The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • ur mum

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Who are you.

  • I go on shopping sprees because I want to look nice. Would you rather see me dressed in a garbage bag or a nice dress? It would be nice to see you dressed in something other than a wife beater and camo shirts for once but I guess we don't always get what we want.

    And I was going to go see her but I assumed she didn't want to be bothered and needed rest. I had good motives!

    Oh, so my cigars are off-limits but what about your $500 shopping sprees? What about last week when you told me you were just going to see your aunt in the hospital but you were actually at the nail salon, getting a pedicure?

  • It's so damn stupid. The irony in it is unbelievable.

  • ;)

    I realized when I woke up. Fricking internet ;-;

  • Mom? ;-;

    ur mum

  • There's no apostrophe either.

  • So today is my 8th anniversary, hooray!

    But in a coming post I will describe to you all one of the most traumatic events I've seen that happened yesterday (I tried really hard to not let it ruin my forum time).

  • Fucking say it already!

    So today is my 8th anniversary, hooray! But in a coming post I will describe to you all one of the most traumatic events I've seen that happened yesterday (I tried really hard to not let it ruin my forum time).

  • Anyone here watch Ink Master? I just started watching it and the sh*t is addictive lol

  • So today is my 8th anniversary, hooray!

    Congrats! But may I ask for what? (Hopefully I don't sound like a dumbass)

    But in a coming post I will describe to you all one of the most traumatic events I've seen that happened yesterday (I tried really hard to not let it ruin my forum time).

    Oh, are you okay then?

    So today is my 8th anniversary, hooray! But in a coming post I will describe to you all one of the most traumatic events I've seen that happened yesterday (I tried really hard to not let it ruin my forum time).

  • 8 months, and I am okay, just shaken up a bit.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So today is my 8th anniversary, hooray! Congrats! But may I ask for what? (Hopefully I don't sound like a dumbass) But in a co

  • Well, we're here if you ever need to talk, hopefully it wasn't anything too bad.

    8 months, and I am okay, just shaken up a bit.

  • yay.

    So today is my 8th anniversary, hooray! But in a coming post I will describe to you all one of the most traumatic events I've seen that happened yesterday (I tried really hard to not let it ruin my forum time).

  • edited July 2015

    Super Smash Bros on the big screen. This is awesome. I wish I worked at a movie theatre.

    Alt text

  • I'd rather see you in something cheap! Because in case you hadn't noticed, we're not exactly rich and you don't have to get up every morning and go to work like I do. What's wrong with Walmart? I bet if I bought you a dress from Walmart and pretended it was from some high end store, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. So don't tell me it's just about "looking nice".

    Sure, you have good motives. Like that time you left our three year old son home alone because there was a shoe sale at the mall. You know, when I came home from work and found him on the floor after drinking the bleach under the sink and had to drive him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped? Yeah.

    I go on shopping sprees because I want to look nice. Would you rather see me dressed in a garbage bag or a nice dress? It would be nice to

  • NO!!!!!!!! Not Jared from Subway! What has the world come too? :(

  • Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa there was a game on Subway's website called "Jared's Pants Dance".

    NO!!!!!!!! Not Jared from Subway! What has the world come too?

  • Well, as of now it doesn't really matter, to anyone but Jared anyway. He's not under arrest and no charges have been filed.

    NO!!!!!!!! Not Jared from Subway! What has the world come too?

  • I'm sure this will bring back a lot of childhood memories. Some fans are remastering the very first Paper Mario game with up-to-date graphics. It's pretty impressive how they're able to do this.

  • WhEet SON? You're a MoTHEr and trAnsgEnder????! UNaCcEPTAbLE!

    ur mum

  • I'm Caitlyn Jenner didn't you hear?

    WhEet SON? You're a MoTHEr and trAnsgEnder????! UNaCcEPTAbLE!

  • Hi.

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    hi guys

  • I am so jealous of them. That looks really fun!

    Super Smash Bros on the big screen. This is awesome. I wish I worked at a movie theatre.

  • Hey there!

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    hi guys

  • Turns out there's another legally blind person here! Yay! :D

  • This may be way too serious, but I uh... just needed to get it off my chest. After being confused for about 2 years, I've finally decided with a degree of certainty that I'm bisexual. Now, I want to come out to people. My parents, my sisters, my closest friends, but um, I'm scared. Terrified. I don't want to be thought of differently.

    Ha. It's kind of pathetic, we live in such a liberal society today but here I am whining like a bitch about how scared I am just to come out to the people I care about most in my life. I don't really know what my purpose is for posting this, I just wanted to say it somewhere where no one really knows who I am.

    This may be a longshot, but if it's not too much could anyone offer some advice? Should I come out? Who to? What's a good way to do it? As ridiculous as it may sound, I'm scared. Uh... thanks. Please don't think less of me or think of me as an attention seeker for writing this.

  • hey

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    hi guys

  • Well, if it really bothers you, don't force yourself. Wait a bit. I would personally go to your sisters first, because I think they might have some more understanding than your parents growing up with you.

    Hope it helps.

    This may be way too serious, but I uh... just needed to get it off my chest. After being confused for about 2 years, I've finally decided wi

  • Depression sucks, hello insomnia my only friend T_T I thought I got rid of you.......

  • Pewdiepie Responds To Haters. Fuck all the haters. I love PewDiePie but not some of his fans.

  • Is it that important to come out about it to you?

    For me, if I was then I would just not care and move on with my life. The time it would matter would be dates, relationships, and various small things. I doesn't change your entire life unless people hate you for it and treat you like trash.

    This may be way too serious, but I uh... just needed to get it off my chest. After being confused for about 2 years, I've finally decided wi

  • Is depression just getting high for everyone lately?

    Me, my friends, you.

    Depression sucks, hello insomnia my only friend T_T I thought I got rid of you.......

  • Hell Yeah.

    (Am I the only one who likes Cartman and hates Kyle?

    Sweet news‘south-park’-renewed-by-comedy-central-through-2019/ar-AAcItFF?ocid=ansVariety11

  • Alt text

    Sweet news‘south-park’-renewed-by-comedy-central-through-2019/ar-AAcItFF?ocid=ansVariety11

  • It took awhile, but I've beaten The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at last! It's a very nice game. I played it on the Gamecube and it has aged incredibly well because of the cell-shading.

    Gonna move onto Four Swords Adventures next, since it's the only other Zelda game I currently own.

  • I don't know about everyone else but from me its really bad. I have depression since childhood but it only got recently really bad. it sucks I have panic attacks now. I hate being a lone.

    Is depression just getting high for everyone lately? Me, my friends, you.

  • I've had anxiety since birth, I got depression around the time of middle school. I have panic attack when it gets too bad. Don't worry, people on here are here for you if you get lonely.

    I don't know about everyone else but from me its really bad. I have depression since childhood but it only got recently really bad. it sucks I have panic attacks now. I hate being a lone.

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