The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • what's a brent

    Wut... I can see the the smoke from the Canada wildfires from where I live O_o Almost guarantee @Welcome_to_woodbury did it -_____-

  • I saw a 9 year old and 12 year old do it and immediately cried.

  • nyello

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    hi guys

  • "accidentally"

    "aight so we gonna blow up this church and kill all these innocent people buT NOT THE KIDS OK??? ok good allahu akbar" wtf kind of article title is this.

  • whenever I see ugly people do I just

    Alt text

  • Tre Melvin is the perfect description of a meme.

  • Happy new year.

    I don't really care why, I'll join in though.

  • edited July 2015

    I heard the new season 6 trailer of TWD came out and reminded me I still haven't watched season 5 finale! lol

    On other news I got myself a new PS3 to replace the old one (^w^) and I almost got hit by some dumbass in a truck (¬_¬).

    EDIT: And now I'm feeling sleepy...facepalm

  • edited July 2015

    Even if I had AU $900, I still wouldn't buy it. I could get the PS2, PS3 and fucking PS4 with that amount.

    Also, does it show the Australian price outside of Australia, or are you in Australia?


  • Even if I had AU $900, I still wouldn't buy it.

    ????? who??? even??????? would like???????????? wHY WOULD SOMEONE

    Also, does it show the Australian price outside of Australia, or are you in Australia?

    I thought you knew I was Australian lmao.

    Even if I had AU $900, I still wouldn't buy it. I could get the PS2, PS3 and fucking PS4 with that amount. Also, does it show the Australian price outside of Australia, or are you in Australia?

  • Aura's been using Internet Explorer.

  • Alt text

    You should try Chrome.

  • I got myself a new PS3 to replace the old one

    B-but Tobi-Senpai ;-;

    Alt text

    I heard the new season 6 trailer of TWD came out and reminded me I still haven't watched season 5 finale! lol On other news I got myself



  • Now that I think about it, I do recall you saying that. Must be having a blonde moment today.

    Even if I had AU $900, I still wouldn't buy it. ????? who??? even??????? would like???????????? wHY WOULD SOMEONE Also, does i

  • Alt text

    I can't buy it yet. :c

    I got myself a new PS3 to replace the old one B-but Tobi-Senpai ;-;

  • You know what I've learnt today? That we're just as intolerant and bigoted as we were 1000 years ago.

    I'm probably gonna be really unpopular after today, so I probably won't be here for much longer.

    Gary-Oak posted: » THE HYPE. BEST SHOW ON TV RIGHT NOW.

  • holy shit plz, no more flashback episodes. theyre 2 much

    Gary-Oak posted: » THE HYPE. BEST SHOW ON TV RIGHT NOW.

  • You know what I've learnt today? That we're just as intolerant and bigoted as we were 1000 years ago.

    By being rude to homophobes that think we should deny rights to other humans?

    You know what I've learnt today? That we're just as intolerant and bigoted as we were 1000 years ago. I'm probably gonna be really unpopular after today, so I probably won't be here for much longer.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    So today I learned 'To Kill A Mockingbird' was getting a sequel, 'Go Set A Watchman'. But the thing is, Atticus Finch is a racist? What the fuck?

    Also, The Force Awakens news!

    Gleeson, whose character's name was revealed to be General Hux, didn't hesitate to say that he was evil. While talking about getting the role, Gleeson accidentally "spoiled" the name of his command station, much to the dismay of Abrams.

    It's "Starkiller Base."


  • Those who would take those views, treat them as fact, and force them on us? No. Fuck them, they're scum. But users like Cope and Kenny/Lee aren't those people. They're human beings who just happen to have unpopular views. They're respectful and tolerant of how others think.

    Basically, here's how I see it: Having an unpopular or harsh viewpoint is not wrong. What's wrong is acting on it with no regard for the well-being of others.

    I'd like to point out the meaning of tolerance, courtesy of Google: "The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior dislikes or disagrees with."

    Since I don't have a dislike for homosexuality or same-sex marriage, I can't tolerate it. However, I can tolerate something like anti-abortion views, since I dislike the movement and strongly support the right for women to have abortions. This is what I've been trying to say.

    You know what I've learnt today? That we're just as intolerant and bigoted as we were 1000 years ago. By being rude to homophobes that think we should deny rights to other humans?

  • But if the person holds those views and spreads them to more people convincing them (Especially very impressionable people like children) of these view points is very harmful to the people. It's like a Neo-Nazi teaching a child all about WW2 and convinces them that the Nazis were in the right. That child grows up to hate minorities and believe in the master race, discriminating against all kinds of groups. That is harmful, just as teaching homophobic, sexist, and racist viewpoints to the next generation without expressing and teaching about the minority and the facts around it.

    Having an unpopular and harsh viewpoint is wrong when it is based around ignorance and you then try to spread it. It's a act of ignorance and it's extremely harmful to the groups it's about. I can tolerate and respect a viewpoint that based on facts and then the person's opinion based on those facts.

