I know right. There are so many gaps in the books where Harry, Ron and Hermione are separated and doing different things and major/minor events go down which are unseen and are only told to Harry or other characters. Plus it could solve plot holes and being able to control spells would be great.
I love this "other story behind the scenes" kind of idea. I especially want to see what Neville, Ginny and Luna did leading Dumbledore's Army in the Golden Trio's stead while they were away on their horcrux quest.
Brand new hunters that have references to certain characters like Charlie, Castiel and Samandriel and the Winchesters are mentioned here and there, but you never actually come across them. It's your story, as a brand new hunter.
With the success of Alien: Isolation (yes, I know it's not by telltale) I think delving into the worlds of AvP would be a good move for telltale.
3 games could easily be made out of it, 1 for Aliens, 1 for Predator (my favorite), and 1 that's both.
Now I know that this series has been done in multiple games, but they've never gotten it right...I believe telltale can.
And with telltale's unique game style, maybe fans will get a game that delves more into the monster's side of things and less about the humans (of course there will be humans, I just meant they won't be the main character).
So what do you think?
Either way, I thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a good day/night. ^_^
Borderlands has been great. Although, their future lineup of Marvel and Minecraft does sound dull and uninteresting to me. I don't think something like another paint by numbers TV cop show should ever happen.
well,what about an amazing world of gumball game?
its funny and you could probably put many puzzles in it and also it would be interesting to see it as a super show with an actual episode after the choices.
anyways,could you make a cartoon network game, is what im trying to say.
please,make an adventure time or regular show or venture bros or like i suggested a gumball game.
I'd like to recommend contacting Joss Whedon and make a Firefly themed game. Like, you know, continuing the story from where Serenity ended. There is a lot of dedicated fans for this, so maybe, just maybe, in 5 years or something like that, when you finish some other 'series' you are doing right now, a Firefly one would be amazing, done like A Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead.
I'd like to recommend contacting Joss Whedon and make a Firefly themed game. Like, you know, continuing the story from where Serenity ended.… more There is a lot of dedicated fans for this, so maybe, just maybe, in 5 years or something like that, when you finish some other 'series' you are doing right now, a Firefly one would be amazing, done like A Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead.
I mean,with Minecraft story mode actually happening,I had another idea for telltale
A Madoka Magica game.
Fot those who have watched the anime,might see why I was thinking about this,or might not.
If you haven't watched it,if you're gonna google it you will probably guess that's a basic cute magical girl anime.
But it becames such a mindf**k you'd have more brains left if you put them in a blender than after watching the show.
PS: I honestly don't see all the hate around Minecraft,what I meant earlier is that telltale made something out of the usual,so that's why I had the thought.MM game ain't happening,I just wanted to see who may or may not agree.
If Beth would allow it, I would like a Telltale game set in the Falloutverse. Seeing as Fallout is Post apocalyptic it would kinda be similar to The Walking Dead, but with Radiation and stuff.
Well both GoT and TftB are coming to an end, each with only 2 more episodes to go. We are sure that they will be followed by TWD Michonne mini series and TWD season 3 (and also, that Minecraft game). We've all predicted games like TWAU S2, TftB S2, GoT S2 and maybe if we push it, TWD S4 (which is very unlikely). None of these ideas really excite me.
I find this extending series thingy somewhat boring and unoriginal. Don't get me wrong, I loved TWD S2, but I just don't feel that TWAU needs a sequel, and as things have been going, I don't think TftB or GoT will either need a sequel. Please tell me I am not the only one who would rather have one season of something than more of it just because.
I personally believe that a 6 episodes series of FRIENDS would be awesome! And in each episode you would play like a different friend. Just some comedic game, yes I love all the drama from TWAU TWD GoT, etc, but I think it would be nice for a change. I also love the Idea of a novel adaptation. Like And then there were none, but with a different murderer. IDK. It's late and I am bored.
Would love to see, in non main character format ala GoT; Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Vikings (TV show), Star Wars & Deus Ex.
Also Rick and Morty and some Lovecraftian detective horrors. Breaking Bad and The Wire would be nice, though possibly not easy to execute?
If Beth would allow it, I would like a Telltale game set in the Falloutverse. Seeing as Fallout is Post apocalyptic it would kinda be similar to The Walking Dead, but with Radiation and stuff.
