.

    It's not your fault that a Rhys/Jack love child would look a bit odd - they both have such strong, distinct features that look unbalanced when combined (clearly nobody but Jack can pull off that chin)!

    Thanks, that's constructive criticism, I was trying to make it look like both and ended up with nobody, haha. Maybe I'll try and tweak it sometime.

  • That first one is the radical AU where Rhys is actually capable of lifting Fiona. It's the same AU where ice cream doesn't exist...

    (also, they're both amazing)

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