    It's like a recent argument I had on here...A person said that a choice based game was bad by only playing an 30 minutes to an hour of it without seeing any real effects of the choices they made and then complaining it didn't have those. It's a wrong opinion, based around assumptions and ignorance of the game. It's wrong.

    Those who would take those views, treat them as fact, and force them on us? No. Fuck them, they're scum. But users like Cope and Kenny/Lee a

  • Wait, why did you reply to Gary? XD

    You know what I've learnt today? That we're just as intolerant and bigoted as we were 1000 years ago. I'm probably gonna be really unpopular after today, so I probably won't be here for much longer.

  • Was typing on my phone. Internet Explorer is a piece of shit lol

    Wait, why did you reply to Gary? XD

  • edited July 2015

    Here's the thing though: you can't stop that from happening unless we develop mind reading technology, which is a stretch. But one thing. we can do is use reason and compromise. Let people state their opinions, but the message we should send to kids is this: respect people, no matter how different they are. The key is to distinguish individual thoughts from what is accepted by society.

    Besides, nobody chooses what they believe in. I don't choose to be skeptical of religion, it's just how I am. Nobody deserves shit for that.

    But if the person holds those views and spreads them to more people convincing them (Especially very impressionable people like children) of

  • How could you say that?

    Was typing on my phone. Internet Explorer is a piece of shit lol

  • edited July 2015

    Mind readin...What the hell? If someone states their opinion then we know what their opinion is.

    the message we should send to kids is this: respect people, no matter how different they are. The key is to distinguish individual thoughts from what is accepted by society.

    Exactly, but what you don't get is how people are trying so hard in order to make kids think the way they want. Cope, who i'm using as an example, says that she wants to teach her kids about these things. We know that if we allow that, then she'll attempt to tell them whatever she can to have them think the way she does. When the kid grows up, yes they might grow out of it, but at an early age this is harmful. Telling kids things that will have them discriminate against others is harmful and when an adult, especially a parent, does this then the kid has even more value to take up these bigoted stances.

    People do choose what they believe in, what kind of stance is it to say you don't. You are skeptical of religion, my friend is a Christian but that doesn't mean anything, you choose to believe that. It's proof by saying when you grow older and you learn more your opinions on things might change, that's you choosing your beliefs and opinions based on the facts you learn. You do choose what you believe in.

    Here's the thing though: you can't stop that from happening unless we develop mind reading technology, which is a stretch. But one thing. we

  • My point was that you can't control what goes on between a parent/guardian and child behind closed doors without invading their privacy. You just can't stop that without controlling everyone's lives. If you know of a way, then please tell me.

    How exactly does one choose to believe something? I kinda get where you're coming from, but we don't have control over the conclusion our minds come to. No matter how much you try to convince your mind otherwise, it still knows that 2+2=4, not 3. Why? Because the idea that 2+2=3 is absurd and makes no sense whatsoever. It's just how our minds work, and we can't change that. Even when I get presented with tons of facts and evidence saying otherwise, I don't oppose abortion. Why? Because that's just how I feel about it. My mind decides that.

    Mind readin...What the hell? If someone states their opinion then we know what their opinion is. the message we should send to kids is

  • Well it is, at least on Windows phones.

    How could you say that?

  • My point was that you can't control what goes on between a parent/guardian and child behind closed doors without invading their privacy. You just can't stop that without controlling everyone's lives. If you know of a way, then please tell me.

    You can control it, by allowing the child facts and other important resources about the minorities and differences. This is what schools are attempting to provide, people like Cope however are attempting to deny their child these resources and only teach them what they want taught. That's the issue.

    I kinda get where you're coming from, but we don't have control over the conclusion our minds come to.

    We choose to believe what we find correct. Based on evidence, facts, and other opinions based on the issue at hand. The fact that math is always right...That's not opinions...That's a fact. A fact people base themselves around to choose their opinion. Saying that we can't choose our opinions by using a fact as evidence is a laughable at best. You might get offered facts and opinions but you choose at your against abortion based on other facts and evidence. You decide that, that is your choices.

    My point was that you can't control what goes on between a parent/guardian and child behind closed doors without invading their privacy. You

  • I'll tell you from experience that I didn't choose to support abortion rights. It's just the logical conclusion I came to that I simply cannot ignore.

    Anyway, I'm tired, and I plan on enjoying my last day of the holidays tomorrow without getting myself into arguments. Before I go, I leave you one question to think about: what is it that makes a message right or wrong to send to kids?

    My point was that you can't control what goes on between a parent/guardian and child behind closed doors without invading their privacy. You

  • Should've probably saved for it instead of buying a PS3 :P

    I can't buy it yet. :c

  • I can't wait to hear news of this!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    They've been nearing Israel lately, so they're gonna get rekt soon enough.

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