TTG should make an A Series of Unfortunate Events game. Just like how TWD, TWAU, and GOT have a distinct style directly from the original source, ASOUE has a very distinct art style by Brett Helquist and they could emulate it for the game. Seriously, I know immediately if Brett Helquist illustrated something just by looking at the art, never seen anything like it. I would never have to actually check the book to confirm. Though I wouldn't really be against it if they just went with the comic style again. I like that style.
Not only would it have a younger audience (like what they might be trying to do with Minecraft: Story Mode) due to it being a children's book series, but it would also have the older audience of literally millions of 20-something year old fans (like me) who would get the game out of nostalgia due to growing up with it and still genuinely liking it. Not to mention, Netflix is creating a TV show out of the books soon and we're all very hyped for that. The fandom has been picking up very quickly, more quickly than I would've ever imagined. The "fan-made" trailer (it's not fan-made despite what Netflix said, lol, that much is obvious to anyone who knows anything about the themes of the books and all the tiny hints we've been given) has over 3millionviews within just 2 weeks or so! 3,176,383 to be exact as of the time of me writing this. The Minecraft: SM trailer (which was only released only one day earlier) has just a few hundred thousand more than that (3,764,384 million).
This series would be perfect for TTG because moral ambiguity/moral dubiousness is a huge theme of the series (being a noble volunteer, being "noble enough", and being a villain), especially in the later books, so the whole choice system would not be out of place at all. Also, puzzles and secret codes galore! Let’s say the game has a quick code learning section somewhere. Later on you have to apply that knowledge for a choice. You answer correctly, someone from VFD lives. You answer wrong... someone from VFD dies. The series also has it's own brand of humor that I'd love to see translated to a TTG game. The game should be both dark and humorous which would satisfy fans of the “darker, more mature” games like GOT, TWAU, and TWD and it would satisfy the fans of the lighter, more funny games like TFTBL and the... older works, I’m assuming (I haven’t played them, I’m going off of what I heard)? Everybody wins!
Now onto what I think it should be about. If TTG should decide to pick this up, I'm hoping it won't be about the Baudelaire or Quagmire children, because to be honest, they're not as interesting as the adult characters like Lemony, Beatrice, Kit, Dewey, Esme... just the adult VFD members in general. The Baudelaires’ story has already been told, anyway. TTG could start at the beginning or slightly before the schism of VFD, that would help out those who are not as familiar with VFD/the books, but then most of the book (adult) characters would only be around 4 or 5 years old and... yeah. :P Nobody wants to play as a kid that young. I definitely want to see many of the book characters. They could then just do a very long time skip to bring the story to a more present day, or the story could be about a new female member of VFD (preferably a teen or older) and then an older member would just simply quickly explain the beginning of the schism. I just want the game to begin in a place where most of the interesting characters are still alive because 99% of them end up dying/possibly dying through-out the series, so no later than say... the beginning of The Vile Village when it comes to the timeline.
To be completely honest, TTG would have to be pretty stupid to NOT try and pick this IP up for a game. It’d be the perfect TTG game, assuming that the quality would be up to the same standards as TWD season 1.
Telltale should make a breaking bad game in the same way as they did the walking dead, that would be amazing I'd also like to see james bond also walking dead season 3 released completely instead of episodically
I don't know if this suggestion for a game has been made befor, but i would really love it, for telltale to create a breaking bad videogame. I dont know if players would prefer to play as Walt & Jesse or a different story like it was with The Walking Dead series and videogame.
You guys could really make a masterpiece there.
Yes there is. However, not as much choice as the Telltale games. The only important choice in FO3 was to blow up Megaton or not, and in FNV the main choice was either to side with NCR or Legion, or an independent Vegas. Think of how in Telltale's games, you actually make decisions that impact the story episodes on. The only consequence of blowing up Megaton was that Three Dog would hate you and your Dad would mention it later into the story. Now put that side by side, what is the better choice making game?
Was wondering if Telltale was going to make another Wolf Among Us series or if you might think about getting with other Comic publishers. I think Valiant comic books would be great to add to games since they have used some of them as games before. Just thinking of Shadowman, Ninjak, or Rai told through Telltale would be seriously great.
I know right. There are so many gaps in the books where Harry, Ron and Hermione are separated and doing different things and major/minor events go down which are unseen and are only told to Harry or other characters. Plus it could solve plot holes and being able to control spells would be great.
Brand new hunters that have references to certain characters like Charlie, Castiel and Samandriel and the Winchesters are mentioned here and there, but you never actually come across them. It's your story, as a brand new hunter.
What makes Telltale special is their ability to tell great stories no matter the genre. Though I do personally prefer the darker stuff
3 games could easily be made out of it, 1 for Aliens, 1 for Predator (my favorite), and 1 that's both.
Now I know that this series has been done in multiple games, but they've never gotten it right...I believe telltale can.
And with telltale's unique game style, maybe fans will get a game that delves more into the monster's side of things and less about the humans (of course there will be humans, I just meant they won't be the main character).
So what do you think?
Either way, I thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a good day/night. ^_^
Borderlands has been great. Although, their future lineup of Marvel and Minecraft does sound dull and uninteresting to me. I don't think something like another paint by numbers TV cop show should ever happen.
Divergent would be amazing. Hunger games too.
well,what about an amazing world of gumball game?
its funny and you could probably put many puzzles in it and also it would be interesting to see it as a super show with an actual episode after the choices.
anyways,could you make a cartoon network game, is what im trying to say.
please,make an adventure time or regular show or venture bros or like i suggested a gumball game.
The Mummy?
I think Prison Break would be great. Also, something about Robert Langdon from "The Da Vinci Code".
If they truly do have a license with Marvel, I think if they announced a Moon Knight game I would faint.
I'd like to recommend contacting Joss Whedon and make a Firefly themed game. Like, you know, continuing the story from where Serenity ended. There is a lot of dedicated fans for this, so maybe, just maybe, in 5 years or something like that, when you finish some other 'series' you are doing right now, a Firefly one would be amazing, done like A Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead.
I hoped more people would sign this.
Sadly, a petition won't do anything.
I'd really love Firefly Telltale game. It won't probably happen, but nice idea.
Btw, isn't someone doing Firefly MMO? I think I read about it a while back.
I hoped that dead threads wouldn't be bumped.
Funny enough a youtuber called Jeremyjahns said he wanted a Firefly Telltale game at the end of his review for the Tv series.
Thread: What games would be best for Telltale to make a game for?
What games do u think would be best for Telltale to make a game for?
Team Fortress 2 because of the funny characters and action
Team fortress 2 because of the funny characters and tons of action
I could probably die happy twice if you guys did a Twin Peaks game.
Thread: Contract?
I mean,with Minecraft story mode actually happening,I had another idea for telltale
A Madoka Magica game.
Fot those who have watched the anime,might see why I was thinking about this,or might not.
If you haven't watched it,if you're gonna google it you will probably guess that's a basic cute magical girl anime.
But it becames such a mindf**k you'd have more brains left if you put them in a blender than after watching the show.
PS: I honestly don't see all the hate around Minecraft,what I meant earlier is that telltale made something out of the usual,so that's why I had the thought.MM game ain't happening,I just wanted to see who may or may not agree.
So why is the title of thread 'Contract?'
It's really boring me.
A madoka magica reference.I can change the title if too many people won't get the idea,do you have any suggestions?
tried to reply to to @Ingen_Nate_Kenny but my computer derped
Sorry,didn't know that existed...Guess I'll move there.
If Beth would allow it, I would like a Telltale game set in the Falloutverse. Seeing as Fallout is Post apocalyptic it would kinda be similar to The Walking Dead, but with Radiation and stuff.
Telltale Should Make a Rick and Morty game!
Thread: Ideas for new games
Well both GoT and TftB are coming to an end, each with only 2 more episodes to go. We are sure that they will be followed by TWD Michonne mini series and TWD season 3 (and also, that Minecraft game). We've all predicted games like TWAU S2, TftB S2, GoT S2 and maybe if we push it, TWD S4 (which is very unlikely). None of these ideas really excite me.
I find this extending series thingy somewhat boring and unoriginal. Don't get me wrong, I loved TWD S2, but I just don't feel that TWAU needs a sequel, and as things have been going, I don't think TftB or GoT will either need a sequel. Please tell me I am not the only one who would rather have one season of something than more of it just because.
I personally believe that a 6 episodes series of FRIENDS would be awesome! And in each episode you would play like a different friend. Just some comedic game, yes I love all the drama from TWAU TWD GoT, etc, but I think it would be nice for a change. I also love the Idea of a novel adaptation. Like And then there were none, but with a different murderer. IDK. It's late and I am bored.
I honestly wouldn't mind another Season of GoT.
Maybe they could do something with the Vikings TV series? (I don't know.)
would be nice
More GoT, TFTBL, TWAU and WD!
Would love to see, in non main character format ala GoT; Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, Vikings (TV show), Star Wars & Deus Ex.
Also Rick and Morty and some Lovecraftian detective horrors. Breaking Bad and The Wire would be nice, though possibly not easy to execute?
Star Wars would be pretty cool
How about something based off of the Inspector Gadget franchise? For example, how do you respond to Penny before going to your destination.
Square: Lie to her.
Triangle: Half truth.
Circle: The truth
X: Stay silent.
There is already choice in fallout
TTG should make an A Series of Unfortunate Events game. Just like how TWD, TWAU, and GOT have a distinct style directly from the original source, ASOUE has a very distinct art style by Brett Helquist and they could emulate it for the game. Seriously, I know immediately if Brett Helquist illustrated something just by looking at the art, never seen anything like it. I would never have to actually check the book to confirm. Though I wouldn't really be against it if they just went with the comic style again. I like that style.
Not only would it have a younger audience (like what they might be trying to do with Minecraft: Story Mode) due to it being a children's book series, but it would also have the older audience of literally millions of 20-something year old fans (like me) who would get the game out of nostalgia due to growing up with it and still genuinely liking it. Not to mention, Netflix is creating a TV show out of the books soon and we're all very hyped for that. The fandom has been picking up very quickly, more quickly than I would've ever imagined. The "fan-made" trailer (it's not fan-made despite what Netflix said, lol, that much is obvious to anyone who knows anything about the themes of the books and all the tiny hints we've been given) has over 3 million views within just 2 weeks or so! 3,176,383 to be exact as of the time of me writing this. The Minecraft: SM trailer (which was only released only one day earlier) has just a few hundred thousand more than that (3,764,384 million).
This series would be perfect for TTG because moral ambiguity/moral dubiousness is a huge theme of the series (being a noble volunteer, being "noble enough", and being a villain), especially in the later books, so the whole choice system would not be out of place at all. Also, puzzles and secret codes galore! Let’s say the game has a quick code learning section somewhere. Later on you have to apply that knowledge for a choice. You answer correctly, someone from VFD lives. You answer wrong... someone from VFD dies. The series also has it's own brand of humor that I'd love to see translated to a TTG game. The game should be both dark and humorous which would satisfy fans of the “darker, more mature” games like GOT, TWAU, and TWD and it would satisfy the fans of the lighter, more funny games like TFTBL and the... older works, I’m assuming (I haven’t played them, I’m going off of what I heard)? Everybody wins!
Now onto what I think it should be about. If TTG should decide to pick this up, I'm hoping it won't be about the Baudelaire or Quagmire children, because to be honest, they're not as interesting as the adult characters like Lemony, Beatrice, Kit, Dewey, Esme... just the adult VFD members in general. The Baudelaires’ story has already been told, anyway. TTG could start at the beginning or slightly before the schism of VFD, that would help out those who are not as familiar with VFD/the books, but then most of the book (adult) characters would only be around 4 or 5 years old and... yeah. :P Nobody wants to play as a kid that young. I definitely want to see many of the book characters. They could then just do a very long time skip to bring the story to a more present day, or the story could be about a new female member of VFD (preferably a teen or older) and then an older member would just simply quickly explain the beginning of the schism. I just want the game to begin in a place where most of the interesting characters are still alive because 99% of them end up dying/possibly dying through-out the series, so no later than say... the beginning of The Vile Village when it comes to the timeline.
To be completely honest, TTG would have to be pretty stupid to NOT try and pick this IP up for a game. It’d be the perfect TTG game, assuming that the quality would be up to the same standards as TWD season 1.
Telltale should make a breaking bad game in the same way as they did the walking dead, that would be amazing I'd also like to see james bond also walking dead season 3 released completely instead of episodically
I don't know if this suggestion for a game has been made befor, but i would really love it, for telltale to create a breaking bad videogame. I dont know if players would prefer to play as Walt & Jesse or a different story like it was with The Walking Dead series and videogame.
You guys could really make a masterpiece there.
Yes there is. However, not as much choice as the Telltale games. The only important choice in FO3 was to blow up Megaton or not, and in FNV the main choice was either to side with NCR or Legion, or an independent Vegas. Think of how in Telltale's games, you actually make decisions that impact the story episodes on. The only consequence of blowing up Megaton was that Three Dog would hate you and your Dad would mention it later into the story. Now put that side by side, what is the better choice making game?
Was wondering if Telltale was going to make another Wolf Among Us series or if you might think about getting with other Comic publishers. I think Valiant comic books would be great to add to games since they have used some of them as games before. Just thinking of Shadowman, Ninjak, or Rai told through Telltale would be seriously great.